Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas with a baby :dust: filled new year! God Bless y'all! x x May 2012 be the year for all of us! :flower:
I know what you mean Sarah_anne I thought it would be so easy and never expected to be ttc for over a year :( it's horrible isn't it?

Wow that is a difficult situation for u I'd have no idea when to test then. I'm so sorry again for ur loss that sucks and is so unfair i really hope u get ur bfp this cycle. Keep us updated!

Thanks DBZ34 I really hope my bfp is waiting for me ;) keeping everything crossed! It's just hard to know whether I can drink on Christmas day or not?! Need to know one way or the other!

How about u? Where r u up to in ur cycle?

Babydust to u!

Will keep u updated xx
Thanks posey merry Christmas to u as well- 2012 is going to be the year for all of us!!

No symptoms for a few days now. Temp dropped yesterday, but then rose again today. I think yesterday's was inaccurate though because I woke up and my mouth was cold - like I'd been sleeping with my mouth open or something. Can't wait for this TWW to be over!!! I want my BFP!!!
Thats basically 97.2 thats not very high, usually preggo's are 98's or maybe im wrong but the charts I have stalked look like 98's usually!

My temperature runs lower than usual. Even when I have a high fever and I'm sick, I rarely hit 37. The highest temperature I got with my last pregnancy was 37.0.

I took a peek at your chart. It's hard to figure out what's going on with all those open white circles going on. Did you just temp at a different time? You can adjust the temps if they aren't more than 5-6 hours away from your regular temping time.

But, that said, it does look really promising. Not triphasic yet, but it was a good rise after the dip. I'm totally going to stalk your chart now. :)

Hey Keri, how's your chart looking today? Your OPKs don't look quite positive yet. But it does look like you're getting closer...Maybe you're going to have a longer cycle this time around.

The white circles were there because it says I checked off "sleep deprived" - which I didn't. I always temp around 6:45am. I've unchecked them now!

Definitely keep stalking my chart and let me know what you think! I've having cramping right now, but I'm only 9dpo, so I don't know what's causing it!
Thanks DBZ34 I really hope my bfp is waiting for me ;) keeping everything crossed! It's just hard to know whether I can drink on Christmas day or not?! Need to know one way or the other!

How about u? Where r u up to in ur cycle?

Babydust to u!

Will keep u updated xx

That's the hard part, knowing whether to drink or not. I would say if you drink just one or two, it shouldn't hurt since your potential bean wouldn't be sharing blood and nutrients with you just yet.

And as for me, I'm sitting at 9DPO according to FF (but I could be 15 DPO, if I change back one of my temps that I thought was a little off, so I temped again and adjusted. I'm more inclined to go with 9DPO, since it seems right for the CM and ov pains I got on CD16.) I'm not expecting a BFP this cycle (cycle #7 for me, I think) since we're supposed to be WTT and didn't BD around the right days (and DH totally pulled out on ov day, so...yeah). But, it's still nice to hang about and enjoy seeing you ladies get your BFPs. :) Hopefully I'll be able to join you all in February...
DBZ34 thanks for the advice- think u r right if I do drink I'll just have one or two. What's FF? Heard it mentioned a few times on here but didn't know what it was!

Oh r u going to actively start trying in feb? I really hope u don't have to ttc too long hun :)

Babydust xx
DBZ34 thanks for the advice- think u r right if I do drink I'll just have one or two. What's FF? Heard it mentioned a few times on here but didn't know what it was!

Oh r u going to actively start trying in feb? I really hope u don't have to ttc too long hun :)

Babydust xx

FF= Fertility Friend (fertilityfriend.com) It's the website that is monitoring my BBT temps for me. You input the temps and FF will confirm ovulation and keep track of your symptoms and cycles. It's been really helpful during TTC, pinpointing around when I should ov and then letting me know when to expect AF. I feel like I know more about my body and my cycle since I started temping.

I might start OPKs in Feb when I'm back on the TTC train, but we'll see. I was actively trying for 6 cycles after getting off birth control, but so far, no luck. We're WTT until Feb because of possibly moving overseas in Sept, so I'm avoiding being due around that time. But it's so hard going back to WTT after TTCing. I kind of miss that excitement leading up to the last few days of the TWW. I can't wait for Feb!! :) But when I'm TTCing again, I hope it won't be another 6 cycles...but I know it will happen when it's meant to, so I'm trying not to get too crazy about it (But it's hard not to :blush:). :)
DBZ34 Thanks for the info- I'm going to have a look at FF now and might start using it for my next cycle.

