♡♡June Berries Testing Thread♡♡

Also most insurance companies only cover Necessities for medical treatments, anything outside of that that's considered cosmetic or fertility related you have to pay out of pocket up front. Sometimes they have a payment plan but it's usually only in installments of like two or three payments.
@josephine3 technically we ain't getting it for free our ni we pay out our wages pay for our nhs. Xx

@Suggerhoney I second what @Pinkfizz2015 said about conceived plus I only used the lube while trying for Heidi and the first month we tried it we fell with her now could be coincidence but I believe it helped, I mean by all means I didn't need lube :blush: but I thought why not worth a try xx
The calendar says I’m 5 days away from my period if it was a 28 day cycle. FRER is now negative! I’m freaking out! It was positive two days in a row now stark negative??? Please HELP!


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That's for the generic male fertility test I'm assuming it's to test the semen. Unless you're rich insurance is going to be an expensive necessity, if you're poor you can get insurance but you pretty much have to be so poor that you can't even pay rent or at least what you would consider the standard for what it costs for rent.

If you can't pay up front you don't get medical treatment unless you're dying. They won't even pull infected tooth if you don't have insurance or can't pay for it.
Thats horrible I'm so glad and grateful we have the nhs x
@josephine3 technically we ain't getting it for free our ni we pay out our wages pay for our nhs. Xx

@Suggerhoney I second what @Pinkfizz2015 said about conceived plus I only used the lube while trying for Heidi and the first month we tried it we fell with her now could be coincidence but I believe it helped, I mean by all means I didn't need lube :blush: but I thought why not worth a try xx
I had used the tabs to reboot my cycles but the lube with my older daughter I fell first time with her using it. But doctors are now using the tabs for women with fertility issues now my sis inlaw was put on them as she has fertility problems as well she now has a healthy boy that is 3 weeks younger than Lilly-rose x
I had used the tabs to reboot my cycles but the lube with my older daughter I fell first time with her using it. But doctors are now using the tabs for women with fertility issues now my sis inlaw was put on them as she has fertility problems as well she now has a healthy boy that is 3 weeks younger than Lilly-rose x

Atleast the docs are helping with giving women them to help I do think conceived plus is amazing tho, I don't think I've ever seen the tablets to them tho but bet they expensive aswell xx
Atleast the docs are helping with giving women them to help I do think conceived plus is amazing tho, I don't think I've ever seen the tablets to them tho but bet they expensive aswell xx
Exactly I think its great that woman that can have the opportunity to have have a less evasive way of falling pregnant. They are expensive but tbh it was going to cost us thousands to go through ivf and they where our last hope and they helped but they do say 3 months before there is a chance of conception (our bodies all need time to get to where we want it) and right enough it was a long 3 months but well worth it x
FRER was negative today. Idk what is going on. It was a decent positive yesterday. Maybe I’m having a chemical pregnancy


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FRER was negative today. Idk what is going on. It was a decent positive yesterday. Maybe I’m having a chemical pregnancy
I'm not saying you are having an early loss but with my early loss two cycles ago it was a really dark positive line and then the next day nothing.
Honestly hun look into conceive plus fertility support and conceive plus lube but more so the tabs can get them off amazon or pharmacy now I personally swear by these twice I got pregnant on them after years of trying. No Lilly-rose was my last after all the losses I couldn't go through that again both my girls are rainbow babies. Plus I passed out on my dining room floor Xmas day and wouldn't come round for hours on end baba was fine but my kidneys started shutting down then blood pressure dropped do low I was literally dying infront of my daughter and husband on Xmas day turned out I had covid and it was attacking my organs and my lungs so I'm not health wise able to do a pregnancy again plus after her being so big and pretty much splitting me in half on the way out no thank you she was a whopping 9lb 1oz baby but I'm not built for that size baby to labour naturally lol. Aww hum I no how you feel a few of my cousins where pregnant when I was going through my losses I was happy for them but didn't stop me wondering why me x

Oh my gosh hon that all sounds so so scary. Im so so happy your still here love.
My 2nd was a big baby. 8lb 15oz and im 5ft 4 and slim. He got stuck so badly and he was born not breathing so had to be resuscitated. It was so so scary. He was 2 weeks over due and i begged them to induce me earlier because i new he was going to be big, but they wouldnt have it. Said he would be 7 and a half lbs max.
Thankfully mine and mu husbands kids have all been 7lbs and our dd was 5lb 7oz.

I tried stuff like conceive pluss b4 and it messed up my cycle.
When i had the 4th chemical back in 2020 i was told about maca and folate and also baby aspirin. And i started takiing that and 3 months later i was pregnant with our youngest son.
So now im taking all the same stuff i took when we fell with him. So hopefully i fall soon and it will be sticky.
I get lots of fertile cm so dont need lube.
Please do send me a pic of the pills tho love. If were still struggling in another few months then mite give them a try. Just dont want to on anything that will mess up my cycle because im very regular.

