1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Kels - one of my (return) patients a few weeks ago asked if I was putting all my weight back on! I was probably at the same stage as you. Some people just have no decency. Others have asked but said it in a nice way so never bothered me. A few people at work (the dept is big) still don't know and I have noticed them chatting away to my face, glace down at me belly then back up again!

Rachel -I am glad Jax is being all lovely dovey, he just wasn't used to having the love.

I'll admit I had to reread Jess' post as I just read it as BFN, it was only after you guys pointed it out I saw the bfp.
I think Jess meant BFN because of what she wrote right after that when she said she thought she was out. YOU STILL GOT TIME JESS!! I really hope it transforms into a bfp or you did mean :bfp: !!!

Lindsay try not to put too much pressure on yourself hun :hugs: At the end of the day you're going to be a fantastic mum and if the truth was known you probably can't prepare properly anyway when you don't actually have Oakley here. Probably best to get that bag packed though! I'm so excited for you!!!! :cloud9:

Pink thanks for your lovely msg on my journal (me and pink chat in a few other threads girls, we don't ignore each other lol!) That woman was so bloody rude!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think she is jealous :growlmad:

Kels and Pink I have heard so many bad stories now of people making insensitive comments. And I think Lindsay suffered a few too. I am prepared with my very heavy handbag to hit them over the head with it!! And I think you two should arm yourselves too. How dare they mess with a pregnant woman AND her hormones! :haha:

Rach, yeah I would take that woman with a pinch of salt!

I have chilled out today and you girls made me feel so much better too. No scan I am going to wait until Tuesday - I don't think I am EVER going to relax before a scan and 'know' that all is ok i really don't!
Aww Rach that's so great to hear about Jax!! Usually if cats aren't used to humans they don't seem to come around much---so that's great he's a lil lover now! Are him and Sadie getting along any better? Well that's a good sign if both psychics were in line with their prediction, although I think it'll happen this month or next :) I have always thought I'd have all boys for some reason, not that boys are my preferance by any means, just never saw myself having girls. But idk, I've done the ring test now a couple times and the chinese predictor all say girl. Ryan right away said he thinks girl and now others are saying they think for sure girl so I think they're swaying my opinion! I really have no clue---except now I'm not certain it's a boy like I always thought it would be. DH refuses to find out gender so I guess we'll be waiting 27 more weeks to find out (and I am the least patient person alive). I took a bump pic at 9 weeks and totally meant to at 12 weeks but didn't get around to it so I think I will tonight.
Lol Mel, love it. Although I wouldn't want any blood on my pretty purse so I think I'll maybe just have to use my pepper spray?? ;) Sooo glad you're feeling better, this is your forever baby so you just get used to it mama! Tuesday will be hear before you know it and just think you're giving the baby almost a week longer to develop so you'll get to see even more detail of the baby at your scan! :)
Thanks kels :hugs: I feel like you're going to have a boy kels!! I have this instinct you are!! Xx
Rach glad you're bonding with jax now! :hugs:
Hey Girls!!

Kelsey - You should try the neti pot!! I prefer the squirt bottle one because if your congested at all it's easier to clear yourself out - kinda gross but really works like a charm! I am planning on working until July 13th, so 2 more weeks!! I'm so excited next week is July 4th week so I can have an extra day off and get that bag packed!! :blush: I'm so bad! I've had so much to do with work - I even got up super early this morning to do something for my boss because I was too tired to last night but what we're working on is due at 9am on Sunday, so at 9:01am on Sunday I will be a MUCH happier girl!

Girls - don't worry about the comments! I feel better knowing that I'm not the only one that thought some people just didn't make comments in a very nice way! I've gotten used to them but it used to make me kind of upset even though I loved my belly. I get "you're still here?!? when are you due?" pretty much every day at work but I'm OK with that one now that I only have 2 more weeks of work!

Mel - glad you're feeling better! Everything is going to be great on Tuesday!

Rach and Jess - how you ladies feeling?? I'm guessing I'm too early for temps, I'll check as soon as I post this :)

AFM - doctor's appointment this morning...SIL might try to take a peak at Oakley if she has a break in patients! I thought the next time we would see him would be his birthday but maybe I'll get one last peak today :) Been having a lot more cramping, not sure if they're considered braxton hicks or not, just feels kind of like period cramps..might be from stressing about work (poor oakley!)

Hope you ladies are doing great!
I wasn't too early for temps!! Jess - your temp went up again!!!! did you test????? !!
Woohoo Jess on the temp rise again! I'd test tmrw if you don't want to today!!! I have a good feeling.

