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Wiget's Kitties Bump Buddies!

Woo hoo. your def gonna beat me now but I ll let you off cos your carrying two. Lol.

Just seen harry potter and it was fantastic. Josh was wriggling away through out.

I ve also just got the enrollment form for callum for nursery. He is growing up too quick.
:happydance: Lucy that's so soon! I'm ecstatic for you :) We need nursery pics!

Glad you liked HP Beth, I'm anxious to go see it now!
omg thats fantastic Lucy!! i cant believe your gonna have the boys in 6 days!! very very happy for u & they are both at good weight :)

they will let me go full term now i think but it aint been mentioned bt i see my consutant on 10th august so shall see what he says then :) x
:happydance: Lucy that's so soon! I'm ecstatic for you :) We need nursery pics!

Glad you liked HP Beth, I'm anxious to go see it now!

you ll love it. and i managed to make it through without having to go to the loo, only just though there was a moment towards the end where i sneezed and almost wet myself. lol.
Woohoo Lucy, six days!!! How exciting!!! Can't wait to see pics. Fantastic weights at 7 lbs and 6.5 lbs, you have done so well sweetie. I still can't believe our journey sometimes - You were the first person I told about my BFP and now here we are, I have my little girl and you'll have your boys in less than a week! :happydance:

Cheers for saying I look "lovely", it's appreciated, I still feel I look a bit pale and wiped out, but its amazing what some mascara can do for tired eyes. :haha: As for weight, I gained 28 lbs during my pregnancy and so far I have lost 17lbs, which I am happy with. I guess the rest will come off a lot slower, epecially with this bloody sore back. (Need weekly physio to correct it :growlmad:).

Beth - Josh will be here before you know it. Happy 39 weeks!!! Can't wait to see the pics of your wee man too. :thumbup:

Mya's going to be seriously out numbered by all these little boys, until Abigale and Matilda arrive. :haha:

Bailey - How are you feeling after your sickness the other morning?

Helen - Glad to hear that it looks like you'll get to carry full term, hope everything continues to go well until your next consult appt on 10th.

Sarah - Happy Birthday for the 18th, just in case I'm not back on here beforehand!

Have a fab weekend ladies!

well i was just gonna post arrgh i ve gained 25lbs so far but after seeing that laura gained 28lb i now feel a lot better about it.

just need to behave myself in the next few weeks, god i hope the bridesmaid dress fits.
I caved to DH's begging and we went and saw it this afternoon :) It was great! I had to go about 3/4 of the way through but held it, there was never an opportune time to leave the theatre! Matilda was also quite active during it.

Feeling a lot better today, thanks Laura :) You do look wonderful, and those last few pounds will be gone shortly I'm sure! I hope your back feels better soon.

Beth, how big do you expect Josh to be?
He was on the 50 th percentile for the scan at 35 weeks so at the mo should be around 7 to 7 and half. Gaining about half a pound each week.

If i go 2 weeks over he should still be under 9lbs at least.
aww not long now beth & josh should be here, :)

glad you enjoyed harry potter beth & bailey, i never found it interesting any of them but my dad & sister went to see it last night lol.

you look really good laura, to say you lost most of it very quick :) how is Mya doing? what does she weigh now?

i aint really gained any weight ive gained 8lb so far but lost again on wednesday so not really much and im still lighter then i was before pregnancy, how that works i dont know lol. :)

hope u r all well :)
Eek! Hard to imagine 9lbs. Hope you don't have to deal with that! But 7 and a half seems like a good weight.

I'm kind of unsure on the weight thing, too. My last appointment I was exactly the same as last time to a tenth of a pound, which is 3lbs less than my starting weight. But my doctor did say the fasting before the glucose could cause a 3-5lb weight drop. I have noticed my wedding ring is getting a tad tighter! I have a scale at home but it seems a bit off from the nice expensive ones at the doctor's.

Been feeling Mattie's hiccups, too! They are interesting but actually quite uncomfortable for me.

Helen, have you thought about labor/a birth plan at all? I have some space in a packet that my doctor gave me to write some stuff down. I was thinking some simple stuff like - I am open to an epidural, skin-to-skin and breastfeeding are important to me, I want my DH to go with her if she has to be taken anywhere, etc. Initially I didn't think I wanted to bother with one, still not 100% sure.
im not a fan of the hiccups, callum used to get them several times a day and i hated them. thankfully josh hasnt had them too much.

hope everyone has had a nice weekend.

lucy this time next week you ll prob be at home with your boys.

i ve just set up the bouncy chair as its been in its box up til now. No sign of him coming though, been gradually losing my plug for 2 weeks now i think since i started on the starflower oil, oh and i seam to be having boob leakage issues today.
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone.

Lucy I can't wait to see the twins.

Beth - there's still time if you have a superfast delivery ;-p

Laura you look fab x

Will catch up properly tomorrow but in the meantime loads of love to you all xxx
Hope you had a wonderful day, Sarah :)

We just bought our bouncy chair and monitor the other day. I remember the pic you posted Beth, yours was really cute. The bouncer I got is a really popular one here, nothing fancy or expensive but I wasn't too worried about it! I have some photos of me as a baby in one that's basically the wire frame with thin cloth over it, amazing how stuff has gotten so much more involved!


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awe it looks lovely.

3 days til d day. got reflexology booked for tom.

and guess what. i ve got another cold :dohh:
aww thats lovely Bailey!

damn you have another cold Beth thats really crappy, i cant believe you only have 3 days left comeon josh get moving i wanna see pics!!! :)

here is my bump pic at 31 weeks ! check the stretch marks damn & thats just one side haha ! lol but shes very much worth it


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love the bump hun, cant miss those stretch marks. they do fade though i ve loads from having callum.
Hi everyone,

Hope you had a lovely birthday Sarah! I saw the pressie that your hubby got you, it's beautiful. :thumbup:

Beth - Sorry to hear that you've got the cold again, hope you feel better before Josh arrives.

Helen - Lovely bump pic - the stretch marks will fade soon enough and besides you'll be too busy looking at Abigale to even notice them.

Lucy - Not long now Sweetie, how are you feeling? :happydance:

Bailey - Your bouncy chair is beautiful! :thumbup:

Claire - Loving your smiley pics of Oliver on FB! :thumbup:

My health visitor came today and Mya weighs 8lbs 6oz. :happydance: They are really happy with her progress, even though she peed all over the scales :haha:

Love and Hugs

Oh no Beth that sucks about the cold! You've been so unlucky with them :(

Helen your bump is awesome. It seems I've escaped low-down stretch marks and have just gotten new ones that run from just below my boobs to above my belly button. Oh well! How's your belly button holding up? Honestly I hope mine doesn't pop out!

Laura I'm so happy to hear that Mya is doing well! How is everything going, otherwise? How was adjusting to mommyhood? I'm so nervous about that!

Here's my bump at 29 weeks. Getting bigger!


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well i ve been keeping busy by baking buns they went down well with the nursery girls and i think callum approved too.

glad mya is doing well laura. good on her for weeing on the scales. lol

bailey your bump looks fab.

im gonna do another pic on fri for my full term bump.


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