Wishing for a Christmas baby

Caro - I hear you on the shopping! I'm dying to buy new stuff but keep thinking how nice it would be to wait then buy maternity stuff...

Random question - mind if I ask how old you ladies are? Just curious - I'm about to be 30 and usually feel young as ever but sometimes feel like everyone is younger esp. on the TTC boards!

Take care all xx
hey Caro sorry about the mental image!! LOl. It says you can leave it in for 12 hours. I meant to take it out when I got up and ready for work but I overslept and it was the last think on my mind til I remembered it while I was at work...and I run a gas station so not the ideal place t remember it. LOL

Danzer I am 33 will be 34 in June...

Ladies I am just not feeling real positive about this month..I messed up my clomid and nothing has went right since, I am on cycle day 13 and still not even a light line on my opk but I am extremely crampy...ggrr why is my body so out of control. I have decided that if I do not get my bfp this month I am taking a break til April...then on to either IUI or IVF just hate the cost...but I know in the end it would be worth it. Sometimes I think I should have just went with IVF to begin with instead of the tubal reversal. I am in the search for a new doc..but its tought to find one who really is caring.
hi i am 27, dh 30 & we have a 4yr old dd. we have been ttc number 2 for 18mths now with no luck :( we have had all the tests going including scans, hycosy, sperm testing, blood tests & most recently a lap & dye ( a week ago)..all came bk with good resuts apart from the scan last june diagnosed me with polycysts on my only ovary....but bloods showed i was ovulating fine ...my fs suggessted clomid, currently on 4th cycle.....responding well to it.....really hope the dye part of the lap helps....i ovulated mon/tues just gone ( got my smiley face mon morning) & we dtd thurs nite, sat morning, mon night & tues nite...

fingers crossed we all get a lovely bfp in feb!! xx
Danzer, Im 27, DH is nearly 40 :o When ever Im feeling old I just look over at him and it all goes away, hehe! Oh Im so mean ;)

Seriously though, 30 is still young!

Well the latest this end, cm etc all points towards the fact that Ive ovulated so today is 2dpo, but I had a thought this morning, usually straight after I ovulate my breasts start hurting, and badly. But this time they havent, so that makes me wonder if I really HAVE ovulated yet? So am I any DPO at all?! LOL Im confusing myself with all of this,I wish I could just let it all go, bd and test when af is late, but I cant, I just simply dont have the patience.

Caro, I notice the maternity stuff aswell, I havent looked at it or anything but notice that its there. When I was pregnant with my 1st I was so, so poor I could only afford 3 pairs or stretchy Primark joggers at £3 a pair. It wasnt a good look, but it was either clothe myselfor eat, bare foot and pregnant kinda thing.

This time Im in no such position, so looking forward to spending £30 on a nice pair of mat jeans that actually last me and dont make me look like an ugly frump!

Does anyone worry about how much weight they will gain? Im not over weight but Im still carrying a stone of weight that I didnt manage to lose after I had my son 3 years ago, if that happens with my next baby, then I will be overweight. This worries me, so Im on a major healthy eating plan from now on.

Does anyone else have children?

Hope your all well, are you looking forward to the weekend? Me and DH are going out to dinner on friday, 1st time since our son was born 3 years ago!!!!
Morning girls! I could so get used to this life, its 10.30am here and I've just got up (well kinda, am on my laptop sat up in bed:))

Well I'm 26 tomorrow! we're also going out for a meal, being born so close to V-day has its drawbacks though cos lots of places increase the price and get really booked up. My DH is very nearly 28 and we're trying for our 1st.

My mum (who doesn't know we're TTC) said the other day that I should start thinking about it, as she got pregnant with me the month she turned 26, but it was her 1st month trying (lucky thing), how great would it be for history to repeat itself!

Reedsgirl, sorry you feel negative about this month, but you never know! are your Dr's happy to perform IVF etc because you had your tubes reversed or do you have had to have tried naturally for a while first?

Katy, really hope that BFP is not far away for you now hun! sounds like you've had a rough ride

Hippy, yeah I worry about weight gain, I'm already a size 14 (used to be more like a 12,grrr) and don't seem to have the willpower to do anything about it. Though a few months ago I took up running and can now run for 30mins before dying but doesn't seem to be making any difference to how my clothes fit!
I am 30 too!! Feeling old as all the young girls at work are planning crazy nights out on the pull, when all I want to do is cuddle up on the sofa in the warm with my husband!!!
Madge, 30 is not old! hehe, I have lots of friends well into their 30's who are still single and very much living the single life and loving it! However I'm a little bit younger and prefer the curl up on a sofa night, just depends on where you are in life I guess! x
Thanks girls :) I think I'm just extra aware of the age thing since I have the big birthday coming up (march 2). It's funny because I've always wanted children, but in the past year its like I suddenly MUST have a baby NOW!!! :) husband is 28 btw, and enjoys giving me a hard time about it!

