1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

I'll comment more later-but I just had to say that your temp today Jessie is AWESOME!! Did a lil cheer for you!
Morning girls! :coffee:

Rach - I like Messina's post. Like Lindsay said you should try some yoga or look into that Chakra. I think its expensive but I had read a lot of girls on here talk about acupuncture for getting pregnant. Maybe something like that is all you need. Did you run out last night and get that BBT thermometer!!!???

Linsday - I love your bump pic! I hope you get rid of that cold quick!! Are you all done with all of your house construction now or do you have any other renovation plans?

Sam - Happy 19 weeks!!! :happydance:

Mel - Happy 11 weeks!!!! :yipee:

WooHoo girls!!!! You all are leaving me in the DUST!!!!

AFM - another high temp today which I am happy about. I still don't feel any different so we'll see what happens tomorrow. Writing this I just realized that I forgot to put in my progesterone this morning (I usually do it in the morning and before bed). Do you think it will be OK if I just do it when I get home from work. I am worried now but I think some people put them both in at the same time right...? Ugh!!!
Awesome temps Jess!! When are you thinking about testing? Tmrw sounds like a good day ;)

As for Mesina... it's very reassuring and soothing. I just don't even know if i can believe any of it anymore though. I always listen to what these 'psychics' say but they're always wrong. It's nice to have positive vibes sent this way though. I just am at that point where i feel like giving up and not even trying anymore. Just let 'time' come together because i sure the hell can't control that. I'm just so frusterated with this whole damn thing and it makes me so depressed. If i'm trying or not i'll be depressed. It's terrible to feel this way. As for symptoms in this 2WW.. the tops of my boobs are sore but i rem they were last month too. Ughh
Girl, don't be depressed... this might be the "blockage" that Messina is talking about. Think positive :flower: thoughts!!!!
Thanks Jess. It's just so hard. I've been trying to stay positive and not be so down like i was months and months ago. I feel i've done a lot better. I guess i just have to face it that there's nothing more i can do but wait. When are you testing girl?!!?
Hiya girls I am having a wobble that I'll get to my 12 week scan next Tuesday and the hb will have stopped :cry: it's my first wobble. :nope: I just can't believe I will be that lucky to have a baby after 4 mc. Really struggling today and I have no symptoms. Not sure whether to go for another scan tomorrow to ease my mind, but I have one for free on tuesday so I should just wait shouldn't I?
Jess - I'm so happy for you!! your chart is like picture perfect!! Might you sneak in a test tomorrow?! I got a positive at 11DPO with this pregnancy! Does your doctor have any plans for when you get pregnant this time? Like anything different??

Mel - don't worry! everything is going to be perfect!! Your symptoms should be easing a bit by now anyway and you're on the steroids so they're really going to be diminished! If you can wait, then wait, but if it's stressing you out, it's not worth stressing the baby out - just go take a quick peak and put your mind at ease :)

Rach - how's the new job treating you? still like it?? applied anywhere else?

AFM - feeling a bit better again today. Had a bit of a mental breakdown when I got home due to work being stressful and sitting in traffic on the way home - I feel so mentally fragile this past week or two! I'm feeling better now, thankfully!
Oh Mel :hugs: I know you're feeling so overwhelmed but it's not impossible to have a baby have 4, 10, 20 miscarriages!! I bet you are having symptoms today, but they're just not as strong as other days. I know it's so hard to not get worked up, but after you get to that appt. and see your babies heart is beating 160 bpm - you're going to realize this is your rainbow. I know you had 4 soggy mixtures to your cakes, but the doctors have gotten such a closer look at what was going on and tried correcting it so you could get your forever baby. It's all going to be okay.

