♡♡June Berries Testing Thread♡♡

@Suggerhoney :hugs: I know the feeling xxx
@Kiwiberry fxd for when you test. Someone else needs to get a bfp this month else I'll have no bump buddies and be in a due date group alone lol.
FX so tightly I get a bfp soon [-o<. I'm so very excited for you tho, you must be over the moon :cloud9:.

Going to spep away from here.
Sorry im just absolutely broken right now!
I'm so sorry hun, hopefully if you decide to test again that you get 2 nice pink lines :hugs:.
Ohh @Suggerhoney pls don't go! I've waited to share this with you for so long <3:hug:

Im happy for you. And wishing u a healthy 9 months.
But i wont be able to share it with you because i just cant get pregnant. Im obviously too old and all eggs are no good.
Ive broken down today my mental health is on the floor. Im absolutely heart broken.
I need to step away. But i wish u all the best!

I won't be getting any lines. I have zero symptoms still. And i wouldn't want a late bfp again because it will end in yet another loss..
Good luck for wheb you test. I just know ure be getting your bfp too.
I just feel like im going to be left behind.

Infertility depression is real and its horrible.
All I ever get is bfn or losses.
While everyone else gets there bfps. Ive had to watch people i was in a due date group with all go on and have there babies.
Its just too much i cant do this anymore.
@Suggerhoney I've had 3 girls, and 1 boy so far. With all 3 girls I had absolutely every single symptom in the book, the ms was so bad I had to have an IV put in for some fluids. However, with my son, I had 0 symptoms, and when I say 0, I mean absolutely 0 symptoms. No cramps, no sore nips, not even a tiny bit nausea, no stretching pains, no anything. If it wasn't for the fact I took an HPT, I would not have known I was pregnant based on symptoms alone. It was so worrying almost the entire pregnancy, because I was so scared I'd have a mc, symptoms were a big relief with my girls, especially with my 2nd because for an unknown reason my body goes into preterm labor, so I have to take a shot every week after 12 weeks (around there) to prevent it from happening. The shot is not guaranteed to work, but it has been working. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is no matter what you tell yourself or how similar each pregnancy was, they're all different. Try to put your emotions aside, if you still feel deep down inside that you're not pregnant, then you're probably not because you know you best, however, if you try and push how you're feeling aside and you still feel like there could be a chance, then hold on to that, because holding on to hope and keeping your head up is what makes things happen. If you allow yourself to spiral and dwell on those feelings, suddenly what you don't want to happen will end up happening and what you do want, will end up being harder to obtain. I know life just seems really unfair sometimes, trust me I know, but if you keep your head up and keep moving forward, you'll see that everything happens at the right time for the right reasons as hard as that is to see right this moment because of how you're feeling. All of us ladies are on here for the same reason, support, and all of us will be here to help you through it if you allow us to. :hugs:
Im happy for you. And wishing u a healthy 9 months.
But i wont be able to share it with you because i just cant get pregnant. Im obviously too old and all eggs are no good.
Ive broken down today my mental health is on the floor. Im absolutely heart broken.
I need to step away. But i wish u all the best!

I won't be getting any lines. I have zero symptoms still. And i wouldn't want a late bfp again because it will end in yet another loss..
Good luck for wheb you test. I just know ure be getting your bfp too.
I just feel like im going to be left behind.

Infertility depression is real and its horrible.
All I ever get is bfn or losses.
While everyone else gets there bfps. Ive had to watch people i was in a due date group with all go on and have there babies.
Its just too much i cant do this anymore.
Sorry Suggerhoney. My heart goes out to you ❤

I think sense it's effecting you mentally it's probably best to take a step back for a while or how ever long you want.

I'm sorry you've been crying so much. Hugs.
@Suggerhoney I've had 3 girls, and 1 boy so far. With all 3 girls I had absolutely every single symptom in the book, the ms was so bad I had to have an IV put in for some fluids. However, with my son, I had 0 symptoms, and when I say 0, I mean absolutely 0 symptoms. No cramps, no sore nips, not even a tiny bit nausea, no stretching pains, no anything. If it wasn't for the fact I took an HPT, I would not have known I was pregnant based on symptoms alone. It was so worrying almost the entire pregnancy, because I was so scared I'd have a mc, symptoms were a big relief with my girls, especially with my 2nd because for an unknown reason my body goes into preterm labor, so I have to take a shot every week after 12 weeks (around there) to prevent it from happening. The shot is not guaranteed to work, but it has been working. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is no matter what you tell yourself or how similar each pregnancy was, they're all different. Try to put your emotions aside, if you still feel deep down inside that you're not pregnant, then you're probably not because you know you best, however, if you try and push how you're feeling aside and you still feel like there could be a chance, then hold on to that, because holding on to hope and keeping your head up is what makes things happen. If you allow yourself to spiral and dwell on those feelings, suddenly what you don't want to happen will end up happening and what you do want, will end up being harder to obtain. I know life just seems really unfair sometimes, trust me I know, but if you keep your head up and keep moving forward, you'll see that everything happens at the right time for the right reasons as hard as that is to see right this moment because of how you're feeling. All of us ladies are on here for the same reason, support, and all of us will be here to help you through it if you allow us to. :hugs:

Im definitely definitely am not pregnant love. Ive known since i was 6 and 7dpo .
I always know so early on.
And im alwsys right. I new i was going to get nothing but bfn again.
Its just not easy staying upright and positive when youve been trying for so so long..
As soon as af shows up which i know it will, then that will be cycle 17 tryung. Altogether ive had 14 cycles of BFN and only 3 with a BFP that ended in loss.
I have not seen a bfp at 10dpo for a whole year now.
My bfp in February was at 13dpo but on that cycle i was breaking out badly all over my face from 4dpo. Then at 11dpo i had terrible cramps and direah and more cramping like af at 12dpo. Then 13dpo i got faint lines on all my tests. The darkest was he clear blue 6 days early that was so blue and so clear but usually by 13dpo when pregnant all my tests are blazing by then.
And then all the stuff about late implantation esp after 9dpo, i just new i was going to lose.
Ive never implanted that late b4.
With my boys and the miscarriage last year and the 4 chemicals i had in 2020, i had my bfp by 10dpo.
I was very positive and so sure we would fall with our rainbow baby. But since hitting 43 7 months ago ive only been pregnant once.
I have too look at it realistically with regards to my age.
I was falling every other cycle or every 3rd cycle nack in 2020 when i was 40..
I was so fertile but it was the sticking. Then we finally fell with my youngest son on the 11th cycle.
But this time around its so much harder.
When i fell last year on cycle 2 and again on cycle 4 and seeing my lines get blazing i had such high hopes for that pregnancy,
When i lost it (my second loss) i was devastated but at the same time happy i could still get pregnant at 42.
Then going 7 months of nothing but bfn was torture.
Then getting that bfp on 4th feb gave me that push to carry on. And i really thought we would catch again.
But that was 5, nearly 6 cycles ago now and nothing but stinking bfns.
So its seriously hard to stay upbeat when thats all you get.
I had zero symptoms with the miscarriage last year. Only tests too show i was pregnant that got darker daily. But i just new the no symptoms was a bad sign for me. And i was right as i lost it.
With all my kids. Thats my boys and my daughter i had symptoms from 6dpo. Or i could say as early as 2dpo with my boys because my boobs were sore right after ovulation.
Ive noticed the last few cycles ive hardly had no ewcm. Loads of watery but barley any ewcm.
So i dont know if thats the issue.
I do appreciate all the support here.
But i feel totally Hopeless. If i was younger id definitely have alot more hope.
Sorry Suggerhoney. My heart goes out to you ❤

I think sense it's effecting you mentally it's probably best to take a step back for a while or how ever long you want.

I'm sorry you've been crying so much. Hugs.

