Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

J Dennis glad you found your way back. I'm excited for you two lines :happydance: I'm so scared to check. I have one test which came free with my first response ovulation kit. I'm now 11 dpo. Ahhh

Burns I'm sorry about the bfn but hopefully af will come soon so you can start again.
J Dennis glad you found your way back. I'm excited for you two lines :happydance: I'm so scared to check. I have one test which came free with my first response ovulation kit. I'm now 11 dpo. Ahhh

Burns I'm sorry about the bfn but hopefully af will come soon so you can start again.

im only 9 dpo.... theres still time for me to get a positive. im not due for af till maybe the 1, so i have about 6 or 7 days left. if im not this cycle then i have to wait a year cause im husband is deploying in may and wont be here when i O again cause he has training before deploying.
Burns- Have you and your hubby considered having him freeze some sperm so u can continue to try after his deployment? I mean, everything your saying sounds like you wont need to.. your symptoms and cervix checks sound really promising, and your only 9dp! but the just in case kind of scenario?
Burns- Have you and your hubby considered having him freeze some sperm so u can continue to try after his deployment? I mean, everything your saying sounds like you wont need to.. your symptoms and cervix checks sound really promising, and your only 9dp! but the just in case kind of scenario?

we talked about it if it came down to the whole just in case something happens but he decided that he didnt want to do it cause if something was to happen thats how god wanted it and he he said if god didnt want him to be a parent before deploying then he shouldnt try to be one if something happens. but after deployment if we still arent then we will be trying cause he will be home a lot more.
so praying and hoping very much everything goes smooth and that we are good.
:hi: J_dennis! Welcome to the TWW! I hope it ends in a BFP for you!

I'm doing an IUI this month too, but medicated. I've just finished my Clomid and now I'm just doing injections of a drug called Puregon to stim my follies. I can barely wait for the TWW...I've got maybe another week, but I hope I follow you to a BFP! :)

I'm stalking you ladies! I hope to see more BFPs in here soon!! :dust:

I have a friend who was TTC for 5 years before she got her BFP. I was there thru it with her... I know how terrible of a stuggle it can be. With that said, anything you try at, you can conquer! You WILL get your BFP. And you are right, if you give up, it wont happen. Have you tried IUI before? What methods have you tried?

AFM- I had 3 rounds of IUI before becoming pregnant with my daughter. I felt so lucky to have it work so efficiently. I am not in a rush to become pregnant, but I have a unique kind of situation... we only have 3 vials of sperm leftover for a sibling. and our donor is now gone, with no vials left for purchace... so if I do not get pregnant in these 3 tries... our daughter will not have a chance for a full biological sibling... and seeing as our donor is black and I am white... changing donors, even if we try to get the same skin tone and features can change a lot of the next child's appearance...

BUT back to POAS... I've decided that 7dpIUI I will poas everyday.. just to relax myself... its the not knowing that kills me. sound like a good idea? lol.

Hi again, J_dennis! I meant to respond earlier, but kept getting sidetracked.

This is my first IUI and the first cycle I've done anything but progesterone suppositories. I'm really hopeful and apparently really wishing that time would fast forward, since I thought it was Sunday last night and so started my progesterone a day early. I'm really hoping it doesn't mess anything up....but I guess we'll see.

Thanks for the encouraging stories and the hope. And look, you've come back with a faint positive!!!! :happydance: That's so exciting! Maybe you won't need those last vials after all. I'm so happy for you. When are you going to test again?!?!

^ Welcome jdennis :) Hoping you get your bfp soon :)

DBZ34 - I completely agree. It gets difficult to see others having babies and going to baby showers - and on top of that, friends asking when we're going to have a baby. And I have started to see baby stuff everywhere! Radio commercials, department stores, people, television - I guess the more I want it the more I notice it. But it is tough!

We'll make it through this and we will all have beautiful and healthy babies very soon :)

And update from me. I started the two week wait here, about 3 weeks ago. Guess what? Still in the 2ww, more like 3ww! haha. I took an ovulation predictor test two days ago, showed a darkening test line. I took one yesterday night and the test line was darker than the control, showing a +opk! It was shocking because I thought I had already ovulated! And I thought I was in the 2ww period. But I guess not! I ended up ovulating super late in my cycle! Starting the 2ww again :)

Hi rapuzel!!

