1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Yay for another temp rise this morning jess!! I think you've got the BD covered! Especially since you said you BD'd late Friday night :) Have you thought about doing OPKs? I found them so fun lol and then you really know for sure what day you O. I think FF is just like a window of when you could have.

Rach - Hope this week went well for you at your new job and that you're liking it! Try to stay away from the snobby girls - I know - easier said than done!

Kelsey, Mel and Sam - how you ladies feeling?? Any symptoms?? Sam - you feeling any movement yet??

AFM - I've been losing my appetite at night, I think it's from the heat. Weight gain has tapered off a bit but the doctor said that's normal in the last month or so. I also told her that I get sharp pains in my "downthere" area and asked if it was bad the baby was moving in such a way that it hurt down there and she said it's more likely my cervix softening than the baby doing anything. It feels like he's trying to rip my cervix open sometimes lol but I guess it's not him! He is super active - so I asked if they can be too active and she laughed and said no, so that's good! I forgot to ask about my fingers hurting so badly at night (not sure I've even mentioned it to you ladies), but it seems pretty much anything I bring up they're not concerned about anyway lol. My fingers have been super swollen, I can feel the water retention when I bend them and at night they actually hurt when I try to bend them and often I'll wake up with one or both my hands asleep. I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring since like week 20! I've always had water retention in my fingers throughout my cycle, so I guess it's not surprising that is where I'm having trouble in pregnancy. I hope I'll be able to get them back on one day!! :/
Mel - definitely take it easy today! I found the more I pushed myself in the first trimester - the worse I felt! But I had to get up and do something every once in a while or else that would make me feel awful too! lol
Lindsay that's exactly how i feel! Sorry about your water retention :hugs:. The pain might be the baby's head and pressure on the cervix maybe? I can't believe youre so close now!!!!! :cloud9: how you feeling, a bit / lot scared but excited? Xxx
Mel - glad to hear that things are going well, despite the exhaustion! I can't wait for your 12 week can. I took a peak in your journal to see if you had been to the doc and I saw that you are back to work. That's great! Hopefully that will help the next 7 months to by faster for you!

Lindsay- Gosh all that swellingand pain "down there" sounds so uncomfortable! You don't have too much longer thank goodness!!! I can't remember but did you have your other shower yet? I am anxious to see some updated pics of Little Oakley's room!! If I don't get my BFP this cycle I will try the OPKs. I may need to ask you girls about them because I only used them once when I was first TTC. After my doc suggested the temping I've just relied on that.

Rach - how are we supposed to help get you prego if you don't have he proper tools? I don't think it's worth temping any more at this point but if you don't get your BFP this month I would def toss the thermometer and buy a new one so you can start your temping next month!!!

Sam- I saw your Rome pics! They are great. We went to many of the same places, although you had some great pics of St. peters, we never got in there because the Pope scheduled a last minute mass in the square the day we were there and they closed the Basilica. What did you end up doing in Naples?

Kelsey- How are you feeling? Do you have your 12 week scan coming up this week?
Hi ladies!!

So, I'm up in the middle of the night because I have a terrible sore throat! :( I'm too scared to take anything although I know I'm allowed to take tylenol - I'm just too scared to for whatever reason! I know it's from post-nasal drip and I'm all anxious about it as I have a tough week at work this week - I don't want it to get out of control. I have a big presentation on Monday and I'm afraid I'm going to be so out of it that I won't be able to concentrate - or even worse that I'll lose my voice!

I had my other baby shower today (work/school friends) and it was really nice!! We then went to buy buy baby right afterwards and bought all that was remaining on our lists of thing we needed ($1200 worth!! ouch! lol) but I feel so relieved to know we have everything we could possibly need now!

Mel - I'm feeling super excited!! I can't wait for him to join us - just nervous now for this cold and what it means for the little man. I can't believe this is the first time I've gotten sick since I've been pregnant - I get sick all the time usually! lol

Well, I'm going to try to go back to bed before DH realizes I'm not in bed and tries to come find me :p Hope you ladies are having a great weekend! :)
According to Jess's chart i have this big huge super duper feeling that she's pregnant! I have everything crossed for you!!!!!! GAH!!! 1 more stinking week too.

Linds i am soo happy everything it all set for Oakley! That is GREAT! He is going to have so many things to play with and keep him busy. I hope you start feeling better before your presentation tmrw :( That would be terrible to lose your voice. OMG a week from today will be JULY 1st. Not too much longer girl!!!!!!!!!! I am about to dance and go crazy from excitement!

