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Question for those who hart and have more than one child... Do your pregnancy temp charts all look similar? Just so I knownwhether comparing my current ones with my pregnancy one will yield any answers? (They're ceryxdifferent so grasping at straws!)
Hello Ladies

Some of you may remember me... I remember DBZ!! How are you??!!??

I'm back for number two. We aren't officially "trying" but my period has finally returned and we aren't preventing either. With my past TTC addiction I can't help but monitor stuff and find my self anxiously waiting to test lol..

It took me a while to get preg. the first time around and I tried many different things so I think I can offer lots of helpful advice to you ladies trying as well.

:dust::dust: to you all

AF isn't due till the 10th and my cycles have always been irregular so it won't be unusual if it doesn't come but I'll prob test anyways :haha:

I'm in the same boat. My son is 14 and I'm also TTC...
AF is due on the 9th and I'm crampy today and been crampy since 9DPO. I tested with BFN on the 8th of Dec. Sore boobs not sore anymore, bbts and up and down. I just D/K.

:dust::dust: to you sweetie.
Hello Ladies

Some of you may remember me... I remember DBZ!! How are you??!!??

I'm back for number two. We aren't officially "trying" but my period has finally returned and we aren't preventing either. With my past TTC addiction I can't help but monitor stuff and find my self anxiously waiting to test lol..

It took me a while to get preg. the first time around and I tried many different things so I think I can offer lots of helpful advice to you ladies trying as well.

:dust::dust: to you all

AF isn't due till the 10th and my cycles have always been irregular so it won't be unusual if it doesn't come but I'll prob test anyways :haha:

I'm in the same boat. My son is 14 and I'm also TTC...
AF is due on the 9th and I'm crampy today and been crampy since 9DPO. I tested with BFN on the 4th of Dec. Sore boobs not sore anymore, bbts and up and down. I just D/K.

:dust::dust: to you sweetie.
Hi, am 7dpo today,done a pregnancy test but negative so tried an opk and it's positive not darker than control line bit exact same colour,what does this mean I am also charting aswell am my temp dropped yesterday not below coverline and today has went up by 0.1 any advice would be great,have been trying to conceive for 15 months now for baby number 2 I would post my chart n pic of ovulation test but am new to this site so not sure how to do this yet.
My chart & opk


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I'm no expert but I'd say perhaps you haven't ovulated yet...Especially because you only had two high temps in a row and not the usual three it takes to confirm ovulation...

FX for your :bfp: after few more days.... Some people get early hpts but on average the earliest is at 10dpo or 3-5 days after the suspected implantation dip.

Thanks for ur replies,yeah I was thinking maybe I didn't ovulate and my body trying to ovulate now but then I read on another website that ur temp dosent need to stay high for 3 days in a row it can go up n down as long as it's higher than when u ovulated,getting cramps now n sore boobs but had these symptoms last month and the witch appeared can only hope n pray
Thanks for ur replies,yeah I was thinking maybe I didn't ovulate and my body trying to ovulate now but then I read on another website that ur temp dosent need to stay high for 3 days in a row it can go up n down as long as it's higher than when u ovulated,getting cramps now n sore boobs but had these symptoms last month and the witch appeared can only hope n pray

I've read that you get a second LH surge right before AF shows too, which could be why you had another positive, though it seems way too early for AF to show for you.

I might be with Hoping on this one. It's possible that you haven't ovulated yet and your body is gearing up again. I would make sure to BD, just in case. You can have fluctuations after ovulation, sure, but that dip on your chart might not be ovulation, it could just be a hormonal fluctuation. And the rise we can see could be your body not quite ovulating. I would say, don't stop BDing too soon. Keep going until you're sure you've ov'd.

I'm not saying you're not like 7DPO, it's just hard to tell.

I would also think about using Fertility Friend. It makes chart interpretation so much easier. ;)

But, I would think about holding off on testing with a preg test again until after another 5 days, so if you are preggo, there's a better chance of seeing it on a test. :) I'd keep using the ops until they go negative.
Hi Ladies,

Firstly I just wanted to say that I have found this forum so helpful over the last few days but I'm now at the point whether I don't know if I am actually experiencing symptoms or if my body is starting to play tricks on me...

This is our first proper month at trying and I have been using an app on my phone to track my cycles for the last year or so including when I believe my ovulation days are..

So believing it was Sunday 30th November we DTD ever other day up until Friday 5th Dec - however I felt the Ov pain on Sunday and noticed that's as the week progressed I started to have weird abdominal pains, really thirsty on a couple of days, and incredibly bloated.