Yes, it can so tough. I think our friends have given up on asking us when we're going to have a baby. Which makes for much better and less awkward gatherings. lol. And the babies! And the preggo women! And the baby stuff! I don't remember seeing so many of them when I wasn't TTC. Now, it seems like they are everywhere. I went through a period of time where I felt awful walking through town and seeing all the mothers out with their little ones, but luckily, that phase passed pretty quickly. Now, when I see the pregnant ladies and all the millions of babies, I think to myself "Soon" and it makes me feel a lot better.

I agree! We are going to get through this and see those BFPs soon!

Hopefully, this extended TWW will end in a BFP for you!! Good luck!! :dust: Make sure to tell us when you test. :)

hey everyone
just wanted to share our idea for managing a lng TWW and then facing bad news..,

We schedule an exciting must - do- treat only if AF arrives for eg mid week movies or something...that way there is sometyhing to look forward to even if AF does arrive

also its completely up t my husband to arrange...so I get a bit of pampering to get through the horrid times!!

all the best to all the lovely ladies :)

Oh yes, I definitely agree. I have to have something to look forward to for the next cycle. Whether its a different plan of action for the next cycle or a night out.

I think I like your idea of scheduling a treat though...I wonder if I can talk my DH into that if this IUI doesn't go to plan. Something really good to make me feel better because I'm sure I'll be devastated if it doesn't work out.

But, I'm trying to keep it positive, so I guess I'll change that...maybe I'll try to get my DH to plan something to celebrate our IUI working...and we'll keep that date no matter what...Yeah, that sounds more positive, right?

thanks! i took a test this morning and of course it was negative but i figured it wouldve been so im not disappointed. and YAAAAY! fingers crossed!!!!! goodluck & baby dust to you doll! :D

9DPO is soo early, burns. You just got that dip yesterday, so there was no way you were going to see a positive today....tomorrow, however...:test: :haha: Kidding. Step away from the test!

Really though, that temp rise today was amazing! I think if you test again in a couple of days, we're going to be congratulating you on your BFP! :D Stay positive!! You've got this! :dust:
thanks! i took a test this morning and of course it was negative but i figured it wouldve been so im not disappointed. and YAAAAY! fingers crossed!!!!! goodluck & baby dust to you doll! :D

DBZ34 said:
9DPO is soo early, burns. You just got that dip yesterday, so there was no way you were going to see a positive today....tomorrow, however...:test: :haha: Kidding. Step away from the test!

Really though, that temp rise today was amazing! I think if you test again in a couple of days, we're going to be congratulating you on your BFP! :D Stay positive!! You've got this! :dust:

i only tested today so that way i could get rid of the test so its not haunting me anymore, plus hubby told to to test either ways but i knew it was going to be negative either way cause i just got a dip. im testing on the 28th when we get paid again. but yeah i didnt want to throw away a perfectly good test. so it was basically a bullshit test day. ahahah! :D im staying positive and hoping this is finally it! if it is, im due on my moms birthday! so thats wonderful news! thank you very much! :D :D :D you got this too girl! goodluck & baby dust! :hugs: <3
Hi, I am new to this whole thing. My husband and I have been ttc since December 2013. I am now in the tww... again, and its been a horrible wait :( My hubby was sick during ovulation time this month, but I am hoping this could be the month :) Does anyone know if the common cold decreases chances of pregnancy?
Hi, I am new to this whole thing. My husband and I have been ttc since December 2013. I am now in the tww... again, and its been a horrible wait :( My hubby was sick during ovulation time this month, but I am hoping this could be the month :) Does anyone know if the common cold decreases chances of pregnancy?

