Hello there. I am so excited to have joined this site today. I wanted to share a little about my experience. I stopped taking birth control on April 30th...mid cycle (very bad I know), I had just finished my regular period the day before, so April 29th. By May 5th I was bleeding again...very heavily...this is what I undertood to be a withdrawal period. So based on the fact that I've always had a pretty regular cycle, I'm young and it has gone back to normal on several occasions...I estimated that my time for ovulation (if everything was perfect) would be around May 18th. Me and my partner have been trying like crazy. I am waiting until June 2nd to test...unless AF comes. I am kind of going nuts now because I'm either having the worst pms ever, having pregnancy symptoms, or I'm creating them in my head. I am very crampy (something that has never really happened to me when I'm about to get AF), moody, tired (could be from work though), very in tune with smells, not interested in some foods that I usually love...I don't know. I just felt like venting. I really want this. I feel like I'm foolign myself though. I don't actually believe I'm lucky enough to get pg on my first attempt, especially with just coming off of bc less than a month ago.
Thanks for reading lol