Yesterday I had further pains mainly on my left side but have changed over the period and woke up feeling incredibly hungry. I ate my breakfast and then spent the rest of morning feeling incredibly sick and heaving.

I also noticed some bright red blood when I wiped from going to the loo once yesterday - could this be implantation bleeding?

Today - cramps don't seem to bad but am incredibly hot and have had a horrendous headache all day which I can only describe as similar to how your head feels from a head cold.

Please help me - am I cracking up or is it possible we have been incredibly lucky?? :wacko:
Bathgirl Soy isoflavones are a supplement you can find at GNC it is supposed to help with egg quality and tricks your body into thinking your estrogen levels are high so you have a stronger ovulation or for women who may not ovulate at all due to low estrogen help them to ovulate. You take your first dose day one of your cycle. If you are serious about trying them I'll look back at my old chart and see the exact dosage I took.

I knew I had poor egg quality because before I even was TTC I offered to donate my eggs to a couple who wanted a baby and could not have one. I went through the whole process..the shots the retrieval of the eggs. And then they told me they couldn't use my eggs because of poor egg quality. but told me I could still be able to get preg. on my own and possible have no problems getting preg. But it did take me months of trying so I assume that had something to do with it. I concluded my lining was thin just on my own because I have very light periods.

How did your appointment go?
Hello Ladies

Some of you may remember me... I remember DBZ!! How are you??!!??

I'm back for number two. We aren't officially "trying" but my period has finally returned and we aren't preventing either. With my past TTC addiction I can't help but monitor stuff and find my self anxiously waiting to test lol..

It took me a while to get preg. the first time around and I tried many different things so I think I can offer lots of helpful advice to you ladies trying as well.

:dust::dust: to you all

AF isn't due till the 10th and my cycles have always been irregular so it won't be unusual if it doesn't come but I'll prob test anyways :haha:

I'm in the same boat. My son is 14 and I'm also TTC...
AF is due on the 9th and I'm crampy today and been crampy since 9DPO. I tested with BFN on the 8th of Dec. Sore boobs not sore anymore, bbts and up and down. I just D/K.

:dust::dust: to you sweetie.

Are you testing tomorrow?! I don't even think I'll bother testing on the 10th :( I broke out acne and have a headache which are typical for me before my period comes.

For you ladies who have had multiple pregnancies were the symptoms before you knew you were preg. the same? I had very distinctive symptoms first time around were I feel like if that happens again I'll for sure know I was preg. but maybe those same symptoms won't happen this time around? :shrug:
Are you testing tomorrow?! I don't even think I'll bother testing on the 10th :( I broke out acne and have a headache which are typical for me before my period comes.

For you ladies who have had multiple pregnancies were the symptoms before you knew you were preg. the same? I had very distinctive symptoms first time around were I feel like if that happens again I'll for sure know I was preg. but maybe those same symptoms won't happen this time around? :shrug:

Well, no kids to speak of yet, but I have had multiple pregnancies, so I figure I could chime in on this one...

Each of my (4) pregnancies felt a little different symptom-wise, but there were two symptoms that if I had them, I knew things were looking good. Later in my TWW, if I get super overly emotional (like crying at terrible commercials or when people get kicked off of reality shows or if DH even looks at me funny) and if I have terrible heartburn without eating something beforehand, I usually know that I'm on for a BFP. Those I had consistently, everything else changed from one pregnancy to the next.

I'm not sure if that changes after you've had a kid, but I feel like your body should react to the increase in progesterone/HCG in a very similar way, even after giving birth. But, I wouldn't actually know. :shrug:
Hi lovely ladies,how r we all, anyone had a positive result yet,

I am lost with this charting as I really believed I ovulated on cycle day 13 but ma chart saying different but my ovulation pains disappeared after cycle day 13 but then another posit8ve opk after this for 2 days so now I haven't got a clue if I ovulated on cycle day 13 or not,this trying really gets u down when all u want is to get a positive result n u keep getting negatives,don't think it helps that I have cysts on both ovaries maybe that's stopping me getting pregnant,even last month I really thought I was pregnant had a lot of symptoms but nothing n this month I also have backache,sore boobs really thirsty but that's it until last nte I had a really horrible dream that I went to the toilet n when I went to flush their was a fetus their but it looked quite big n I could see the skin colour very clearly looked more like stillborn any1 know what this could mean it has really got to me now n made me sad,I just want another baby n hopefully a girl but somehow I feel I will never get pregnant again.

