Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

OMG burns!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: :flower::flower::flower::flower::flower::flower::flower: CONGRATS to you! SUCH great news to read this am. Not only will you be preggo before deployment you will have your beautiful baby:baby: on your moms birthday!! Such great news. I agree with them your charts were very up/down before and this chart was AMAZE! So great to see someone who has been TTC a while get their BFP! btw I totally see them on both tests!! congrats again
Jaydennis- Congrats to you too girl. Lucky lady you are to get a BFP so quickly. Your children being biological is such a bonus along with the gift of BFP!! Have a happy and healthy 9 months!!!
Ella,TTCBABY- I cannot wait to see you girls BFP. Seems like this is the lucky month cycle. We had 6 months with no BFP, Now they are all over here. Which makes me SOOOOOOOOOO Happy!! I do Hope this luck lands on us. What dates will you ladies be testing?? About me Im sitting back waiting to get a pos opk. I had a sorta semi POS but im waiting for the EWCM and im Bding everyday so I don't ever miss it again :) that was awful feelings few cycles back knowing I didn't catch O day so it was like waiting forever for bigger disappointment. I am def a POAS addict. I ordered cheapies in bulk online and also hit up wal mart 88centers and plus have FRER and CB digital waiting on me. haha now I just need to confirm O and be in this TWW again.
It's been a few days. I tested this morning and thought I saw a barely there take a double take look. I think it's a vapor line, my husband said he saw it too. I'm going to test again tomorrow. I'm not excited because I think it's a no. It's 14 days past trigger. After the trigger on Wednesday I had an iui on Thursday and Friday.
OMG burns!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: :flower::flower::flower::flower::flower::flower::flower: CONGRATS to you! SUCH great news to read this am. Not only will you be preggo before deployment you will have your beautiful baby:baby: on your moms birthday!! Such great news. I agree with them your charts were very up/down before and this chart was AMAZE! So great to see someone who has been TTC a while get their BFP! btw I totally see them on both tests!! congrats again

I KNNNNOWWW!!!! i cant believe it, im SO SO SO excited!!! and thank you, i hope the baby sticks & looks like me (if its a girl).. ahahaha! i hope i give birthday on her birthday, i mean thats my due date so im excited, im not too excited to tell her but oh well it has to be done! AHAHAH! im just not thrilled cause i dont really talk to her cause she just blames everything on my hubby but she can blame this on him, i really dont care!!!! ;) and my chart is crazy, i just cant believe i O'd on valentines day, im still laughing at that, cause of all days it had to be that day. ahahahhaa! and thank you doll, i hope you get your :bfp: VERY SOON! AHHHH! i just cant believe this, my & hubby are still in disbelief.. im not really that religious but God heard my preach to him about getting a pre-deployment pregnancy! AAHHAHA! i preached every night, LOL! i just hope my husband can be here for the birth or ill be super mad, but he might cause he's only deployed 9 months, but i dont think ill go full term cause i was born at 22 weeks.. so im nervous!
Woohoo for a smiley! ;) Opks should work for you for sure, burns. They detect both LH and HCG, because they're like sisters, but one wears a hat. Hpts only detect the one with the hat. ;)

I can't tell you how happy it makes me to know you got your BFP and right on time. I hope your hubby makes it back for the birth and your little bean waits until he gets home to make and appearance!

Oh, burns, I'm so so so happy for you!! :dance::dance::dance:
:happydance: :cloud9: :happydance:
Woohoo for a smiley! ;) Opks should work for you for sure, burns. They detect both LH and HCG, because they're like sisters, but one wears a hat. Hpts only detect the one with the hat. ;)

I can't tell you how happy it makes me to know you got your BFP and right on time. I hope your hubby makes it back for the birth and your little bean waits until he gets home to make and appearance!

Oh, burns, I'm so so so happy for you!! :dance::dance::dance:
:happydance: :cloud9: :happydance:

i feel annoying for continuously talking about it but im too excited & i cant really talk to anyone else about it yet cause my hubby said i need to get a bloodtest first before i start telling anyone. ahaha! so i need someone to vent to!!!! we think that he might, but we arent sure, its the army they change stuff every other day, ahahaha! :haha: :happydance: :happydance:
I think you should feel free to talk about it. Vent away!! That's what this place is for, venting during the TWW, even if you've already gotten your BFP.

Like Loving said, it's been a long time since we had a BFP...we needed some BFPs in here and we should totally celebrate them. :) You, j_dennis, and Hoping924 are starting our BFP party in the TWW. Let's hope there will be even more of us joining you soon!! ;)
AFM- HCG trigger+progesterone is kicking my butt. I can only imagine this is what preggos feel like early on, but I expect it's worse for them (you'll have to tell us what it's like, Burns). ;) I've been super bloated, my acid reflux/heartburn is going crazy, I'm peeing like I'll never see another toilet, nausea wants to be my friend and keeps coming back (though it has been much better today), and I've been crying at the drop of a hat. I can feel that teary lump in the back of my throat on and off during the day and then I'll watch something remotely sad and burst into tears. At least DH has been really good about it. He understands my hormones are all out of whack this cycle and has been giving me hugs when I get weepy. I thought I was bad during the tww before...obviously I was mistaken. lol.