Was just working it out and ivs had 14 cycles of bfn.
And only 3 of bfps that didnt stick.
Its just the bfns love. Everyone is like a stab to the heart.
U just sit wondering whats wrong with me. Why cant i even fall pregnant.
Im on all the supplements now i was taking when we concived Harely.
Ive been dying to get pregnant again in the hope they would help us get a sticky.
But no matter what we do..
Sex every other day. Sex every day. Sex twice a day.
Nothing is working.
I have ordered some conception pluss gel for next cycle. Amd im praying so so much that it will help us finally concieve again and also help it to be extra sticky.
2 laides recommended it on here and ive noticed the last few cycles ive barly had any ewcm.
Loads of watery but barly any egg white.
When we fell with all our boys i had tons of the stuff.
Cant say with my daughter as she wasnt planned.
But i do remember having mega bloat and maga sore boobs with her a whole week b4 af was due. Its what made me tests and sure enough i tested a day b4 af was due and got a blazing bfp.
I just cant believe how hard it is just too get pregnant now.
Im definitely definitely am not pregnant love. Ive known since i was 6 and 7dpo .
I always know so early on.
And im alwsys right. I new i was going to get nothing but bfn again.
Its just not easy staying upright and positive when youve been trying for so so long..
As soon as af shows up which i know it will, then that will be cycle 17 tryung. Altogether ive had 14 cycles of BFN and only 3 with a BFP that ended in loss.
I have not seen a bfp at 10dpo for a whole year now.
My bfp in February was at 13dpo but on that cycle i was breaking out badly all over my face from 4dpo. Then at 11dpo i had terrible cramps and direah and more cramping like af at 12dpo. Then 13dpo i got faint lines on all my tests. The darkest was he clear blue 6 days early that was so blue and so clear but usually by 13dpo when pregnant all my tests are blazing by then.
And then all the stuff about late implantation esp after 9dpo, i just new i was going to lose.
Ive never implanted that late b4.
With my boys and the miscarriage last year and the 4 chemicals i had in 2020, i had my bfp by 10dpo.
I was very positive and so sure we would fall with our rainbow baby. But since hitting 43 7 months ago ive only been pregnant once.
I have too look at it realistically with regards to my age.
I was falling every other cycle or every 3rd cycle nack in 2020 when i was 40..
I was so fertile but it was the sticking. Then we finally fell with my youngest son on the 11th cycle.
But this time around its so much harder.
When i fell last year on cycle 2 and again on cycle 4 and seeing my lines get blazing i had such high hopes for that pregnancy,
When i lost it (my second loss) i was devastated but at the same time happy i could still get pregnant at 42.
Then going 7 months of nothing but bfn was torture.
Then getting that bfp on 4th feb gave me that push to carry on. And i really thought we would catch again.
But that was 5, nearly 6 cycles ago now and nothing but stinking bfns.
So its seriously hard to stay upbeat when thats all you get.
I had zero symptoms with the miscarriage last year. Only tests too show i was pregnant that got darker daily. But i just new the no symptoms was a bad sign for me. And i was right as i lost it.
With all my kids. Thats my boys and my daughter i had symptoms from 6dpo. Or i could say as early as 2dpo with my boys because my boobs were sore right after ovulation.
Ive noticed the last few cycles ive hardly had no ewcm. Loads of watery but barley any ewcm.
So i dont know if thats the issue.
I do appreciate all the support here.
But i feel totally Hopeless. If i was younger id definitely have alot more hope.
:hugs: I do get it, I really really do, it took me 3 years to conceive my first baby, and when I found out I was pregnant with her was when I found BnB. So I went through it basically alone and ignorant (didn't know much about what to look for TTC). So I know how devastating it is to get a bfn each cycle, especially suffering with a loss once you do get that 2nd pink line. I just want you to know, that there is always hope. You may think that no symptoms is a 100% indication that you're not pregnant, but it isn't always an indication you didn't conceive. You poor thing you must feel powerless, just trying to race the clock to get your rainbow. I do sympathize with you when you describe the suffering you're dealing with and where it comes from. However, don't let your emotions control you, take control, that includes holding on to hope. Someone once told me something, if you don't take control of your emotions others will do it for you. That may not apply completely to this situation, but the concept does apply. I find myself thinking back on that whenever I feel myself slipping backwards, it really helps to get back up.
:hugs: I do get it, I really really do, it took me 3 years to conceive my first baby, and when I found out I was pregnant with her was when I found BnB. So I went through it basically alone and ignorant (didn't know much about what to look for TTC). So I know how devastating it is to get a bfn each cycle, especially suffering with a loss once you do get that 2nd pink line. I just want you to know, that there is always hope. You may think that no symptoms is a 100% indication that you're not pregnant, but it isn't always an indication you didn't conceive. You poor thing you must feel powerless, just trying to race the clock to get your rainbow. I do sympathize with you when you describe the suffering you're dealing with and where it comes from. However, don't let your emotions control you, take control, that includes holding on to hope. Someone once told me something, if you don't take control of your emotions others will do it for you. That may not apply completely to this situation, but the concept does apply. I find myself thinking back on that whenever I feel myself slipping backwards, it really helps to get back up.

