1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Lindsay- so glad the breast feeding is going better. I am sure it's hard at first, I know a couple of my girlfriends could not handle it and gave up. So you will have to tell us how childbirth was. Dont hold back, tell us all about it. I love the pics you posted on FB! Are those the ones from the contest you won?

Rach- where are you?

AFM - had some spotting again today. The progesterone that come out looks like a slight creamy orange or rust like color. Sorry TMi. I did some google searches and saw what you girls mentioned about the progesterone irritating your cervix. Most of what I ready sounds like everyone just keeps on taking it and everything seems to be fine. We will see what my doctor says next week.
Hi ladies! I'm up doing a pump right now...turns out my "let down" doesn't work so well so I've resorted to pumping and feeding breast milk by bottle and honestly its so much better for me since for whatever reason he can't get it out of my boobs. It was so frustrating for both of us that it wasn't worth it. We have our first pediatrician visit tomorrow so I hope he's doing well! We def have a little jaundice going on but it already seems to be clearing up. As for childbirth - it really wasn't that bad once I got the epidural. I think being induced made it too intense to handle on my own. I had 4hrs of contractions on their own and ended up vomiting from the pain and stuff. I also threw up during transition even though I couldn't feel what was going on. I was kind of shocked on how they push on your belly afterwards to get all the blood out...but none of it was really that bad at all. I didn't care about anything but him...its such a surreal experience, it really is. Episiotomies or whatever are no fun in the days following but I'm just so happy that I was able to push him out and not have a c-section so I'll take it! :)

I can imagine the progesterone would irritate you Jess! You have more bloods coming back soon?

I'll catch up more later...pumping is done for now!
Kelsey - I had weird stomach stuff throughout my whole pregnancy and it was a roller coaster of symptoms. One week I couldn't go, the next. I couldn't stop and the next I just didn't feel right, so don't stress about it and when I would talk to the doctors about it they would just tell me its nerves or normal pregnancy stuff to deal with.

I'm pumping again but I'm kind of curious as I just changed and fed oakley wks while I was changing him he was crying for his bottle and my let down worked! I started leaking all over the place! I'm thinking with the next feeding I'll try to out him to the boob again wks see how it goes, although I'm sure pumping will be faster lol.

Anyway...hope you girls are doing great..Rach - miss you and hope you're doing ok! Hope that job is treating you well!
Lindsay I am hoping for a natural birth but I am more concerned about baby's safety than pain (like i think you were judging by your post). It terrifies me that the baby will be in distress or ill go overdue or whatever. I am seriously thinking about these things now. I'm still considering a c section for the reasons above but would much prefer a natural birth. Aghh don't know what to do really! What do you think everyone? xxx

Will post later about my scan! Nervous!
Lindsay – I love the new ticker!!!! Did you have the vomiting from the meds etc or just pain? :( Was Kirk the only one in the room with you or did you invite anyone else? Also, did he say up near your head or did he watch? I know many people feel differently about this. Sorry, how does the “let down” work? I have no idea about nursing, sorry for all the questions.It will be so great to learn from everyone since we are all at different stages!

Mel – good luck for your scan today! Can’t wait to see some pics. I can’t remember, but do you want to know gender?

Sam – Happy 24 weeks :yipee:
Lindsay I can't believe Oakley's already almost a week old!!! I'm also curious what "let down" is and "episiotomies"? I didn't realize how often people puke during labor until I watched good old 16 and Pregnant (I guess you can learn something from that crap lol). I HATE that we can't come visit you and the baby, it's like I think to myself, I can't wait to meet him!! And then I have to remind myself where you live and where I live. boo :(
Mel didn't realize you had a scan today :dohh: Can't wait to see the awesome pics!! Finding out gender today maybe?!
Sam- HAPPY 24 WEEKS!! Only 16 to go! :baby:
Jessie hopefully that damn spotting goes away! It's normal, but that's the last thing a pregnant momma wants to see!!! How far along will you be at your next scan?? You should hopefully be able to see the hb!! :cloud9:
Rachael---hope the job is still going well! I miss your butt, get back here and fill us in on your life!! :hugs:
AFM-I am happy to announce that hubby and I finally got bold and got busy last night!! :happydance: Of course I'm now checking for spotting like a crazy person, but if all goes well, maybe we can be bold a couple more times this pregnancy lol Sorry TMI, but I just had to share.:blush:
Kelsey - I should be about exactly 6 weeks at my next appointment. I am hoping to to be able to see something because although my losses have been later, progess is good right!!! :thumbup:

