1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi Ladies!!

This thread has been very quiet lately! Hope you're all doing OK!

Rach - I'm so sorry about your eye!! It drives me crazy when my eyes are bothering me! Has your spotting gone now??

Mel - glad you're doing so great! Happy 13 weeks and welcome to the second trimester!! best trimester by far!

Sam - we're coming up on scan date, right?!

AFM - had my first real big contraction last night, it was pretty exciting!! most of them stay low down in my belly but this one went all the way up on my belly, it's making me so anxious! We're having some drama with our family about little Oakley's name. DH got a text last night from his aunt saying something about that 5 of them have voted and they don't want him named Oakley and they're worried about him getting teased while growing up. I'm really upset about it because we're so close at this point that this isn't the time, we've decided on this name so long ago that they could have said something sooner if they felt that strongly about it and honestly it's not their decision anyway. I swear if anyone says anything about his name in the hospital room, I will go ballistic and kick them out! I love the name, so it's so hard to hear!
omg Lindsay!! How dare they even think of putting something like that to a vote, a bloody vote!!. I am beyond gobsmacked, that is just so wrong I am fuming!! I know speaking to Mum some names I have mentioned she is not keen on but whatever we name our baby they will just have to live with. And as you say, although again it is your choice, they could have said something before now. What has you OH said about this? no wonder you are upset, as I am livid. Back to the nice things, woo for big contraction. Was it sore as they say braxtons are not supposed to be painful. Won't be long now till little Oakley will be in your arms. I bet you are glad this is your last week at work.

My scan is Wed 9.30 with consultant after that.

Rachel - hope you eye is settling down. did you get any drops for it? When are you back to work? Stupid boss woman, I hope she catches it form you s she knows how it feels. Viral conjunctivitis usually affects one eye which it looks like in you case, as I said before it is highly infectious which is why you got it from Andrew. Don't share towels etc atm and keep good hand hygiene. Bathing the eye with cooled boiled water will help :hugs:

Kelsey - hope you are doing okay.

Jess - hope the deep sea fishing is going well, would love to be out on the water in good weather. It never seems to have stopped raining here and there are so many flood warning and event cancelled due to all the rain.
My DH is furious about it and wont' speak to his aunt right now. It's really frustrating! His mom said that she was drunk but it doesn't excuse it and she was trying to insinuate that DH's parents didn't like it either and I know that's not something they would EVER admit outloud to anyone as they wouldn't want to upset us and know that it is our decision and no one elses. So frustrating!
As for the contraction - I've been reading about it and now I realize that it was a real contraction and not a braxton hicks! All the ones I've had before were braxton hicks as they weren't painful and more like period cramps. The other night was much more intense and all over my belly - I was so excited about it haha. I'm getting more and more worried about delivery that everything will go ok and that he'll come out without a problem, but I'm sure that's normal! I'm not scared about the pain, just scared something bad will happen!

I can't wait for your scan Sam!! So excited to find out what you're having! :) Hope you've been enjoying your second trimester! It was really my favorite!
Wow Lindsay!! Them contractions are getting me anxious too. I can't believe how real this is all feeling. LOL here i am speaking as if i'm you :haha: I'm so excited. I wonder when he's going to come? I can't believe your H's family. Screw them. If it's a name you and Kirk agreed on, then you should go with it! I don't see how the heck he will be picked on in school. It's not like his name is supercalafragilousexpelledoushus. however you spell it LOL. I'm serious though, i don't understand how he would get teased. I knew a lot of people with different names and they never got teased. So screw that! How mean of her to even bring that up this late but to even say anything period. It's not her say. How dare someone try to name your child for you. That infuriates me. Try to just brush it off and take a deep breath and enjoy your last COUPLE of weeks pregnant!! If they say anything in the hospital room, i'd throw them out like you said.

Sam omgosh i can't believe you're finding out the sex already. Seems just like a month ago you announced to us you got a BFP. I am so excited for you as well. Have you chose any names yet?!?