Aw it must be hard like u say going back to WTT :( But because u know much more about ur cycles etc now I'm sure it will happen quickly for u in Feb! Exciting about maybe moving overseas! Where might u be going? February will be here before u know it so it wont be long until ur back to TTC! Feb is when I go for my FS tests :( Bit scared but needs to be done and hopefully it will help us in the long run!

It is soooooo hard not to go crazy about the whole process so dont worry u r certainly not alone!! I've turned into a complete psycho since things havent happened for us!!
:hugs: xx
DBZ34 Thanks for the info- I'm going to have a look at FF now and might start using it for my next cycle.

Aw it must be hard like u say going back to WTT :( But because u know much more about ur cycles etc now I'm sure it will happen quickly for u in Feb! Exciting about maybe moving overseas! Where might u be going? February will be here before u know it so it wont be long until ur back to TTC! Feb is when I go for my FS tests :( Bit scared but needs to be done and hopefully it will help us in the long run!

It is soooooo hard not to go crazy about the whole process so dont worry u r certainly not alone!! I've turned into a complete psycho since things havent happened for us!!
:hugs: xx

Another FF convert...excellent. :haha: ;)

We're moving back to the US, it seems. Nothing is definite yet, but there's a good chance we will be, hence the WTT.

I think I know what it is, but what's a FS test? I'd be scared too. I've been putting off a dr's visit for months now because I'm afraid of what she'll say. But, if this isn't my month, I promised DH that I would go, so...I have that to look forward to in Jan.

But my temps shot up today! I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I could be coming down with something or it could be off somehow...but they've never been this high at this point in my cycle before. :happydance: My LP has been sitting around 12 days the past 2 months and I'm on day 11, but no signs of AF just yet...could be that since I ov'd later, I'm going to have a later AF, so I'm not going to test until AF is for sure late (on the 30th). And with my luck, she'll probably show up just when FF thinks she should. But I can't stop grinning. I'm going to have a good day and see what tomorrow's temp looks like. Will it stay up or will it come down? I don't know. Oh, the excitement. ;)
Girls I am so confused, my temp is staying low,
I am on cd 14 and my temp this morning was 97 this is the lowest
I think I have ever gone, I thought I already OV, Im confused~with
a 22 day cycle its impossible for me to ovulate today, it takes 10 days
to implant, my af is due in 9 days! Can you take a peek.
My Ovulation Chart
Hehe yeah I'm going to have a look at FF but still have so much to learn! Don't really have a clue where to start so hoping the app and website is fairly self explanatory!! Do I just need to get OPKs and Basal Thermometre to chart my cycle?

Oh right is that what u wanted to move back to the US? R u from there originally? Hope the move goes well if it happens for u. I bet you can't wait to get back and start TTC again :)

FS is just Fertility Specialist so it's a fertility clinic that carries out further tests etc so yeah ur right v scary! Yeah I would go in Jan because even if the dr's find something isnt working quite right they can refer u to people that can help with it all. (that's what I'm praying for anyway!) My husband has a low sperm count so we have been reading up ways to improve this as apparently it is only a temporary thing so trying to get lots of prenatal vitamins down him! I'm worried how this is going to affect us conceiving especially if something is wrong with me too :(

What does DH stand for again?

Does a rise in temperature indicate a possibility of pregnancy then? (Sorry still getting my head around it all!) If so woohooo!!!! So excited for u hun I'm going to be keeping everything crossed for u! Would you normally have had af symptoms by now then? Is LP Luteal Phase- what is this again? It's so hard not to get excited when things like this happen but yeah have a good day today and see what happens tomorrow- I'll keep FX for u hun- send us an update when u know! Not long to wait! R u going to test on 30th then? :happydance: xxx
Hehe yeah I'm going to have a look at FF but still have so much to learn! Don't really have a clue where to start so hoping the app and website is fairly self explanatory!! Do I just need to get OPKs and Basal Thermometre to chart my cycle?

Oh right is that what u wanted to move back to the US? R u from there originally? Hope the move goes well if it happens for u. I bet you can't wait to get back and start TTC again :)

FS is just Fertility Specialist so it's a fertility clinic that carries out further tests etc so yeah ur right v scary! Yeah I would go in Jan because even if the dr's find something isnt working quite right they can refer u to people that can help with it all. (that's what I'm praying for anyway!) My husband has a low sperm count so we have been reading up ways to improve this as apparently it is only a temporary thing so trying to get lots of prenatal vitamins down him! I'm worried how this is going to affect us conceiving especially if something is wrong with me too :(

What does DH stand for again?