I had a faint positive hpt today, so the HCG is slowly but surely working its way out of my system...maybe it'll be negative in the next two days and then the real fun can begin. :) Seriously, this is the longest tww ever....lol.
Hi! I'm new to this but I'm a military wife and although my husband tells me he doesn't think I'm crazy I KNOW he lying so I'm definitely in need of babyandbump!

We have been trying for a year and we just recently started going to the fertility doctor. I did all the "fun" testing and so far everything looks nice and comfy for a baby! Last Friday I had an ultra sound done and I was going to ovulate the next day! So we went home and hopefully made a baby! WELL...I tend to trick myself into thinking I have symptoms which make me really believe I'm preggo! I told myself I was not going to do that this time and wait patiently for my next doctors apt. In 14 days...haha...that did not happen!

It has now been about 4-5 days since and I have what feels like forever to go before my (hopefully missed) period.

The past 3 days I have woken up so nauseous I haven't been able to sleep. I never actually threw up though. I can't tell if I'm super emotional bc I'm pregnant or if it's in my head. My lower back hurts and I smelled lettuce yesterday! Lol AM I CRAZY!?!? Anyone else feel like this??
Has anyone taken provera? I'm currently ttc baby #2, I have tried lydia pinkham tonic, vitex/chaste tree, and 2x rounds of provera. However no sign of my period. This has not happened before, when usually the above treatments have served me well.

Does anyone know of a stronger dosage or brand of provera, that treats secondary amenorrhea?
(reposted here)
its weird the 2ww goes slow and fast at the same time, i beleive that the trigger is definitely out of my system today, hpt is -ve, stark white this evening. its been a tough one this time around for me. last time, my whole family situation was more stable, now my dh is away most of the time taking care of his dad and because of that it just feels 'different'. i worry too that carrying my baby everywhere might hurt my chances for a bean to 'stick'. for some reason last time i felt more hopeful...even though i only had one lonely egg, i felt the timing of the iui was way better, this time i feel we were off by a whole day, which as you all know makes a difference especially with older eggs and older sperm too. when i saw those two beautiful eggs, perfectly round and healthy left over after our b2b iui on the screen, i really wondered all the what ifs and its made me nervous ever since...even the fact that i had to give myself the trigger...it just didn't feel 'right'. at the first of the b2b iui's the nurse seemed to be trying so hard to get the tube up, i didnt' feel she widened my canal enough with the speculum, wheras the next day with the doc, well she opened me right up and it was a done deal within seconds. and then i got this weird burning in my vagina for 2 days after, had to use cold packs thankfully resolved. but weird. a couple nights ago i had strong twinges that woke me up from my sleep, and i thought 'okay, i'm out'. aghhh...trying to be as positive as i was the last time, but i do feel a bit discouraged that the whole procedure just didn't go as smooth as the last time. go in for b/w for progesterone level on thursday and then preg text march 6th. (*ment--my last iui i got +hpt by 9th/10th dpiui depending on which day you count from--1st iui or 2nd*)

hoping for the best for all of us this round!
I had such a crazy two week wait three cycles ago where I had EVERY symptom (nausea, emotional, boobs were huge, change in skin, weight gain, everything!) and then I WASN'T preggers (turns out it was stress & too much Christmas food!) so I totally stopped thinking about symptoms and got way healthier.

Now, after totally being more reasonable and realizing that it can be all in your head (and after losing 10 pounds, woo hoo) I am starting to symptom spot again. Is this a curse I'll have to deal with forever?! Agh! Even starting to imagine that I can feel implantation twinges! Doesn't help that I spent three days reading the countdowntopregnancy.com success stories (every single one.) and they list a billion symptoms. Help!
Congrats Burnsforbaby & Jdennis....wishing you both a h&h 9 mos....baby dust to the rest of you still waiting for your BFP, when the time is right it will happen.

Ttcbaby....hope ur doing ok after ur iui, I have a good feeling about it.
I think you should feel free to talk about it. Vent away!! That's what this place is for, venting during the TWW, even if you've already gotten your BFP.