Mel how are you doing hunny?! Wow you're almost at 11 weeks. Almost out of 1st TRI!!!!!! I bet you are so over the moon. I couldn't be happier for you. You've been through so damn much that it's about time all this has come together. Not too much longer until your 12 week scan!!!!!! Time is flying by.

Kelsey woohoo for getting past 1st Tri!!! You're fine girl. Didn't you have a sono though? Maybe i am thinking of someone else? Where have you been btw? MISS YOU tons!!

Sam i'm glad you had a great time on your trip. Sounds like it was relaxing and peaceful. I can't even believe you're that close to 20 weeks. I swear the time is just FLYING by.

AFM -- my job is alright. I hate it because she never gives raises. So i'm stuck at min wage. FML. So i'll be looking for other jobs and hoping to keep this one maybe 1-2 days a week besides. I got to know the snobby biatch and apparently NO ONE likes her lol. Go figure. I hate it that i can't temp right now. I know i should have bought a battery a few days ago but i swear i forget. You girls remem how long it took me to get my thermometer because i'm so forgetful. UGH! :dohh: I don't even know how many dpo i am or nothing. BOO! I think i did O on CD16 and then my thermometer messed up. Just gonna stick with that i guess. Anywho... next month will be the month i did get pregnant last year. So if it doesn't work out this month i am desperately praying it does next.
Oh no Lindsay!!! I am so sorry that you are feeling sick. It's so crazy having a cold when so darn hot outside isn't it!!??? Can you call your doc and see if there's anything you can take? I got a bad cold during my first pregnancy and there where a few over the counter cold meds I could take. Unfortunately they didn't help much but maybe that would provide you a little relief!

AFM- I woke up this morning feeling very wet "down there". Almost felt drippy, sorry TMI. Has anyone had this? It also felt a little sticky but that is probably the progesterone. The concistency was much more watery than the progesterone usually is when it comes out. I dont know very strange.
It looks like Tropical Storm Debby has formed in the Gulf. It has been raining like crazy all night and it's really windy out.
Thanks Rach! I hope so too! I don't seem to have any symptoms yet so we'll see. I keep squeezing my boobs :haha: to see if they are sore!
Glad everything is working out for now on your job. If you don't get raises, do the customers give you girls tips? As for the thermometer, I don't know if I'd bother with the battery, those little batteries are expensive, I would just get a whole new thermometer just in case. Your other one sounds like it had issues.
Jess - your chart looks fantastic!! love it! I get that "wet" feeling all the time as soon as I got preggo! I think it started out real creamy but now it's mostly just wet...yea gross! I wear panty liners pretty frequently and if DH and I don't DTD often enough - it gets really bad! Sorry - that's gross lol

Rach - I would just buy a new thermometer - your old one sounds no good! Do you have just a regular thermometer you use to check if you're sick?? I used one of those for a month and it worked well enough - although you might as well go get another one since it's too late to temp this month.

AFM - my throat is still really bothering me today but Kirk was great this morning and went out and got me some Nasal Rinse stuff (like a nedi pot), some halls, OJ and children's tylenol (and some cookies :p ) I did a nasal rinse last night and that helped me fall asleep. I did a bunch of research online last night and they say short periods of sudafed is fine but that has phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine in it which they say can mess with your blood pressure and runs this risk of reducing blood flow through the placenta but as long as you've had a normal healthy pregnancy, it's fine. Well, I don't like the sound of that so I had Kirk get the Children's Tylenol so that if I can't sleep tonight I'll take that - I really don't want to be completely miserable during my presentation tomorrow. I'm just trying to minimize what I take - I've made it so far without medicine!! Laying in bed all day today to try to shorten this - my mom is bringing over some lunch, I'm so spoiled!

I'm so anxious to go through all of our stuff for the baby but I figure I should just rest today..

Hope you all are having a good weekend!!
Thanks Lindsay! I might do some google searching to see what that is. I have been wearing the panty liners too with the progesterone, but this was just strange.

So sweet of DH (and your mom) taking such good care of you! I hope getting some rest today will help you feel better!!! :hugs: Did you pack your hospital bag yet? Gosh it's getting so close for you!!!
I know, I feel very fortunate today! I couldn't resist putting the pack and play together though :/ Back in bed now! I don't actually have the bag for the hospital packed yet, but we really need to get on that! I have the bag out, just nothing in it...!
:hugs: Lindsay - I hope you feel better soon, I too and suffering with a bad sore throat. I have been gargling with soluble paracetamol (yuck) and using soothers after realsing I can't had the the antiseptic/anaesthetic strepsils -boo. Back to work for me tomorrow too, really don't want to go back just yet.

