1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Thanks girls!! I am just a worry wart after all I have been though. I have been reading a lot about molar pregnancies and if definitely does not sound good so I hope it's not that. I like the twin option MUCH better!

Kelsey - Happy 18 weeks!!! The thread name is crazy isn't it. But I guess we all started here about 1 DPO many many cycles ago! Maybe we could email the thread creater and ask her to update the name :) By the way, where are your bump pics!???

Lindsay - a hands free pump!!??? Amazing!!! How does it know when to stop? The rest of us have a lot to learn apparently. That sucks that this is Kirks last day home :( Hopefully little Oakley will be able to get on a normal sleep pattern so Kirk can get some rest! Do you have Oakley in his own room or is he too little for that?

Sam - hope you are having a nice time with your family!

Mel- how are you feeling? I still can't get over how absolutely adorable you look pregnant!!!

Rach - how do you feel now after this week of work I'd finally over? You did great on your tests!!! :yipee:

AFM - we got out to the boat after work today. This will be my last weekend for the next couple weeks since I'll need to stay home and really buckle down to study for my first exam! Hopefully the weather will be nice. The forecast is calling for some rain now :(
Oh I like that the group is 1dpo-but it says "1 day dpo-which is 1 day day past OV and the "day" being in there twice irks me! Lol
Jessie try to stop reading about the molar pregnancies because I know just how much it makes us worry!! I say read twin stories instead :) And then look online at double strollers and everything else double you're going to need!!
I haven't taken a pic since 16 weeks but I'll try and post today!!
Lindsay that sucks Kirk has to go back to work :( I wished our hubbies could stay home with us just as long as we do and get paid for it. I hope Oakley starts sleeping through the night and up during the day! I think he will quickly. Do you still just sit there and look at him and think "Wow, he's MY baby?!?". I know i'll be doing that tons of times!!

Jessie you better get out and enjoy that boat ride! I hope it doesn't rain. It looks like it may rain here too today, but we'll see. It's very muggy/hot out. What kind of exam are you going to be taking? Good luck!! OHHHH AND... i say TWINS as well!!! Them numbers are MORE THAN doubled which = twins twins twins!!

Kelsey ewwwww i have ALWAYS been erked by them stupid 1 day dpo as well. I cringe when i sit here and think about it. I've always thought the same thing as far as wishing you could change it LOL. Hows work? Is your back feeling a lot better? I can't wait to see your bump pic!!!

Sam + Mel i hope you girls are doing good! Always thinking of you.

AFM yesterday was my last day of training and Monday i officially hit the floor to take calls. As most of you could see, i passed my final exam! (98.2!). I was super happy with that. I want to take the time this weekend to type up my notes so i can use them as a reference on the phone. Still no sign of AF. I am wondering if maybe the stress of this new job is delaying it? I remember when i started a new job 2/3 years ago i was so focused and stressed about work that i didn't get my AF until like 2 months later. I sure hope that's not the case. I hope it's just late ovulation.
Jess - you can preset times into the pump so it will stimulate and pump for a certain amount of time or you can just turn it off when you see you're done. We still have Oakley in a pack 'n play type thing that is a bassinet right next to my side of the bed so I don't even have to get up to get him in the middle of the night, just roll over and scoop him up.
I totally say you're having twins! I'm so excited for you appointment next week! What day of the week is it?

Kelsey - I agree - I want a bump picture!! That goes for you too Sam!!

Rach - Congrats on your exam scores! Weird that AF hasn't shown!

AFM - Oakley had a 3hr stretch last night and has been awake more during the day :) Breastfeeding is going really well now. I pump a bottle or two so that I can have Kirk feed him once while I sleep at night and get an extra couple hours of sleep. So, I'm super proud of the little guy for being able to go from boob to bottle so well. I thought we had ruined our chance of breastfeeding by giving him a bottle so early but thankfully he figured it out! Right after I pump, the next feeding is usually a bit fussy but I'm sure the milk doesn't come out as quickly as he would like. Anyway, I'm just rambling now.