Lindsay i hope you start feeling better. Have you had braxton hicks before? Some girls start at like 20 weeks with it. I hope you do get to get a peak at Oakley one last time before his arrival!! :cloud9:
I'm not sure if they're braxton hicks, they're just like period cramps that I've been getting since about 30-32 weeks I guess and I told the doctor and they didn't seem concerned, so that's probably what they are. I've just been getting them more frequently lately.
OMgosh girls, sorry, I have not caught up yet... its been nuts the last couple days with work and this car purchase. Sorry I meant to say BFN. I guess I was half asleep still when I posted yesterday!!! :coffee:

I had a temp rise today but when I put in my progesterone I saw some blood on the stick and since then I have had some light bleeding so I'm out this month. DH is going to be on a tight leash :grr: next month for :sex: !!!!

I will catch up and post shortly.....
Kelsey – So… why pink on the cupcakes….???? OMosh, I would not be able to wait to find out. I am a planner!!! And like Rach said, don’t worry about Messina.
So we had a big argument with our regular dealer yesterday and walked out. They were about $1500 off of what we’ve gotten from other dealers over EMAIL!!! Not even going there in person much less buying a car there!!! Ugggh Anyway, we spoke to one of the other dealers last night and they offered to match the lowest price we’ve gotten plus throw in a few extra things so I think we may have a deal. They are sending over the paperwork today and if everything looks good we will be going over there after work. It all just happened so fast and almost seems too good to be true, but we’ll see. The car will be silver. I love silver. I think it looks so sharp (plus it always looks clean!!), with black interior. I actually like the Tan interior but everyone tells me with kids etc you want black and the Tan was not available in the silver on the MDX. Booo!!! I will post a pic if we get it .

Sam – when is your gender scan? Do you have a preference?

Lindsay – Kirk does sound so sweet!!!! You found a good one!!! :thumbup: Could those cramps contractions? You need to get that bag packed this weekend!! Don’t wait!! Just throw your PJ’s in there and some slippers and you will be good!

Mel – Your post was hilarious about the handbag!!!! :haha: Did you make any plans for the weekend?
Don't feel bad Jess... i started spotting just a couple hrs ago. UGH. My boobs hurt real bad too. I guess it's all apart of the craziness of TTC. :nope: Anyways, I LOVE YOUR NEW VEHICLE!! Congrats darlin. You deserve it.
Jess and rach boooooo to af showing up :nope: :hugs: :hugs: but that car should cheer you up Jess, it sounds really fancy!! :cloud9: Yeah black is probably much better for when you have your baby!

Kels are you going to find out the gender I can't remember if you said you were or not!

Lindsay, I think some of the 30 week + girls I know on the pregnant after recurrent mc thread have those pains too. I think it's the baby putting pressure on your nerves and cervix. It's good that the doctor is not worried. How often are they? Must be a bit scary :hugs:

Afm my 12 week scan is on tuesday and I'm going to be soooo nervous on the day. Omg I will be petrified. Kels how did you cope as you had your so recently. Were you petrified?
Can't see what can go wrong if all was ok at 10 weeks though :shrug:

Anyone do anything nice this weekend? Me and hubs went on a lovely riverside walk in a meadow yesterday. There was a mummy and daddy horse with their little foal and hubs said that's us :cloud9: meaning me him and Me-mo!! I nearly cried. I hope that comes true...
Awh that was so sweet of your H, Mel. I know it's nearly impossible to not worry about your appointment, but everything is going to be okay! :thumbup: I have all faith that this is going to work out. I can't believe you're almost 12 weeks already!! I didn't realize you and Kelsey were that close.

AFM-- woke up this morning and spotting is gone. I imagine it will start back up soon. It was dark brown and kinda gooey last night. I had tested yesterday and the day before but it was a bfn. I need to just stop testing and wait until AF was suppose to come. I'll never learn lol
Hi Girls!

we had terrible storms on Friday night and have been out of power since then :( I'm at my in-laws right now.

Still having some cramping and the doctor said it's good that I'm having them - it's my uterus practicing and they are braxton hicks. Crazy! They said they just want to know if I get more 4 or more in an hour and they're just sporatic right now.