My eye is still the same. No better. If anything it's worse. The doctor told me on Thursday if it continues to stay swollen to be seen by someone else. So tmrw if it's still swollen, i'm going somewhere. If my boss has a problem with it, she can kiss my ass and fire me. I'm not working with feeling like this. I can barely see. It's terrible. It hurts to squint and everything. When i bend forward it kills me. All the pressure goes right to my eye. Also when i sleep on that side of my body all the pressure goes to my eye. Does your eye drain into your throat? Because i woke up this morning with a terrible sore throat. Like the ones when your sinus's drain. My nose is kinda stuffy. I was wondering if my eye was draining? Oh and i'm STILL spotting. I don't know what is going on. This is the 3rd day. I am just falling apart. lol
Rachel - your eye does drain into your nose and down to your throat. Have you got any drops to use as it is sounding more bacterial now. Definately get your eye seen again. Not sure about the spotting, I never had it so can't really help there.
Ok, getting caught up after being away without internet access since Tuesday---but firstly I just have to comment Lindsay about your DH's aunt!!! Omg, HOW RUDE!! #1 I LOVE Oakley's name, and when he is born he will bring even more life and meaning into the name Oakley! #2--tell rude aunt she's a tad old to be drunk texting. Wow, sorry but this just REALLY ticks me off.....even if she HATED the name, it's soooo not her place to put an opinion out there. Period. UGG.
So Mel---did you post your news on facebook?!?! So happy for another amazing scan, I knew it would be :) Now you've officially decided it's a boy? Did they give you any guesses at the scan? I've heard of some women on here being told at their 12 week scan what the Dr. THINKS baby is, not that they're always right at that point.
Rachael what a cute picture of the twins---they're adorable! Sad you can't see them more often, I'm super close with my family, so I don't think I could be as brave as you and move..althought now with skype and stuff it may be easier. And you poor thing with your eye!! I've had pink eye a couple times when I was younger and it was MISERABLE. Felt like I had a ton of sand in my eye and it was so itchy but it hurt to itch---and yours sounds even worse than that! I want to drive there and baby you, you poor thing! Sucks you have to work with it. I forget if hot or cold made it feel better, but for some reason I think I had to keep putting hot rags on it and it would soothe the itching. And then AF being horrible on top of it? I think you need a beer, or a couple.
Sam----over halfway done!!! How exciting, can't wait for your scan---I'm thinking girl for you. And yah for the baby purchases!! I feel like it's too soon yet for me, but I want to so bad!
Lindsay---good for you getting the mani pedi. And even better that it's your LAST WEEK OF WORK!!! How does that work---did your Dr. order you to stop at this point or are you just taking vaca? I wondered about that for me, because I had one friend that worked up until her water broke and another that was done before her due date. I'd love to be able to say I"m not going back to work after Christmas, but I'm not sure that'll happen. I'm just glad you will have some time (although really not a lot of time ahhh!!) to relax and not worry about the stress of your job. And holy cow, a real contraction?! I kept thinking when I was away--omg what if LIndsay goes into labor while I'm away (as if it would make a difference one way or another but I somehow felt like I'd be missing something).
AFM--went away to DH's family's cottage since Tuesday. No internet or anything like I said, but I read the Hunger Games book and couldn't put it down! Now I got home and bought the next book on my kindle and can't wait to start reading it. I HATE that I have to go to work tomorrow, I just want to stay home and read! I'm dying to see the movie now---anybody read the book/see the movie? My little sister got enaged this past weekend and my SIL also got engaged this weekend. Such a busy exciting year for our families (for my family I announced my pregnancy, my sister got married and my other sister got engaged all in a months time---I'm not sure my parents can handle it all :) ).
Well, tomorrow's Monday and I'm mad about it. So I'm going to read some of my book and go to bed. Have a GREAT Monday ladies!
Great to see you back Kels! Glad you had sucha relaxing time and congratulations to your sister and SIL engagements. Wow no stop for you family this year! I read the hunger games books, I'll say the first book is the best but the others are fab too. I haven't seen the film yet but it isn't as gory (as it is a kids film) as the books are, clearly kids can read about killing but not see it!

