I joined after a pregnancy scare too! I don't get why our OH's don't understand. Surely it's better to work through the broodiness than to suppress it?
Well that's what you'd think but this is men we're talking about here!
1 All plans have to be fluid. No more Bee thinking plans are set in stone and freaking out (minor or otherwise) when a plan needs to change.
Hi everyone
My name is Cath and me and my OH are 23 and have been together 3 and a half years (approx) and been engaged since July. We live in East Sussex, UK and both of us work as customer service agents in insurance but for different companies.
We are WTT mainly cause of financial issues. We want to be 100% debt free and have a clean slate before we TTC. Almost like a fresh start. I can't wait till we can TTC. Am super super broody!
Look forward to getting to know you all. You will all prob come to realise I ramble a lotxx
SO I have a long story to share, but I'll try to keep it short. Most of you have probably noticed I have a hard time keeping my posts short. Sorry in advance if this gets long!
My doctor's appointment went really well. Dr.S said that she agreed I was doing much better healthwise, suggested continued diet & supplements, and advised food trials (hooray!). She said if we wanted to TTC now, she thought it'd be fine but she would have some very specific instructions for diet & supplements to help protect any possible baby from inheriting allergies and to insure proper nutrition. She said a 3 month wait would be idea- January would be her "green light" for TTC, but she still has suggestions for diet & supplements for the already mentioned reasons. I also asked her about traveling with LOs (she has 2, ages 4 and 2). It was a great conversation and I left feeling like we can do this and that I really was healthier and all my hard work was paying off.
DH & I had a long talk about it. It's great that I'm healthy enough we could TTC, but our money situation is still not ideal. I did not get any course assignments for this term (I teach online university courses), but I'm looking into (ok have started, but am not sure how much income it will generate) a work from home business opportunity and am putting in an application for winter seasonal employment at the local ski resort (15 minutes away, if the roads are good).
Also, my parents are taking us & my sister & BIL on a big trip next December. I talked to Dr.S about this & she said she'd recommend not being in my first trimester for the trip in case I was not feeling well, but second trimester or with a LO would be fine. She said traveling with a LO (even a new LO) is all about having fun together, realizing that LO was a part of everything now, that you have more stuff to take, and that everything takes a little longer. It's all about attitude. DH & I talked about this. DH said he wasn't sure about taking a pregnant me to some place outside of our comfort zone.
So here's the new plan:
1 All plans have to be fluid. No more Bee thinking plans are set in stone and freaking out (minor or otherwise) when a plan needs to change.
2 Continue to pinch all the pennies we can and pay off as much as we can
3 Realize that TODAY is not the day for TTC, but next month might be. We can reevaluate where we're at with everything when a circumstance changes (such as how many course assignments I get next semester, other income, surprise big expenses such as auto repair or illness)
4 Continue preparing while we're WTT. For example, while I was in town yesterday I got a parenting book from the thrift store that was on my list to read for a fraction of the cost I could have bought it elsewhere.
Tada! So we're trying to be happy WTT and not stressing about when we'll get to TTC. Enjoying life as it happens.