AFM-- tonight my bbs are achy... well my left one. It's a normal symptom of AF though. *sigh* Jess are you testing tmrw?!?!?
Awh Linds, it's because you're probably so anxious for Oakley's arrival and all the stuff you need to get done before he gets here. I can't believe it's officially less than 1 month!!!! AHH!! Just try and not get too overwhelmed with everything. I'm sorry you've had a rough day. Maybe Kirk will rub your feet and make you feel so much relaxed!! Work is going good. I got more hours which i am happy about.
Oh Mel - Don't worry. I know easier said than done but everything has been measuring perfect so far I really feel like you are fine!!! Can you get away somewhere with DH for the weekend to take your mind off of things until Tuesday?

Lindsay - sorry you had a tough time today. I drive a long way to work too and the drive just kills me. DH and I keep talking about moving but with kids we feel like its better to be in a house where we are. Oh, you asked about the car.. I was looking at the 2013 Acura RDX. I have a Toyota 4_Runner now and really wanted to get into a more luxury vehicle. The dealer is not coming down much on the RDX since it just came out but they are doing an INSANE deal on the next step up (the MDX) so it has us really torn about the purchase. We may go into the dealership tomorrow again with the check box so we'll see. How are things going with your new car? I bet it's sooooo nice to drive!!!
Ahem, excuse me missy :grr: you still haven't said if you're testing tmrw or not?!!?
Thanks girls :hugs: feeling a bit better today!
Lindsay sorry you're feeling fragile too :hugs::hugs: it's all those darn pregnancy hormones!!!!
Jess I'm getting excited for you!!!! :test: :test: bet this is your month!! Bet it is! :yipee:
Thanks for the idea about going away, might just do that!
Rach how you doing Hun? I'm not sure you can take everything the psychic says but maybe use as a very general guide? I used a psychic after my second mc and she said I would have 2 children and there was something pointing her in the direction if my neck lol! Wonder if she meant thyroid even tho my thyroid is fine I was given thyroid tabs after that reading to get my thyroid from 3 to 2 as one fertility doc was picky about that even tho my other 2 scores without the meds were lower than 2! Go figure! Xxx
Jess - I LOVE the Acura MDX!! it's sooo nice!! Now is a good time of year to buy and within the next few months because the 2013 models will be coming out soon so they give really good deals on the 2012s. That's what happened with us, we probably could have gotten an even better deal if we waited another month or so but we kinda need it now, haha. I'm too early for your temp!! FX'd for you!! :)

Mel - glad you're feeling better!! Everything is going to be great :) Think happy thoughts for that little one of yours!!

Rach - glad your job is treating you well and I've got my FX'd for you too!! you decide when you're going to start testing?? and don't worry about symptoms! I swear I didn't have any at all and that was why I was so convinced I was not pregnant.

AFM - I'm doing a bit better both physically and mentally today, thank goodness!! Hoping I stay this way throughout the day! I felt so bad for Kirk yesterday with me breaking down on him but he's so sweet and has told me so many times he's been waiting for me to get emotional as I've supposedly been so "normal" the whole pregnancy - god I love him!! :) And yes, I'm definitely feeling the pressure of getting everything done for Oakley and having no time/energy to get it done! Things should lighten up at work by next week, so he just needs to snuggle in there at least a couple more weeks to give me some time to finish getting everything done!! I think I would feel better if the car seat was in the car...I'll get there!
Hi girl, beem mia. I have lurked but not posted Full of the cold/sore throat, asthma so I have been going to bed early as I am so shattered after work.

Mel - glad you are feeling better today.

Lindsey - :hugs: for the meltdown. I get frustrted driving home so it must be worse when you are so close to the end. We all deserve our 'moments' and I feel have been quite good and not been to emotional especially after what we read about so maybe my time will come also! When do plan on finishing work?

Rachel - I agree with the others about mesina, just use it as general guide. Sometimes taking a month off or relaxing about the ttc will help you. I just wish I could grant your and Jess wish to be pg I am glad work is improving and you are getting more hours.

Jess - oh temps are looking good, can't see todays yet and am excited to see if you tested.

