1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi girls. How is everyone? Ugh work has been okay. Been so depressed lately. Feel like jumping off a bridge. Not even kidding! Everything is depressing me and i can't get ahold of myself. Almost feel like moving back home and starting life over. I have no idea why either! I just am so miserable and think starting over will 'fix' things I am losing my mind or something. Feel like i'm trying to pick up the pieces each step i take but i keep losing some when i bend over. Yeah.. this is my life right now. It's all over the damn place! Exactly why i haven't been on. Hope all is well with everyone. Miss you girls.
Oh no Rach - Why are you feeling down? Is everything going OK with Andrew? This job sounded like a great opportunity for you and I think as soon as you can get to the doc you are going to get your rainbow baby!!!!
aww big :hugs: Rachel. Are things okay with Andrew? This ttc business can really get you down, I just wish you could get your rainbow baby. Starting a new job is always difficult even if it something you want to do. Please speak to your family, friends or us, don't bottle things up (like I did and sometimes still do). Things will get better. Sending lots of love. xx
Ok, let's try this post again. Still bucky about yesterdays disappearing post.
Mel---so happy for the good scan!! Yours, mine and Jessie's scan must be right around the same time---yours is the 31st and mine is the 28th---Jess do you have a date for yours yet?
Sam---HAPPY 26 WEEKS!!!! You're now out of the triple digit day countdown---98 days to go!!! I know awhile back you guys had thought about doing another scan around 28 weeks or so---have you decided if you're going to have one?
Lindsay---SOOOO glad the mastitis has cleared up---did you have to throw out any milk during that, or were you still able to breastfeed? How is Oakley doing with his days/nights? I SERIOUSLY can not even believe he's almost 3 weeks old!!!!!! With your breastfeeding you'll be in your old jeans in no time. So many people even say they're smaller than they were before they got PG when they're breastfeeding! And since you're the bf champ, I think you'll be one of those lil skinny minnies in NO TIME :) Speaking of breastfeeding, I set up a day to meet with a daycare, and she was telling me how she wants me to give her so much frozen milk besides the regular milk I give her for the day. It really overwhelmed me because I know nothing about any of that yet! Did you go to a breastfeeding class---if so---did they teach you a lot about that stuff?
Jessie the trouble sleeping is another great symptom!! If you remember I would always wake up around 3-4am for no reason, and then have some trouble going back to sleep. What weird things our bodies do when we're PG! I hope the studying is going good---I'm sure it's sooo hard trying to keep your eyes open!
Aww my poor Rachael! I'm really worried about you!!! I hope everything with Andrew is ok, and I hope he's here for you through this hard time. Your lil Sadie and Jax need their momma, and your rainbow baby needs their momma, so just try and stay positive. TTC was the hardest time of my LIFE. It made me so sad and frustrated and depressed. The unknown of it all was what was the worst for me, worrying if I could or couldn't get pregnant. I can't imagine throwing in the stressor of a new job, I'm just it's a lot for you. Please come back and give us updates on how you are doing, because I worry about you!!
Hey girls- just a quick post as I am at the doctors office with Chris, he's having a bit of a "personal" problem :shy:
My next appt is the 23rd, the day before my exam so I hope everything goes ok!! I am going to be do ready to get away on the boat when all of this is over!!!
Kelsey - Mastitis and definitely better! They actually suggest you breastfeed more often while you have the infection...I guess it doesn't affect your milk, they just want you to get your milk out more often to clear up the clog. I didn't take a class on breastfeeding but I got a book on it. I've stopped breastfeeding directly (again) as I find it so much easier to pump and feed. He eats faster and I can "relieve" my boobs as often (or not) as I want. Plus, I'm a bit of a control freak and this way I know exactly how much he eats. BUT - the best way to get a great milk supply is in the first week - well once your milk comes in - you'll KNOW when this happens as your boobs will engorge and they will hurt. This is the best time to breastfeed and/or pump every 2 hours - round the clock. This will establish your milk supply from the start. Before you know it you'll be stashing away a couple bags a day of milk in your freezer.

Jess - Hope DH feels better soon!! Can't wait for all of your scans that are coming up!!
Aww Rach, I totally empathise with you hun. If you want to remind yourself about how down I was (had to quit work, never went out) then have a look at my old journal, the link for it is at the beginning of my new one. It is such a devastating time. We all know how you feel on here xxxxxxx
Sam- Happy 26 weeks!!!

Kelsey- Happy 20 weeks!!!

Wow, everyone is just cruising right along. I can't believe how time flies!!!

Lindsay- glad the mastitis is better. It does sound easier to just pump and feed from the bottle. How much maternity leave are you taking?

Mel- do you have another scan coming up next week?