Like Loving said, it's been a long time since we had a BFP...we needed some BFPs in here and we should totally celebrate them. :) You, j_dennis, and Hoping924 are starting our BFP party in the TWW. Let's hope there will be even more of us joining you soon!! ;)

well from your chart looks like your fair game(; but YEES more need to join the bfp party!!! :D
Ella,TTCBABY- I cannot wait to see you girls BFP. Seems like this is the lucky month cycle. We had 6 months with no BFP, Now they are all over here. Which makes me SOOOOOOOOOO Happy!! I do Hope this luck lands on us. What dates will you ladies be testing?? About me Im sitting back waiting to get a pos opk. I had a sorta semi POS but im waiting for the EWCM and im Bding everyday so I don't ever miss it again :) that was awful feelings few cycles back knowing I didn't catch O day so it was like waiting forever for bigger disappointment. I am def a POAS addict. I ordered cheapies in bulk online and also hit up wal mart 88centers and plus have FRER and CB digital waiting on me. haha now I just need to confirm O and be in this TWW again.

Thanks, Loving!! I'm testing on the 10th. Hoping some of the luck lands on me too.

Good job on BDing every day. You're sure to hit O day that way. I hope you catch that eggy!!! :D
Ella,TTCBABY- I cannot wait to see you girls BFP. Seems like this is the lucky month cycle. We had 6 months with no BFP, Now they are all over here. Which makes me SOOOOOOOOOO Happy!! I do Hope this luck lands on us. What dates will you ladies be testing?? About me Im sitting back waiting to get a pos opk. I had a sorta semi POS but im waiting for the EWCM and im Bding everyday so I don't ever miss it again :) that was awful feelings few cycles back knowing I didn't catch O day so it was like waiting forever for bigger disappointment. I am def a POAS addict. I ordered cheapies in bulk online and also hit up wal mart 88centers and plus have FRER and CB digital waiting on me. haha now I just need to confirm O and be in this TWW again.

Thanks, Loving!! I'm testing on the 10th. Hoping some of the luck lands on me too.

Good job on BDing every day. You're sure to hit O day that way. I hope you catch that eggy!!! :D

Thanks Its a lot of work to BD every single day plus making sure we both have our happy ending I will say. haha if you know what I mean! Props to you till waiting till 16dpo to test. how do you women have the willpower?? I wish I did. I cant handle waiting till 10dpo to test. GL to you and im saying a prayer for you for the 10th
Ella,TTCBABY- I cannot wait to see you girls BFP. Seems like this is the lucky month cycle. We had 6 months with no BFP, Now they are all over here. Which makes me SOOOOOOOOOO Happy!! I do Hope this luck lands on us. What dates will you ladies be testing?? About me Im sitting back waiting to get a pos opk. I had a sorta semi POS but im waiting for the EWCM and im Bding everyday so I don't ever miss it again :) that was awful feelings few cycles back knowing I didn't catch O day so it was like waiting forever for bigger disappointment. I am def a POAS addict. I ordered cheapies in bulk online and also hit up wal mart 88centers and plus have FRER and CB digital waiting on me. haha now I just need to confirm O and be in this TWW again.

Thanks, Loving!! I'm testing on the 10th. Hoping some of the luck lands on me too.

Good job on BDing every day. You're sure to hit O day that way. I hope you catch that eggy!!! :D

Thanks Its a lot of work to BD every single day plus making sure we both have our happy ending I will say. haha if you know what I mean! Props to you till waiting till 16dpo to test. how do you women have the willpower?? I wish I did. I cant handle waiting till 10dpo to test. GL to you and im saying a prayer for you for the 10th

I can imagine it's a lot of work! I think my DH would be run ragged by the time ov rolled around. lol! And yes, it's essential that both of you have a happy ending if you're going everyday. Keep up the good work. lol. ;)

Well, my willpower was better when I only had one FRER in the house...but my internet cheapies came in the mail. So, I'm satisfying the brand new feeling of wanting to POAS earlier than 12-13DPO by doing those. But I'm planning on stopping once my trigger is out and then waiting until the official test day.

It was faint yesterday afternoon, so it won't be long, I suppose. I wanted to do one with FMU this morning, but my FMU was at 3am and I was half-asleep. So, now I'm going with holding as long as I can and doing it then. Really, now I know why some women test so early...It's addictive....

(I'm hoping that when it leaves, I'll stop being so emotional. I've cried so many times today, over nothing!)
xxxfaithful - Welcome to the TWW! I haven't used provera, so I can't really help. Maybe some of our other ladies can help though.

angelady- I hope this IUI is successful for you! I'm sorry that things have felt 'different'. It must be hard to have DH gone a lot. And I can imagine your experience with the nurse doing your IUI vs your doctor must have made things not feel 'right'. But I'm hoping that despite everything that's different or not 'right' about your cycle, you'll still get a BFP.

Kallie- Hi! Yeah, I think symptom spotting is something you can't help but do. Even when you KNOW you shouldn't, you can't help but think whether or not something means this or that. But, I suppose, that's the tww for you. :) I hope you can step away from the success stories briefly and then write one of your won soon!! Good luck!!

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