Does a rise in temperature indicate a possibility of pregnancy then? (Sorry still getting my head around it all!) If so woohooo!!!! So excited for u hun I'm going to be keeping everything crossed for u! Would you normally have had af symptoms by now then? Is LP Luteal Phase- what is this again? It's so hard not to get excited when things like this happen but yeah have a good day today and see what happens tomorrow- I'll keep FX for u hun- send us an update when u know! Not long to wait! R u going to test on 30th then? :happydance: xxx
DH stands for dear husband-AF is auntflo which is your period, BD stands for doing it (sex) FF is fertility friend...OV is ovulation, OPK ovulation test, basically when you chart your temp is low when you get pregnant your temp stays high FF will teach you its easy!
no symptoms for a few days now. Temp dropped yesterday, but then rose again today. I think yesterday's was inaccurate though because i woke up and my mouth was cold - like i'd been sleeping with my mouth open or something. Can't wait for this tww to be over!!! I want my bfp!!!
thats basically 97.2 thats not very high, usually preggo's are 98's or maybe im wrong but the charts i have stalked look like 98's usually!

my temperature runs lower than usual. Even when i have a high fever and i'm sick, i rarely hit 37. The highest temperature i got with my last pregnancy was 37.0.

i took a peek at your chart. It's hard to figure out what's going on with all those open white circles going on. Did you just temp at a different time? You can adjust the temps if they aren't more than 5-6 hours away from your regular temping time.

But, that said, it does look really promising. Not triphasic yet, but it was a good rise after the dip. I'm totally going to stalk your chart now. :)

hey keri, how's your chart looking today? Your opks don't look quite positive yet. But it does look like you're getting closer...maybe you're going to have a longer cycle this time around.

the white circles were there because it says i checked off "sleep deprived" - which i didn't. I always temp around 6:45am. I've unchecked them now!

Definitely keep stalking my chart and let me know what you think! I've having cramping right now, but i'm only 9dpo, so i don't know what's causing it!
looking good girly!
Thanks keriwak these abbreviations have been confusing me! I wish I could advise u on ur chart but I haven't got a clue what any of it means :( I really hope it's a good sign for u though and that u get ur bfp soon :) when I've got my head around it all I'll try and have a look for u- good luck hun :)

Thanks keriwak these abbreviations have been confusing me! I wish I could advise u on ur chart but I haven't got a clue what any of it means :( I really hope it's a good sign for u though and that u get ur bfp soon :) when I've got my head around it all I'll try and have a look for u- good luck hun :)

Go to You Tube and pull up Part III: Fertility Chart, Detecting Ovulation and Fertile Days - Fertility Friendteach you on a video in 5 minutes
Go here-Part III: Fertility Chart, Detecting Ovulation and Fertile Days - Fertility Friend
Hi everybody!! I'm sneaking on while my dh is in the bathroom. As you know he told me he didn't want to try. But not prevent either.. So following y'alls advice I'm keeping everything hush hush.. Well I'm nervous right now cuz at 2 am last night we had some fun.. I has just turned 14 dpo give or take some hours do it could have still been 13 dpo. Afterwards I went to the bathroom and thought our fun brought AF. Which would be a couple days early. It was just like AF. Pink and red and tmi.. Mixed with him it seemed like a decent amount. So I plugged it up and went to bed. This morning... 6 hours later I pulled the plug and it was clean??!! Now it's noon and still no blood. So now it's in the back of my head.. IB?? So either AF is really screwing with me or..?? Hmmm. I def don't want to get my hopes up. I did test neg this morning but it wasn't fmu. And from what I read if it was IB it would still be too early to test. So I wait. Waiting for AF. Our chance is low. We bd on a Friday am. And then my egg released around Sunday night Monday early am. Cuz I had + opks on Saturday, and Sunday. Neg Monday morn. Anyways I had to vent this out cuz I'm going nuts inside wondering. I just can't obsess in front of dh. I've got him where I want him now. And I have been less stressed since I stopped temping and charting. How ever that's the downside!! If I was temping I'd know if it was AF. Dang it!! I hope everyones doing well!! I've missed y'all!!
Girls I am so confused, my temp is staying low,
I am on cd 14 and my temp this morning was 97 this is the lowest
I think I have ever gone, I thought I already OV, Im confused~with
a 22 day cycle its impossible for me to ovulate today, it takes 10 days
to implant, my af is due in 9 days! Can you take a peek.
My Ovulation Chart

Hi Keri,
I don't think you have ovulated yet....usually your temp drops like that right before you ovulate, so I think you are getting ready to ovulate right now. Maybe you are having a longer cycle this time around:) What is your CM like right now? Are you getting EWCM?

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