Kels - can't remember if I said on an earlier post but love love the pic. Hope you are feeling okay. It si so good to be able to tell people, I felt like a weight hadbeen llifted of my shoulders. How was everyone when you told them - thrilled to bits I guess.

afm - as above just starting to get over this cough/cold. Taking quite bad as not had cold for about 3 years and can't take anything for it anyway!! Just looking forward to a relaxing, quiet weekend.
Lindsay - Happy 36 weeks!!! :yipee: Yes I love the MDX. It was never really in our price range before (and still really isn't) but they are running such great deals on the 2012's that its hard to pass up.

Kelsey - Happy 13 weeks!!!! You are officially in your 2nd Tri!!!! :happydance:

Sam - so sorry you haven't been feeling well either!!!

Well girls I had a temperature dip today but I still tested. Its BFP. We'll see what happens over the next couple of days. I feel like I am out but I am secretly hoping that its just too early.
Ok I'm catching up now!
Lindsay---so glad the presentation went good! You poor thing, I think you're at the point of exhaustion, but just hold on only a couple weeks left. ALMOST JULY!!!! Kirk sounds like such a great guy <3 I have been wanting to try the Neti Pot soooo bad! I always have trouble with my sinuses and sinus headaches so I have no idea why I don't have one yet...When is your last day of work? Or are you planning on working all the way till the end? I'm so scared of my water breaking at work! Oh, and another question for you, is the bag packed yet? ;)
Rachael---interesting reading. Mesina ticked me off and still has me worried a bit by her stupid reading for me (her telling me I'd hear news that would be difficult to hear still has me terrified I'll miscarry or something), so idk what to think of her. But I do believe that people seem to have fertile months (look at how many people have a bunch of their kids all in the same birth month) so I really believe this month and next are your fertile months :) Have you tested yet? I feel so bad that you're feeling so down....I know how you feel....TTC was the longest 16 months of my LIFE! So glad work is going good for you and you're getting more hours! Hopefully you buy something fun with your first check :) how are Jax and Sadie?
Jessie I'm going to google this vehicle--sounds fancy and pretty! You guys are giving me the itch to get a new vehicle, that won't happen though. I'd LOVE an Acadia..I want pictures ASAP if you get it! What color (sorry if you said already). If it was BFN today (I'm DYING because if you got a BFP I'm going to do a dance!) don't be disouraged because mine at 12DPO was pretty light, I'm not sure I would have had anything at 11DPO.
Mel glad you're feeling better, it's perfectly normal for your symptoms to be subsiding. I actually haven't really felt pregnant the whole time besides being hungry and occasionally icky feeling. If you do get a scan today, I want to see a pic of ME-MO!
Awww Sam hope you feel better! Lindsay must have gotten you sick! :) jk It seems that when somebody is PG they always get one really awful cold...I also haven't had one in years...get rest and let hubby wait on you hand and foot :)
**AFM---brought some pink and blue cupcakes to work today with a little sign and everybody was excited about it. One lady that I don't love came and said OH i thought you've been looking pregnant. Idk, I can't wait to look pregnant but the way she said it rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.
Have a great day ladies--happy Friday eve!
Kelsey don't worry about stupid Mesina. Nothing bad is going to happen. She is a damn nut. I wouldn't put 2 thoughts into what she says. I'm trying not to. Only thing that her and this other lady have in common is Mesina says my baby should be born under the month of August, and the other psychic said Sept i'd find out. So it would make sense for that time frame. The most exciting part about that is i've always wanted a May/June baby. May (my sisters birth month) and June (my birth month). Would be nice! It seems forever away though. ANYWHO --- like i said... not going to read too much into it (YEAH RIGHT). Sadie and Jax are doing better. Jax has changed completely. He's been so good. He always wants to cuddle... whereas when we first took him in he wanted nothing to do with humans. I am so happy things turned out the way i hoped. That is such a good idea with the cupcakes!! Is there any gender you're leaning towards? I am still sticking with girl. About when will you have your gender scan? Another month or two? I am so excited for you! I imagine your coworker meant her comment in the nicest way. Although some people have a real shitty way of saying it. When might you post a bump pic?! I love progression pictures.

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