Jess - things sound really promising, like Lindsey I had creamy cm from about 5dpo onwards and no have lots of watery cm, sometimes is feel like I have wet myself! Fingers crossed Rachels predictions come true!

Rachel - Just try to ignore the stuck up one as much as possible and concentrate on doing your bit. Sometimes is seems easier to get another job when you already have one so maybe you'll find something soon. I agree, might be easier to get a new thermometre and start from scratch as that other one had 'issues'!!!

Kelsey - hope you are okay and are having a relaxing weekend. Did your sister go away on honeymoon?

Mel - are you working again next week. hope you had a relaxing weekend after your very busy Friday.

afm - don't know if I said before but I am feeling some movement now. Difficult to describe but getting them everyday so not just a bit of wind! I have been trying to google prams and have been driving myself insane as I have no idea what to go for. We had a quick look in babies r us and still no further forward. I took a bump pic yesterday but haven't got round to putting it on the computer yet.
Welcome back Sam!! Glad you had fun with some sun and good food. Can't wait to see your bump picture :) Soooo thrilled your feeling some movement!!!! Did it just start since 18 weeks? I'm ddyyyiinnnggg to feel something, I can't wait. You asked about my sister and she's actually going on their honeymoon in January when it'll be cold here.
Jessie, your temps are looking AWESOME!!!! Can we please speed up this next week?! :) Glad your team building went good on Friday, sounds like you're having some crazy storms by you! I love a good storm, but can't imagine what it's like by you. Obviously nothing like a little WI storm!
Lindsay you poor girl, you can't catch a break this week! Hope you feel a million times better by tomorrow. You should be able to take Tylenol anything---so Tylenol cold or anything like that. I've been getting really bad headaches and I hate how often I have to take Tylenol but the Dr. keep assuring me there's no harm. And holy crap---$1200 you had to spend after your showers?! Holy lord, I better start stocking up on stuff now! And get your bag packed hun, Mr. Oakley could decide he's ready any day now :) Omg, IT'S ALMOST HIS BIRTH MONTH!!!!!
Rachael---hopefully you'll get some tips like Jessie said. That would hopefully make up for the minimum wage. Either way, I bet any money is nice to have at this point. So just keep up the good work :) Seriously your thermometer is such a POS!!! I'm sure this will be your month, so you won't have to worry about it next month :)
Had a good weekend. My sister is kind of down in the dumps because she's been having abnormal Paps since 2006 but with follow ups they always came out fine. Well now she went in for the follow up and she has moderate to severe dysplasia and has to have a LEEP procedure and then has to wait 6 months to have a follow up Pap and if it still comes out abnormal has to have another procedure and wait another 6 months to TTC. She's really bummed because she's 33 and her DH is 36 so she feels pressured to get TTC. The Dr's are stumped though because they've tested for every HPV strain, and they've all come back negative. SSoooo....hopefully that turns out good for her and she only needs the 1 procedure. This weekend we had a party that I didn't feel like fake drinking anymore so I didn't and a couple ppl did ask us and we just admitted it. Tomorrow is our big scan at 9 am and after that we will make the official announcment to everybody. I'm ssoooo nervous because I feel like it's too good to be true and something bad is going to happen. But, deep down I feel like everything will be just fine. ssssooo anxious!! Alright girls, hope you all had a great weekend. I'll update as soon as I can tomorrow!
Lindsay- hope you got some rest today and are feeling better. I keep forgetting to ask you, have you decided if you are going to nurse Oakley or use formula?

Sam- hope you feel better soon, do you think you might have run yourself down a bit during vacation? That is so great about the movement. Is it something your DH can feel too or just you? Can't wait to see your bump pic! :thumbup:

Kelsey- I am so excited for your appointment tomorrow and you're officially moving out of the first tri!!!! Woot woot!!! :happydance: I bet it will be so nice to finally tell people. How will your work be about that?

