yummy mummies dating support group

Aww yeah it is nice! :) he came over last week with some friends of mine and he did a bbq for us :) then he stayed over and we just sat chatting and watching films :) x
So happy ur date went well.
I've done abit of snogging in the car after being dropped off, and like a teenager my mum walked out of my house and caught us hahahaha

Hope he asks u out again. Dating is so much fun, I never dated Pete before we officially got together lol
Haha your mom catching you is hilarous, i kept saying my parents are in there i need to go in, then ending up smooching away again after lol

I forgot about the next bit though, waiting to hear!

He text me when he got home and once today but then never texted back! haha

Im all wanting to hear off him and jumping for my phone!

Doesnt help that he is stupidly gorgeous and probably a little out of my league :blush:

But we shall see ladies, not getting my hopes up.

That sounds lovely, i cant wait to be able to do that and meet someone i want to have around lilly, cuddling up and watching films, bbqs in the garden, i miss all that! Wish you all the best, keep us posted :flower:
Or u could ask him out Louise lol
Waiting to hear is the worst!
Mummy1995, it's lovely when u find a Man u can do things like that with
Haha he has just text me now!

'hey you ok? xx'
men are so deep arent they? :haha:

Suppose the waiting game and stuff is all part of the fun of it.
Im not really confident enough to ask a guy out :blush:
Fake confidence and it will come lol that's what I do anyway.
The butterflies when ur phone goes off just at te thought is him texting is fun.
I see Pete everyday, so can't say I get that anymore hahaha
Enjoy the txting and I hope he asks u out
Guys I need your expertise! I seriously wasnt expecting any kind of male attention for like years let alone a few weeks after me and FOB broke up but something weirdjust haphappened and im confused!

So... FOB has this friend ill call him josh, so me and josh have always been quite friendly and chatted and had a few things in common ect he was the only one of FOBS mates that I could actually have a chat with ect. Now agesss ago I thought I was getting a little crush on him but I got over it as it was just silly hes like FOBs best mate.

So last night I was in bed and I ju kept thinking how the hell can FOBnot see his baby for weeks and not care it wad reallllllly bugging me so I thought right in the morning im gunna text josh and just see if he nos whats going on ect.

So convo went like this:

Me: hey have you seen FOB much lately?

Josh: no not really why?

Me: oh its just he hasnt seen baby in weeks I havnt herd from him.

Josh: oh really? Hes been a bit of a douchebag tbh hes changed you must be bored by yourself?

Me: yeah it sucks cos I haven't had any help with baby or anything not that I wanna hang out FOB tbh

Josh: who would you wanna hang out with?

Me: anyone who isnt gunna puke or poop on me lol

Josh: you wanna do something for an hour but had to stay between me and you? .

Soo he came round mine for an hour we just chatted wasnt really flirty I dont think we talked about FOB and he said he had pretty much fallen out with him as he had done some shitty stuff. He said its weird being here when FOB isnt here and when he keft just kinda said well text me if your bored.

Im probably reading way to muxh into this but I havnt been single for about 5 years so I dunno if its just friendliness :/ what do you guys think?
I'd stay away!
He seems interested in only what he can get out of u seen as he's basically asked u to keep u seeing him a secret :/
U don't need a man like that in ur life or the drama with fob....unless u want abit of fun urself lol
I thought the wholw secret thing was because he didny want his friends to think he's jumping in there with his best friends ex or whatever I didnt think of it like that! From what I no of him hes quite sensitive not like a player or whatever hes wanted a relationship for ages but never really had a serious one.

I just don't really get why he wanted to see me he didnt really give much away if you get what I mean.
I guess I instantly thought the worst because I was once asked to "keep it between us" by a total tool lol
But you know him best.
I duno for me it wouldn't be worth the hassle.
Yeah I dont plan on anything happening tbh I was more confused of the purpose cos he literally had a chat then left he didn't really give me an idea of his intentions if you get me ha

Weird I dunno suppose ill see if he contacts me or anything
It's difficult to say, perhaps he is just trying to be a friend as FOB is being such an arse? Espcially if he wasnt flirty or hasnt asked for a date or anything more, maybe he was just interested to see how you are doing without FOB.

If theyve fallen out it isnt really anything to do with FOB but i can understand the wanting to keep it low key thing tbh.

But as moomin_troll said, do you really want the hassle? It could bring alot of drama for you and LO, that being said YOU know him not us. Has he contacted you at all since?
Hmm I dont no I text him just saying thanks for coming round n he said that's alright its hard beingffriends with 2 people when they break up :/

I dunno wev always got along and I FOB hasnt contacted me at all since we broke up and he did something pretty bad to josh so I think thats the end of their friendship but I dunno! I suppose ill just have to see if he makes it more clear as to what hes after . Im definitely not gunna get u to anything to cause drama but I dont have any friends in this town so it would be nice to have one!
Hm I dunno its a weird one the while things left me baffled lol
If he wants to be just friends then that's great for u, he's a big boy and can make his own mind up.
Just keep one eye open
I agree with moomin_troll just be cautious.

Also, its probably good that if he fancies you that he hasnt really tried anything or said anything about it now, maybe hes being a gent as its still quite soon after your split from FOB? Men are strange creatures arent they.

My date the other day was actually called Josh by the way! Lol
Yeah im not gunna text him or anything and see if anything comes of it

Ha was the real josh any better than my "josh"?
Ha was the real josh any better than my "josh"?

haha i havent decided yet, i know he is a decent guy for sure.
Just not sure if its gonna go anywhere yet.

He is like out of this world gorgeous and it scares the crap out of me :dohh:

Anyway give yourself some time, never know what could happen your 'josh' could turn out to be a sweetheart but just cautious cos you are his mates ex. Never know what'll happen, just look after you and LO and dont let anyone mess you around :flower:
Im such a bloke normaly when it comes to dating. ididn't want a relationship at all, just wanted to date and enjoy myself with goin out ect.
Fast forward 2 months and I'm still with Pete lol
So you really never know.
Louise from ur aviator u look stunning, so don't worry about him being hot.
I think Petes beyond hot but apparently I'm way out of his league....but that is my friends saying that hahaha
Aww thanks moomin_troll! :flower:

bbkf did you hear any more from 'josh' afterwards?

I had a second date with josh yesterday, he picked me up at 3pm and we got on the motorway and just randomly drove for an hour, ended up in stafford, walked all around the little town talking and had a drink in a quiet little old pub garden.

Then back to birmingham and to the mailbox where we just sat by the canals had a couple of drinks and talked. Didnt get home til 1am, another heavy snogging session outside my moms house haha :blush:

Its really going well! :happydance:
No way! I'm in Stafford lol
I love dates like that, where u lose track of time and just talk and have fun.
Sounds like everything's going well :)

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