Rachel - hope the eye is a bit better today and that spotting has stopped.

Jess - loved your new pics, what a whopper of a fish well done.

Looking forward to my scan. I would like a girl as FIL has all grandsons so would be nice to have a girl for him. Although he would be pleased with any as at least he will get to see them regularly. My BIL lives out in Australia with his 3 sons so FIL only sees them once every couple of years.
Morning Ladies!

Kelsey - glad to see you back! I was starting to get worried about you! How exciting about all the engagements! Your family must just be thrilled! I have read all the hunger games and I've also seen the movie. My favorite was the second book with the first in a close second and the third was decent. The movie was pretty good just gives you a totally different feel for the main characters than you got in the book, but I guess that's how it goes usually! How have you been feeling?? When's your next doctor's appointment?? As for the work thing - I think usually your work will give you a set amount of time so like say it's 10 weeks, if you want to take 2 of those before the baby comes then you only get 8 once the baby is here. I told them I wanted 10-12 weeks but since I don't technically have vacation or maternity leave as I'm a student, they just kinda set dates for me and gave me about 10 days before my due date since the hospital is so far away from my work (well the hospital that I want to deliver in - I work in a hospital! haha). So, I think you can kinda set your date however you want to! I've been cramping a lot lately and am not sure I'm going to make it through this week just out of nerves! I have a doctors appointment on Thursday, so I might make Wednesday my last day but I'll see how I feel!

Jess - so awesome the fish you caught!! I've been fishing a couple times but never caught anything like that!!

Sam - I'm excited your scan is in the morning over there so I'll be able to wake up and read about it first thing wednesday morning! I'll keep my FX'd for a girl for you! :)

Rach - how's the eye today?? Like sam said - your eyes will drain into your throat, all that in there is all connected, I would definitely go see another doctor! It should've been getting better by now!

AFM - I'm delaying leaving for work as long as I can as we're having thunderstorms and my poor dog is terrified of them so he's sitting here shaking under my feet. But thunderstorms during rush hour means more traffic so I should probably go! Hope you guys are doing great!
Good morning girls! :coffee:

Lindsay – Yeah for your last week of work and a great appointment. :happydance: The contractions are exciting too. It won't be long now. I wouldn’t worry about your family. How ridiculous of them to bring it up this late in your pregnancy and in the end it really should be about what you guys want for him!! I love the name Oakley and he is not going to get picked on!!! The gel manicures are great!!! My last one lasted about a month! I had a French done and I finally had to get it re-done because you could see my nail growth but other than that they make your nails really hard and the shine lasts the whole time. Expensive but worth it! BTW, sounds like you better start moving that bag from the house to the car!!!

Rach – hope your eye is doing better today. If you are rally feeling bad, just have your doctor write you a note saying that you shouldn’t go to work as it is contagious. I wouldn’t getting in a pissing match with your boss about it, I’d hate for her to fire you before you find something else. I’d just stick it out.

Mel – Yeah for 2nd tri!!! I am sorry that you are not feeling well. Hopefully you will start to feel better soon. Most girls say they feel tons better in the 2nd tri.

Sam – I am so excited about your scan this week and to find out what you are having!!! Oh a girl would be so great for you. Has your doc had any guesses yet about what you are having?

