I third this as well. My family didn't remember the first due date or anniversary of our first mc but my mil and friends did and I really appreciated their msgs of support.
I completely get that people don't know what to say. I just went into work for the first time since losing our twins at 15wks and my line manager commented that I had lost weight. I really had to bite my tongue not to reply in a nasty/sarcastic fashion.
some one said me - miscarriage is common do not over think, just after 1 week of my miscarriage.
I was joking about with my OH the other day about this whole "steak and BJ day" (some ladies from the UK might have heard of it) and he was asking if he knew what day it was and if he was getting his (all in fun)
I turned around and said if men get that day why don't women get a back tickles and chocolate day? To which he replied, yous do, you have mothers day.
I tad bit awkward considering I've just lost our 1st.
His face when he realised what he'd just said was priceless though.
I suffered my first loss a month ago after having a wee boy 9 months previously so I guess it's not really the same. But I got a few thoughtless comments, mainly:
"It's probably just as well - 2 would have been a lot to handle"
"Aren't you a little relieved as Ollie is so little?"
"Well you didn't know you were pregnant until you started to miscarry and got checked so it can't be TOO bad"
"At least you weren't far along. That makes it a bit better"
No. It f***ing hurts regardless that I lost a baby, more so because I have a LO and know the result of what can come.
I suffered my first loss a month ago after having a wee boy 9 months previously so I guess it's not really the same. But I got a few thoughtless comments, mainly:
"It's probably just as well - 2 would have been a lot to handle"
"Aren't you a little relieved as Ollie is so little?"
"Well you didn't know you were pregnant until you started to miscarry and got checked so it can't be TOO bad"
"At least you weren't far along. That makes it a bit better"
No. It f***ing hurts regardless that I lost a baby, more so because I have a LO and know the result of what can come.
I suffered my first loss a month ago after having a wee boy 9 months previously so I guess it's not really the same. But I got a few thoughtless comments, mainly:
"It's probably just as well - 2 would have been a lot to handle"
"Aren't you a little relieved as Ollie is so little?"
"Well you didn't know you were pregnant until you started to miscarry and got checked so it can't be TOO bad"
"At least you weren't far along. That makes it a bit better"
No. It f***ing hurts regardless that I lost a baby, more so because I have a LO and know the result of what can come.