I think the problem is our culture doesn't talk about miscarriages and so most people don't understand that women really are GRIEVING, the same way we'd grieve for anyone else who has died. They don't understand that our babies were immediately real to us, so it IS ok to be missing them years later, just as it's ok to miss your father years after he's died. Our babies are people that we loved (even if they had only been conceived for a week or two before they died!) and we're allowed to miss them.
you are so right about this. it makes things way harder for me, i feel i'm being denied of the right to grieve or miss my beloved son. my friends don't say it openly but i feel they think i should have already "moved on" and that i should "get along" with it. as if you can move on from someone you love unconditionally and they pass. the connection and love they stay forever.
PLUS, when losing an unborn baby compared to an adult family member, it is made even harder by all the isolation, incomprehension... and the fact that you know, you sort of lose the future... your own future too.