Kelsey – sounds like you had a fabulous weekend away. It’s so nice to get away from internet sometimes isn’t it!!?? And congrats to your family for all the exciting news. It sounds like its turning out to be a great year for you guys!! Have you thought any more about your gender scan? I am anxious to know, maybe you could have the doc send us the results. We can start your planning and won’t tell you! :winkwink:

Sorry I have been MIA girls. I had to work on Saturday. :growlmad: Booo!!! Then went straight out to the boat afterwards as DH and I had planned to go out fishing on Sunday. We don’t go fishing very often (boat gas gets very expensive) so we really wanted to make a full day of it and we did. You girls saw my fish on FB. That was a black grouper… the biggest fish I have ever caught in my life!!! I even outfished Chris that day! Well now I am back to work and so exhausted as it feels I never left!!! I also start back to school tomorrow for my CPA prep courses so the craziness begins!!! As far as TTC... I had some EWCM yesterday but DH and I did not do it last night as we were so exhausted from fishing. I may try to tonight. I picked up some OPKs, when should I start using those? My temps are still low but I am guessing O will be sometime this week.
Aww Lindsay my dog is also terrified of the storms and I feel AWFUL when I'm at work and a storm comes! I say make Wednesday your last day! :) Is Kirk going to be able to take off some time with you also?
yeah Rachael, can you have your Dr. write you a note saying you need to be off work for a set amount of days? Your boss can hardly argue with that and I would think that she wouldn't have the right to fire you either since you had Dr's orders. Hopefully you wake up today and it's better!
Yahhh Sam I'll also be able to check right away Wednesday morning!!! Can't wait!!
Jessie since you've never used OPK's before, I think I'd start using them now. Best time to use them seems to be in the afternoon, but everybody is diff. I just know the morning (FMU) is not a good time to do them. I got to know my body well enough that I knew I shouldn't use OPK's until around 5 pm because that's when I would get my positives. The first couple months using OPK's I just got cheap ones and used those until they started to look like they were getting darker and then I switched to my better ones. The cheap ones never worked for me for some reason, never got a true positive with them. What kind did you get? Can't wait for you to start using them so we can analyze them---unless you got digital, then no need to analyze.
I'm anxious to find out the gender too, but DH is 100% against it, says it's the one surprise in life worth waiting for. Humph....I've honestly debated finding out myself and just keeping it a secret, but like I've said, I'm no good at secrets because sometimes I speak too quickly without thinking and somehow I'd blow it. I've been feeling really good! Still a bit tired---but nothing at all to complain about.
Jessie yuck for having to work on Saturday but at least you got to do something fun afterwards!! I am so jealous of you and that boat. I saw the pic of the awesome fish you got! You better get to that BDing tonight. EWCM is a good sign. I still need to get that thermometer. I just haven't felt good to leave. I am trying to do this 'freely'. Like, not stressing and pressing ourselves with time. Hopefully this smooth approach will get me pregnant again.

Kelsey that is such a toughy with the gender thing. There's no way i could not know. My friend Kayla did the whole not knowing thing and she ended up with a girl :) I am like you and am completely impatient. If you two can go the whole pregnancy without knowing, you are stronger than me!! I secretly hope you ask what it is :haha:

Lindsay you still having them contractions?! My friend is 40 weeks today. I feel like it's baby season LOL. Like everyone is going to be popping soon. I hope you are more settle now with how Kirks Aunt stepped on your toes. Oakley is a lovely name!