AFM- it has been pouring ALL DAY LONG here today with gusty winds. The tropical storm is forecasted to make landfall in northern Florida in a couple days but we are still under a watch as it may change direction. It's going to be a very wet few days!!! Oh what I would do for a day or two off from work!!!
Kelsey - I had a LEEP procedure about 4 years ago now and that is why I had scans every two weeks with this pregnancy. It was really not painful at all and it got rid of the dysplasia in one procedure! It took about a year for it to fully resolve but each visit got better. I would think if the follow up if things are moving in the right direction she could start ttc and they would just have to watch her cervix - which they would anyway. If she has any questions tell her I'd be happy to chat with her on Facebook or something!

Jess - your chart looks great! I'm so excited for you! I'm going to try to nurse - which is why our trip for baby stuff was so expensive - the breast pump was $400! Then we had to get the car seat/stroller and the pack and play...and of course we insisted on getting top of the line everything so it really added up!

Sam - I strted feeling consistent movements around 18 weeks too! I think I felt him every once in a while strting around 15...but I questioned it until 18 when I really felt him every day even if just once during the day. Just wait til your little one can reach your ribs! Then you REALLY feel it! Lol
Good luck with the scan kels!!!!, update as soon as poss and let us know, so excited for you!!! My 12 week one is next tuesday, can't believe it. You'll be able to tell everyone freely today, your phone will be off the hook!!
Sorry to read about your sister, I hope she gets her baby soon and finds out what's causing the abnormal result!
Jess I love love love storms I am jealous!! It's getting close and sticky here which I hate, i love the rain and cold much much more lol!
Sam I can't wait for you to feel movement!
Lindsay I cannot wait for you to have oakley and to see all the pics!!! So exciting!

My friend on the rpl thread who had four mc's over 2.5 years has just had her baby girl!! :cloud9: :cry: :yipee: I am so happy for her and emo today because of this!
Awh mel that is great about your friend!! She deserves it sooo much just like you do!!!!

Kels make sure to update us ASAP!! I can't wait to see how things go. Like Mel said.. now you can announce it to the world. I am so happy for you!!!!!!! That is so terrible about your sister. I couldn't imagine them missing it all this time.. so hopefully it just happened and it won't be so bad.

Linds i love love love your bump pic!! You look sooooooo adorable. How are you feeling today? Is the cold gone?

Jess omg your temps are looking sooo perfect!!! GAHH!!!!!!! I am so anxious. I couldn't imagine how you're feeling. :happydance:

Sam awhhh you're more than likely feeling movements. That is just amazing. Makes me want to be pregnant more!! I bet it's the best feeling in the world.

AFM -- i had such a nice dream last night. I dreamt that i met Mesina (the psychic) and she told me i was pregnant with 1. I was thinking.. "no way, i don't feel anything right now". Well i ran out and took 2 PG tests. I was only 7dpo and both showed up clear as day but with 3 lines? LOL it was weird. Then i said "are you sure i'm not having twins?". She was like yeah. Then i was disappointed for a sec and then was super happy. Umm i pray i don't have twins. No idea why in my dream i wanted them LOL. If that's what i end up having i will be ecstatic!!! BUT if not i won't be disappointed either lol. In my dream after i found out i was PG the first thing i was going to do was jump on here and tell you girls LOL. When i woke up i said "well i guess it's a BFN this month. Reason why i say that is every month in the 2WW i always have prego dreams and i feel like the one time i don't have them i'll be PG. I'm so weird.
Thanks girls! Scan went great, baby caught up and is measuring on track---hb in the 160's this time, and the coolest was the baby waved! Seeing those 5 lil fingers was the best :) Did a couple back flips and then seemed to fall back asleep. So I went out the email to my friends to let them know which was something I was really looking forward too :) I forgot to ask, but do you guys know, does 2nd tri start at 13 weeks?
Jessie another great temp today! When's the earliest you'll test? I think work will be fine I planned to talk to my boss as soon as I got back from work but then her door was closed and now I lost my nerve! I think she'll be fine, but we have 1 possibly 2 people retiring this year so I think she might freak a bit...
That's so sweet of you Linds, the only reason I had heard of the Leep procedure was because of you so I told her if she had questions that I'd ask you because you know everything :)
Mel that's great about your friend, love hearing happy endings like that. What did she name her? Can't wait for your 12 week scan!!
Oops Rachael you musta posted same time as me---I LOVE YOUR DREAM :) Mesina annoys me, I think she's full of it. I emailed her back twice to ask her to clarify a part of her reading (she said we'd hear news shortly that would be difficult for us to take) and she just never responded at all. Thought that was rude.
I pray pray pray that your dream comes true THIS MONTH. I'm like you, I would have been fine with twins, but would prefer just 1 at a time.

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