What not to say:

Just be honest with her and explain this. Ask after her daughter and let her know you care and tell her that you are excited about your grandchild but don't know what to say to her. I actually found the most help from my pregnant friend after my 1st MC as she was the only person who actually spoke to me honestly and told me she was struggling to know what to say. The worst occassions were when people assumed I would be/should be feeling a certain way. In these situations, I always think honesty is best and I am sure she will really appreciate your support at this time. Good luck! xxx
That doctor is brilliant!!! I love him/her!!!

My OB (who I never got to meet before my loss at 10 weeks, because I had only been released from my fertility clinic 2 weeks prior) saw me 2 days after the MC and asked me "What happened?"... Uhm... Well, mate... I was hoping you could tell me!
I do feel for the others around me at the moment, only a handful of people know and the stock phrases at the top of this post have come out over and over again but I understand that they want to say something, they dont know what to say but anything seems to be better than 'I dont know what to say to you'.

I especially feel for my OH. He is finding it so difficult to look after me at the moment, he cries as he feels he cant connect with me and he says he has failed me as he cant make me feel better. I am so upset but our mc was so early I dont think he views it as a lost life at all - whereas that is the only way I can see it, I lost the life inside me. Tonight he was holding me and trying to soothe me by gently saying 'it was nothing, no heartbeat, no consciousness, no intelligence, it wasnt alive, it was nothing'. To which I flatly replied ' that doesnt help' but I know that he really was trying his best to reassure me and make me feel better, it was just a very poor choice of words.

Sometimes people are downright rude and insensitive to all sorts of matters and those people deserve to be in the firing line from us if for no other reason than to make themselves think about what they are saying to others, but sometimes we just need to give people a break as whilst the choice of words can be completely insensitive and occasionally offensive to our experiences, they are said with the kindest of intentions and out of wanting to reach out but not knowing how to.
That doctor is brilliant!!! I love him/her!!!

My OB (who I never got to meet before my loss at 10 weeks, because I had only been released from my fertility clinic 2 weeks prior) saw me 2 days after the MC and asked me "What happened?"... Uhm... Well, mate... I was hoping you could tell me!

No freaking way! What kind of doctor says that? "Hi, heard you have cancer, what happened?" It's not like you broke your toe or got a black eye. I would've been stunned (like you're not in shock already).

I got a new one, BTW... It was actually said to my husband. We were at a crawfish boil this past weekend (most of the people there didn't know we were pregnant in the first place, so it was kind of a relief, however...) and his best friend's new girlfriend came up to us and said "So, Brock, guess your swimmers don't swim as well as you do, best put them in training" WTF??? I actually thought he was going to wap her upside the head, but he was too heartbroken. Good thing, I had several "not so sweetly placed" words of my own that I returned to her. She had to call a cab home :shrug:
My OB said that women miscarry very often and this is why he is fat. He gets so upset having to tell women day after day that their babies are gone that he goes home and eats... I think he was trying to be comforting...

I hate it when people I never even told about my triplets come up to me and look at my (still fat) belly and ask how things are going. I know it isn't their fault but it still makes me cry. When they say they are sorry, I don't know what to say in response. "It's okay."? I think not...

The worst are comments like; "Three would have been a burden" "Could you have even handled three?" "Triplets often have disabilites" "Think of the money you are saving buy not having triplets" "You did have a high risk pregnancy"
OMG! Losing triplets.. I can't imagine! :hugs: I'm soooo sorry!

I hate that we all hear so many terrible things! :(

I don't know what my doctor was thinking asking me what happened. I think he was genuinely bewildered, because I'd seen his midwife a week earlier and there was no sign of a problem. So, I guess maybe he was hoping there was a triggering event or something. But, there wasn't. And, it was quite a difficult thing to be asked... because that's all I've ever wanted to know... What DID happen? And, its now almost 3 months later, and we still don't know why or how to prevent it from happening again. Just a very bad question.
TY Megg.

They didn't biopsy my babies and I was told that I would never know what happened and it was just one of those things. I don't think they really had high hopes for them to be honest...

Of course I am wondering; Was it the hot dog I ate? Was it the stress from the car accident I was almost in? Was it because I am a big time stresser/worrier?

I just hope I can enjoy my next pregnancy because there was nothing enjoyable about this one. I was super paranoid the whole time. I am just afraid I'll be even more paranoid with the next one.
I suffered from a blighted ovum.

My MIL and OH's best friend both turned around and said it was a phantom pregnancy. I was like "Er no, I didn't IMAGINE I was pregnant, I didn't IMAGINE the positive test, the growing boobs, the sickness." That was a pretty sucky thing for them to say to me and I was hopping mad!
the worse thing said to me after one of my miscarriages was by a so called "friend" who knew i was distraught over the loss of my much wanted baby. she sent me an email telling me she needed to talk to me desperately - three days after being told i had lost my baby. i called her and asked what was up - her response "oh my god, i am pregnant, my boyfriend is going to leave me, i'm booked for a termination next week!!!!" i could not believe my ears at her insensitivity and lack of thought towards me. needless to say, she got a few choice words yelled at her down the phone and lost my friendship. i had later found out by a mutual friend that she almost died when she terminated and the possibility of her ever getting pregnant again is extremely low. i am still bitter about what she said but the consequences of her actions will now probably affect her for life and i really feel for her x
I think my favorite might have been the "there might have been something wrong with it", especially since we were having twins. Everyone was sure there was something wrong. Really, though, the "young" comes in second. Like because I'm 21 I should be far less upset that I just lost two babies.
Hi all, I've just had my second miscarriage and have slowly started opening up to more people about it. One reason is that I found through a mutual friend that someone I knew had a miscarriage between her two successful pregnancies. I hadn't known, and she hadn't known about mine, and hearing about her birthing plan sent me into a tailspin - I had to hide in a little room I found to cry my guts out. If we had known about each others' experiences, we could have supported each other instead. Also, I was really lucky to have a close friend who'd gone through this, and her support and advice were invaluable. So, I decided to tell some of my other girlfriends about my experiences. I wrote them a note, copied below:

Before you start reading this note, let me warn you that it's not going to be an easy one to write, or to read, and I've questioned myself often about whether or not I really do want to write this. I'll explain all of this below, but I hope you will understand that I have reasons about sharing this with very specific people so please keep this completely confidential - including families and mutual friends.