Hope everyone has a great weekend - any fun plans?!
Thanks Kelsey- I will try to stop reading those articles. I like to be informed when I go to the doctor so I can ask them the right questions and tell them what I want done as far as testing etc. Well it's 9pm and no bump pick from you yet so you better be working on that upload now!!! :grr:

Rach- so proud of you with your test scores and work. I think things are moving in the right direction for you and I think you will do great!!! I am taking the first of 4 parts of the CPA exam on August 24th so I really need to buckle down on the studying the next couple weeks! Booooo!!!

Lindsay - that pump is amazing! Does it hurt to pump? With that timer you can probably just set it up to pump while you're sleeping. Lol. The pics you have posted on FB are just so adorable. Oakley is an absolute cutie!!! My appointment is This Thursday at 9am. FX that everything will be ok.

Sam- hope you are having a great time with the family. They just showed a little clip on TV of Glasgow and the bagpipers so I thought of you.

Mel- the scenery they are showing of London on some of the Olympic coverage is absolutely gorgeous. We are definitely going!!

AFM- just enjoying a beautiful weekend on the boat. The weekend feels so much longer when we go out Friday after work. It's so nice! Back to the grind tomorrow and the study marathon begins!!!
Jess - pumping actually feels really good to me now that I've gotten used to it. It's a bit uncomfortable at first but honestly it hurts no more than the little man sucking on it and now that I'm used to it, it feels great lol. I'm making a ton of milk though, which is great but when they're full - oh my goodness - they're full and leak everywhere if I even look at the little man or really make that think about him!!

I hope you have a great time on the boat this weekend!! your picture is just amazing - I'm so jealous :) Can't wait for your appointment!

I agree - I want bump pics!!

Did everyone else have a good weekend? what'd you do?
Rachael good luck today on your first day on the floor! You'll do awesome, I hope you love it (as much as you can love a job). Any sign of AF? It could be because you ovulated way late this month, then AF will be late, or it could def. be the stress of your new job. Ooorrr...could it be??? Have you tested at all lately?
Lindsay how is Oakley so far---sounds like a really good baby and not too fussy? It seems pretty common for them to get their nights/days mixed up, but hopefully soon he gets it all straight :) Awww, can't wait to be where you are! Do you leak just with Oakley, or with any baby you see/hear?
Jessie I tell you not to go on the internet, but I was the biggest internet reader!! I know it's sometimes not good, but like you said, it really helped me to know what to ask at my appts and what to watch out for. So it's good and bad. 3 more days until your appt!!!! Before you go out celebrating after the appt you HAFTA take a sec. to update us because I'll be DYING to see the newest baby of the group! Omg can't believe you already have your first test coming up! How soon between your next test?
AFM---sorry no bump pic!! I totally planned on it yesterday, but we finally had a break from the heat yesterday, so we literally spent HOURS outside pulling weeds, cutting the grass and trimming bushes/trees. Then did laundry and grocery shopped. It was such a productive day---sorry no pic though! That'll be my goal for this week! DH starts football this week (coaching), so he won't be home until after 8 pm. Bummed about that, but I know he loves doing it.
Hey girls. What a first day of work. We got to partner up just for today with a buddy from our class and split the day in half where one of us takes calls morning and the other in the afternoon. I was on the phone for 2 1/2 hrs and it wasn't pretty lol. My 3rd call was of a lady who cussed me out and asked to speak to a supervisor bcz she was unhappy about what i told her. She thought her benefits rolled over from year to year ... umm no once you don't use your benefits and they renew then you LOSE them. She was so mad about it. What an idiot! I just shrugged it off. I know i'll be getting many calls of upset people but i'm so happy bcz i don't have to deal with them usually... i'll just transfer them to someone else. Anywho i passed those tests in class but yet it's so hard to take what you learn on paper and use it on the computer! My mind went blank so many times. Felt like i had no idea what i was doing. Thankfully my partner knew what she was doing and bailed me out of soo many situations. I just really hope i'll be able to do good tmrw because i'm by myself. So nervous. I got my notebook out to study but i'm just sitting here and getting distracted! Oh i just went to the bathroom and AF is starting. It's not full force but it should be tmrw. Just happy it finally showed. Officially the latest AF since the MC. Just happy to finally see some red.