Yeah for the getting bold girl!!! :sex: You should be OK at this stage. I found that the times I was pregnant my sex drive seemed to increase. My doctor has me on strict orders of no BDing though probably until after 12 weeks.
I got a healthy baby! He is measuring one day ahead again. He was face down in the fetal position iykwim so his knees and elbows were bent, tummy down! A bit like how a young child will curl up to pretend to be a hedgehog or something during PE! So we couldn't see his face but we got a lovely shot of his spine! :dohh: heartbeat is 158 :yipee: I am so happy! No pics you know what my clinic is like, they take forever to email now. Consultant says everything is normal! :yipee:
Just catching up after a busy few days, today has been a mad cleaning day as my Dad, step mum, niece and nephew are arriving tomorrow afternoon and I'll be at work all day.

Mel - so, so happy you had a great scan. I hope he unfurls himself in a few weeks to you can see his face. I take it that due to the position you didn't get to guess the gender? I must think boy for you as I am celling the baby he.

Lindsay - I was wondering how you were getting on bf. It is something I want to do and I hope now the 'let down' come in when he cry you can try again with the breast. Did you buy the pump before the birth or since struggling? Not sure whether to buy one or wait. I thought using a pump and bottle feeding will be good for my OH to get involved too, not sure.

Kels - Yay for being bold!! My OH is now not keen. Since my bump has gotten noticable he is feeling squeemish about it all. I think before when it wasn't too obvious he could 'forget' about the baby being there but that's not possible now. Not sure what I am going to do about it. Keep my top on and wait until pitch black in the bedroom so he can't see? !!

Jess - one of the girls in another thread got orange spotting (not using progesterone) at around 6 weeks or so, she is now 31 weeks. Great results on your beta's wonder if it is twins as it is more common the older we get.

An episiotomy is where they cut you (the bottom bit perineum towards your bum) to prevent the area tearing or to help baby out. Something I really want to avoid if possible. Some people do perineal massage a month or so to help 'stretch' the area.

afm - 24 weeks, I think they say this is V-day. The earliest the baby can be born with the potential for survival. I have visitors from tomorrow so may not get chance to post but will try to read if I can. They are bringing up lots of stuff they have been buying me, I have no idea atm where I am going to put it all!
Happy 24 weeks Sam!!! Happy V day! Brilliant! :yipee:
We're staying team yellow but I am tempted! I think he too. He was on his back last time I saw him, he is a wriggler! xxx

Ps we're getting stuff too from kind relatives but we are running out of room too!
Mel - Congrats on your scan! :yipee: so glad everything is perfect. You are giving me hope girl!!! Are you planning to stay team yellow the whole pregnancy or still find out at 20 weeks or so? If your doc is bad about the pics, you should just bring your Iphone with you and have DH start snapping away at the monitor! :thumbup:

Sam - I think its a good idea to get the men involved with the feeding etc. Maybe you can do a little of both. So strange how they get so weird about :sex: when your prego. Oh twins would be great. This TTC is so hard I don't think I would try for another once I got #1. Have a fabulous time with your family!!! and update when you can! :)
Hi girls! Got this in an email and wanted to share this with you all. We have all been though SO much in the 9 months we've been on this thread together. Thanks for being such great online friends!!! All of our "talks" it has really helped get me through the good and the bad! So thanks girls! :hugs:

They teach this at Stanford:

In an evening class at Stanford the last lecture was on the mind-body
connection - the relationship between stress and disease. The speaker
(head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one of the
best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman
whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her
health was to nurture her relationships with other women. At first everyone
laughed, but he was serious.

Women connect with each other differently and provide support systems
that help each other to deal with stress and difficult life experiences.
Physically this quality "girlfriend time" helps us to create more serotonin - a neurotransmitter that helps combat depression and can create a general feeling of well being. Women share feelings whereas men often form
relationships around activities. They rarely sit down with a buddy and talk about how they feel about certain things or how their personal lives are going. Jobs? Yes. Sports? Yes. Cars? Yes. Fishing, hunting, golf? Yes.
But their feelings? Rarely.

Women do it all of the time. We share from our souls with our
friends/sisters/mothers/daughters, and evidently that is very good for our health. He said that spending time with a friend is just as important to our general health as jogging or working out at a gym.

