Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

Oh good grief, this is going to be a LONG 2ww! :wacko: :dohh:

Already feeling a bit anxious about this cycle!
Ella,TTCBABY- I cannot wait to see you girls BFP. Seems like this is the lucky month cycle. We had 6 months with no BFP, Now they are all over here. Which makes me SOOOOOOOOOO Happy!! I do Hope this luck lands on us. What dates will you ladies be testing?? About me Im sitting back waiting to get a pos opk. I had a sorta semi POS but im waiting for the EWCM and im Bding everyday so I don't ever miss it again :) that was awful feelings few cycles back knowing I didn't catch O day so it was like waiting forever for bigger disappointment. I am def a POAS addict. I ordered cheapies in bulk online and also hit up wal mart 88centers and plus have FRER and CB digital waiting on me. haha now I just need to confirm O and be in this TWW again.

Thank you!!! I will be testing on the 12th of March with everything crossed!!! DH is going to get up with me and we are going to look at it together.

Oh yeah, i bet that was an awful cycle when you know you missed it. I would hate that feeling! Sounds like you are ready though with all those tests. :haha:

YAHHHH!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: Im seriously so happy for you. Cant wait im saying prayers for the 10th&12th for you lovely ladies. This just feels good I have a great feeling about this cycle. its the luck of the irish im telling you. :) I finally got super pos OPK today so im thrilled so just waiting few days to confirms them be in the horrid/excting 2WW :)

Thank you! :hugs:
Yay for positive OPK! :happydance:
I'm testing tomorrow morning. Wish me luck! All my preggo symptoms have vanished apart from the back pain! I am worried I've run out of luck :-( 13dpo now x
so i went in for a confirmation test, but the hospital said i had to get a urine test before i could get a blood test so i went in got a urine test and my nurse was shocked it showed up so quick like right when the put urine on the test it showed up right away and she was like "i dont know whether i should congratulate you or not" lolol. and they wouldnt give me a blood test cause my urine one was positive, its stupid. and i was terrified to tell my mom and she said no way! you know that means.. no more snickers for breakfast, lunch and dinner! AHAHAHAH!! but both sides of our family are SO excited! now that everyone knows i can finally relax and enjoy my pregnancy! im so excited! i hope to see more bfps soon on here!! my first obgyn appointment is march 28 for medical background then our first ultrasound is march 31! im due nov 1st!:)

That's great news Burns! soo exciting!!! You should enjoy your pregnancy regardless of what people say. Its the greatest blessing on earth!! I am quite surprised they didn't do blood test though I would be forcing that one!! Are you done temping now???

yeees it is!!! & i know i should but itd be hard with people criticizing you. makes it less enjoyable and more stressful. ahaha! i know i asked them for one even though i got a positive to check my numbers but they said they cant unless my doctor requested one, so im going to ask my obgyn for one when i go in to do my medical history. or for at least a heartbeat scan cause im VERY catious now. and yees im done for now since i got a positive dr one. ahaha. guess we spent $45 on a yearly subscription for no reason! ahahaha! ooops!

That seems how it always works with getting yearly package but better now then 11 months down the road :) I thought blood test was required so that's odd. I bet they will at your 1st checkup which is usually 9 weeks. Congrats again girl. Now you can find a pregnancy thread. :happydance:

OMG congratulations sweetie, I'm soooooo pleased for you xxxxx :hugs:
so i went in for a confirmation test, but the hospital said i had to get a urine test before i could get a blood test so i went in got a urine test and my nurse was shocked it showed up so quick like right when the put urine on the test it showed up right away and she was like "i dont know whether i should congratulate you or not" lolol. and they wouldnt give me a blood test cause my urine one was positive, its stupid. and i was terrified to tell my mom and she said no way! you know that means.. no more snickers for breakfast, lunch and dinner! AHAHAHAH!! but both sides of our family are SO excited! now that everyone knows i can finally relax and enjoy my pregnancy! im so excited! i hope to see more bfps soon on here!! my first obgyn appointment is march 28 for medical background then our first ultrasound is march 31! im due nov 1st!:)