AFM -- my eye looks the same as it has been. The swelling has gone down just a tad bit but the pain in my eye is so severe. When Andrew went 2 weeks ago for his they said it was viral. I did some google research and it says if you have viral it actually gets WORSE the first 5-7 after your first symptom before it gets better. Weds will be 1 week since my eye started itching. I hope it starts getting better. I am so sick of waking up with my eye crusted shut or just watering all over. It hurts so bad to blink sometimes. It doesn't so much feel like something is in my eye. It just burns. Sometimes it itches but the eye drops help with that. Basically online it says it's like a flu/cold in your eye. No medicine will get rid of it but you can take stuff to ease it. Which sucks to hear! Can take up to 1 month to go away completely. GREAT. Anyways, if i still can't see tmrw i'm going to tell my boss that i can't see to drive or work. If she still wants me to come in i'll be like "no i'm going to the hospital for a second opinion". I was going to call off on Friday but i ended up working through the pain. She can kiss my A$$. I hate people who are so unconsiderate. All this water/drainage is going right through my nose, throat and ears. I feel like i have pinkeye and a cold. It sucks so bad. I can barely hear, my nose is stuffy and throat is sore. Just feel like ending my life lol. The spotting stopped this morning. I hope it doesn't decide to come back. Wonder why i spotted so long? I seriously have had normal cycles since the MC. AF usually lasts 4 days. Idk why i spotted for 8. Not to mention the 26th will be 1 year ago i got my BFP. I hope i can get PG again this month. Ready to be a mommy!!
Kelsey - I will be truely impressed by your willpower if you hold out until you deliver to find out gender. I would want to start buying things for one gender or the other and decorating so it would be soooooo hard for me to wait!!! Maybe you can have your ultrasound tech do a croch shot and we will secretly guess on our own. :winkwink: I did not know what kind of OPKs to use, I see a lot of people use the test strips so I bought the box of 20 from Walmart. I think the brand is Answer. Are those OK? I was reading the instructions last night and it said that after you open the canister they are only good for 30 days. It really pisses me off, I saw some online that were individually wrapped!!! I think I might check for them when I go to Target today because I don't think I will use 20 of them this month and then I will have to throw the rest away!

Rach - Not sure about your spotting but I get a little of that too. I get true AF for about 4 days and then spot for another 3 or so... its ridiculous. I used to use Depo and NEVER got my period so I feel like this is my body's way of paying me back!!! :growlmad:
Kelsey - Kirk is planning on taking a week off with me when Oakley is born and then if he can he'll take a week off when I go back to work. I always feel bad for my dog too but when I tried to leave this morning he didn't want to let me go (or wanted to come with me) and kept trying to jet out when I was leaving and I was trying to pull him back inside when I slipped and plopped on my butt and now my pubic bone is in so much pain!! Little Oakley has been moving around like usual all day letting me know he's fine but man oh man my pelvis hurts!!

Rach - you poor thing!! I hope you start to feel better soon! You should really go see another doctor if it doesn't start to clear up soon - did Andrew's go away after a week or so?

Jess - I used the smiley OPKs and I got a 20 pack and of course only ended up using like 5 of them. I only used them one cycle and they were so nice!! I tried to use them when I got home from work. When I got the positive it was around lunchtime - I remember because I was working from home that day and woke up to pains in my right side and thought to myself that I must be ovulating and I was right! It was nice to be positive of my LH surge! But that means I might not be that good at analyzing real OPKs but I would love to try!

AFM - one more work day down!!
Sure enough... Andrew and i BD earlier today and now i'm spotting again. More red than brown. I don't understand what is going on?!?! I had spotting a day or two before CD1 this month. Then i actually started bleeding heavily. Had bad cramps for a day. Then bled pretty good for 3 more days. Stopped on CD4 until CD6. ON CD6 about midday i started spotting brown and have been ever since. Obviously i'm not pregnant but what the heck?!
have you been drinking enough water? I used to get some spotting after BDing a couple years ago in the middle of the summer and my doctor said it was probably from being dehydrated. I don't know though?? I hated it!!
Ooohh Rachael your eye sounds different than what I had, while it was totally annoying and itchy, I don't remember it being extremely painful and I thought it went away fairly quickly. How's it today---if you called in was your boss ok with it? As far as spotting, Lindsay has a great idea, because I've heard of being dehydrated causing spotting! So drink lots of water and see if it goes away. I usually bleed for about 3 days and then I spotted for like 3-4 days...sometimes the spotting would hang on for longer than other times.
Jessie I used Answer Brand for my OPK's at first (after getting sick of trying to decide if it was a positive or not I switched to the digital ones), but I don't thinkt hey were considered "test strips". Mine usually came in a pack of 7 and looked just like HPTs. For you until you know what time you get your surge, you may want to test in the am and afternoon everyday until you get it anyway? So maybe you would come close to using the whole box this month? Plus, even though it says 30 days I'd still use them after it.
omg Lindsay be ccarrreeffulll!!!! How are you feeling today?! Anymore contractions?
Sam--1 more dayyy!!! What time is it by you right now? And what time is your appt tomorrow? I can't wait!!
Well girls, get ready to be impressed because there's no way we'll be finding out the gender. DH said he'd be reallllyy pissed if I went behind his back and found out the gender. I don't think I ever would have anyway, but now I know for sure I won't. I don't mind though because I'm a planner too, but I still wouldn't have bought anything too gender specific or decorated too gender specific because we'll be TTC again soon after and I wouldn't want to have all pink or blue everything and then baby #2 comes and is the opposite gender I'd have to get all different stuff (car seats, high chairs ect). The only thing I won't be able to plan is clothes but I can just get a few things that are gender neutral and then go shop crazy after the baby is born :) The only thing would be the nursery, I'd like to know so I can at least lean 1 way or the other with my decorating. Plus for names, it'd be nice to know what we're having so we can really decide on a name ahead of time, because right now we have a couple for boys and girls and we probably won't narrow it down until the baby is born.
the time for me right now is 16.38. My appointment is at 9.30 tomorrow.

