Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

well I got my answer and I was pretty certain that any pregnancy symptom before 7 dpo would be impossible, so I researched it. my progestrone levels have gone up and this starts 2dpo. The only good news about having sore bbs at this point is that my body most likely have preoduced enough progestrone to sustain a pregnancy. so this month I decide no symptom checking but I have a few positives going on my side and that is A= I felt my ovulation, it was undeniable between the cramps and what I am sure was the follicle bursting
B= I ovulated on the side I have a viable tube
c=and my breast are sore, so my progeestrone levels are at leaast high enough for that
well I got my answer and I was pretty certain that any pregnancy symptom before 7 dpo would be impossible, so I researched it. my progestrone levels have gone up and this starts 2dpo. The only good news about having sore bbs at this point is that my body most likely have preoduced enough progestrone to sustain a pregnancy. so this month I decide no symptom checking but I have a few positives going on my side and that is A= I felt my ovulation, it was undeniable between the cramps and what I am sure was the follicle bursting
B= I ovulated on the side I have a viable tube
c=and my breast are sore, so my progeestrone levels are at leaast high enough for that

thats good!!!! :D well from the sounds of it! im either 1 dpo or 2 dpo and the only thing im really noticing is im tired & i get urges to eat but once i make something i feel like puking at the sight & smell of it.. lol!
And i know im appx. 10 or 11 dpo and i've been having alot of symptoms. Painful breasts, fatigue, nausea, dull tummy cramps and heartburn. One of which has not been implantation bleeding :( I have to run for training about 20 or 30 minutes a day at a slower jogging pace.
Will doing the running mess up the chances of implanting or cause a miscarriage?
TLB- Yahh for AF being late.. So excited to see a BFP so I sure hope you get one. its been a while since we had one on here. and a BFP gives us ladies hope that we soon will be next!

keriann- So sorry babe.. that's VERY frusterating I been there.. Hopefully you get some answers here soon. I have to admit I was sorta excited when AF came because I least I knew I would ovulate sooner rather than later. Have you been to Gyno lately?? You did say you have PCOS right?? I felt SOOO much better after going and getting some tests and nothing that only thing keeping my AF is my birth control not making my cycle regular.

TTCBABY- hey hun.. we are in the AF game together. and heyy nothings wrong with having drink here and there .. when we get our BFPS it will be a NO NO so why not.. I would discard the temp too tho because mines always super high next day. Im excited that you got some answers and I literally PRAY you get your BFP soon.. you deserve it

MMCheek - when do you ovulate?? Are you more nervous for the shots or more excited??

btw welcome to all the newbies.. glad you joined us :)


Thank you girl, you are awesome!!! :hugs:
i knew it was too good to be true...i think i will discard yesterday's temps. today's were in the toilet. i started spotting last night and cramping. She's on her way. Oh well...on to October cycle and getting monitored and trying new meds hopefully!

Sorry to here that sweety:hugs:
sending:dust::dust::dust::dust:your way

today im 10dpo I took another dollar tree test yesterday and this time I could have sworn I seen a pink line 35mins later I mean idk it could be an evap line but I doubt it I look back at my first test I took and it was completely negative no second line nothing and that was a whole 48hours later.. I went to Duane Reade and brought 2 cb advance test with a week estimator..the sooner the better.. im dying to take one right now. OH just came in here like he had the world on his shoulders didn't even say nothing to me smh the unnecessary stress I have to deal with on top of my stress..:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: too alll