Caro...happy almost bday! Enjoy your celebrations!! Here's hoping we both get what we want this yr ;)

Katy, hi and welcome :) madge, sounds like we have a lot in common, except that I'm still jealous you are to the 2ww already hee

Reedsgirl, hang in there and feel free to vent to us here!!

HM - enjoy your date with DH - going someplace nice I hope!

Evening ladies..thanks for all the support. Do have a little positive news I finally have a faint line on my opk..not a positive but maybe tomorrow.
Caro they want me to wait a year of ttc which will be in May..as my reversal was done in April 09.

Thanks for the letting me vent. I hear you ladies on the weight gain..since my dh has been home from Iraq I think I have gained 30lbs!! Ugh and have no motivation to do anything about it. I tried even paid for a gym membership and so far all they have from me is my money. lol. I wish I could put as much energy into losing the weight as I do obessing over ttc. Good night ladies and thank you for being here. Its a true blessing
Good luck with the upcoming positive OPK! I was a TTC buddy with a lady who had a reversal who got a BFPin her 2nd month of trying, it ended in chemical though but it means ovulation is occurring at least, so heres hoping your the same!

I want to say Im 3 dpo but Ive no idea anymore Im not sure Im any dpo :p

Im just not going to bother testing until Im due on because I dont know where I am with dpo!!! lol
I had an appointment with a cardiologist today (unrelated) and had to say out load to somebody other than OH that we are TTC!!! Feel very strange... admitting to someone that I am BDing a lot!!!:wacko:
It is a long weekend here in Canada this weekend and told my DH to rest up because he is gonna need it!!! This weekend begins my fertile week and there will be lots of BDing. This will be my BFP month!!! Gonna use my OPK on Monday.
Hi girls happy weekend! Long w/e here too :) also clearing the schedule for lots of BDing haha. On CD14 today, hoping for ov signs within the next few days!

Also ladies I finally got a positive opk!! Woohoo. So I think I should O tomorrow and sunday should be 1dpo..and I was looking back last month and I am actually on schedule. I had my positive opk earlier but I also got AF earlier but my lp phase was 13 days..is that long enough does anyone know?? Hippy thanks for pma...I also had a chemical but it was ttc cycle #6..but yes it told me the reversal worked...now just to get the eggie to stick!!
Reedsgirl, I dunno hun. All this CD, dpo and Ov confuses the hell outta me, sorry I cant help!

Im glad to hear of your OPK though!

I think Im 4dpo today, I have no symptons and no signs whatsoever, so I cant even sympton spot!

Is it caros bday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

And hope those who have a long weekend have a great one, I think certain husbands are going to be happy about all the bding!
Morning girls! (Just) Thanks for the b'day messages, it was yesterday now (12th) so just popped on this morning for a catch up! had a lovely day and cos haven't Ov'ed yet even had a little drink! :)

Reedsgirl, they say a LP anywhere between 10-14days is normal, I think the longer side the better so yours it perfect!! Great for positive Opk!

Hippy, 4DPO! woohoo. Lots of people say the month they get their BFP is the month with no symptoms! heres to PMA.

Right better go, gotta get up still and have friends coming over in less than an hour! Happy Saturday everyone xx
im due for tes ting on the 18th but getting cramps like i do every month but im trying to not let that put me down ..
Reedsgirl, I dunno hun. All this CD, dpo and Ov confuses the hell outta me, sorry I cant help!

Im glad to hear of your OPK though!

I think Im 4dpo today, I have no symptons and no signs whatsoever, so I cant even sympton spot!

Is it caros bday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

And hope those who have a long weekend have a great one, I think certain husbands are going to be happy about all the bding!

I know right!! It all gets so confusing...but I have learned so much from all the wonderful woman on here!! I think tooday is O day and tomorrow will be 1dpo..but heck who knows all I do know for sure is that AF is due Feb 26 and I am going to try so hard not to sypmtom spot and have tons of PMA!! THIS IS OUR MONTH LADIES!!

I still have absolutely NO symptoms whatsoever! None! I dont even have the sore boobs that I would after ovulation.

My cervix is so high I cant reach it, so I cant even feel it and liken it to early pregnancy.

Im symptom spotting but have no symptoms to spot!!!!!!

Still full of PMA though :D

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