Hi Girls!!
Mel - I'm thinking of you! You should be either done or getting scanned by now! FX'd!!

Can't wait to see the pic!!
Kelsey - I bought a belly band and stopped buttoning my pants around 8 or 9 weeks! It would go from day to day whether I could button them or not and sometimes I just felt more comfortable not having them buttoned so don't worry about it - it's inevitable! Some people are freaks of nature and take FOREVER to show but the rest of us retain water very quickly and see the effects right away.
Rach - glad you had fun at Indy! If you took your temp 2hrs early then usually it'll be lower earlier than it would normally be, so that's great!!
Sam - Do you have any ideas what you might be having?? like a feeling one way or another?? Any dreams? I had dreams little Oakley was a boy early on. I could never see his face in my dreams though which I thought was weird!
AFM - we've had a great weekend so far - can't believe it's already over! Saturday night we went to a friend's house for a grill-out, yesterday we had a different set of friends over our house for a grill-out and today we're going to my parent's house for a grill-out lol. They've been great - really wanted a bratwurst (sp?) yesterday but ohwell - soon enough! haha
I've been feeling better about people's comments after having my little meltdown. I think that one girl's comments were just too much for me to take and I realize that people aren't calling me huge or judging my ability to carry a baby, they're just making conversation and I gotta chill out lol. I was talking to some of my girl friends that have been pregnant before if it bothered them and they said it did but it's just what people do.
My pelvic pain has come back with a fury this weekend but I have my scan on Wednesday and I'm really excited for it for some reason so it's been distracting me from it pretty well