sorry mille for your confusion hun. that stinks. i hope you get your BFP soon!!! i'm not testing til friday. i'll be 14 dpo. i've gotten way more patient over time. i think i'm just tired of seeing the negatives. Best of luck to you girl!!! :hugs:
the research that I have done says that usually implantation takes place at 7-10 dpo, then your progestrone surges to sustain the pregnancy. At 2 dpo your body produces progestrone just incase of a pregnancy. This can cause womens body to mimick early pregnancy symptoms, a good indicator of pregnancy is after the 7-10dpo is that one's symptoms increase. right before implantation there will be a lowering in symptoms making a pregnant women certain she did not conceive this month, but that is to allow implantation to take place. implantation-bleeding is rare. mis-month bleeding can fool a women into swearing she had implantation bleeding, but alot of times the reason for the bleeding is that the body failed to produce enough progestrone to sustain a possible pregnancy, and the body obsorbed the egg and is sloughing off some of the uterine lining. so, just because you didnt receive implantation bleeding doesnt mean your not preggers. the body 90% of the time implants during sleep hours because that is when a body is most relaxed. the cp is important, but not until period is due the corpus lithem will be engorged with blood and start to form thick to produce the hcg hormone along with the extra progestrone. GL ladies remember at O you have 24hrs of fertilization 3-5 to divide and travel, 3-5 days to implant, then 48-72hrs to make enough HCG to get a positive test. late menses women your either ovulating real late, not at all, or preggers
i just want to point out if you O'd late at 48hrs then it took 5 days to divide and travel, then 5 days to implant, then 72 hrs to produce enough HCG to show a positive test that could be why some of you are still showing a neg cause it could possible take 14 days from the time you get a positive opk to get a positive pregnancy test. I hope that gives some hopes to those that are late but still getting a neg.
to answer the question of when I O'd im certain it was thur, or fri. I had high soft open cervix, then watery discharge, sever cramos and hurt during intercourse. so I am estimating myself at 5 dpo. I am having sore bbs, but I am certain I have not implanted because even though my cervix are soft the are fairly low, still quite yet in tthe cm department, but I am every month. I will check cervix again in 48 hrs because it makes me cramp to check everyday
the research that I have done says that usually implantation takes place at 7-10 dpo, then your progestrone surges to sustain the pregnancy. At 2 dpo your body produces progestrone just incase of a pregnancy. This can cause womens body to mimick early pregnancy symptoms, a good indicator of pregnancy is after the 7-10dpo is that one's symptoms increase. right before implantation there will be a lowering in symptoms making a pregnant women certain she did not conceive this month, but that is to allow implantation to take place. implantation-bleeding is rare. mis-month bleeding can fool a women into swearing she had implantation bleeding, but alot of times the reason for the bleeding is that the body failed to produce enough progestrone to sustain a possible pregnancy, and the body obsorbed the egg and is sloughing off some of the uterine lining. so, just because you didnt receive implantation bleeding doesnt mean your not preggers. the body 90% of the time implants during sleep hours because that is when a body is most relaxed. the cp is important, but not until period is due the corpus lithem will be engorged with blood and start to form thick to produce the hcg hormone along with the extra progestrone. GL ladies remember at O you have 24hrs of fertilization 3-5 to divide and travel, 3-5 days to implant, then 48-72hrs to make enough HCG to get a positive test. late menses women your either ovulating real late, not at all, or preggers

Wow, lots of great info mmcheek for those that don't know this stuff. it was a great refresher for me. THank you!!!
TTC- thankyou for the booster not testing at all til 14dpo you are brave and strong I cant wait to hear your results :) :BFP: please....wait so that means we're around the same dpo time frame im 11dpo today and refuse to test til the day AF suppose to come.. wish you the best of luck hun!!!!

MMC- you really helped me a lot with this information you researched gave me a clearer perspective on things and kind of made this month more helpful a lil :)

:Dust::dust::dust:: too all you ladies lets get it This Month please LORD!!
TTC- thankyou for the booster not testing at all til 14dpo you are brave and strong I cant wait to hear your results :) :BFP: please....wait so that means we're around the same dpo time frame im 11dpo today and refuse to test til the day AF suppose to come.. wish you the best of luck hun!!!!

MMC- you really helped me a lot with this information you researched gave me a clearer perspective on things and kind of made this month more helpful a lil :)

:Dust::dust::dust:: too all you ladies lets get it This Month please LORD!!

i don't expect a BFP but it would be awesome if it happened. I'm spotting quite a bit and cramping pretty good...which is kind of odd for me at this point in my cycle but whatever. My RE said to test Friday so that's why i'm doing it then. They are trying to get me on a monitored cycle as soon as i start cd#1.
TTC- thankyou for the booster not testing at all til 14dpo you are brave and strong I cant wait to hear your results :) :BFP: please....wait so that means we're around the same dpo time frame im 11dpo today and refuse to test til the day AF suppose to come.. wish you the best of luck hun!!!!

MMC- you really helped me a lot with this information you researched gave me a clearer perspective on things and kind of made this month more helpful a lil :)

:Dust::dust::dust:: too all you ladies lets get it This Month please LORD!!

i don't expect a BFP but it would be awesome if it happened. I'm spotting quite a bit and cramping pretty good...which is kind of odd for me at this point in my cycle but whatever. My RE said to test Friday so that's why i'm doing it then. They are trying to get me on a monitored cycle as soon as i start cd#1.