Jess how was the wonderful ride on the boat? So jealous of you! Like i said last week, Andrew's aunt is in Clearwater this week! The pics are making me sooooo jealous. Going to have to visit FL sometime in my life LOL. I've always wanted to go! When exactly is your exam? You will do great. How are the symptoms? Any new morning sickness?! Sore boobies?!

Lindsay are you enjoying that little man? I'm happy to hear he slept most of the night. He truly is a smart little boy from going from boob to bottle! Post as many pics as you can of him. I love seeing his cute face. Loveeeeee them cheeks!!!!!!

Kelsey i HATE pulling weeds. I did that like a month ago and man was i wayyy overdue. It was horrible. So many are growing again. I need to get out there. Wow i can't believe you're getting so close to 20 weeks. Where has the time gone? Like seriously? That's half of your pregnancy!!!!! Have you been watching the new season of the real world? I haven't. It doesn't look that great to me. I watched an episode but just couldn't get turned on LOL. I can't wait for a duel or challenge. I sure hope CT is on there again. He is so cute with his accent. OH AND i can't wait to see bump pics!!!

Well i guess i better go study some more! Wish me luck. I really am feeling so un-confident. I know i shouldn't expect to know EVERYTHING because i know nobody does the first little bit, but it really bugs me when i don't know what to say to people. I guess it will come to me.
Hi Rach - Don't worry about remembering all that stuff with your new job. It just takes time. I worked in the reservations department at a hotel once and it was a lot to remember all of the packages we offered. I did a lot of reading in the beginning but then you just start to rattle it off. Many people you will find probably ask about the same things. After a while, you will be the one taking the calls from the people yelling. You just have to remember that when you deal with customers, you have to stay calm and no matter what you really think, they are always right. You're better off trying to give them what they want (if you can) or another option and make them happy so they say nice things to your boss rather than trying to hold your ground and have them be pissed and complain to your boss. Gotta keep that health insurance so you can see the doc and get your rainbow!!! :thumbup:
So glad AF finally came for you!!! Pretty please with sugar on top will you take your temp this month? I will even send you some OPKs if you PM me your address. I had some left over. We need to get you prego girl!!!

I am feeling fine, no real new symptoms. My boobs do hurt but only if I press on them. I am really looking forward to going to the doc on Thursday to see what's going on with my betas. Hopefully its good news and not bad but it still might be too early to see anything. Oh I take my exam on the 24th.

Hope Andrew's aunt is enjoying Clearwater. I just love it there. Is she just here on vacation?