That's great news Burns! soo exciting!!! You should enjoy your pregnancy regardless of what people say. Its the greatest blessing on earth!! I am quite surprised they didn't do blood test though I would be forcing that one!! Are you done temping now???

yeees it is!!! & i know i should but itd be hard with people criticizing you. makes it less enjoyable and more stressful. ahaha! i know i asked them for one even though i got a positive to check my numbers but they said they cant unless my doctor requested one, so im going to ask my obgyn for one when i go in to do my medical history. or for at least a heartbeat scan cause im VERY catious now. and yees im done for now since i got a positive dr one. ahaha. guess we spent $45 on a yearly subscription for no reason! ahahaha! ooops!

That seems how it always works with getting yearly package but better now then 11 months down the road :) I thought blood test was required so that's odd. I bet they will at your 1st checkup which is usually 9 weeks. Congrats again girl. Now you can find a pregnancy thread. :happydance:

We don't get blood tests at all here...which kind of sucks because I would love to have beta numbers and watch them grow. My clinic won't even consider it unless there's something wonky with your hpts. I'm so tempted to try to get one if this cycle works out... ;)
so i went in for a confirmation test, but the hospital said i had to get a urine test before i could get a blood test so i went in got a urine test and my nurse was shocked it showed up so quick like right when the put urine on the test it showed up right away and she was like "i dont know whether i should congratulate you or not" lolol. and they wouldnt give me a blood test cause my urine one was positive, its stupid. and i was terrified to tell my mom and she said no way! you know that means.. no more snickers for breakfast, lunch and dinner! AHAHAHAH!! but both sides of our family are SO excited! now that everyone knows i can finally relax and enjoy my pregnancy! im so excited! i hope to see more bfps soon on here!! my first obgyn appointment is march 28 for medical background then our first ultrasound is march 31! im due nov 1st!:)

Ooooh! How exciting!! Do you think your HCG is just really high or could it be....twins!!

I'm so glad your family is excited! I'M EXCITED!! Yes, please enjoy your pregnancy. You've earned this wonderful time with your growing bean! You totally have to post your ultrasound picture so we can see your little beany..maybe you should start a journal. ;)

Hey all, :flower:

6 months TTC #2, currently on 7dpo and already feeling a little crazy!
Hate the TWW and it's mind games!!

Have previously temped but the last 2 months prior, got my hopes up with how my temps were looking only to end up ill !!
So this time, no temping, have come down with another cold aswell so it's a good job! Af is due next Friday. Nervy times!

Welcome to the TWW!

7DPO is always the beginning of the crazy-making time in our cycles. I hope not temping is making things less stressful for you. :) Good luck!! I hope AF stays away and this Friday bring you a BFP!! :D

I hate waking up middle of night to pee it throws the whole next day off in my head with tests plus temps. haha plus the damn cheapies get me everytime too. It like burns a hole in my drawer by staring at me. haha so yes addictive for sure. Hey being emotional is hard but its a symptom :happydance: GL to you ill be stalking!! Your charts looking great too :)

Those cheapies are burning a hole in my dresser...I keep looking at it every morning and thinking 'Should I?' But, luckily, I've been able to hold out. I'm not emotionally ready for BFNs and I'm pretty sure that, even if this is my month, I'd still be seeing BFNs at this point. But hopefully by the 8th or 9th, I can see some lines on my cheapies and then test on the 10th with my FRER... ;)

Being emotional is hard. I'm STILL emotional, even with the HCG out of my system. Fewer actual tears though, so I guess that's an improvement, right? lol.

