Wiget's Kitties Bump Buddies!

wow happy 38 weeks Laura so happy that your LO is engaged :)

well i went for my diabetese test this morning, if they dont contact me with results all is good, they listened to babies heartbeat which was beating away at 140bpm :)

baby is no longer transverse and is now breech lol :)

luckily enough it has plenty of time to change :)
hi ladies :)

thanks for your messages!

i will post my birth story soon, wasn't expecting him to arrive that early! but i was right...team blue!

i feel so lucky and happy (and a bit sore!!)

Oh congrats Clare. Just seen your pics on fb. Did u end up with a c section?

Laura glad baby is engaged and all ok at your end. Now just a matter of time!

Helen loving the pram set - so gorgeous! And the bibs are very cute too. Glad hb was nice n strong at your check up. Also its quite common for babies to be breech up to 8 months or so, as you say you still have time for baby to turn.

Bought my birthing nighties today. Got them from primark with buttons at the top - nice and cheap so I can throw them away afterwards. Hopefully finishing up the packing this weekend. Then on Monday I have my cervix measured as part of this twin trial and then I have another scan booked for 13th June to check on babies growth. I recon they'll weigh around 4.5 lbs by then :)
he is a real cutie claire looking forward to hearing all the details.

hope the test comes back ok helen.

got to love those primark nighties lucy, i used one with callum and have one again this time.

well i just have tom to go at work now :happydance:
i wasnt expecting anything from work but they did get me a bunch of flowers and a card signed by the saff that were on today, (obviously last min)

one of the patients gave me a card bless her and it had £20 in it for a present for josh and callum. thought that was really sweet.

oh and im a melon argh!!!
Bailey - I'm so counting down now - really can't wait. How are you doing?

Helen - Hope your tests go well for you and LO turns - Our LO was breach until 35 weeks and then just turned.

Claire - Oliver is just gorgeous and the pics of him and Frankie are adorable. :thumbup:

Lucy - I got my birthing nighties from Primark too! Great minds, I thought it was pointless buying expensive ones, cos I'll just throw them away afterwards too.

Beth - One shift to go! :happydance: Saw your flowers on fb, they're lovely. Congrats on being a melon :happydance: You'll be a bigger melon like me in a couple of weeks, lol!!!

here is my birth story...

Emergency C-Section Birth Story of Baby Oliver :baby:

1st June 2011 (38 + 5)

3.30am - Turned over in bed and thought I’d wet myself! Sat up and felt more fluid so then knew it was my waters breaking. Woke up DH (who went into a mad panic!) he got a towel for me to put between my legs as when I stood up there was a big gush!!

I rang hospital and explained baby was breech and I had a c-section booked in. They told me to come down asap. I got dressed, quickly checked I had everything we needed in hospital bags. DH woke up Frankie and packed a little bag for her.

3.40am – Drove to in-laws and put Frankie to bed there. I was all shakey…in shock I think as really wasn’t expecting baby to come early. I felt my first contraction already, quite mild pain, like a period cramp but a bit uncomfortable.

4.00am – Father-in-law drove me and DH to hospital and we arrived at 4.00am. As we pulled up I felt another contraction, similar to the first one. A lovely midwife met us at the delivery suite and asked me for urine sample. We went into a delivery room and she took some blood, also put monitors on me to monitor baby’s heart rate and my contractions. She said that a specialist/surgeon (I don’t actually know what his title was!) was coming in to see me, to check position of baby and to check the position of my womb/cervix. Whilst we were waiting for him, I had another contraction which was worse than the other 2, but still bearable…just had to concentrate and breath through it.

4.30am - He came in, confirmed baby was breech and that I would definitely need a c-section. He then examined me internally (which was very uncomfortable) and looked surprised…he said I was already 4cm dilated!! I’d only had 3 contractions!! He said it was a shame baby was breech as he would have expected me to have a quick labour as I was dilating so quickly.

5.00am – We were just sat waiting to see when I was going to have c-section, midwife returned and said it would be happening then! It was all so quick!

5.15am – Anaesthetist came and spoke to me about epidural and specialist explained the procedure of the c-section and I signed the consent form. DH was sent off to put on scrubs and I was led down to theatre.

5.30am - Went into theatre which was so weird. Really cold in there and 5 women in there that did different jobs. One was doing paperwork, one did my epidural, one took some blood and put a drip of fluid in my arm, one was just chatting and reassuring me and the lovely midwife was there holding my hand she said I looked worried ( I was!) it was all so sudden and DH wasn’t allowed in yet, I felt so unprepared. The radio was on and a couple of them starting singing, it was the most surreal experience, almost like a dream! The epidural itself wasn’t that bad, I just had to slump over a pillow and lean my head on the midwife’s shoulder, then I felt a scratch in my back and a warm sensation come over my bum and legs, then they laid me down and held my legs up until I couldn’t feel them anymore.

