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Who's ovulating Today?

I'm with you luna! Staying away from google.

But is there anyone who wants to share their symptoms and give us something to obsess about? :haha:

I have nothing maybe my left nostril that seems to be stuffed does that count?
Just my usual post ov stuff, tired, emotional, crampy...sore bbs should be kicking in in the next few days

I do feel kind of like I have a stitch in my side for the last few days...weird
Ugh, I had two faulty clearblue sticks this morning! One gave me a false positive on the digital opk because it had a blue streak all across it (second time this cycle!!!) and on the stick for the monitor the dye didn't go all the way across the window so didn't get my peak on the monitor like I should have. Getting pissed off with clearblue now. Hopefully my temps will still help me pinpoint ovulation.
Luna is the stitch a new one? Lol it could be good if it is.

Kraftykoala that must be so frustrating at th cost of those tests too. I usually use ic's and the dollar store brands. They seem to work really well and not as pricey.
Well I think i'm around 7 dpo and heres a new one for me tmi btw. Lotioney wattery cm. good or am I kidding myself?
Hey I figure different =good!

Yes the stitch is new but it might be just a continuation of my usual lower back ache/bloating that has come on strong over the last two days

Ugh I swear I never had any symptoms at all before ttc!
Hey Ladies!! I have lots of catching up to do!!

Welcome Krafty Koala!! :hi: I agree with clearbluesky....I use IC's (wondfo) and they are no where near as pricey as the clear blue kit. I think they work just fine and I have used up to 3 in a day to make sure I didn't miss my surge. (It helps my POAS addiction too!!) :haha: Maybe you could call the company's number on the box and complain. Maybe they will send you a new box.

Luna and Clearbluesky: YAY!!!!! for stitches in the side and lotiony/watery CM!!!! :happydance: Isn't it crazy what we get excited over!!! But it would all be worth it if were our little beans making themselves comfy. :dance: Now that would be great!! @ Luna, I know exactly what you mean. Before trying to conceive I am sure I had the same cramping, cm, heartburn, etc, etc, after ovulation. How did I not notice the symptoms then??! LOL! I mean they are soo obvious to me now!!!

I think I am 6 dpo today and the only new symptoms this cycle is (warning: TMI ) itchiness down there. I think I may have a yeast infection but not sure. I have THICK cm and I am very itchy, but no odor. I don't know what I should do bc I don't want to take anything that could potentially harm my chances if something worked this cycle. Also, my feet were really swollen 2dpo. Random coincidence I am sure.

I plan to wait until 10dpo to test this time around. If I get a BFN that day I will wait until after AF is late IF that happens. What about you ladies, when do you plan to :test:? LOL! I love all the smiley faces....can you tell??
You're back! I thought you left us for another :haha: so my lotiony stuff seems yo have passed and I got nothing :( as for your thick stuff maybe you should have it checked in a few days if it continues. It could be a symptom too.

Luna I forgot to tell you I read in another thread about a girl who said he had a stich feeling and got her bfp :happydance:

I want to see some :bfp: soon please oh please god give us all that this month.

Ooh :D

I'm going to TRY to wait another week at least to test, I do have one opk left so I might use it next Saturday if af still hasn't shown and i'm sure I'll test early of I get any sort of a positive on that
Sounds like you guys are having some really good symptoms - got my fingers crossed you get your bfps soon :)
I'm not sure exactly when I'll ovulate this cycle as I'm having a break from opks - feeling so much more relaxed this month, hopefully it does the trick. But I think that I either ovulated in the last day or 2 or will do any day now, so I'm a bit further behind you.
Good luck :hugs:
ladies, chick-peas, chicas, hombres, can you help me peez?

I'm charting for the first time this month...and to be frank, I don't really understand it. :wacko:

Like, is my chart "good" or "not good"? I told you I'm a proper newbie. :blush:

Anyway, any feedback would be appreciated. muchos gracias! :kiss: xx
Ok cd22 and bbs aren't sore at all, definitely unusual..also still have that stitch in my right side, what is up with that?
ladies, chick-peas, chicas, hombres, can you help me peez?

I'm charting for the first time this month...and to be frank, I don't really understand it. :wacko:

Like, is my chart "good" or "not good"? I told you I'm a proper newbie. :blush:

Anyway, any feedback would be appreciated. muchos gracias! :kiss: xx

Ohhh how I love to look at charts! I used to obsess over mine :haha: It's looking really good. Not sure how long your luteal phase is but your temps are still high so :thumbup:
Sounds like you guys are having some really good symptoms - got my fingers crossed you get your bfps soon :)
I'm not sure exactly when I'll ovulate this cycle as I'm having a break from opks - feeling so much more relaxed this month, hopefully it does the trick. But I think that I either ovulated in the last day or 2 or will do any day now, so I'm a bit further behind you.
Good luck :hugs:

Rose! I'm glad your keeping up at being relaxed. It's just so much easier ain't it? :hugs:
I had a few drinks last night and boy did I regret that all day. I don't think this is my month but let me tell you I felt hingover and cramps all day. Also had diarrhea with that :dohh:
ClearBlueSky! Hangover, oh nooooo, that's pants, lol!
I have to admit I've got a nice bottle of Côtes du Rhône ready for me and DH if AF shows on Friday :thumbup:

I normally get spotting CD28 or CD29 & then full flow CD30. Nothing as yet but we'll see....

ClearBlueSky! Hangover, oh nooooo, that's pants, lol!
I have to admit I've got a nice bottle of Côtes du Rhône ready for me and DH if AF shows on Friday :thumbup:

I normally get spotting CD28 or CD29 & then full flow CD30. Nothing as yet but we'll see....


That's a nice bottle but hopefully you won't pop it open ;)

Well I think I really miscalculated my ov day since I just strted apotting today by this afternoon af will be here. Can't say I'm surprised on to next month!

How is everyone else doing?

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