@Suggerhoney those tests look funky.
@Pinkfizz2015 wow that sounds scary!!

Haha i know. Im quite excited about using them.

Okay I was wrong it's between $450 and $1,100
With inflation right now and how basically everything is double the price of what it was not even 3 years ago, people are really being picky and choosy about what they spend their money on.

Yikes. We are so blessed to have the nhs. But the only downside is all the waiting. There so slow.
@josephine3 technically we ain't getting it for free our ni we pay out our wages pay for our nhs. Xx

@Suggerhoney I second what @Pinkfizz2015 said about conceived plus I only used the lube while trying for Heidi and the first month we tried it we fell with her now could be coincidence but I believe it helped, I mean by all means I didn't need lube :blush: but I thought why not worth a try xx

I may look into it. Im getting tons of cm this cycle already so dont think i need it this cycle. But some cycles i have less cm.
I read on ff you should only use lube if you dont get any cm at all.
Apparently its not very sperm friendly and that was on fertility friend.
Im on all the same stuff i was on when we fell with Harley. So its just a case of waiting to fall again and praying everything im.taking helps it to stick.
Remember i tried taking fertility vitamins last year and they really messed up my cycle. So im always scared to try anything new for that reason. Pluss being alot older i dont have time foe my cycles to be messed up.
My cycles are very very regular now.

FRER was negative today. Idk what is going on. It was a decent positive yesterday. Maybe I’m having a chemical pregnancy

Oh no love. I was so hopeful you would get darker lines today.
Oh my gosh hon that all sounds so so scary. Im so so happy your still here love.
My 2nd was a big baby. 8lb 15oz and im 5ft 4 and slim. He got stuck so badly and he was born not breathing so had to be resuscitated. It was so so scary. He was 2 weeks over due and i begged them to induce me earlier because i new he was going to be big, but they wouldnt have it. Said he would be 7 and a half lbs max.
Thankfully mine and mu husbands kids have all been 7lbs and our dd was 5lb 7oz.

I tried stuff like conceive pluss b4 and it messed up my cycle.
When i had the 4th chemical back in 2020 i was told about maca and folate and also baby aspirin. And i started takiing that and 3 months later i was pregnant with our youngest son.
So now im taking all the same stuff i took when we fell with him. So hopefully i fall soon and it will be sticky.
I get lots of fertile cm so dont need lube.
Please do send me a pic of the pills tho love. If were still struggling in another few months then mite give them a try. Just dont want to on anything that will mess up my cycle because im very regular.

Haha i know. Im quite excited about using them.

Yikes. We are so blessed to have the nhs. But the only downside is all the waiting. There so slow.

I may look into it. Im getting tons of cm this cycle already so dont think i need it this cycle. But some cycles i have less cm.
I read on ff you should only use lube if you dont get any cm at all.
Apparently its not very sperm friendly and that was on fertility friend.
Im on all the same stuff i was on when we fell with Harley. So its just a case of waiting to fall again and praying everything im.taking helps it to stick.
Remember i tried taking fertility vitamins last year and they really messed up my cycle. So im always scared to try anything new for that reason. Pluss being alot older i dont have time foe my cycles to be messed up.
My cycles are very very regular now.

Oh no love. I was so hopeful you would get darker lines today.
It was so scary I'm do glad I'm still here to. Its designed to regulate your cycle ti a healthy cycle thats why they recommend 3 months before a pregnancy I've not done any research on maca if I'm honest. Yeah it was not a pleasant delivery she was born healthy but I've been left with inconvenience (sorry tmi) issues as she was stuck in my back passage and had to be cut open all the way in and have my cervix cut to allow space as I wasn't coping and wouldn't of made it to theater for a section so they literally cut me a new one and pulled her out and thank god they did lol x
It was so scary I'm do glad I'm still here to. Its designed to regulate your cycle ti a healthy cycle thats why they recommend 3 months before a pregnancy I've not done any research on maca if I'm honest. Yeah it was not a pleasant delivery she was born healthy but I've been left with inconvenience (sorry tmi) issues as she was stuck in my back passage and had to be cut open all the way in and have my cervix cut to allow space as I wasn't coping and wouldn't of made it to theater for a section so they literally cut me a new one and pulled her out and thank god they did lol x
.....and I thought my last baby was a traumatic birth, I pretty much had a similar experience with the exception of being cut open instead they just reached both their arms up there. I'm so sorry you had to go through that that sounds incredibly painful and scary.
.....and I thought my last baby was a traumatic birth, I pretty much had a similar experience with the exception of being cut open instead they just reached both their arms up there. I'm so sorry you had to go through that that sounds incredibly painful and scary.
It was if I'm honest I do see the funny side in I don't really no how I do but I just do lol but I will say I couldn't walk for two weeks after lol x
I’m just going to non chalantly join this group. Lol My cycles have been crazy since January and pcos is all over the place. I’ve been doing opks for months and started temping just to see if what I’ve been doing is getting my hormones back on track. I ran out of OPKs and didn’t stress because I figured it was another annovulatory cycle(currently on CD31). My new opks came in so I took one…positive beyond positive. Thought maybe it was a fluke or a surge before af. Yesterday I had a temp dip and lots of O pain. We bd last night and opks were still positive. Temp went back up today so it looks like I’m in the 2ww. The positive opk and stuff doesn’t necessarily mean I actually ovulated, but I haven’t had an opk that was actually positive since I used femara. I did conceive my 3rd baby naturally so I know I do ovulate periodically. I attached a picture of the opk because 2 dark lines are so pretty. Lol


