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Wiget's Kitties Bump Buddies!

aww look at little callum he looks so lovely! :) haha his face is covered he looks like he enjoyed that! :)

i love your bump pic Bailey! :) to be honest my belly button hasnt stuck out yet, but i dont think its far away its kind of looking like it mite but hasnt if u know what i mean lol.

aww Laura, Mya is doing really well & her weight thats fab, have u any recent pics of her :) ? xx

not long now Lucy! how exciting i cant wait to see pics of your gorgeous little boys how exciting!! :)

well i cant sleep at night i cant seem to get comfy anymoree :cry: & this heartburn is getting beyond of joke now i have it all day and night and all midwife keeps saying is aww she will have lots of hair! lol i have a bottle of gaviscon on my bedside i feel like ive hit the bottle the amount of times i need to use it haha!

i love been pregnant but id rather be waking up to my beautiful daughter rather then been woke up with major heartburn which takes me about 1-2 hours before i can get back to sleep :(

me & oh are going to frankie & benny's tonite :) we just enjoying these last weeks as our time before Abigail comes along :) x
heart burn is a killer, im so gratefull i got put on meds for it this time so it hasnt been an issue, i can tell if i miss a day though.

i cant sleep either, i dont do too bad til 4am but then i toss and turn and cant get comfy at all.

i had a reflexology session this morning. the uterus bits were tender so hopefully things are moving in the right direction. hope it kick starts something but not that hopefull.

will be watching facebook like a hawk tom for an update of the boys arrival lucy.
Helen - Sorry you're suffering with such terrible heartburn, but good to hear that your getting out and about with OH.

Beth - Wow Callum looks as if he really enjoyed that cake. Looking forward to your full term bump pic, unless Josh decides to come first.

Bailey - Lovely bump pic!!! I'm loving being a mum! It's amazing how quickly you learn things and pick up tips that make stuff easier.

Here's some new pics. I've also put a video of Mya and Ozzy playing on her new playmat, on facebook.

Love to you all.



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Aww hello ladies just wanted to do a quick update before tomorrow! Thank you all for thinking of me, it's so lovely to have so many positive vibes out there for d day!

I feel quite calm at the moment but no doubt tomorrow when I walk to theatre the news will really set in. I'm all packed and ready to go and all I need to do now is sleep, get up wash my hair in the morning and head to the delivery suite for 8am. Thre are 4 of is booked with my consultant for elective sections tomorrow and they have said all being well we shpuld be done by midday, unless an emergency crops up.

This time tomorrow they'll be here OMG lol@!! I'll get hubby to update fb as soon as we can and I'll update here when I can get WiFi.

Hope u r all well and Beth looking forward to josh being here soon too.

Love to all,

Lucy x
Lucy I am beyond excited for you, will be thinking of you tomorrow! Give those lovely boys a snuggle for all of us :)

Helen I've just in the last week started sleeping really badly. Very uncomfortable here, too :( I get better sleep after DH leaves for work just before 6am and I can turn on some white noise. Luckily Tums has been able to handle the heartburn for me, but I take them at least 3-4 times a day now, and it never fails that as soon as I lay down for bed the pain hits. I think it just kind of goes downhill from here as far as feeling decent and comfortable.
Hope you and your OH had a good night out! We went out this morning for breakfast and I had a very large stack of blueberry pancakes with blueberry topping and blueberry syrup :blush:

Hopefully Josh follows his brother's lead and is here in just a couple days, Beth!

Laura that video with Ozzy and Mya teared me up! What a beautiful girl, and how lucky to grow up with such a good dog.
had a lovely time yesterday at frankie & bennys with OH :)

aww Laura your pics are lovely Mya is gorgeous!! :)

cant wait to see your full term bump pic Beth! :)

Bailey i know tht feeling im up every hour lately peeing, heartburn & just not been able to get comfy or finding the feeling that one min im hot then im cold blaaaa :(

Lucy, been thinking of you today & i hope by now you have two gorgeous little boys! i hope you and the boys are well, and i cant wait for your update and to see photos :hugs: also happy 37 weeks!

Happy 30 weeks Bailey!! 10 weeeks to go!

& Happy 32 weeks to me! & just 8 for me!!
:dohh: ive just been & baught a me to you pushchair for abigail ! lol i love tatty teddy stuff and i fell in love with the stroller as soon as i seen it, and its from birth so i thought well anytime i think the prams too big to take anywhere i can use the stroller! haha

oh my days i should stop buying!

i also baught her a me to you teddy that plays musical lullaby's :thumbup:

ive just been to matalan and they have a hell of a sale on for clothes at the moment, i just got her loads of cute little dresses, minnie mouse dresses, dalmation dress and bloomers! and loads more lil cute stuff! :) :cloud9:


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Soooo can't wait to hear from Lucy - The boys must be here by now, I bet they're over the moon - it's just too exciting!!!

Happy 32 weeks Helen!!!

Happy 30 weeks Bailey!!!

Beth - Hope Josh is on his way for his due date!!!
i love the pushchair, its so cute.

sounds like lucys boys have arrived safely from the posts on facebook, cant wait to hear their weights and see pics. wonder how alike they look.

i ve just been and got my toes minxed as a treat to myself. they look ace. no sign of impending labour. will do due date bump pic tom once callum is at nursery.
due date bump pics.


