Ok I'm catching up now!
Lindsay---so glad the presentation went good! You poor thing, I think you're at the point of exhaustion, but just hold on only a couple weeks left. ALMOST JULY!!!! Kirk sounds like such a great guy

I have been wanting to try the Neti Pot soooo bad! I always have trouble with my sinuses and sinus headaches so I have no idea why I don't have one yet...When is your last day of work? Or are you planning on working all the way till the end? I'm so scared of my water breaking at work! Oh, and another question for you, is the bag packed yet?

Rachael---interesting reading. Mesina ticked me off and still has me worried a bit by her stupid reading for me (her telling me I'd hear news that would be difficult to hear still has me terrified I'll miscarry or something), so idk what to think of her. But I do believe that people seem to have fertile months (look at how many people have a bunch of their kids all in the same birth month) so I really believe this month and next are your fertile months

Have you tested yet? I feel so bad that you're feeling so down....I know how you feel....TTC was the longest 16 months of my LIFE! So glad work is going good for you and you're getting more hours! Hopefully you buy something fun with your first check

how are Jax and Sadie?
Jessie I'm going to google this vehicle--sounds fancy and pretty! You guys are giving me the itch to get a new vehicle, that won't happen though. I'd LOVE an Acadia..I want pictures ASAP if you get it! What color (sorry if you said already). If it was BFN today (I'm DYING because if you got a BFP I'm going to do a dance!) don't be disouraged because mine at 12DPO was pretty light, I'm not sure I would have had anything at 11DPO.
Mel glad you're feeling better, it's perfectly normal for your symptoms to be subsiding. I actually haven't really felt pregnant the whole time besides being hungry and occasionally icky feeling. If you do get a scan today, I want to see a pic of ME-MO!
Awww Sam hope you feel better! Lindsay must have gotten you sick!

jk It seems that when somebody is PG they always get one really awful cold...I also haven't had one in years...get rest and let hubby wait on you hand and foot

**AFM---brought some pink and blue cupcakes to work today with a little sign and everybody was excited about it. One lady that I don't love came and said OH i thought you've been looking pregnant. Idk, I can't wait to look pregnant but the way she said it rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.
Have a great day ladies--happy Friday eve!