Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

Oh ttc74, im keeping my fingers crossed for you! Not trying to be a party popper but you did ask what we thought, and in my experience I've had lots of these really low dips and then temp went up above cover line but not MASSIVELY so, and then they gradually dipped again til af showed up. But I'm not saying that's definitely what'll happen to you, it's just been my experience and you could be different!!!! I'm keeping everything crossed for you xxx
Hey guys , I hope everyone here gets their bfp FX for all 😘. I was just wondering has anyone loss their sense of smell & taste & ended up with a bfp ? This is really really unusual & I have lack of PMS symptoms ? :/
Hey guys , I hope everyone here gets their bfp FX for all 😘. I was just wondering has anyone loss their sense of smell & taste & ended up with a bfp ? This is really really unusual & I have lack of PMS symptoms ? :/

That is unusual. Are you unusually stuffed up or is everything normal except for the taste/smell stuff?

Hmm, for me I usually have an increase in my sense of smell when I'm preggo. EVERYTHING SMELLS. And I can't handle the cheese aisle at the store because it's just too much. I don't really notice a change in my sense of taste though. But that's just me. I think having unusual symptoms can be a good sign. Out of the ordinary might = a BFP! :D

Keep us updated!
Hi all,
I am 42 yrs old, tried femera earlier this year and it didn't work, had ovarian reserve testing and showed I had very little chance so we decided to do IVF with egg donor which we planned to do in December or January. Already picked the donor.
So here I am, I ovulated based on chart, am 7 DPO and praying we have a miracle. Wishing my days away. I tend to implant day 10 or 11.
Prayers welcome.
Hi all,
I am 42 yrs old, tried femera earlier this year and it didn't work, had ovarian reserve testing and showed I had very little chance so we decided to do IVF with egg donor which we planned to do in December or January. Already picked the donor.
So here I am, I ovulated based on chart, am 7 DPO and praying we have a miracle. Wishing my days away. I tend to implant day 10 or 11.
Prayers welcome.

What a journey you've been on! Praying for you and sending lots of baby dust your way! X
Hi all, any one else on clomid? 50 mg days 5-9? I am to have my AF tomorrow after being on progestrone for 10 days, then try clomid kinda nervous but excited, any thoughts?
Only a coupe days to go. I had very light spotting yesterday and a dip in temp which was 10 DPO. Was hoping it was implantation but scared too. I have had 4 pregnancies and 4 losses so I've been down this road before. Being our last chance before donor egg IVF, I am so hopeful yet have dread too. I don't want to go through yet another miscarriage. Today temp was up and no more spotting so was feeling really hopeful but then tonight to have some brown gunk when I whiped, sorry TMI but you all know what I am talking about. Ordinarily I would think ok AF is coming but my second pregnancy I had really heavy implantation bleeding so here I am not knowing what to think, in the TWW limbo. I wish there was a test to know immediately after implantation.
Any one else with similar experiences?
hi all, well im here cause im in the same boat as u guys... the dreaded tww..arrrg

anyhoot, this is my story, got pregnant on my first round of clomid in february this year which sadly ended in mc. been on clomid for the past 6 months, with no luck so far, but im hoping this is my lucky month... tho my symptoms tell me it's quite far fetched. but as the saying goes, 'it aint over till the witch shows up'
af is due on thursday, but to tell the truth since the mc, my pms has been all over the place and periods only just went back to exactly 28 days, thank god.

anyhoot... symptoms

5dpo....... tingly sensitive nipples
6dpo........tingly sensitive nipples
7dpo........sore sensitive bbs with tingly and sensitive nipples
9dpo........same but bbs quite sore and veiny
10dpo......same but bbs weigh a ton..need to keep a bra on

difference with pms this month, ... no real chocolate craving and not very bloated tho i have put on like one and a half pounds. am toooooooo emotional but it think that has to do with the fact that my baby would have been born last thursday..... just dont know how i feel

but to be real honest i think the witch will show her ugly face..............

anyone thoughts ladies..... im sooo tempted to get a FRER, but i dont think i could handle a BFN.......

but god is great........

gl to all
Still no period.. Second blood test tomorrow but BBT has been slowly dropping since sat. I hope that isn't a sign!
Hi all,
I am 42 yrs old, tried femera earlier this year and it didn't work, had ovarian reserve testing and showed I had very little chance so we decided to do IVF with egg donor which we planned to do in December or January. Already picked the donor.
So here I am, I ovulated based on chart, am 7 DPO and praying we have a miracle. Wishing my days away. I tend to implant day 10 or 11.
Prayers welcome.

