I'm so sorry for everyones losses. I just experienced a miscarriage of my first pregnancy and it is devastating. I just can't imagine going through this more than once 

a couple things that some of my "best friends" recently said to me was-
" You are to depressed for me.. I dont want to have people like you in my life anymore, you are to sad and you just need to get over it already" or "that is the stupidest idea ever, to name your dead baby, get over it.. its dead"
after hearing those things i broke down.. and still cry when i think about the harsh horrible things that my "best friends" are saying to me![]()
a couple things that some of my "best friends" recently said to me was-
" You are to depressed for me.. I dont want to have people like you in my life anymore, you are to sad and you just need to get over it already" or "that is the stupidest idea ever, to name your dead baby, get over it.. its dead"
after hearing those things i broke down.. and still cry when i think about the harsh horrible things that my "best friends" are saying to me![]()
I have just been through my first miscarriage, very frightening to say the least and i am still recovering. i have most of these in the last few days. Friends and family dont know what to say. untill i was int he situation myself i wouldnt know what to say.The words hurt at the time but then i try and put it down too them not knowing what to say. after all i have more improtant things to deal with . me and my husband are heartbroken and are just taking one day at time.
I'm so sorry for everyones losses. I just experienced a miscarriage of my first pregnancy and it is devastating. I just can't imagine going through this more than once![]()
I'm suffering a miscarriage as I typeIt was my 1st pregnancy and it began yesterday the morning of my 1st doc appt! how great is that?! My husband is really the reason I haven't went crazy yet...but my family have all said "your young you'll get pregnant again" "at least it wasn't later in the pregnancy" etc.... ugh! none of that helps, so I just turned my phone off!
I'm so sorry 2 all the women and their OH who have went through this, it really is very emotional. All of you women are in my prayers!
So sorry you are going through this. At least here we have each other and we truely understand what to say. Im having a d&c on monday.....for the past 3 weeks my baby hasn't been alive and I went happily to my 12 week scan yesterday only to be told the devastating news. Ive had many insensitive comments. 'At least you know you can get pregnant' 'At least it happened now rather than later'
Do you know what I want to say??!!!.......
"This was MY baby. My flesh and blood, my life, my soul. I want THIS baby. Im grieving for THIS baby. Another baby will never replace or make up for the loss of the one I carried inside me for 12 weeks. My life is never going to be the same again."
Ive politely asked to be left alone. I don't want people who mean well making me feel any worse than I already do.
Im 25 and even thought I am a qualified professional, my ultimate dream has been to be a mum. I love children and have a natural maternal instinct. My husband was not ready to have kids and we were both still completing our internships so I waited. When we were ready to leave the pill I went for a gynae checkup and was told that I had PCOS and would never fall pregnant naturally. 2 months later, while overseas on holiday I fell pregnant. The joy I felt was unbelievable. After waiting such a long time and yearning for a baby of my own, I was finally pregnant. The thought of miscarrying never crossed my mind even for a second.
11 weeks later the unthinkable happened. I feel such overwhelming sadness constantly that i have no idea where I am or what I am doing. It's been 2 and a half weeks since the miscarriage and im getting progressively more heartbroken as the truth sinks in.
The few people who know have tried to be supportive but everything they say makes me really upset and sad and angry. A few of them told me to "get over it and move on". Others constantly ask me if the doctor has told me WHY this happened to me. They expect me to blame myself for something I have done. "you will have another baby soon" also breaks my heart. One told me that because I fell pregnant 2 months after leaving the pill, I should have known that it was a high risk pregnancy. WHAT?
I just have nobody to speak to and feel so forsaken and desolate. so I thought I would join a group who knows what I am going through.
Worst thing ever was my best friend saying to me shortly after my 2nd miscarriage 'i wish i was bleeding!' - she was 10weeks pregnant with her 4th child !
I do feel for the others around me at the moment, only a handful of people know and the stock phrases at the top of this post have come out over and over again but I understand that they want to say something, they dont know what to say but anything seems to be better than 'I dont know what to say to you'.
I especially feel for my OH. He is finding it so difficult to look after me at the moment, he cries as he feels he cant connect with me and he says he has failed me as he cant make me feel better. I am so upset but our mc was so early I dont think he views it as a lost life at all - whereas that is the only way I can see it, I lost the life inside me. Tonight he was holding me and trying to soothe me by gently saying 'it was nothing, no heartbeat, no consciousness, no intelligence, it wasnt alive, it was nothing'. To which I flatly replied ' that doesnt help' but I know that he really was trying his best to reassure me and make me feel better, it was just a very poor choice of words.
Sometimes people are downright rude and insensitive to all sorts of matters and those people deserve to be in the firing line from us if for no other reason than to make themselves think about what they are saying to others, but sometimes we just need to give people a break as whilst the choice of words can be completely insensitive and occasionally offensive to our experiences, they are said with the kindest of intentions and out of wanting to reach out but not knowing how to.
TY Megg.
They didn't biopsy my babies and I was told that I would never know what happened and it was just one of those things. I don't think they really had high hopes for them to be honest...
Of course I am wondering; Was it the hot dog I ate? Was it the stress from the car accident I was almost in? Was it because I am a big time stresser/worrier?
I just hope I can enjoy my next pregnancy because there was nothing enjoyable about this one. I was super paranoid the whole time. I am just afraid I'll be even more paranoid with the next one.