i totally know what you mean, iv always thought when growing up that you only have one dad. iv spoke to so many people about this, and most didnt agree with me. but for me i dont think i could ever allow my daughter to call someone else dad, my reasons being, first off id need to be in a long long relationship to even allow her to be close to a man, another reason would be if we split up and he left, he has no ties to stay 'dad' to my daughter, so that would be 2 fathers that decided to leave her live, which would be hard for anyone to understand. the only way i could was if she was adopted by someone that i was possibly married to, that way i know hes serious. this is so hard, because chances are she wont have a 'dad' i cant even tell her something lovely about her 'dad' because hes a disgusting idiot.
sorry iv just rambled off again.
but yes, i love someone being more into you than you are them, (one reason for my hot rule) lol. i usually go to mush with someone i really like, im more confident and nature, if i know they are more into me.
you seeing J over the weekend?