I'll be stalking you too! Now that you've got that pos opk, I hope your TWW flies by and ends with a BFP!! :D I think we should have a BFP bonanza in here!

yeees it is!!! & i know i should but itd be hard with people criticizing you. makes it less enjoyable and more stressful. ahaha! i know i asked them for one even though i got a positive to check my numbers but they said they cant unless my doctor requested one, so im going to ask my obgyn for one when i go in to do my medical history. or for at least a heartbeat scan cause im VERY catious now. and yees im done for now since i got a positive dr one. ahaha. guess we spent $45 on a yearly subscription for no reason! ahahaha! ooops!

That's always the way...It was money well spent though, right? :haha: :) Too bad you can't donate it to someone or something like that. But they have preggo stuff on there too, don't they? Maybe you can use it for that.

I'm sure your obgyn will give you a blood test referral if you ask nicely, though by that time, it might not be worth it...though, I bet just having that confirmation will be a comfort. Maybe you could call and ask her to request one for you. Yes, try to get an early scan! I'm all about that. ;)

I just spent like $50 on OPKs and pregnancy tests and preseed and I REALLY hope I only get to use a couple pregnancy tests! I would think it works that way some times - you hold out to buy this fertility stuff thinking you won't need it, then you break down and get it and turn up pregnant right away? Crossing my fingers that works for me too! haha

I hope it does!! Good luck this cycle!! :D

Got a BFN! :-( I feel numb

:hugs: :hugs: I'm so sorry Peanut. :hugs:
AFM- 8dpiui....and I'm trying not to read into anything I'm feeling. I'm trying so hard not to symptom spot because I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but I'm still hoping so hard for a positive when I test. I'm also trying to ignore everything that I feel below my belly button...because what if it's just my food digesting or gas? Man, this tww is the hardest one I've been through I think.

Maybe in a couple of days, I'll let myself symptom spot...
so i went in for a confirmation test, but the hospital said i had to get a urine test before i could get a blood test so i went in got a urine test and my nurse was shocked it showed up so quick like right when the put urine on the test it showed up right away and she was like "i dont know whether i should congratulate you or not" lolol. and they wouldnt give me a blood test cause my urine one was positive, its stupid. and i was terrified to tell my mom and she said no way! you know that means.. no more snickers for breakfast, lunch and dinner! AHAHAHAH!! but both sides of our family are SO excited! now that everyone knows i can finally relax and enjoy my pregnancy! im so excited! i hope to see more bfps soon on here!! my first obgyn appointment is march 28 for medical background then our first ultrasound is march 31! im due nov 1st!:)

That's great news Burns! soo exciting!!! You should enjoy your pregnancy regardless of what people say. Its the greatest blessing on earth!! I am quite surprised they didn't do blood test though I would be forcing that one!! Are you done temping now???

yeees it is!!! & i know i should but itd be hard with people criticizing you. makes it less enjoyable and more stressful. ahaha! i know i asked them for one even though i got a positive to check my numbers but they said they cant unless my doctor requested one, so im going to ask my obgyn for one when i go in to do my medical history. or for at least a heartbeat scan cause im VERY catious now. and yees im done for now since i got a positive dr one. ahaha. guess we spent $45 on a yearly subscription for no reason! ahahaha! ooops!

That seems how it always works with getting yearly package but better now then 11 months down the road :) I thought blood test was required so that's odd. I bet they will at your 1st checkup which is usually 9 weeks. Congrats again girl. Now you can find a pregnancy thread. :happydance:

yeah my first appointment is is on the 31st and thats my first ultrasound! and im going to ask if i can get one depending on if the baby looks good or not. and its heart beat and everything. and thank youuu!!!! :D im probably not going to join a pregnancy thread cause i just vent on twitter & facebook. ahahah! plus im already moody i dont wanna take something they say the wrong way & get pissed off. ahahaha! thank you! & goodluck to you doll! LOTS OF DUST YOUR WAY!