Welcome!! No it does not decrease chances so no need to worry :)
thanks! i took a test this morning and of course it was negative but i figured it wouldve been so im not disappointed. and YAAAAY! fingers crossed!!!!! goodluck & baby dust to you doll! :D

DBZ34 said:
9DPO is soo early, burns. You just got that dip yesterday, so there was no way you were going to see a positive today....tomorrow, however...:test: :haha: Kidding. Step away from the test!

Really though, that temp rise today was amazing! I think if you test again in a couple of days, we're going to be congratulating you on your BFP! :D Stay positive!! You've got this! :dust:

i only tested today so that way i could get rid of the test so its not haunting me anymore, plus hubby told to to test either ways but i knew it was going to be negative either way cause i just got a dip. im testing on the 28th when we get paid again. but yeah i didnt want to throw away a perfectly good test. so it was basically a bullshit test day. ahahah! :D im staying positive and hoping this is finally it! if it is, im due on my moms birthday! so thats wonderful news! thank you very much! :D :D :D you got this too girl! goodluck & baby dust! :hugs: <3

Burns_ your chart is looking GREATTTTTTT! Props to you for waiting 15dpo do test. I could NEVER ! haha That would be wonderful day to deliver :) GL to you
:hi: J_dennis! Welcome to the TWW! I hope it ends in a BFP for you!

I'm doing an IUI this month too, but medicated. I've just finished my Clomid and now I'm just doing injections of a drug called Puregon to stim my follies. I can barely wait for the TWW...I've got maybe another week, but I hope I follow you to a BFP! :)

I'm stalking you ladies! I hope to see more BFPs in here soon!! :dust:

I have a friend who was TTC for 5 years before she got her BFP. I was there thru it with her... I know how terrible of a stuggle it can be. With that said, anything you try at, you can conquer! You WILL get your BFP. And you are right, if you give up, it wont happen. Have you tried IUI before? What methods have you tried?

AFM- I had 3 rounds of IUI before becoming pregnant with my daughter. I felt so lucky to have it work so efficiently. I am not in a rush to become pregnant, but I have a unique kind of situation... we only have 3 vials of sperm leftover for a sibling. and our donor is now gone, with no vials left for purchace... so if I do not get pregnant in these 3 tries... our daughter will not have a chance for a full biological sibling... and seeing as our donor is black and I am white... changing donors, even if we try to get the same skin tone and features can change a lot of the next child's appearance...

BUT back to POAS... I've decided that 7dpIUI I will poas everyday.. just to relax myself... its the not knowing that kills me. sound like a good idea? lol.

Hi again, J_dennis! I meant to respond earlier, but kept getting sidetracked.

This is my first IUI and the first cycle I've done anything but progesterone suppositories. I'm really hopeful and apparently really wishing that time would fast forward, since I thought it was Sunday last night and so started my progesterone a day early. I'm really hoping it doesn't mess anything up....but I guess we'll see.

Thanks for the encouraging stories and the hope. And look, you've come back with a faint positive!!!! :happydance: That's so exciting! Maybe you won't need those last vials after all. I'm so happy for you. When are you going to test again?!?!

^ Welcome jdennis :) Hoping you get your bfp soon :)

DBZ34 - I completely agree. It gets difficult to see others having babies and going to baby showers - and on top of that, friends asking when we're going to have a baby. And I have started to see baby stuff everywhere! Radio commercials, department stores, people, television - I guess the more I want it the more I notice it. But it is tough!

We'll make it through this and we will all have beautiful and healthy babies very soon :)

And update from me. I started the two week wait here, about 3 weeks ago. Guess what? Still in the 2ww, more like 3ww! haha. I took an ovulation predictor test two days ago, showed a darkening test line. I took one yesterday night and the test line was darker than the control, showing a +opk! It was shocking because I thought I had already ovulated! And I thought I was in the 2ww period. But I guess not! I ended up ovulating super late in my cycle! Starting the 2ww again :)

Hi rapuzel!!

Yes, it can so tough. I think our friends have given up on asking us when we're going to have a baby. Which makes for much better and less awkward gatherings. lol. And the babies! And the preggo women! And the baby stuff! I don't remember seeing so many of them when I wasn't TTC. Now, it seems like they are everywhere. I went through a period of time where I felt awful walking through town and seeing all the mothers out with their little ones, but luckily, that phase passed pretty quickly. Now, when I see the pregnant ladies and all the millions of babies, I think to myself "Soon" and it makes me feel a lot better.