There's a tendency to think that when we are "exercising" we are doing
something good for our bodies, but when we are hanging out with friends, we are wasting our time and should be more productively engaged-not true. In fact, he said that failure to create and maintain quality personal relationships with other humans is as dangerous to our physical health as smoking!

So every time you hang out to schmooze with a gal pal, just pat yourself on
the back and congratulate yourself for doing something good for your
health! We are indeed very, very lucky.
So. let's toast to our friendship with our girlfriends. Evidently it's very good for our health. Thanks to all the women in my life who have helped me stay healthy, happy, and feeling very loved.
Hey girls! Sorry i been mia. I had to take a breather away from here for a little bit. I feel smothered sometimes. I know you understand! :) Doesn't help that today is 1 year ago that i went to the doctors to CONFIRM pregnancy, but they told me i wasn't pregnant. I was confused and was cramping and spotting as well. It was the start of my MC :cry: Wasn't until the 3rd of August when i went into full MC mode. It's been a hard day for me. *sigh* Well here i am CD32 with no AF. I'm wondering if all that spotting up until like mid-cycle (cd14+) was still considered my period? I have a feeling i may be a week or two late. I wonder if that pos opk last week was actually my real O. :shrug: Oh well.. my egg would have been bad anyways. Just trying to be positive. It's so hard though. I took a HPT yesterday but it was bfn. I feel like my clock is just ticking. I know 24 is still super young, but i want to be a young mom! Enough about that... work is going good. I've taken 3 tests so far. First one i got a 97, second was 89 and 3rd was 96. We did side by sides today which is going out on the floor and hooking our headset up to the phones and listening in on calls. It was nice because everything clicked together and made more sense. I hope i like it and i won't sound like an idiot on the phone! The guy i sat with was fresh. He's only been on the phone for 3 days and he's SOOO good.

Lindsay, gosh i fall in love with your son every time i look at new pics on facebook. I love the one of you holding him and the photographer took a pic between the rails. Such a gorgeous setting! I am glad he is doing good. How is Kirk liking the father role? He looks so happy in the pics holding him!! Precious.

Mel i am SOOO happy your baby is measuring perfect and has a nice strong heartbeat. That is so neat you got to see the spine and everything. Can't wait to see a u/s pic! So happy for ya!! You keep saying he.... do you think it's a boy?!

Jessie that is just so perfect that everything is going right. I couldn't be any happier for you. It took awhile but i think the doctors have finally got it right and this baby is your rainbow. I agree with Kels... twins?!? I sure hope so because you would be so great at handling 2 babies! Thanks for the read on the Stanford email. It was nice and i agree, i am so thankful to have you all!!

Kesley how are you doing sweety? I'm glad you got buck wild last night! LOL. Yay to no spotting. Was it your first time since the bfp? When is your next appt? I'm sorry you probably said but i totally missed it! You and Ryan still headstrong about not wanting to know the gender? You two are so strong. I totally give you kudos for it!

Sam i can't even believe my eyes that you are 24 weeks already. That is just nuts! Any names on the little man yet?!?! You prob already said and i am just losing my mind. I swear i have a 10 second memory. Are you going to breast feed?