OMG congratulations sweetie, I'm soooooo pleased for you xxxxx :hugs:

thanks love! im so happy & excited! i think my husband is more excited then me but im just having emotional probs & nervous about everything til i get in 2nd tri then ill be less worried! babydust your waay doll!
so i went in for a confirmation test, but the hospital said i had to get a urine test before i could get a blood test so i went in got a urine test and my nurse was shocked it showed up so quick like right when the put urine on the test it showed up right away and she was like "i dont know whether i should congratulate you or not" lolol. and they wouldnt give me a blood test cause my urine one was positive, its stupid. and i was terrified to tell my mom and she said no way! you know that means.. no more snickers for breakfast, lunch and dinner! AHAHAHAH!! but both sides of our family are SO excited! now that everyone knows i can finally relax and enjoy my pregnancy! im so excited! i hope to see more bfps soon on here!! my first obgyn appointment is march 28 for medical background then our first ultrasound is march 31! im due nov 1st!:)

Ooooh! How exciting!! Do you think your HCG is just really high or could it be....twins!!

I'm so glad your family is excited! I'M EXCITED!! Yes, please enjoy your pregnancy. You've earned this wonderful time with your growing bean! You totally have to post your ultrasound picture so we can see your little beany..maybe you should start a journal. ;)

yeees it is!!! & i know i should but itd be hard with people criticizing you. makes it less enjoyable and more stressful. ahaha! i know i asked them for one even though i got a positive to check my numbers but they said they cant unless my doctor requested one, so im going to ask my obgyn for one when i go in to do my medical history. or for at least a heartbeat scan cause im VERY catious now. and yees im done for now since i got a positive dr one. ahaha. guess we spent $45 on a yearly subscription for no reason! ahahaha! ooops!

DBZ34 said:
That's always the way...It was money well spent though, right? :haha: :) Too bad you can't donate it to someone or something like that. But they have preggo stuff on there too, don't they? Maybe you can use it for that.

I'm sure your obgyn will give you a blood test referral if you ask nicely, though by that time, it might not be worth it...though, I bet just having that confirmation will be a comfort. Maybe you could call and ask her to request one for you. Yes, try to get an early scan! I'm all about that. ;)

yeah sorta, lol. i mean i kinda didnt even need it i shouldve waited till i got my period. ahahaha! i think they might but im not too sure so ill have to check on that! :D and im going in for my first ultrasound on the 31st so im going to see how baby is doing then if i feel like i still NEED a blood test ill ask for just for my numbers to get checked. ahah! :D as long as my baby is okay i wont need to have a confirmation blood test. ahaha! :D

and funny story actually! i went in for my test and my nurse and she told me after she said "im not sure if i should congratulate you or not" and everything, she was like " its super faint, but its there! and not to scare you but since it did pop up so early and its a heavy faint you could be actually carrying more then one" and i was like oh gawd, twins or triplets alone by myself with them for 4 months just isnt going to work. ahahahahha! but shes not sure but we think i could be cause im already showing a bit and im only 5 weeks.. i shouldnt be showing for a least another month, but the nurse said that since im only normally 110 pounds its not uncommon for me to be showing so early. & i went out and got a little cheetah print journal to use as my pregnancy journal. im keeping track of my temp in the am, weight in the pm, symptoms, craving, water intake, if i took my prenatal, and questions i have for my obgyn. :D


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okay so the one on the right was from tuesday (first day i tested) & the one on the left is from today, its crazy how dark it got in just 4 days. i tested again today cause when i went it to get a confirmation as yall know it was faint, and i got nervous and asked if i should test in a few days to see if it gets darker cause it was faint for 3 days straight, and she said i could if i wanted and if i felt like it was worrying to go to the ER. so i tested & im so happy it got darker cause i was VERY nervous, im like a obsessed lady with this pregnancy cause its my first ever so of course im going to be, ahahaha!


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TTCBABY & DBZ34, this is your month I really believe that & I'm hoping I'm right!!!! I will be stalking daily waiting for your BFP's.
AFM- 8dpiui....and I'm trying not to read into anything I'm feeling. I'm trying so hard not to symptom spot because I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but I'm still hoping so hard for a positive when I test. I'm also trying to ignore everything that I feel below my belly button...because what if it's just my food digesting or gas? Man, this tww is the hardest one I've been through I think.