5.50am – epidural had kicked in, I was laid down and I was sprayed with ice cold spray which I couldn’t feel. So they went and got DH. He was so good chatting to me like normal, they put a screen up and started. I could feel a thing, then midwife said there would be some pressure as they pushed on my chest to move baby down.

6.10am – my beautiful baby boy :baby: Oliver was born :cry: :happydance: I cried! It was so amazing that he was finally here. He had a little cry and the midwife wrapped him up in a purple blanket and purple hat and he was passed to DH, and then he brought him over to my face. DH was over the moon to have a son, we were both so emotional. Decided to call him Oliver.

6.45am – Operation was over and we were moved into recovery.

Had to stay in hospital until midday on 3rd June. Wound is quite sore but feeling better each day. For all you ladies that end up having a c-section, it really isn’t as bad as you think it’s going to be. The aftercare the midwives give you is brilliant. Yes, I am a bit sore but the pain is worth it :cloud9:

Thanks for reading x
wow claire, that made me so tearful what a beautiful story, and it happend so quick for you im glad to hear your recovering well & congratulations to you & you husband on a gorgeous little boy :) xxx
Aww Clare thank you so much for your birth story it made me well up! I'm glad to hear it wasn't as bad as it could have been and was over quite quickly. Trying not to panic in case I end up needing a c section for the twins but your experience definately helps and its good to hear midwives were helpful to you afterwards. Where were you placed afterwards? On the post natal ward or in one of those side rooms and did the ward seem busy?
How are you adjusting now Oliver is home. Bless frankie, she looks like a very proud big sister so I hope she has accepted her new brother well.

Hope you're not in too much pain either. Can you get up and about ok or are you trying to rest - prob and understatement with a new born in the house.

Sorry for all the questions!

Much love to you and your perfect little family x
glad you enjoyed reading my story ladies.

honestly lucy...dont panic about a c-section. the aftercare is very good and midwives will help you do everything. it is uncomfortable, but as long as you take the pain relief they give you and dont over do it you will be fine. i have been trying to rest but also making sure im not sat down for too long...even if i just have a little walk to the kitchen and back!

i was put on the post natal ward with 3 other mums the first night then I moved into a private side room on the second night cos there was one available. I would recommend a private room if you can get one ladies. it was £50 per night but worth it! when i was on the ward on the first night, ollie was such a good boy...i fed him at 10.30pm, then he woke up at 2am for a feed and then he slept until 8am (i had to wake him up!!). the problems i had were with everyone else keeping me awake! 2 of the women were snoring...very loudly! and the other ladies baby just wouldnt stop screaming! i know its not her fault but she just didnt sound like she was trying to settle him. in the end (3am) one of the midwifes came in and suggested they take him to the nursery so the mum could get some sleep...thank god! it was quite quiet after that, then they bought her baby back at 7am and i had just woken up then anyway as midwife bought me tea and toast :)

all the midwives kept telling me how busy they were! but they still managed to look after me so well, they did a good job! when i was in a private room on the second night, i had my window open as it was a bit stuffy and muggy that night and i could hear a women in labour at about 2am...she was screaming so loud, it was awful...i felt so sorry for her :(

At home everything is great...its like hes always been here. frankie loves him, isnt jelous at all and wants to help do everything. breastfeeding is also going very well which i am so pleased about as frankie wouldnt latch on at all. ollie loves it...typical boy eh?! :)
Your story was beautiful Claire, makes me a little more at ease if I was to need a c-section. I just wish midwives were more standard here, they sound wonderful. Thank you for sharing :)

Glad to hear Frankie is adjusting well - you have such a beautiful family :cloud9:

Laura, thanks for asking - been feeling much better the last few days. Matilda was being what my DH calls a ninja-baby a couple days ago (which always makes me feel better), I must have felt at least 60-75 kicks all day, and he felt his share, too! She's settled a bit the last two days but I still feel her several times a day, on the inside and outside.
Hi ladies,

Claire - Thanks for sharing your birth story. Glad Ollie is feeding well - I so hope the my LO will bf well, it's the one thing i really, really want to do.

Bailey - It's fab to feel your LO move isn't it? :thumbup: I love it! - think I'm going to miss it when LO is here.

Beth - Congrats on completing your last shift :thumbup: Welcome to mat leave :happydance: How did callum like his first train ride?