I agree! We are going to get through this and see those BFPs soon!

Hopefully, this extended TWW will end in a BFP for you!! Good luck!! :dust: Make sure to tell us when you test. :)

hey everyone
just wanted to share our idea for managing a lng TWW and then facing bad news..,

We schedule an exciting must - do- treat only if AF arrives for eg mid week movies or something...that way there is sometyhing to look forward to even if AF does arrive

also its completely up t my husband to arrange...so I get a bit of pampering to get through the horrid times!!

all the best to all the lovely ladies :)

Oh yes, I definitely agree. I have to have something to look forward to for the next cycle. Whether its a different plan of action for the next cycle or a night out.

I think I like your idea of scheduling a treat though...I wonder if I can talk my DH into that if this IUI doesn't go to plan. Something really good to make me feel better because I'm sure I'll be devastated if it doesn't work out.

But, I'm trying to keep it positive, so I guess I'll change that...maybe I'll try to get my DH to plan something to celebrate our IUI working...and we'll keep that date no matter what...Yeah, that sounds more positive, right?

thanks! i took a test this morning and of course it was negative but i figured it wouldve been so im not disappointed. and YAAAAY! fingers crossed!!!!! goodluck & baby dust to you doll! :D

9DPO is soo early, burns. You just got that dip yesterday, so there was no way you were going to see a positive today....tomorrow, however...:test: :haha: Kidding. Step away from the test!

Really though, that temp rise today was amazing! I think if you test again in a couple of days, we're going to be congratulating you on your BFP! :D Stay positive!! You've got this! :dust:

Ella- Good luck to you this IUI. Im praying for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks! i took a test this morning and of course it was negative but i figured it wouldve been so im not disappointed. and YAAAAY! fingers crossed!!!!! goodluck & baby dust to you doll! :D

DBZ34 said:
9DPO is soo early, burns. You just got that dip yesterday, so there was no way you were going to see a positive today....tomorrow, however...:test: :haha: Kidding. Step away from the test!

Really though, that temp rise today was amazing! I think if you test again in a couple of days, we're going to be congratulating you on your BFP! :D Stay positive!! You've got this! :dust:

i only tested today so that way i could get rid of the test so its not haunting me anymore, plus hubby told to to test either ways but i knew it was going to be negative either way cause i just got a dip. im testing on the 28th when we get paid again. but yeah i didnt want to throw away a perfectly good test. so it was basically a bullshit test day. ahahah! :D im staying positive and hoping this is finally it! if it is, im due on my moms birthday! so thats wonderful news! thank you very much! :D :D :D you got this too girl! goodluck & baby dust! :hugs: <3

Burns_ your chart is looking GREATTTTTTT! Props to you for waiting 15dpo do test. I could NEVER ! haha That would be wonderful day to deliver :) GL to you

awe thanks!!!! :D & yeah i just wanna make sure my temps look good & that im far from the dip before i waste the money on a bfn. ahahah!
got a opk with a smiley just a few mintues ago, we bd last night but im going to retake another opk before taking a pregnancy test. right now.. my lower abs hurt really bad, i mean its not painful but its super uncomfortable & its making my nausea flare up pretty good & my lower back is hurting. ill probably just sleep it off. :( i hope im not starting!
got a opk with a smiley just a few mintues ago, we bd last night but im going to retake another opk before taking a pregnancy test. right now.. my lower abs hurt really bad, i mean its not painful but its super uncomfortable & its making my nausea flare up pretty good & my lower back is hurting. ill probably just sleep it off. :( i hope im not starting!

Ahh Hoping your temp goes back up!! Whats up with the POS opk when Af is darn near due!!! Hopefully youll get your answer soon babe and that will be BFP. Stay positive
got a opk with a smiley just a few mintues ago, we bd last night but im going to retake another opk before taking a pregnancy test. right now.. my lower abs hurt really bad, i mean its not painful but its super uncomfortable & its making my nausea flare up pretty good & my lower back is hurting. ill probably just sleep it off. :( i hope im not starting!