Maybe in a couple of days, I'll let myself symptom spot...

a little temp dip at 6 dpo and then a continual rise! Great looking chart Ella!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

8 more days!!!
so i went in for a confirmation test, but the hospital said i had to get a urine test before i could get a blood test so i went in got a urine test and my nurse was shocked it showed up so quick like right when the put urine on the test it showed up right away and she was like "i dont know whether i should congratulate you or not" lolol. and they wouldnt give me a blood test cause my urine one was positive, its stupid. and i was terrified to tell my mom and she said no way! you know that means.. no more snickers for breakfast, lunch and dinner! AHAHAHAH!! but both sides of our family are SO excited! now that everyone knows i can finally relax and enjoy my pregnancy! im so excited! i hope to see more bfps soon on here!! my first obgyn appointment is march 28 for medical background then our first ultrasound is march 31! im due nov 1st!:)

Ooooh! How exciting!! Do you think your HCG is just really high or could it be....twins!!

I'm so glad your family is excited! I'M EXCITED!! Yes, please enjoy your pregnancy. You've earned this wonderful time with your growing bean! You totally have to post your ultrasound picture so we can see your little beany..maybe you should start a journal. ;)

yeees it is!!! & i know i should but itd be hard with people criticizing you. makes it less enjoyable and more stressful. ahaha! i know i asked them for one even though i got a positive to check my numbers but they said they cant unless my doctor requested one, so im going to ask my obgyn for one when i go in to do my medical history. or for at least a heartbeat scan cause im VERY catious now. and yees im done for now since i got a positive dr one. ahaha. guess we spent $45 on a yearly subscription for no reason! ahahaha! ooops!

DBZ34 said:
That's always the way...It was money well spent though, right? :haha: :) Too bad you can't donate it to someone or something like that. But they have preggo stuff on there too, don't they? Maybe you can use it for that.

I'm sure your obgyn will give you a blood test referral if you ask nicely, though by that time, it might not be worth it...though, I bet just having that confirmation will be a comfort. Maybe you could call and ask her to request one for you. Yes, try to get an early scan! I'm all about that. ;)

yeah sorta, lol. i mean i kinda didnt even need it i shouldve waited till i got my period. ahahaha! i think they might but im not too sure so ill have to check on that! :D and im going in for my first ultrasound on the 31st so im going to see how baby is doing then if i feel like i still NEED a blood test ill ask for just for my numbers to get checked. ahah! :D as long as my baby is okay i wont need to have a confirmation blood test. ahaha! :D

and funny story actually! i went in for my test and my nurse and she told me after she said "im not sure if i should congratulate you or not" and everything, she was like " its super faint, but its there! and not to scare you but since it did pop up so early and its a heavy faint you could be actually carrying more then one" and i was like oh gawd, twins or triplets alone by myself with them for 4 months just isnt going to work. ahahahahha! but shes not sure but we think i could be cause im already showing a bit and im only 5 weeks.. i shouldnt be showing for a least another month, but the nurse said that since im only normally 110 pounds its not uncommon for me to be showing so early. & i went out and got a little cheetah print journal to use as my pregnancy journal. im keeping track of my temp in the am, weight in the pm, symptoms, craving, water intake, if i took my prenatal, and questions i have for my obgyn. :D

Wow, you're so tiny burns! You will definitely start to show sooner because of that. It's just how it goes. I already look 3 months preggers so people won't realize til i'm past that point probably. :haha:
Yes, i like Ella's idea, you should start a pregnancy journal so we can stalk it. :)
okay so the one on the right was from tuesday (first day i tested) & the one on the left is from today, its crazy how dark it got in just 4 days. i tested again today cause when i went it to get a confirmation as yall know it was faint, and i got nervous and asked if i should test in a few days to see if it gets darker cause it was faint for 3 days straight, and she said i could if i wanted and if i felt like it was worrying to go to the ER. so i tested & im so happy it got darker cause i was VERY nervous, im like a obsessed lady with this pregnancy cause its my first ever so of course im going to be, ahahaha!