Hope you've all had a fab weekend!


claire love the birth story and so glad all is going well.

i ve officially finished work now :happydance::happydance:.

just been to a spiriatualist church session and it was amazing, my gran came through to my sis and i.
she said not to worry that everything as gonna be ok with josh. wonder if that was my stresses over the birth.
loads of things she said were spot on for us both and for her boyfriends family that also went.

im going to try and get a private session.
Beth - Wow, it sounds like you and you sister had quite an experience. How do you feel about it all now? Has it changed you views on these things or anything? I've never had an accurate reading at one of these nights, I always come out feeling utterly ripped-off. I've only been to a couple, usually with my cousin, but they never tell me anything mind-blowing. The last time we went my cousin's pal got a pretty accurate reading and some of the predictions were close to the mark too. Me, I always get vague stuff like "beware of a woman with her ears pierced twice". I know loads of women with their ears pierced twice. :dohh: :haha:
i never really believed in life after death etc but they were just too spot on with things. it was a big group session and it was scary the things she was saying and was right.

one womans son had committed suiside 8 weeks previously and she knew all the details it was really upsetting.

but for my sis and i it was all good and looks like im gonna have a neice at some point in to future. :happydance: at least i can get my pink fix though her.

the only thing she did say which was weired was that she could see me and the boys dad getting together (had a card reading before that said the same but the rest was rubbish) bit off i think.

well on the baby front. been getting more bh. the rlt must be kicking in.
I don't think I've had any BH - I assume if i had i would have recognised it. For the past week i've noticed quite a bit of intermittent pressure, around my cervix, late at night, from about 10 p.m. onwards. Usually lasts about an hour or two and then stops.

Clare I'm so pleased things are going well with frankie and Oliver. How is your tummy -I hope its healing nicely and not causing too much trouble.

Laura any news on your side - does baby seem too comfy in there :)

Beth so pleased you have finished work now. Hopefully you can rest up for joshs' arrival. That spiritual evening sounds fab! Definately worth a follow up session. I've only had one session shortly after I had my ectopic where I was wondering if I could have kids. I didn't like the guy doing the reading as he was quite harsh and upset me. I saw a guy down at Brighton on the beachfront. Wish I hadn't bothered. But if you have one that you feel comfy with and days a lot of things that ring true, I'd be there in a shot.

I had my cervix scanned yesterday as part of my twin trial check. It's still a great length for this far along with 2 on board 30mm. I'm hoping I can take babies thru to at least 36 weeks when they remove the pessary device from my cervix.

I've also finished packing for hospital and have my growth scan booked for Monday to check on the boys progress.

We're still struggling with names! Thought we had it nailed but still feel in limbo. Our surname is Lincoln. Here are some of the options:
Zackary rhys
Jacob Aaron
Callum James
Oliver James
Aaron James
sounds like your doing a great job cooking those boys lucy.

i like callum james and jacob aaron but of course im biased. lol.

not sure about me taking it easy now, just been laying laminate flooring with my mum and next week while callum is at nursery i plan on painting my room.

laura i didnt get any bh with callum and its only since i started on the raspberry leaf tablets that i ve started getting them this time.
Wow beth sounds like you're doing far too much hun. You should be relaxing on the sofa with your feet up.

I've had mild period pains for a couple of days now - have any of you suffered with these in the final stages? On Sunday I was so freaked out, thought I was going into early labour, just glad cervix is all ok and holding up nicely.
to be fair my mum did most of it, i just sat on the floor and helped click it in.
just painted the lower half of the wall sat on my bum too. lol.

need to get it done ready for josh to arrive though and mum and dad go away on sat for 2 weeks.

i ve had the odd period pain, usually if i ve done too much. but think i remembergetting them more with callum towards the end but wasnt bad once.

im guessing with two on board the pains are more likely to start earlier.
hi girls sorry ive not been on lately,

ive been having a busy week i had my diabetese test friday it came back normal since thursday night i hadnt felt little one move, so i was in hospital friday night been monitored they picked heartbeat up they told me to go home n if baby didnt move again i was to go in again on saturday so i did twice once at 12am n then again at 6pm, i got sent home reasuured by heartbeat they told me to go in again if baby didnt move on sunday by 12 midday, so i went back i got scanned at 4pm yesterday i have too much water so i cant feel baby kicking, they are really worried to how much im carrying im seeing consultant on the 15th n having tests done as they're scared im carrying that much that it could cause premature labour, due to belly been that heavy it can make me dilate n cervix start opening, baby is average size n isnt gonna be big they say :)

baby is all healthy otherwise n was moving about all over on scan! :)

im pleased to tell you im on TEAM PINK!!

& we will be calling her Abigail-Rose :)

hope you girls are all ok xxx


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