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@Suggerhoney the lube is safe to use obviously else I wouldn't have used it and I didn't need it really as had loads of cm just thought why not and that first month we conceived Heidi xx
@Suggerhoney the lube helps the cm to be more swimmer friendly to allow them to get through the cervix more freely and or quicker if my memory serves me well lol if not I'm sure @tdog will be able to fill you in better on it (I have serious baby brain) but just an in general lube is so good to just for fun times :) x
It was so scary I'm do glad I'm still here to. Its designed to regulate your cycle ti a healthy cycle thats why they recommend 3 months before a pregnancy I've not done any research on maca if I'm honest. Yeah it was not a pleasant delivery she was born healthy but I've been left with inconvenience (sorry tmi) issues as she was stuck in my back passage and had to be cut open all the way in and have my cervix cut to allow space as I wasn't coping and wouldn't of made it to theater for a section so they literally cut me a new one and pulled her out and thank god they did lol x

What a traumatic experience. Oh my gosh. You must of been so so sore. Bless you.
Maca also helps your cycle and you have to be on it for months. I swear it was that and the folate and aspirin that helped him stick.
I looked up those pills you was talking about and im practically taking everything thats in them.
The only thing thats im not taking is copper and calcium. The b vitamins i take have all the b vitamins and zinc etc.

I’m just going to non chalantly join this group. Lol My cycles have been crazy since January and pcos is all over the place. I’ve been doing opks for months and started temping just to see if what I’ve been doing is getting my hormones back on track. I ran out of OPKs and didn’t stress because I figured it was another annovulatory cycle(currently on CD31). My new opks came in so I took one…positive beyond positive. Thought maybe it was a fluke or a surge before af. Yesterday I had a temp dip and lots of O pain. We bd last night and opks were still positive. Temp went back up today so it looks like I’m in the 2ww. The positive opk and stuff doesn’t necessarily mean I actually ovulated, but I haven’t had an opk that was actually positive since I used femara. I did conceive my 3rd baby naturally so I know I do ovulate periodically. I attached a picture of the opk because 2 dark lines are so pretty. Lol

Good luck lovely.
Do you know a testing date yet? When you do let me know when and i can add you.
@Suggerhoney the lube is safe to use obviously else I wouldn't have used it and I didn't need it really as had loads of cm just thought why not and that first month we conceived Heidi xx
@Suggerhoney the lube helps the cm to be more swimmer friendly to allow them to get through the cervix more freely and or quicker if my memory serves me well lol if not I'm sure @tdog will be able to fill you in better on it (I have serious baby brain) but just an in general lube is so good to just for fun times :) x

I do get alot of ewcm,
Ive looked into that lube and its 25 quid.
On fertility friend it said do not use lube if you have ewcm naturally but use it if you dont get ewcm. It said natural ewcm is alot better because lube including lube that says its sperm freindly it isn't.
If i see it again ill take a screen shot to show what i mean.
So im a bit scared about using anything new.
No date yet. I’m going to see if my temp keeps going up and ff confirms ovulation. If the dip yesterday was ovulation I’ll start testing next Friday at 8dpo.
What a traumatic experience. Oh my gosh. You must of been so so sore. Bless you.
Maca also helps your cycle and you have to be on it for months. I swear it was that and the folate and aspirin that helped him stick.
I looked up those pills you was talking about and im practically taking everything thats in them.
The only thing thats im not taking is copper and calcium. The b vitamins i take have all the b vitamins and zinc etc.

Good luck lovely.
Do you know a testing date yet? When you do let me know when and i can add you.

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