Anyone else watching the Olympics? I am SO obsessed watching it. I am so glad the USA girls gymnastics got the gold last night. I love that Jordyn Wieber. So glad Michael Phelps won his 19th medal as well. I can't wait for the track and field events!!
MEL YAAHHH FOR A HEALTHY ME-MO!!!! Does it bring your anxiety down each time you see him/her? I think after my big scan I'll be ok.
Sam happy belated Vday!!! Hope you have fun with all the family, and I hope they spoil you rotten :) Mel and Sam---will you be having a baby shower?
Jessie thanks for sharing that email!!! Us girls really have bonded over this past almost year!! This TTC business has been some of the toughest stuff to go through, and you guys always had good info. and positive thoughts for me.
Rachael, soooo sorry you're struggling right now, but I TOTALLY understand. :hugs: :cry: and you know Rach, I thought too that I wonder if that OPK you got was your real ovulation? What day was that? Because if you get AF 11-12 days after that, then I'd say that was your OV. Yes, it was our first time doing it since our BFP!! It's been a long 16 weeks, damn!
I've been missing a lot of the Olympics, and I'm mad about it. I LOVE volleyball, but I keep missing the games! I got to see a little bit of the girls game yesterday, but I was irritated because they'd take a break from it and then they'd come back and a whole game would be done already! OH and yep, staying team yellow! I'd probably totally sway, but once DH says something I've never known him to change it. Soo...boo. Next appt is Aug. 28th---FOREVER away. Alright well hugs and smooches missy, hope you start feeling better and your body stops being such a BIA! Soo proud of you and work! this sounds like it's going MUCH better than your previous jobs. Woohooo!!
Jess - I'm not sure whether I was vomiting from pain or medicine. I think it was the medicine because they gave me another dose later and I started vomiting again but they thought that was because I was in "transition" - within the last couple centimeters of dilation and even though I couldn't feel the pain, it was a lot going on in my body that made me vomit. But, I don't know - I don't care, as long as he came out fine! lol
People were in and out of the room while I was in labor but for the actual pushing it was only Kirk - I didn't want anyone else in there and yes he did watch. He didn't know if he would but he said it was just amazing and he was so glad that he did. He couldn't cut the cord or watch them get the placenta out/the rest of the blood as he thought he might pass out, but he did watch - I was proud!
I didn't know about "let down" either but now I understand! When you're breastfeeding, the sound of a baby crying can cause you to just randomly leak out - that's let down. His suckling should trigger a "let down" and in the beginning it wasn't working for me and they say this is because I was too stressed and it only happens in a small percentage of women. My boobs are bursting with milk but it just wouldn't come out for him. However, we've made SO much progress and have had a few successful feedings again straight from the boob :) I'm still pumping as my boobs seem to be a very abundant source and they really start to hurt if I don't empty them out all the way every once in a while.
I love that email!! I don't know what I would do without all you ladies either!! It made getting through pregnancy so much more comforting and less stressful! I'm so excited to have you all as such great friends!

Kelsey - I had no idea vomiting was common either! I still don't know whether it was from the medicine or not, but it would just come on really quickly and then once I was done, I was good. I got REALLY nauseous about 20 minutes after he was born but I was having trouble peeing because of the epidural which was causing a lot of backpain and then I hadn't eaten in nearly 20 hours at that point and had pushed for my life, so once they got some anti-nausea medicine and a PBJ in me I was totally fine.
Glad you and DH got busy! It's really important to try to keep up a good relationship like that - I think :)

Mel - I would go for a natural birth first as they monitor the baby VERY closely! If there are any signs of distress they will take care of it. At the end of the day, I think it's better for the baby to be born naturally. I was so terrified I wouldn't be able to get him out because my mom couldn't get my brother and I out and had to have c-sections. So exciting about your scan!! congratulations, hun!! :) BTW - I LOVE your bump, you look adorable :)

Sam - I bought the pump before as the plan was to breastfeed exclusively for a couple weeks and then start mixing in bottles with pumped milk so DH could be involved. Plus I want to keep breastfeeding even after I go back to work so I really need one if I'm going to do that. I'm SO glad I got a good one - i got the Medela Freestyle - super expensive but really really good! and YES episiotomy really sucks - do anything you can to at least reduce the amount cut!! I think I got cut a lot! I haven't been brave enough to look. Happy V-day!! That was the biggest day of my pregnancy for me and every week that goes on from here you just get more and more relieved until (for me) the last month I started getting nervous about whether he could make it out or not.

Rach - so sorry about your weird cycle - at least your job is going well and you'll get to go to the doctor soon and figure out what is going on! I'm also so glad that your job is going really well!! Your time is going to come very soon, I know it! Just need to get to a doctor and maybe that will put you more at ease. I know it would for me.
Kirk loves being a dad - it's been very heartwarming to see him with Oakley. I just love the pictures we've seen so far - there are more to come! The lady loved our house and was trying to use it the best she could for photos and I still just love that one on the staircase <3 I really can't wait to see what else she has!

AFM - Little man has decided that day time is night time and night time is day time, but ohwell!! :p He's sleeping now which gave Kirk and me a chance to get some things around the house done, but now I wish he would wake up so he can relieve my boobs a bit!! :)
Rach – so glad to have you back although I completely understand. :hugs: You will get your BFP!! Once again, I am going to demand (bat in hand) :grr: that you get your BBT thermometer!!! You are going to get your rainbow!!! I just know it!! So glad that your new job is going well. I think it sounds great and as soon as your insurance starts going you should definitely make a trip to see the doc.

