Jess that is the best news ever you have made my day even though I am late reading your post!! 6 weeks crept up really quickly!! Congratulations hun I am sure this is your rainbow baby and measuring ahead too!!

So pleased for you. Don't worry about the folic acid or hcg levels this is your perfect rainbow baby

It helped my to visualise giving birth to think positively but it's hard I know. SO happy for you!!
I have been really busy with social stuff

loads of friends have been visiting us and we've been going out loads. Shattered now lol! Girls I am going for another scan today as I have come off the clexane now and im nervous. I know i only had one 10 days ago but I want a good profile pic and we only got a spine pic and i want to see 'him' again. i know i am a crazy lady for having so many scans. We got a good deal, found a cheap place... It's at 3 today.
Lindsay sorry you're having so much sleep deprivation and such sore boobs too

Glad the swing is working, hope gorgoeous Oakley settles for you soon! Can we see more pics!!?
Jess those notes about girly friendships made me tear up! We are all such great friends now and international ones too!!
Kels my 20 weeks scan is a few days after yours on 31 August! Eeek exciting!!
Rach good luck hun let us know how you get on! How are you feeling now? I know it must be incredibly frustrating for you we are all here for you xxx
Pink have you thought about getting your hospital bag packed anytime soon or is it too soon? xxx