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Who's ovulating Today?

right, chins up ladies! is everyone up for sticking together through this month too?
i'm currently on CD6. i figure i'm just gonna have to BD CD12,13,14,15,16,17,18 etc etc although i'm sure my husband will have something to say about that! :)

right, chins up ladies! is everyone up for sticking together through this month too?
i'm currently on CD6. i figure i'm just gonna have to BD CD12,13,14,15,16,17,18 etc etc although i'm sure my husband will have something to say about that! :)


I'm up for this! happy BDing this month & baby dust!!! xx
Tested on Monday evening, held my wee for 4 hours and didn't drink much, but got bfn :( Still no af - I don't get it! I'm never late! Just want to know now so I can either be excited or get over it and get on to the next cycle. I've only got dip tests left, was going to use one this morning but then decided to leave it until tomorrow morning - I hate getting a bfn. I'll let you know how I get on, but not feeling too hopeful at all now :(
Tested on Monday evening, held my wee for 4 hours and didn't drink much, but got bfn :( Still no af - I don't get it! I'm never late! Just want to know now so I can either be excited or get over it and get on to the next cycle. I've only got dip tests left, was going to use one this morning but then decided to leave it until tomorrow morning - I hate getting a bfn. I'll let you know how I get on, but not feeling too hopeful at all now :(

good luck for tomorrow !! Fxd xx
Good luck!

I'm in for sticking together, I'm on cd3 and have been ovulating around cd11 the last few months. Going to try to bd at least every other day through ovulation as long as hubby's work schedule cooperates
Thanks girls, got another bfn this morning :( just don't know what to think argh! No signs of af whatsoever. Think I'm going to try not to think about it for a week and see what happens
Thanks girls, got another bfn this morning :( just don't know what to think argh! No signs of af whatsoever. Think I'm going to try not to think about it for a week and see what happens

any news rose? xx
Yeah, AF came on Friday :( Just relieved she arrived tbh, so now I can move on to the next cycle! Going to try and be a bit more relaxed this month as I am sure stress played a part in delaying it last month. Would love to stick together and hopefully some of us will get some bfps! :)
yeah i'm feeling so much more relaxed this month, it's weird, but good. like today i'm on CD13 and i'd normally have about 5 OPK's in my bag ready to use throughout the day.

i got to work and realised i hadn't even brought an OPK with me. did a mental-shrug accompanied by a small 'meh'. guess i'll just wait til i get home. i'm not sure if it's because i know if we get pregnant this month we'll have a christmas baby (which originally wasn't ideal for us) but tbh i'd be happy whenever it was born now. i'm enjoying this chilled feeling, hope it carries on throught th 2ww...

clearbluesky: where are you my dear? haven't heard from you for a while. hope you're doing good :thumbup:

Relaxed is the way to go! Think we have more chance of conceiving too if we are not stressing out :)

AF finished yesterday so looking forward to this month! Just going to bd every few days and see what happens. I'm sort of thinking the same as you, a baby right on New Year probably isn't ideal so I'm not as desperate to make one this month - although I'd still be over the moon if we did!

i got a faint + on OPK today but i think 2mo will be the actual +. are u taking any kind of vitamins? x
Yay! I wish I was ovulating.. I would be this weekend if it wasnt for stupid af being late :( Got to wait about another week yet!

No, I haven't been taking any. I was considering starting to take some but wasn't sure if they are actually good or whether they would have any real benefit. Of course I will start taking folic acid once I actually get pregnant though. Are you taking any?
Yay! I wish I was ovulating.. I would be this weekend if it wasnt for stupid af being late :( Got to wait about another week yet!

No, I haven't been taking any. I was considering starting to take some but wasn't sure if they are actually good or whether they would have any real benefit. Of course I will start taking folic acid once I actually get pregnant though. Are you taking any?

I've been taking folic acid since January. I read that it is recommended to take it as much as 6 months before ttc, so i've been taking it for around 3 months now, think it's a good idea to start early so it gets in your system good and proper. Haven't been taking anything else though. xx
Got my first real + OPK this morning at 7:30am but i read you're not supposed to use FMU, not sure why though??? I'll try again at 11am. Been taking photos of all of the OPK's, to compare them, is that gross? lol

Maybe I should start taking folic acid then.. can only be a good thing I guess! I will get some next time I'm at the shops :)

Yay! When I was using opks I'm sure the box said using fmu is fine, that's what I always did. I think with some tests they say not to use it as ovulation usually happens around midday, and so if your surge is very short you might miss it by testing in the morning? I'm not 100% sure about that though, I just remember reading it somewhere.

Good luck :D I'm still feeling surprisingly relaxed about this cycle. AF ended 2 days ago and we Bd'd last night, planning on doing it every 2-3 days throughout the whole cycle with conceive plus, and then it doesn't matter when I ovulate, should hopefully catch it. We've got a lot coming up this month which will mean I/OH will be out/away a few evenings or weekends so I figured opks etc won't really help us. Just hoping that we will be lucky :) If not, we are on holiday next month so hoping it will act like a bit of a conceive-a-moon haha. My friend's brother and sister-in-law were trying for ages and then conceived on holiday so hoping it will do the trick for us!
a holiday sounds great, hope you have a chilled time. every other day to BD is a good move too, i think we've been doing that without "trying" to do it, which has been nice. it feels so much better not being under pressure :) i don't know why i haven't tried it before! lol

Sounds like we are trying a similar technique this month, although you are a few days ahead of me :) You are right, it is much nicer when you're not under pressure - I think last month it seemed too rigid, like we almost forgot why we were doing it! Going to have more fun this month :)
Hi girls sorry i've been away. Hubby and I've been crazy busy and taking the ttc easy. Until today when I noticed I could be ovulating any day lol. Here we go again! CD 15 the day I ovulate usually.

Have we had any more :bfp: ???? I need to catch up with everyone.


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