Lindsay – that is so great that Kirk was able to watch most of the birth. I wonder how Chris would be about it. He collected a lot of stuff for my during my last MC (when I was about ready to pass out from all the blood) so I think he would be able to handle it. I just wonder if he would want to look down there. :shock: I think I would only want him in the room with me too. Something about a bunch of people looking at my private parts just doesn't sound good. I would probably be OK with my mom but then it would be weird telling Chris's parents they couldn't watch. That is very interesting about the “let down”. I did not know about that. Hopefully its your baby that makes you leak, not just a random kid in the grocery store LOL! Is Kirk staying home with you now too?

AFM – No spotting the last 2 days! :yipee: I had another blood draw this morning so I will start bugging the doc for the beta results tomorrow!
HAPPY FIVE WEEKS JESSIE!!!! Yippeeee for no spotting, hope they have your betas ready for you right away!! 1 more week until your scan---is it next friday? :happydance:
Lindsay so glad the bf is going better now. HAPPY 1 WEEK BIRTHDAY TO OAKLEY!! So you said you got a really good pump, does it help you to get the milk out faster? This is the first baby in both sides of our family, so I have no idea where I'll learn all this information!!! :wacko: Oh boy, the whole cutting down there is what scares me so much. I think about trying without an epidural, except I'm the biggest wuss about pain so I probably won't make it through 1 contraction, but then I think what if they would have to cut me---I'd want to make sure I have no feeling down there for that!
Rachael I have a feeling you might be like me and Clomid will really help you and your cycles. I think if you use OPK's (do you have a bunch of internet cheapies?) and the thermometer it'll really help to pinpoint OV.
Anybody have any big plans for the weekend? I don't, hubby has to help friends move tomorrow so I'm on my own. Think I might go shopping---I need maternity pants sooo bad. I don't know if I'll even fit in them yet though, I'm probably in the awkward stage of being too big for my regular clothes but not big enough for maternity.
Hi girls,
So I got my betas from yesterday and I am a little stressed... they are REALLY high.... 9497 and I would have been 4w+6d yesterday. See chart below. This could mean twins or a molar pregnancy. Hopefully it's not the latter!!! My appointment is next week on Thursday.

31 4w+3d Range 400-1,000
32 4w+4d Range 1,050-2,800
33 4w+5d Range 1,440-3,760
34 4w+6d Range1,940-4,980
35 5w+0d Range 2,580-6,530
36 5 1/7 Range 3,400-8,450
37 5 2/7 Range 4,420-10,810
38 5 3/7 Range 5,680-13,660
39 5 4/7 Range 7,220-17,050
OMG I SAY TWINS!!!!!!!! Sam said that you have a higher chance of twins as we get older, didn't she?!?! Or, you could just have high betas. Don't stress too much, that's why my Dr. doesn't do those at all because she said it sometimes just stresses women out and she doesn't look into the numbers very much. You are just fine!! How have you been feeling? Can't wait for your scan---I know that this week is probably going to go soo slow, but it'll get here and then we'll get to see our lil Jessie <3
P.S---the name of our group drives me nuts because 1 day DPO is not right and I really want to take out the "day". Ok, just my random thought of the day.
Jess - I say twins too!! That's so exciting!! I can't wait for your appointment next week :)
Kirk didn't think he'd be able to watch and said if he didn't have a "task" of holding my leg that he might not have been as good about it, but said that it was just so amazing that he had to watch, just definitely could watch the clean up afterwards.

Kelsey - I love the pump because it is fast but I'm also producing a ton of milk - it just shoots out, it's crazy. I never knew that it would be like that. When I go to feed the little man it will just drip out of me now, so thankfully I've gotten over the "let down" problem for the *most* part. I had one feeding last night that it just wouldn't come out for whatever reason but we had a bottle in the fridge ready to go just in case and I just pumped instead. Plus I love that I don't have to hold onto the pump, it's hands-free! you have a bra that holds it to your boobs and it's preset to pump it out for you - lovely!

AFM - today is Kirk's last day off of work to be with me :( I hope the house doesn't turn into a pig-sty next week :/ Little man still thinks day is night and night is day so I assume I'll be sleeping a lot during the day. I don't right now because Kirk is here so it's a good opportunity to go out to target and do little things around the house. Plus, i have help at night so I can get more sleep then. I'll have to take over night duty once he goes back since he's in construction - it makes me so nervous when he goes to work tired. I'm sure little Oakley and I will figure it out pretty quickly!

Hope you ladies are doing great!

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