Your chart is looking amazing! Fingers crossed for you xxxxx
Driving myself crazy! Went to the bathroom about 30min ago and there was a small amount of very light pink creamy discharge on my panty liner but nothing when I wiped.. Is this a bad sign??
Still waiting on the blood test to come back but im sure its negative because af showed up heavy this morning..
Hey guys I'm 20, I havnt had a baby yet and I'm definitely not ready to be a mommy. But I would never turn my back on my baby if I am pregnant. So lately for the past 6 days I've been having major breat pain. I'm not sure how it's suppose to feel in early pregnancy. But it's a different kind of soreness than normal period breast pain. Just like every other period symptom They hurt on the sides by my underarms but whats weird is they feel really sore on the inside (center of breast, guessing where mammary glands are? Not sure) even without touching them they hurt... if that makes any sense. Not all the time just at random times for a minute and then its gone. Plus they feel fuller and the areola looks wider and nipple looks largerand a shade darker.. Ive also had small pinching cramps right on my right ovary. They're not too painfull, just there. I've been having a dull lower back and neck pain which I've never had as a period symptom. I've been sleeping longer hours during the night and taking naps during the day and I've been having more headaches than usual. A few mornings ago while I was sleeping my sister took out the leftover food from the night before and I could smell it all the way to my room it was strong like if she had just cooked it. Also my bf and I bought a pizza a couple days ago and I normally love pizza but that day I wascompletely disgusted by the smell. It was too strong and to me it smelled like rotting cheese. He said I was crazyand it smelled fine. These are all the symptoms I've had for the past week and my period is due in a six days. But for the past couple days now I've been having regular period cramps and regular white cm which I normally get before my period... I'm so confused. I know I have to wait but I can't I'm too nervous. Would a test detect it this early? Who else has had these symptoms?

My symptoms in a list to make it easier:
-mild nausea and dizziness
-heightened sense of smell
-cramping on one side
-regular period-like cramping (light)
-lower dull back and neck pain*
-unusually sore breasts/nipples

Please help me out? :)
Hey guys I'm 20, I havnt had a baby yet and I'm definitely not ready to be a mommy. But I would never turn my back on my baby if I am pregnant. So lately for the past 6 days I've been having major breat pain. I'm not sure how it's suppose to feel in early pregnancy. But it's a different kind of soreness than normal period breast pain. Just like every other period symptom They hurt on the sides by my underarms but whats weird is they feel really sore on the inside (center of breast, guessing where mammary glands are? Not sure) even without touching them they hurt... if that makes any sense. Not all the time just at random times for a minute and then its gone. Plus they feel fuller and the areola looks wider and nipple looks largerand a shade darker.. Ive also had small pinching cramps right on my right ovary. They're not too painfull, just there. I've been having a dull lower back and neck pain which I've never had as a period symptom. I've been sleeping longer hours during the night and taking naps during the day and I've been having more headaches than usual. A few mornings ago while I was sleeping my sister took out the leftover food from the night before and I could smell it all the way to my room it was strong like if she had just cooked it. Also my bf and I bought a pizza a couple days ago and I normally love pizza but that day I wascompletely disgusted by the smell. It was too strong and to me it smelled like rotting cheese. He said I was crazyand it smelled fine. These are all the symptoms I've had for the past week and my period is due in a six days. But for the past couple days now I've been having regular period cramps and regular white cm which I normally get before my period... I'm so confused. I know I have to wait but I can't I'm too nervous. Would a test detect it this early? Who else has had these symptoms?

My symptoms in a list to make it easier:
-mild nausea and dizziness
-heightened sense of smell
-cramping on one side
-regular period-like cramping (light)
-lower dull back and neck pain*
-unusually sore breasts/nipples

Please help me out? :)

Six days before your period due is a bit early for any test to pick up enough hgc to show up in a positive test result, so you might as well wait a bit.

Your symptoms, although common in early pregnancy, are also very common with lots of other things, including period symptoms which might just be stronger one month compared to others, which is why they might feel unusual. The fact that you've got your usual period symptoms too means there is a good chance you're not actually pregnant.

So my advice would be, wait a bit and if still unsure, test. Preferably, wait until your period is late because then if it comes you haven't wasted money on pregnancy tests, but if you're really curious, I'd wait at least three more days and start testing.

Good luck either way! X
Hi everyone.. I haven't been on here in quite a while but I'm confused.

I completely skipped my period in October and Im not sure why so my doctor put me on Prometrium for 10 days to induce my period. I started taking it on October 29th and started spotting on November 2nd and finished the prometrium Novemeber 7th. The light bleeding subsided by the 10th.

I'm currently on CD 29 and haven't really had any symptoms of AF coming anytime soon. Normally I get very sore bbs and cramps... This month = nothing besides having a dull back ache and food adversions. I took two pregnancy tests and both came out negative. I'm not sure if the prometrium messed up my cycle (usually 28-29 days) or Im pregnant and it's just too soon. Any comments would be appreciated :)
Hi all

This is my first time on here, i am 36 and my hubby and i have being trying for a baby for almost 3 years. I have a 13 year old daughter. I took a pregnancy test in the middle of november and was delighted to see we were pregnant. Unfortunately when the doc sent me the following monday to the early pregnancy unit we found out i had miscarried about a week prior. :cry:
So, now here i am, its 3 weeks since then and my stomach is bloated, im exhausted, i have the dull headaches i had before i found out i was pregnant and i am very emotional. I also have the stingy feeling in the middle of my lower belly.
I know some of some of the symtoms i am feeling could just be af on the way. but i cant help hoping. :thumbup:

Hi Tasha, this is my first month ttc, so i'm not expecting a miracle... although it would be nice :)

Me tooo! :spermy::spermy:: First month TTC. I've learned SO MUCH from lurking. First post on this board ! So happy I found a nice place to 2WW :thumbup:

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