Anyway sending baby dust to everyone n hope yous all get positive results this month

I have posted my chart so if anyone can help what day they think I really ovulated that would be great


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Hi lovely ladies,how r we all, anyone had a positive result yet,

I am lost with this charting as I really believed I ovulated on cycle day 13 but ma chart saying different but my ovulation pains disappeared after cycle day 13 but then another posit8ve opk after this for 2 days so now I haven't got a clue if I ovulated on cycle day 13 or not,this trying really gets u down when all u want is to get a positive result n u keep getting negatives,don't think it helps that I have cysts on both ovaries maybe that's stopping me getting pregnant,even last month I really thought I was pregnant had a lot of symptoms but nothing n this month I also have backache,sore boobs really thirsty but that's it until last nte I had a really horrible dream that I went to the toilet n when I went to flush their was a fetus their but it looked quite big n I could see the skin colour very clearly looked more like stillborn any1 know what this could mean it has really got to me now n made me sad,I just want another baby n hopefully a girl but somehow I feel I will never get pregnant again.

Anyway sending baby dust to everyone n hope yous all get positive results this month

I have posted my chart so if anyone can help what day they think I really ovulated that would be great

Hi! I'm no expert but I think your obey geared up for ovulation and didn't, and you ended up ova ting on Monday instead. Don't know what the two odd high temps were all about though! Baby dust your way! Xx
Hi lovely ladies,how r we all, anyone had a positive result yet,

I am lost with this charting as I really believed I ovulated on cycle day 13 but ma chart saying different but my ovulation pains disappeared after cycle day 13 but then another posit8ve opk after this for 2 days so now I haven't got a clue if I ovulated on cycle day 13 or not,this trying really gets u down when all u want is to get a positive result n u keep getting negatives,don't think it helps that I have cysts on both ovaries maybe that's stopping me getting pregnant,even last month I really thought I was pregnant had a lot of symptoms but nothing n this month I also have backache,sore boobs really thirsty but that's it until last nte I had a really horrible dream that I went to the toilet n when I went to flush their was a fetus their but it looked quite big n I could see the skin colour very clearly looked more like stillborn any1 know what this could mean it has really got to me now n made me sad,I just want another baby n hopefully a girl but somehow I feel I will never get pregnant again.

Anyway sending baby dust to everyone n hope yous all get positive results this month

I have posted my chart so if anyone can help what day they think I really ovulated that would be great

Hi! I'm no expert but I think your obey geared up for ovulation and didn't, and you ended up ova ting on Monday instead. Don't know what the two odd high temps were all about though! Baby dust your way! Xx

thanks so much for ur reply,it's strange eh as they 2 high temps made me think u had ovulated n didn't bed much after that so prob missed ovulation now :( xx
Hi lovely ladies,how r we all, anyone had a positive result yet,

I am lost with this charting as I really believed I ovulated on cycle day 13 but ma chart saying different but my ovulation pains disappeared after cycle day 13 but then another posit8ve opk after this for 2 days so now I haven't got a clue if I ovulated on cycle day 13 or not,this trying really gets u down when all u want is to get a positive result n u keep getting negatives,don't think it helps that I have cysts on both ovaries maybe that's stopping me getting pregnant,even last month I really thought I was pregnant had a lot of symptoms but nothing n this month I also have backache,sore boobs really thirsty but that's it until last nte I had a really horrible dream that I went to the toilet n when I went to flush their was a fetus their but it looked quite big n I could see the skin colour very clearly looked more like stillborn any1 know what this could mean it has really got to me now n made me sad,I just want another baby n hopefully a girl but somehow I feel I will never get pregnant again.

Anyway sending baby dust to everyone n hope yous all get positive results this month

I have posted my chart so if anyone can help what day they think I really ovulated that would be great

Hi! I'm no expert but I think your obey geared up for ovulation and didn't, and you ended up ova ting on Monday instead. Don't know what the two odd high temps were all about though! Baby dust your way! Xx

thanks so much for ur reply,it's strange eh as they 2 high temps made me think u had ovulated n didn't bed much after that so prob missed ovulation now :( xx

You're welcome, I hope I'm wrong and you haven't missed ovulation... Or that there were some swimmers lurking about to catch the egg!!! Xx
So DH and I are officially TTC again :happydance: I"m nervous and excited.

I need to start temping again since my cycles are so irregular and I never know when I ovulate.

Question I had OPKs from almost two years ago that aren't expired yet but the bottle that the sticks were stored in had been open...are they still good? I took one last night and it was negative but I've been having cramping and that means either I'm ovulating or my period is coming :shrug:

With starting to temp again should I start now or wait till my next cycle starts?

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