:wave: Hello to everyone else! ... I better get back to studying too. Boooo! :nope:
Rachael I'm the same way---I don't like learning from class---I don't fully comprehend anything until I can actually do it myself. Then I can kind of remember in the back of my head what they said we should do, and then when I do it myself I'm like ooohhh that's what they meant! Oh, I so feel your pain with the cust. serv---people can realllllyy be jerk offs. Thankfully you don't have to deal with them face to face---I get them on the phone and in person and I'd much rather deal with them on the phone because then I can make faces and do other things while they're yelling. But I totally feel your pain because I was TERRIFIED when I was on my own, and I still had to ask a lot of questions but that should be expected. You're not going to be an expert right away. Is AF here full force? Hope you have your thermometer and OPK's all ready--this WILL be your month!!! WOOHOO!!! I have all the Real Worlds taped, but I have no watched them yet. Occasionally I'll watch bits and pieces, and I agree, it def. doesn't seem like this cast is something I really want to watch. I think it was last season's that I really loved. I'm for sure waiting for my RW challenge, those are by far my favorite!
Jessie my tatas were really only sore if I poked at them too! Can't wait for your appt tomorrow, I'll be on the edge of my seat waiting and I hope you get a picture! Has the spotting still stayed away? You probably got used to your progesterone now, so goodbye spotting/irritation. Hope your studying is going good---I'm sure it's hard to study when you want to think about baby stuff, but hopefully the studying keeps your mind off the appt which will make it come quicker! And like you said, it might be too early to see anything tomorrow, so don't worry if that's the case. I just have a feeling though you'll see a nice hb and you'll be put a couple days ahead of your ticker. Just my guess!!
Lindsay, how's Oakley coming with his days/nights? Almost 2 weeks old!! Unreal!!
Mel---hope you're sickness is going away---any scans coming up?
Sam---is the family still there? Hope they spoiled your rotten :)
AFM--Ok, don't know if a pic will be coming this week----I think I'll wait and post my 16 and 20 week picture together next week. So in the mean time, Sam, I'm passing the picture off onto you. You probably have a more exciting bump than I do anyway!
Anybody watching Bachelor Pad (Jessie, I'm sure you have no time with your studying). I have them taped, but haven't watched them yet either.
Kelsey - the studying has been hard as I've been so tired but I have managed to get some done and I have all weekend to really dive in too. I am very excited about my appointment tomorrow. Its at 9am so I should be able to update you guys from work around lunchtime. I haven't had any more spotting - thankfully!!! We will see if they see any type of subchorionic bleed tomorrow. I have watched some of Bachelor Pad but I keep falling asleep towards the end. Wait until you see it... there are a set of twins on there that are just NUTS!!
Girl I can't believe you are going to keep us waiting on bump pic!!! :grr:
Hi Ladies!!

Rach - I hope you're starting to feel more comfortable being by yourself on the phones! Customer service is really tough! I got really good at being super fake when I was in retail and the customers can still be super annoying and flat out mean! You just get good at letting it roll off your back - you can do it! :) Please temp this month!! I need a chart to stalk!!

Kelsey - no bump pic?!! I need one!! Hope you're feeling well!! When is your next scan?

Sam - I would love to see a bump pic from you too!!

Jess - glad you're feeling well and it's probably good you have all this studying to do so you don't obsess over the pregnancy and stress about it! I was SUPER busy with school when I first got pregnant and it really was a good thing to keep me from freaking out constantly! Can't wait for you appointment tomorrow - it's going to go great!

Mel - how you doing???

AFM - we had a rough night last night. Little man still thinks day is night and night is day and no matter what I did last night he just wasn't happy :( Poor little guy. The only thing that would keep him from crying is if I walked around and bounced him, which when you're deliriously tired can get kind of difficult lol but we made it through! He's sleeping in his swing now so I'm going to try to get in a nap too but just wanted to check in with you ladies :)
Jessie can't believe you're going to make us wait until lunchtime!!!!!!!!!!!!!:saywhat: I just also realized that you should be able to tell today if you're having :twingirls:!!!! Ok, going to put on my patient panties and wait it out...
Lindsay long does it take babies to figure out day/night? I suppose you can't really make him stay awake during the day so that he's tired at night because that would be a lil hard with a newborn :) Well, don't you worry about housework or anything of the sort---if he sleeps during the day---then you take your naps and get rest. Housework can be caught up on anytime. How's Kirk been feeling?? Hopefully the back is better!
Hey girls, well the appointment took a long time but went very well. (They were swamped) I am measuring a couple days ahead at 6w+2d with a heartbeat of 102! :happydance: They had a doctor do the sonogram this time. She said that little beans heart probably just started beating yesterday! :thumbup: She said she really thinks the bleeding was implantation and that little bean has implanted in a great spot. It looks like there is only one in there and everything is looking good so no explanation for the high HCG numbers.
She also took a look at my ovaries which no one has ever done at this stage and she could tell which one released the egg. Crazy! But she did say that my corpus luteum is active but not as active as it should be so its a good thing that I am on the progesterone. She said without it I would really have a problem.
My homocysteine is also high again so my doc is changing me from Folic Acid to Foliguard which he said is double the amount and should be absorbed by my body better.
Lets hope everything will go well this time. I go back in 2 weeks. Here's a pic of our little bean (not a great pic as I took a picture of my picture with my phone)