Yes i do feel very powerless. And very very hopeless
.i just feel like you said. It is a race, like trying to get pregnant as fast as i can b4 my fertility is no more.
Im worried already that my fertility has took a nose dive.
I just dont understand why its not happening.
I did read a article regarding smart watches and how they can effect your health and also fertility. Or the words it used was reproductive system, but same thing.
Ive never had a smart watch so when i fell twive last year i didnt have one.
But i brought one a cheap 30 quid one off amazon and ive been wearing it 24/7 since October.
Now we started ttc in feb 2022. We had a chemical in April 2022, then the following cycle we didnt conceve but did the end of may. Then i lost it in june last yeat.
Then in july i had covid bad
Then late September i had flu bad which went into October.
Then i started wearing the watch and yes ive fallen pregnant while wearung it but only once. And that was such a late implanter.
So now now ive read they can interfere ive taken ot off, i took it off a few days ago and wont be wearing it again.
Be great if thats what it is causing fertility isues.
Im hoping thats what it is
But then i wonder had covid made my fertility bad.
But i had that in july and fell pregnant again late January..
So dont think its that.
It probably realistically is my age, but that just makes me worry more because im not getting any youngerm the closer i get to 44 the more i feel powerless.
Ive had all my hormone levels cheeked including progesterone and all came back within normal range.
But that doesn't tell me how good any of my eggs are, if there are any good ones.
I can get my egg reserve checked but its 300 pounds which is alot. I cant afford to pay out that much.
Ive just got to hope and pray that it happens naturally, but i cant see me ever getting another bfp again
Let alone one thats sticky.
Theres not women here my age that has gotten pregnant and had a healthy baby at the end of it.
All the women that have been my age lost babies and then never ever got pregnant with a healthy baby ever again.
Ive even tried visulising the baby and like imagining what he or she will look like. I pray daily to be blessed with my rainbow.
And the other ladies. But they all have there bfps now and im still here with nothing but bfn.
I just feel so empty and alone.
I just know i will be one of the only ones left behind while everyone else goes onto there due date groups.
Ill be still stuck in the ttc and testing groups.
And that makes me feel so sad.
Id do anything to get my rainbow.
If i had the money id even do IUI or ivf, but i dont have it. So its naturally or nothing at all.
@Suggerhoney Well the good news is your hormones are all within normal levels, if you were nearing menopause wouldn't they fluctuate A LOT? I bet you do have very healthy eggs left. What about your mom or grandma, when did they hit menopause ? I know for my family, they didn't hit it till they were in their 50's, then again my family are Native American (mom's side, dad's german), but it does run in the female line of families.

Also, girl don't be silly, I haven't even had a single bfp yet this cycle. Chances are, if you're not pregnant this cycle, I'll be joining you.
@Suggerhoney I know you are probly on all the supplements in it but I really think you should try the proceive tablets. Look at the reviews online almost everyone fell pregnant within a few months of taking them. It can't be co-incidence I've tried for so long and nothing and now just after 2-3 months on them I've got a bfp! Sounds weird to say that it's not sunk in yet x
Also could you get financial funding for iui or ivf like a loan type thing? The fertility doc mentioned to us it was something that was available x
@Suggerhoney I’m really sorry you’re going through this :( infertility depression is definitely real. When you imagine your baby it already exists in your mind and is like you’re grieving a child. Nothing worse than that. I know it’s the last thing you wanna hear but I do hope for a shock for you. You’ve been through a lot these last couple years :( sorry you’re not coping right now I hope you can feel better soon.

@josephine3 i agree that conceive stuff is really good for ovulation i don’t think it was a coincidence for me either xxx I would take it all the time if it wasn’t so expensive.
Congrats hun looking forward to more tests xxx
No i cant get ivf or iui on finace or help with it because i already have kids. If i didnt have kids then id get one round of ivf on the nhs. Its definitely not a option.
Im already taking everything thats in convieve pluss. Pluss ive tried taking stuff like that last year whivh had it all in and it messed up my cycle badly.

Im already taking 2000mg organic Galatanised maca
400mg ubiniqol COq10
All the B vitamins which has folic acid and zinc etc
Methyl folate
Vitamins D3
Im going to be trying the concieve pluss gel next cycle. Cant see it making any difference but a few swaer by it on here.
Screenshot_20230624_121807_Amazon Shopping.jpg

Is it these. There expensive. Yes good reviews but i can bet it women younger than me. Pluss alot saying they had irregular cycles and this got them back on track. But my cycles are very very regular. When i took pregnacare conception pills last year they messed my cycles up so bad.
12dpo and another bfn for me. Will just wait for the witch now.
Thanks so much @RedRose19 and everyone else! How are you doing?
@Suggerhoney no it's these ones. I bought the dual pack for men and women and got one half price from Holland and Barrett. I'm not sure if there was an extra offer on at the time cos I got 2 boxes for 37 pounds.
They also do a proceive max for over 35s but I just bought the normal ones as the max were more expensive.


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@Suggerhoney for some reason I thought you were in the US. But I'm uk too and obvs already have kids and of course I wouldn't get a free go of ivf but she did say there are finance options available x

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