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Yay Lucy's boys are here!!! Do we have names and weights yet? - I couldn't see anything on FB.

Beth - Loving your 40 Week bump - come on Josh!!!

Big difference from the last photos, Beth! I hope that cold has gone away or at least started to :(

Helen I love that bear. The Blue Nose Friends stuffed animals are so adorable. I've only seen them online, never in store here.

I'm officially +1lb pre-pregnancy weight. Had a doctor's appointment this afternoon which was pretty uneventful. They checked her with the doppler and measured me, everything was fine. However after my next appointment in two weeks I've got to go twice a week! It's got me a bit freaked out. Every Tuesday for a NST and every Friday for a regular appointment and ultrasound. I feel like suddenly I've been classed as super high risk without anyone telling me. Unfortunately my usual doctor had a delivery so I didn't get to see her today, nor will I get her for my next two appointments because they are so booked up. Feeling a tad overwhelmed now even though I don't have much reason to be :nope:
Hello ladies sorry I haven't had a chance to update properly. Things have been hectic with the boys and we've only just agreed names for them today.

Callum James Lincoln (we pinched ur name Beth!) Arrived at 11.51am yesterday morning weighing an impressive 7lb 5oz, followed one minute later by his brother Finlay Aaron Lincoln weighing a tiny 4lb 11oz. Boys are well and being formula fed as the small twins weight is critical to get up as soon as possible. I'm ok, just mild discomfort on walking. Only had around an hours sleep in the last two nights so am shattered but hoping to be allowed home tomorrow evening.

Will add some pix once I'm out of hospital x
Congrats hun. More than happy to share such a great name. Lol.

What a weight difference bless them. Hope you manage to get some sleep. X
Gorgeous names Lucy, glad it all went to plan and hope Finlay puts plenty of weight on soon like his brother xx

Beth - any signs yet? C'mon I want to see Josh!
Lucy - Your boys are gorgeous and their names are just lovely. Hope you get home soon, there's nothing quite like having your little family together in your own home for the first time. We banned all visitors for the first few hours home so that we could enjoy the time together and introduce Mya to Ozzy properly - it was fab! :thumbup:

Beth - How you feeling sweetie? Big hugs for you - I know how it feels to go over your EDD. Wish I could offer you a magic tip to get you started, but I tried and tested them all myself and not one of them worked. I just hope Josh is not as comfy in there as Mya was - that extra fortnight felt longer than the rest of my pregnancy. :haha:

Hope everyone else is well! I'm off to Cheshire today to see my Mum for a few days, so I probably won't get chance to post until I get back.

Take care everyone.


im ok, got a bad chest from this cold so been struggling with my breathing a fair bit but its a little easier today.

i think he is fairly comfy in there i can see an induction looming.
aww congratulations Lucy on your twins, and what lovely names, :)

aww comeon josh we are all waiting to se pics of you!! :D

well i was in hospital yesterday i woke up at 3am with horrendos pain in my back n ribs and i couldnt breath properly, i noticed some bruising under my ribs which i never knew where it came from, i woke OH up sobbing to myself he rubbed my back and ran me a bath & then we went to shop for windeze as thats what i thought it was just trapped wind, at 6am still no better i was still in the most awful pain i had ever felt & sobbin, i couldnt even lay down to sleep i took acid stuff, windeze, paracetamol & nothing seemed to work, so OH rang midwife and they told me to go to hospital to be checked, i got to hospital at 8, midwife seen us put monitor on me and abigail was happy in there and kicking hell outta my ribs which she has been doing for weeks now & she was just moving to much i had to beg them to take the monitor off me as sitting in that position was hurting me & everytime the monitor goes on me it seems she goes wild and every movement was just agony :cry: so they took it off me after she had moved about 30 odd times, and they could see i was having braxton hicks which was making me more uncomfy, they did all obs which was fine, then i had to wait to be seen by a doctor, which took about 2 hours i was sat sobbin shouting as the pain was rediculous, they had given me paracetamol when i first got to the hospital but by 10 they gave me some codein, which never seemed to help either, the doctor finally came round and seen me they looked at my back and felt my ribs which hurt like hell! they said i have swelling under my ribs and bruising inside & out because the way abigail has been kicking me & where she has her feet when the doctor was trying to feel she also felt where abigails foot was tucked right under and she had to try push her away from it, theres nothing they can do about it except keep an eye on me and they've given me some codein and a new anti acid tablet, they told me when she puts her feet there to rub it and try gently push her away, they seen on a scan that she has long legs which isnt suprising as im 5ft8 or 9 and OH is 6ft3, its so sore i came home from hospital tried to go to sleep as i was totally knackered after been awake from 3am, at around 4pm i managed to drop off to sleep after sobbin in pain cuz it hurts & i woke up at 5.15pm so had about 1 hour...

they also did blood tests to test my liver it came back with something slightly in the blood but they said it was nothing serious and probs something to do with me been pregnant. abigail is still head down and they think shes using my ribs to push down and because her legs are so long she puts them there as thats where shes comfy, who ever thought someone so small could bruise and wreck my ribs like that, ive just gotta wait for the swelling and bruising to go, :(

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