Lovely line in that first pic!!!
so i went in for a confirmation test, but the hospital said i had to get a urine test before i could get a blood test so i went in got a urine test and my nurse was shocked it showed up so quick like right when the put urine on the test it showed up right away and she was like "i dont know whether i should congratulate you or not" lolol. and they wouldnt give me a blood test cause my urine one was positive, its stupid. and i was terrified to tell my mom and she said no way! you know that means.. no more snickers for breakfast, lunch and dinner! AHAHAHAH!! but both sides of our family are SO excited! now that everyone knows i can finally relax and enjoy my pregnancy! im so excited! i hope to see more bfps soon on here!! my first obgyn appointment is march 28 for medical background then our first ultrasound is march 31! im due nov 1st!:)

Ooooh! How exciting!! Do you think your HCG is just really high or could it be....twins!!

I'm so glad your family is excited! I'M EXCITED!! Yes, please enjoy your pregnancy. You've earned this wonderful time with your growing bean! You totally have to post your ultrasound picture so we can see your little beany..maybe you should start a journal. ;)

yeees it is!!! & i know i should but itd be hard with people criticizing you. makes it less enjoyable and more stressful. ahaha! i know i asked them for one even though i got a positive to check my numbers but they said they cant unless my doctor requested one, so im going to ask my obgyn for one when i go in to do my medical history. or for at least a heartbeat scan cause im VERY catious now. and yees im done for now since i got a positive dr one. ahaha. guess we spent $45 on a yearly subscription for no reason! ahahaha! ooops!

DBZ34 said:
That's always the way...It was money well spent though, right? :haha: :) Too bad you can't donate it to someone or something like that. But they have preggo stuff on there too, don't they? Maybe you can use it for that.

I'm sure your obgyn will give you a blood test referral if you ask nicely, though by that time, it might not be worth it...though, I bet just having that confirmation will be a comfort. Maybe you could call and ask her to request one for you. Yes, try to get an early scan! I'm all about that. ;)

yeah sorta, lol. i mean i kinda didnt even need it i shouldve waited till i got my period. ahahaha! i think they might but im not too sure so ill have to check on that! :D and im going in for my first ultrasound on the 31st so im going to see how baby is doing then if i feel like i still NEED a blood test ill ask for just for my numbers to get checked. ahah! :D as long as my baby is okay i wont need to have a confirmation blood test. ahaha! :D

and funny story actually! i went in for my test and my nurse and she told me after she said "im not sure if i should congratulate you or not" and everything, she was like " its super faint, but its there! and not to scare you but since it did pop up so early and its a heavy faint you could be actually carrying more then one" and i was like oh gawd, twins or triplets alone by myself with them for 4 months just isnt going to work. ahahahahha! but shes not sure but we think i could be cause im already showing a bit and im only 5 weeks.. i shouldnt be showing for a least another month, but the nurse said that since im only normally 110 pounds its not uncommon for me to be showing so early. & i went out and got a little cheetah print journal to use as my pregnancy journal. im keeping track of my temp in the am, weight in the pm, symptoms, craving, water intake, if i took my prenatal, and questions i have for my obgyn. :D

Wow, you're so tiny burns! You will definitely start to show sooner because of that. It's just how it goes. I already look 3 months preggers so people won't realize til i'm past that point probably. :haha:
Yes, i like Ella's idea, you should start a pregnancy journal so we can stalk it. :)

do you know of any good sites to use to make one? :) i have started in a actual journal but i want one i can put pictures on & everything. & thanks, im only 100 pounds with a like 25 inch stomach so i know ill be showing.

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