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YYAAAHHHH JESSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: That's cry for good----not bad!!!!!!!!!! Sooo happy, and I knew it would all go good :) I must say though, I was really hoping for our first twins in the group ;) Oh this is just great, I remember with my first they told me which ovary released the egg, but they didn't say anything this time (I remember thinking how crazy it was they could tell). So when do you get to go back---and how often will they ask you to come in for scans?
Will post more later (busy week) just wanted to say Wooo hoo for fab scan Jess. That is just beyond wonderful!!! :happydance::happydance: Glad you you got blood levels checkd. What strength is the foliguard. How can they tell that your CL isn't working so well (just curious) and so glad you are on teh progesterone! They checked my ovaries they first time and I had quite a large CL cyst but nothing much was said on these scans.

So so very happy for you!!:flower:
woohoo!!! congrats Jess!! My SIL told me which ovary released the egg each time but I felt it come out of my right ovary both times so I wasn't surprised when she showed me the corpus luteum both times. They were killing me though and said they were very active - so I'm really glad they have you on the progesterone!! It's so important!!

Kelsey - I have no idea how long it will take Oakley to figure out day/night. He's awake right now - woohoo! He's sleeping in longer segments now too which is good - we got 3x 3+hr sessions from 1 until 10am this morning - it was so nice to get more than an hour or two of sleep a couple times in a row! He's super duper fussy from 9pm to 1am but is so cute it's OK lol.

AFM - I got a bit of mastitis (clogged duct(s) that get infected) - ouch! Was running a bad fever the other night and I seemed to have worked it out myself but have antibiotics on standby just in case it rears it's ugly head. I have another tender spot in one of my boobs so I need to make sure I take care of it so it doesn't go too far.

So happy for you Jess! Can't wait for the next scan! This is the best time of pregnancy for scans!
Oh no Lindsay, I had a friend that was too tired to pump before bed so she just went to bed and she got mastitis and she said it was the most painful thing EVER! You poor thing---can mastitis just happen??
Oh and I just realized you asked in another post about my next scan, and my big 20-22 week gender scan is on Aug. 28th. I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!!!!! Finally they'll use some decent u/s equipment and we'll get some good pics!
Lindsay and Sam didn't you say you started feeling movement around 18 weeks??? There's been times where I've wondered was that or wasn't it, but by now shouldn't I be feeling something more concrete? Getting very antsy to start feeling something!
Kelsey - I got it bc I was trying to switch back to breastfeeding and little man wasnt emptying me and it built up and got clogged, Its really really painful!! so, pump if you feel even kinda full after a feeding!! we've switched back to just pumping at this point...I dont think i was mentally prepared for how difficult breastfeeding is!
I started feeling something around 16 weeks but wasnt sure until around 18 weeks. I bet whatever you're feeling is the baby moving. They say you feel boys earlier than girls so I'm betting you're having a girl now :) My SIL (not the US tech - a different one) has her gender scan on the 27th! very exciting time!! I cant wait for all these scans!
I felt the first fluttering at 18 weeks but it was very mild 'was it /wasn't it' feelings. Once they start to happen everyday (usually more so in the evening when you relax) then you'll know. Maybe you have an anterior placenta which make feeling things more difficult but even then speaking to people at work some didn't get feelings till 20-22 week. Both were girl babies too so maybe Lindsay has it right!!

Oh Linds - mastitis sounds painful, have you started the antibiotics? Hope more expression clears them quick.

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