Busy is good! You looked fabulous as a crayon btw!
Lemontree, how did the date go??
I've been talking to the guy from years ago, we pretty much text all day long. I'm so head over heels for him, but I can't figure out if its my 15 year old girlish fantasies coming out or if adult me likes him. Either way, I just feel like running around flailing my arms. But I'm going to contain myself. He's just so not my type now, but I haven't felt so excited in a very long time.. Shame he lives across the ocean and he will disappear again soon. Ah well, at least I know I can feel like this again someday. The nice guy I've been seeing is starting to get on my nerves though, poor lad. He IMs me, fb messages me and texts me at the same time and thinks I'm going to find it amusing. Which I don't. He also got snippy because he noticed my dating profile was active and said single. I don't dig clingy and insecure. I'm so ready to call it quits, but I can't bring myself to do it.. I don't know, I'm sure once my old love disappears I'll be less annoyed by nice guy.. Got asked out by two guys locally this last week. When it rains, it pours..