Oh, and names. Well, I've been thinking of names for YEARS 
For girls---always thought it would be Kyleigh, but lately started liking Khloe too. Maybe too much of the Kardashians?
For boys---always like Caeden, but that got so over used that now I kind of like Cayson, but DH doesn't like Cayson at all. Sooo...idk.
If any of you bright minds can help with a middle name. I want to combine our parents names somehow. If we had a girl I'd want to combine our mother's names---which is colleen and nancy. The only thing I can come up with is Naleen---which I don't really like at all. Dad's names are Bill/William and Patrick---we can't come up with ANYTHING for combining those 2.

For girls---always thought it would be Kyleigh, but lately started liking Khloe too. Maybe too much of the Kardashians?
For boys---always like Caeden, but that got so over used that now I kind of like Cayson, but DH doesn't like Cayson at all. Sooo...idk.
If any of you bright minds can help with a middle name. I want to combine our parents names somehow. If we had a girl I'd want to combine our mother's names---which is colleen and nancy. The only thing I can come up with is Naleen---which I don't really like at all. Dad's names are Bill/William and Patrick---we can't come up with ANYTHING for combining those 2.