SPOTTTING/ CRAMPING buddies, yaaaay us!!!! im spotting tooo with side cramps & flutters mid-adominal!!!! ;D well what i think is spotting but i think im too early (2-3 dpo) for spotting but there is blood streaks only when i wipe its kinda light but i can see it without it being close up. and my cm is dry so i think thats why its lightly smeared. ;P
hello: I am new to the forum (although I've been obsessing over them for the last two weeks). Im also 35 and just did IUI on 9/11 & 9/12. unexplained infertility.
I have tested yesterday (swore to myself for the last time) and BFN. I have no major symptoms other than a strange pulling, very faint pain in the left side of my belly button that increases/decreases in intensity throughout the day. I am also abnormally tired (but this could be from the lovely prog supp I have to take. right now, slightly nauseaus and very erect nips. Do I still have hope? I go for my beta in two days. anyone has experienced similar symptoms and had a BFP after all?
LIZ-well all those symptoms are very good, but your right the light headedness could be from the prog suppliments, but the pulling symptoms can easily be implantation, so if you just implanted it could be another 72 hours before there is enough HCG to have a positive pregnancy test. Are you on sny fertility drugs in addotion to the prog and IUI?
hello: I am new to the forum (although I've been obsessing over them for the last two weeks). Im also 35 and just did IUI on 9/11 & 9/12. unexplained infertility.
I have tested yesterday (swore to myself for the last time) and BFN. I have no major symptoms other than a strange pulling, very faint pain in the left side of my belly button that increases/decreases in intensity throughout the day. I am also abnormally tired (but this could be from the lovely prog supp I have to take. right now, slightly nauseaus and very erect nips. Do I still have hope? I go for my beta in two days. anyone has experienced similar symptoms and had a BFP after all?

sounds good to me, im still in the tww for #1. and i didnt know erection of nipple was a symptom!!!! ive been having that for 2 days now! but i thought it was just my body.. lol
LIZ-well all those symptoms are very good, but your right the light headedness could be from the prog suppliments, but the pulling symptoms can easily be implantation, so if you just implanted it could be another 72 hours before there is enough HCG to have a positive pregnancy test. Are you on sny fertility drugs in addotion to the prog and IUI?

Hi there! Yes, did 5 days of clomid then 2 shots of Follistim and Ovidrel... don't have the actual doses with me.... I'm trying to stay positive but idk... the nausea I had this afternoon is completely gone. ONly thing that still persists is that discomfort on the left side of my navel.... it's kinda high up though so idk if it'd be in fact could be implantation... praying it is. These meds have messed up with me so bad I'm not looking forward to another cycle. I am bloated beyond belief. Look as if I'm 4 months along... and let's not talk about the moodiness.. what can I say... DH has been very very patient :nope::nope:
but if it turns out to bfn i guess it's back to the drawing board... just hoping I could be BFP. These have been the longest two weeks of my life!!!!!!!
hello: I am new to the forum (although I've been obsessing over them for the last two weeks). Im also 35 and just did IUI on 9/11 & 9/12. unexplained infertility.
I have tested yesterday (swore to myself for the last time) and BFN. I have no major symptoms other than a strange pulling, very faint pain in the left side of my belly button that increases/decreases in intensity throughout the day. I am also abnormally tired (but this could be from the lovely prog supp I have to take. right now, slightly nauseaus and very erect nips. Do I still have hope? I go for my beta in two days. anyone has experienced similar symptoms and had a BFP after all?

sounds good to me, im still in the tww for #1. and i didnt know erection of nipple was a symptom!!!! ive been having that for 2 days now! but i thought it was just my body.. lol

well, technically I don't know the nipple thing is indeed a symptom of being pregnant (I did google it and some women experience it). I go for my Beta on Th and will know for sure then. Will keep you posted. Baby Dust to you. these have def been the two longest weeks of my life ](*,)](*,)
hello: I am new to the forum (although I've been obsessing over them for the last two weeks). Im also 35 and just did IUI on 9/11 & 9/12. unexplained infertility.
I have tested yesterday (swore to myself for the last time) and BFN. I have no major symptoms other than a strange pulling, very faint pain in the left side of my belly button that increases/decreases in intensity throughout the day. I am also abnormally tired (but this could be from the lovely prog supp I have to take. right now, slightly nauseaus and very erect nips. Do I still have hope? I go for my beta in two days. anyone has experienced similar symptoms and had a BFP after all?

sounds good to me, im still in the tww for #1. and i didnt know erection of nipple was a symptom!!!! ive been having that for 2 days now! but i thought it was just my body.. lol

well, technically I don't know the nipple thing is indeed a symptom of being pregnant (I did google it and some women experience it). I go for my Beta on Th and will know for sure then. Will keep you posted. Baby Dust to you. these have def been the two longest weeks of my life ](*,)](*,)

goodluck!!! thanks! mine too doll. :/
well I hear and feel you Liz, I will be 35 on the 9th of oct. I start my injections next month. I am hoping to not have to of course lol. I have a week and a half till af is due and I was on a break month from clomid. I had a HSG this month, clear tube on right side. they say a nice fertile time can be during a break, after a HSG and frequent BD. I have also, decided that I am done obessing and will be greatful for what the Lord has in store for me and my family. I have an absolutely beautiful family 5 kids I know its easy for me to take it easy, but my husband only has our 2 year old and really desires one more. he deserves that because he has helped raise my 20, 18, 14, 12 year old with the love and strength only he has

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