Ahh Hoping your temp goes back up!! Whats up with the POS opk when Af is darn near due!!! Hopefully youll get your answer soon babe and that will be BFP. Stay positive

ahaha, i did it because i wanted to see if it would be positive, cause i was reading that you could (even tho its not recomened) use a opk to tell you if you were or not, and it came up positive then i test again and it was negative & i went back to look at the dye and the first one gave me a false pos opk. ahahaha! so i told my hubby not to get me a pregnancy test cause im holding off as long as i can, but im not sure if i should today or not based off my pregnancy monitor on ff, do you think i should wait it out two more days or test today? im testing friday instead of saturday cause my husband wont be here saturday cause hes going in the field for pre deploy training. cause my temps are higher then my pre dip & spike ones, and my cp is low, medium( its softening i think.. cause the top is softer then the bottom of my cervix..) and very closed.


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got a opk with a smiley just a few mintues ago, we bd last night but im going to retake another opk before taking a pregnancy test. right now.. my lower abs hurt really bad, i mean its not painful but its super uncomfortable & its making my nausea flare up pretty good & my lower back is hurting. ill probably just sleep it off. :( i hope im not starting!

Ahh Hoping your temp goes back up!! Whats up with the POS opk when Af is darn near due!!! Hopefully youll get your answer soon babe and that will be BFP. Stay positive

ahaha, i did it because i wanted to see if it would be positive, cause i was reading that you could (even tho its not recomened) use a opk to tell you if you were or not, and it came up positive then i test again and it was negative & i went back to look at the dye and the first one gave me a false pos opk. ahahaha! so i told my hubby not to get me a pregnancy test cause im holding off as long as i can, but im not sure if i should today or not based off my pregnancy monitor on ff, do you think i should wait it out two more days or test today? im testing friday instead of saturday cause my husband wont be here saturday cause hes going in the field for pre deploy training. cause my temps are higher then my pre dip & spike ones, and my cp is low, medium( its softening i think.. cause the top is softer then the bottom of my cervix..) and very closed.

I have actually heard the OPK working as a HPT but im sure its not a definite especially with abnormal cycles. If I were you I would wait till tomorrow and as long as your temp is above coverline I would test :)! GL to you!!!! With me I am trying to get OPK so I can get to ovulating and in this TWW!!
TTCBABY- GL to you tomorrow sweetie! Its the 26th tomorrow so I think you are getting IUI!!! soooo flipping excited for you. hope it goes perfectly and please let us know!!! sending great lucky vibes your way.!!!! Plus its St.pattys day soon! Maybe we are filled with luck!! :)
got a opk with a smiley just a few mintues ago, we bd last night but im going to retake another opk before taking a pregnancy test. right now.. my lower abs hurt really bad, i mean its not painful but its super uncomfortable & its making my nausea flare up pretty good & my lower back is hurting. ill probably just sleep it off. :( i hope im not starting!

Ahh Hoping your temp goes back up!! Whats up with the POS opk when Af is darn near due!!! Hopefully youll get your answer soon babe and that will be BFP. Stay positive

ahaha, i did it because i wanted to see if it would be positive, cause i was reading that you could (even tho its not recomened) use a opk to tell you if you were or not, and it came up positive then i test again and it was negative & i went back to look at the dye and the first one gave me a false pos opk. ahahaha! so i told my hubby not to get me a pregnancy test cause im holding off as long as i can, but im not sure if i should today or not based off my pregnancy monitor on ff, do you think i should wait it out two more days or test today? im testing friday instead of saturday cause my husband wont be here saturday cause hes going in the field for pre deploy training. cause my temps are higher then my pre dip & spike ones, and my cp is low, medium( its softening i think.. cause the top is softer then the bottom of my cervix..) and very closed.