Sorry Jess and Rach about AF!! :(
Lindsay---it's Sunday so that means you get to relax a bit from work!! Glad you're body is getting some practice in so that it knows what to do when Oakley is ready to make his entrance :) Hope you stay comfortable though and they're not too bothersome. Did your SIL get a peek at Oakley for you on Friday?! Hope the power comes back on shortly, good thing that didn't happen when he's here! Oh, and the annoying question, is your bag packed yet?! lol
Sorry AF came Rachael and Jessie (or did it come Rachael?!). Jessie---I need to see this new vehicle--must be on facebook? How exciting! And yes, put hubby on a leash this month! I think if you can get the perfect timing we'll be seeing the beautiful BFP!! RAch are you getting a diff. thermometer or just saying eff it?
Mel---2 more days until your scan (well actually less than 2 days depending on what time)!! I wasn't petrified because we had had 2 good prior scans, but I was pretty nervous. I keep going back and forth about wondering if we made a good decision not getting the nuchal testing done, but like hubby said, we wouldn't terminate anyway. I just worry about the "what ifs" when it comes to chromosomal problems....anywho, it will all go perfect and you will get to see lil Me-Mo!!
AFM--had a good weekend, it was really hot so spent most of it in my parents pool. Loaded up on sunscreen because my Dr. said we're so much more sensitive to the sun when we're PG but apparently I'm not too sensitive because I barely got any color. boo. I don't know why I was sooo nervous about posting on facebook, but my heart was pounding when I posted it. I guess I'm worried that it's really real now and if something would happen, I'd have a lot of people to explain it to. Anyway, hope you all had a great weekend!!!!
Having no power is the worst Lindsay. I hope they got it fixed by now. I'll never forget one time we had a bad labor day storm when i lived in New York and we were without power for like 7 days. I was going nuts! I think i was like 12.

Kelsey when you posted that pic i didn't even put 2 and 2 together. Then a couple hours later i see all these comments saying "congrats". I was like OMG she's just now announcing it, duhhhh. Took me a minute LOL. It was very cute. I love how you got your dog involved :) Such a sweet idea. Don't worry about anything bad happening love. It's all going to work out.

AFM-- i think AF is taking her sweet ass time. I had spotting on the 30th, not much at all. Yesterday i got up and there was nothing, but later on i had more spotting and then it was real red. I go back into the bathroom later on and then nothing. Woke up this morning with light spotting. Hopefully it will just come already. Took a frer yesterday and it was bfn, so i know it's just AF being slow. I hate it because it always sucks the energy right out of me. Here lately Jax has been sleeping with us and he always wants to lay on you or by your head. It's so annoying. He kept me up most of the night by doing it. I woke up every hour, multiple times. So i felt like i didn't sleep at all. Now i'm off to work. Def going to be an early night for me.
Ugg Rachael I hope AF hurry and shows her ugly face so you can get it over with! I hated when I knew I wasn't PG but I still wasn't getting AF...You must have OV'd a lil later this month which is why your cycle seems to be longer. Isn't it something how we'll lose sleep so that our animals can be comfortable?!?! If Presley sleeps with us (which he doesn't often cuz there just isn't room) I'll sleep horrible because he tries to sleep sideways on the bed between us but I feel bad waking him up so I suffer! lol
Yeah, I actually did the announcment that way so it wasn't too in peoples face. I know sometimes it was hard for me to see people's u/s pics so I tried to think of a diff. way. Trying to actually get Presley to lay nice was another story!!
Oh gosh kels I was wondering about posting on Facebook myself tomorrow if we get good news, I'm too chicken I think! I might do though eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
Hi ladies!!

We have power again and the house is a wreck but at least it's air conditioned now!!

Rach - I hope AF will just show up and get it over with soon for you!

Jess - how you doin?? enjoying your new ride?!

Kelsey - I loved your facebook announcement - so exciting!! I'm so happy everything has gone so smoothly so far for you and don't worry about the NT testing! everything is going to be perfect :)

Mel - can't wait for your scan tomorrow!

AFM - the bag is NOT packed - ugh!! lol I've been getting braxton hicks about once an hour or so for a few days now so I think I REALLY need to get on that!! I'm taking the day off on Thursday, and of course I have off on Wednesday so hopefully before the weekend even gets here I'll have everything all set for the little man!

My SIL did scan me on Friday but he's so smushed in there it's so hard to get good pictures...I'll post what we got a little later - he's got such pudgy cheeks! He's going to be so super cute!

I've started getting that slightly delirious type tired you get in your first trimester again and I'm not sure if it's because work was so insanely busy *but is now done being crazy busy!!* and I'm just exhausted from that or if it's from carrying around a bowling ball all day or all of the above but I'm just so glad things have gone so smoothly this whole time!

I'm going to try to get some cleaning done around here - hope you ladies are having a lovely beginning to your week!! :)

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