Oh well Kels it will be a surprise for us all then! I like a lot of the gender neutral stuff anyway and planning a neutral nursery means you can add the colour afterwards. Maybe that is why I am not too bothered if baby smartie doesn't cooperate tomorrow. I think lots of people will buy you clothes etc once baby is born so I am just getting baby vest and things like that.

Rachel - See if you can get some lubricating drops from the chemist as that will help also. Viral conjunctivitis can take a while to go as you said. Did you see another Dr today?

Jess - I used opk a lot and got them from amazon (as well as using my cbfm). I tested 1 per day from about 4 days prior to ov then when I saw the line staring to get dark I tested 2-3 times per day 12noon, 5pm 9 pm and I always got my surge in the evening (or my darkest line then). Your urine does have to be concentrated so try not to drink too much a coupl of hrs before testiong and hold that pee in? post pics if you are not sure.

Lindsay - have you decided if tomorrow is you last day? Getting exciting!!

afm - just counting down the hours till tomorrow. Have been really busy sorting out all our clutter to rearrange the rooms as I was having a pinic about where all our stuff will go! Funny though when you really look you do have more space/storage than you realise.
Sam i am sooo excited for your appt! I'm glad it's nice and early so we don't have to wait around :) I hope it all turns out the way you want it to (gender). Then the fun begins of going crazy and buying :pink: or :blue:

Kelsey you are definitely right about baby #2. If you got all pink for your little girl and then baby 2 was a boy.. that would suck! Sounds like you're gonna plan them close apart so i'd go with greens, yellows, reds. I am just so happy everything is working out for ALL of you ladies this time around. I hope i can join you soon. I can understand why Ryan would be upset if you found out the sex. I would be too if i felt that strongly about not wanting to know. Regardless you're gonna have a happy healthy baby!! That is what matters.

I never did go to work today. I called her and told her my eye was swollen shut and i couldn't see. She's like "why didnt you go yesterday? you had it off". i was like i dont have insurance and i don't want to waste money if i don't have to. She was like "well it's not getting better so you need to. i dont think you have pink eye". I was like um yes i do because andrew had it and now i do.. it's red, it itches. She's like "well they didn't give you the right medicine". Bitch what the fuck! She was like.. "I don't know about you girls". By that she means us 20 year olds. She said she almost refuses to hire anyone 30 and be below because she says we call in too much and always have excuses. Dude i just want to punch her in the face. Sorry but i can't help it that i have pink eye and can't see that well. Like seriously... am i being a baby or something? I don't wanna work while i can't see. Can you blame me?
So girls, on the OPK... will the line start to get dark as you approach the surge? I did on this morning and if you look REALLY close there might have been a hint of a line there. But you had to really struggle to look. I have school today until 10pm so I am not going to be able to test again today until late. Also you girls mentioned about having concentrated urine but I have never heard anyone say anything about using FMU... why is that? It seems like that would be the most concentrated.

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