HAPPY 7 WEEKS JESSIE!!!!!!!!!!!! I hear you on wanting to wait, I waited until after our appt to start doing the signs. And actually, they're a pain in my A because I'm not artistic at all and I struggle with the numbers/letters! ha ah well...
Rach I am going to have to watch for this Kashi commercial because now you have me curious. I always fast forward through my commercials so whenever ppl talk about funny commercials, I'm like sorry, I'm the least patient person I know and I don't ever sit through the commercials. Rach honey, nobody feels good at their job until after they've been there awhile. Don't get down on yourself, you are just fine! Are you still going to work? I really like the idea of you and a vet tech---and actually the vet tech where I go always reminds me of you because she looks like you and has the same kind of sassy personality

Or even just the front desk of a vet/shelter place?? And Andrew loves you to lil pieces, and I think he'd be very sad to hear you think he can do better. So you stop those thoughts, you hear me??

Just remember the saying, "To the World, you're just one person, but to one person, you're the world". You're the world to a lot of people!
HAPPY 3 WEEKS MR. OAKLEY!!! I'm so very curious about these disposable diapers! I'll have to look at that website. You may have already answered this, but how is Kirk's back doing? Have fun at your shower!
Oh yeah, and Jess, your test is in the next week, right? Or when is it?
Sam---I posted my bump picture so now tag, you're it!
Mel---how have you been feeling? I know you posted a pic, but ya know, don't be afraid to post another. Or 10 more. I just like looking at my beautiful friends and their beautiful bumps.
AFM--no big weekend plans. DH has an away game tomorrow, but he said when he gets home we can go and start picking out paint and stuff for the nursery. Hopefully I'm not jinxing anything, I told myself I wouldn't do ANYTHING with that room until after our u/s. Plus, I'm really really getting nervous about not feeling anything yet!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought by now I'd for sure be feeling some definite movements. If this coming week I don't feel anything, I think I'll bug my Dr. to at least just check the hb. That means going through the horrible nurse, but I don't care. Oh and Lindsay, did your bbs start hurting again---starting yesterday my bbs have been so sore, especially in the morning when I wake up. If that means they're getting BIGGER I'll DIE! They're already the size of China!