Also, I am not writing this at all to get kind words or support: in fact quite the opposite, avoiding these kind words is why I'm so hesitant to tell people in the first place. In a way it's easier to tell those of you who I'm not likely to see, or even talk to, anytime soon.

So, well the news is this - I've now had two miscarriages. And before you start feeling bad for me or wanting to call or email me please don't.

The reason I wanted to share this is the sheer absurdity of the disconnect between the stats and communication. I don't mean to be negative, but the stats are this: one in four pregnancies miscarries for no particular reason - the embryo is just not viable. That means one in sixteen women who've been pregnant are likely to have two miscarriages. That's a huge number, for something no one really talks about. And while I intimately understand why people don't talk about it, it was only with the support of a good friend to whom this had happened in the past that I knew what to expect physically and emotionally, and got through the first one. It helped as well to have a lot of support at work, a luxury I know not everyone has.

While I obviously hope none of you has to go through this yourself, if something does happen, know that I'm around to talk to. Or if this happens to a friend and you're not sure what to say, everyone's different but I can at least explain how I felt, and what did/didn't help me.

I'd talked about this to a friend, how crazy it is that so many of us go through the same thing in isolation, not knowing all of the people around us who felt just as isolated when it happened to them. I originally thought I'd wait until I had a successful second-trimester pregnancy before I wrote this, but well, first of all as my husband says everyone pretty much knows we're at that stage, a few years into marriage, so it's not a huge secret that we're ready for kids (those of you with kids are probably laughing at the word "ready"). But also, with you girls whom I trust, who I know will treat this information with respect, I don't have to worry about pity or gossip (or schadenfreude) in any way.

As I said before, my main reservation in telling people is having to face the changes in conversation. It's much easier to just get on with life. The temptation to tell people exists in wanting to be honest, and not hide this hugely significant experience in your life, but as soon as you do, you have to face sympathetic looks and placating statements like "you're still young" (I've thought about all of these comforting things already, I don't need to hear them again... and if I'm emotional it's because of the event, or the hormones, not because I haven't thought of that one comforting thought). If I've learned one thing through this whole experience, it's that sympathy is a double-edged sword, it has the potential to reopen wounds. (To be honest, I've left out a few close friends who I thought might be more emotional and try to placate me with encouraging words.)

I do apologise for this sobering note but hope it might do some bit of good in the future, for one of you, or one of your (or our) friends. Don't worry about replying to this either. I love each and every one of you and can feel your hugs around me right now, and that's all I need.
Im 25 and even thought I am a qualified professional, my ultimate dream has been to be a mum. I love children and have a natural maternal instinct. My husband was not ready to have kids and we were both still completing our internships so I waited. When we were ready to leave the pill I went for a gynae checkup and was told that I had PCOS and would never fall pregnant naturally. 2 months later, while overseas on holiday I fell pregnant. The joy I felt was unbelievable. After waiting such a long time and yearning for a baby of my own, I was finally pregnant. The thought of miscarrying never crossed my mind even for a second.

11 weeks later the unthinkable happened. I feel such overwhelming sadness constantly that i have no idea where I am or what I am doing. It's been 2 and a half weeks since the miscarriage and im getting progressively more heartbroken as the truth sinks in.

The few people who know have tried to be supportive but everything they say makes me really upset and sad and angry. A few of them told me to "get over it and move on". Others constantly ask me if the doctor has told me WHY this happened to me. They expect me to blame myself for something I have done. "you will have another baby soon" also breaks my heart. One told me that because I fell pregnant 2 months after leaving the pill, I should have known that it was a high risk pregnancy. WHAT?

I just have nobody to speak to and feel so forsaken and desolate. so I thought I would join a group who knows what I am going through.
"Maybe this will teach you to use better birth control." - My mother.
I'm a vegetarian and i think the most insensitive thing i heard after my loss was "You need to get some meat inside you" which implied it was my fault. I know it wasn't meant maliciosly but it really hurt :-(
Worst thing ever was my best friend saying to me shortly after my 2nd miscarriage 'i wish i was bleeding!' - she was 10weeks pregnant with her 4th child !
Today is my first day back at work. I should mention I work with all men. My boss decided to impart his wonderful wisdom "Everything happens for a reason" and "If there was something wrong with the baby, you don't want that kind of drama in your life, so look at the positive sides of this."

I am FINALLY in my TTC stage after my MMC.
I was really tired yesterday and slept for 12 hours. A guy pal just asked me if I was "harboring another parasite". Really? I am at a loss for words...
the one I have been hearing a lot is "everything happens for a reason, it was meant to be" yeah, even so that doesn't make it any better. The only thing someone has said to me so far that has actually made me feel better is "Im sorry you're going through this. Don't blame yourself because there is nothing you did to cause this." -a supervisor who saw me crying today at work tonight (and subsequently had me go home and made sure I don't get in trouble for leaving) the sad part is that my family are the ones saying it was meant to happen etc and this guy at work is the only one so far other than OH that has said anything that really comforted me.
At a gp appt last week after miscarriage.

"Why not just give up and adopt"


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