I have actually heard the OPK working as a HPT but im sure its not a definite especially with abnormal cycles. If I were you I would wait till tomorrow and as long as your temp is above coverline I would test :)! GL to you!!!! With me I am trying to get OPK so I can get to ovulating and in this TWW!!

okay, at least im not the only one whos heard of it!(; & yeah im just going to wait it out, now that im done with my online class i pretty much eat & sleep all day. ahahah! so these two days will fly by! & yaaaaay i hope you o already & get a pos opk soon!! :D :D :hugs:
got a opk with a smiley just a few mintues ago, we bd last night but im going to retake another opk before taking a pregnancy test. right now.. my lower abs hurt really bad, i mean its not painful but its super uncomfortable & its making my nausea flare up pretty good & my lower back is hurting. ill probably just sleep it off. :( i hope im not starting!

Ahh Hoping your temp goes back up!! Whats up with the POS opk when Af is darn near due!!! Hopefully youll get your answer soon babe and that will be BFP. Stay positive

ahaha, i did it because i wanted to see if it would be positive, cause i was reading that you could (even tho its not recomened) use a opk to tell you if you were or not, and it came up positive then i test again and it was negative & i went back to look at the dye and the first one gave me a false pos opk. ahahaha! so i told my hubby not to get me a pregnancy test cause im holding off as long as i can, but im not sure if i should today or not based off my pregnancy monitor on ff, do you think i should wait it out two more days or test today? im testing friday instead of saturday cause my husband wont be here saturday cause hes going in the field for pre deploy training. cause my temps are higher then my pre dip & spike ones, and my cp is low, medium( its softening i think.. cause the top is softer then the bottom of my cervix..) and very closed.

Yeah, the opk thing is tricky because it's possible to get a positive opk near the end your cycle without being preggo (I think I read it's due to a second LH rise before AF). So, it's not a reliable as a hpt, but great for satisfying that poas urge you feel near the end...;)

Btw... YOUR CHART IS AMAZING!!! It's totally going triphasic, and while that's not a sure sign of pregnancy, it's a pretty darn good one. :D :happydance::happydance:

That said, try to hold out a bit longer. Let those hormones build up. If you can hold out until Friday, great! But give it at least two more days if you can. Oh, I so hope this is it for you, burns!!! C'mon BFP!!!
got a opk with a smiley just a few mintues ago, we bd last night but im going to retake another opk before taking a pregnancy test. right now.. my lower abs hurt really bad, i mean its not painful but its super uncomfortable & its making my nausea flare up pretty good & my lower back is hurting. ill probably just sleep it off. :( i hope im not starting!

Ahh Hoping your temp goes back up!! Whats up with the POS opk when Af is darn near due!!! Hopefully youll get your answer soon babe and that will be BFP. Stay positive

ahaha, i did it because i wanted to see if it would be positive, cause i was reading that you could (even tho its not recomened) use a opk to tell you if you were or not, and it came up positive then i test again and it was negative & i went back to look at the dye and the first one gave me a false pos opk. ahahaha! so i told my hubby not to get me a pregnancy test cause im holding off as long as i can, but im not sure if i should today or not based off my pregnancy monitor on ff, do you think i should wait it out two more days or test today? im testing friday instead of saturday cause my husband wont be here saturday cause hes going in the field for pre deploy training. cause my temps are higher then my pre dip & spike ones, and my cp is low, medium( its softening i think.. cause the top is softer then the bottom of my cervix..) and very closed.

Yeah, the opk thing is tricky because it's possible to get a positive opk near the end your cycle without being preggo (I think I read it's due to a second LH rise before AF). So, it's not a reliable as a hpt, but great for satisfying that poas urge you feel near the end...;)

Btw... YOUR CHART IS AMAZING!!! It's totally going triphasic, and while that's not a sure sign of pregnancy, it's a pretty darn good one. :D :happydance::happydance:

That said, try to hold out a bit longer. Let those hormones build up. If you can hold out until Friday, great! But give it at least two more days if you can. Oh, I so hope this is it for you, burns!!! C'mon BFP!!!

oh my trying to wait but everyones getting my all hyped! ahahhaha! im so glad to know my chart looks good! i hope i finally get a bfp!!!! :D

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