AFM- actually got some sleep Last night. :happydance: Went to bed about 10:30pm and did not start waking up until about 6am. Yeah!!!
1 week until your appt Jess! Hope that Chris's "personal" problem got taken care of?? lol Hope it's nothing too serious. I guess your insomnia rubbed off on me, because I was up at midnight for bathroom break, and then up again at 3 for no reason at all and just laid there not being able to fall back asleep. Ugg!
Lindsay I totally agree it seems way easier to pump and feed than straight breastfeed. Like you I'm a huge control freak, and I've always worried how the heck I would know how much the baby is getting if I'm not able to directly measure it! Is there supposed to be any advantage to bf vs. pumping and bottle feeding?
woohoo jess for getting some sleep!! i used to get so frustrated. The no sleeping thing comes back in the third trimester but I think it's because sleeping just becomes so awkward. So you'll want to punch every person that says "get sleep while you can now!!" right in the nose in your third trimester because you won't be sleeping anyway! I'm just now realizing how tiring pregnancy is because even though I have totally broken and very little sleep, I still feel more awake now than when I was pregnant. Crazy!

Kelsey - I don't know if there are any advantages to breastfeeding directly vs. pumping and feeding. I mean obviously there's the convenience factor of just popping the boob out and feeding vs. having to pump and then feed. They also say the antibodies in the milk start to degrade the longer they're out of the boob, but I think that's pretty minimal. Also, they say you don't have as much bonding with the baby, but I think it's better for other people to bond with the baby while feeding too. Today I was out and had forgotten a nipple for his bottle and went ahead and breastfed him, so you can make both work! His breastfeeding sessions don't last from one feeding to the next nearly as long but it's nice to have the option for both. I try to do one feeding from the boob a day.

AFM - we've been using the reusable diapers and I have to say that I really love them! He "blows" out of the disposable ones so much more and honestly they're just too cute and really not that difficult to take care of. We had a pretty good night last night. He had his normal meltdown but only from 1030-midnight and then we had a 3hr sleeping session and a 4hr sleeping session, and then about a 2hr session before I just got up - so we're getting better! He's been awake a lot today so I'm hoping tonight will be even better - we'll see!
I totally agree----and I want DH to be able to feed as well, which is why I think pumping will be a little better. You have lots of valid points. Ok, reusable diapers I need to look into, because somebody else was just talking about how great they are!! I thought it'd be so gross because you'd have to scrape out all his poopy diapers and I couldn't picture how you'd wash them then, but she was explaining that there's a liner or something in there? Idk, I have to check them out!!
Ok, next, I'll post my bump pics! Today I had to try and do them myself with putting my camera on auto, which was NOT a good experience and took FOREVER. But, at least we get the drift.
16 and 20 week pics!


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Omgosh Kelsey - you look so great prego! I can't believe how long you made us wait for these pics!! I love your signs. I may need to do that too if I get that far. I have a better feeling about this pregnancy for some reason. If everything goes well at our next appointment (I will be 8 weeks then) maybe I will start some bump pics (although, I have no bump yet, just bloat!!!). LOL

Chris is feeling better. He had to get some medication but hopefully that will take care of his issue quickly. :winkwink:

Lindsay - It sounds like Oakley is getting into a more normal routine. That's great. How is Kirk doing with him crying at night when he has to go to work the next day? I am interested in hearing about the reusable diapers too and how that works.
Kelsey omgosh you are glowing. Love your belly!! Every time i watch that kashi commerical i think of you. I think the girl resembles you a bit. I'm glad everything is going great with you. I still can't believe you and Ryan haven't changed your minds about wanting to know the sex!!

Lindsay i'm happy to hear Oakley doing so great. Can't believe in another week he will be a month old. Them reuseable diapers sound awesome! I'd also like to hear more about them.

Jess + Mel i wanna see progression pics of you girls as well :grr: So happy to see you 2 not struggling anymore. It took a while but you two have gotten there. I couldn't be happier for you girls!

Sam how are you? I don't have you on fb so i can never see your progression pics :( Please post one!! Pretty please with sugar on top?!

I'm doing about the same. My mind is all over the place. It's nothing to do with Andrew. I just feel like he deserves better than me because i can't give him a child nor give him a stable life. I dislike my job (what else is new). I think the biggest reason why i dislike it is because i don't feel good at it. I know it takes time or whatever but i just don't feel like it's for me. Answering calls all day.. it just isn't what i wanna do with my life, but whatever. Just so unhappy. I feel like just when i think the worse is over.. here comes some more. Never ending i tell ya.
Oh no Rach - don't get down. :( Things do get better. Every job is really tough in the beginning because you don't know what you are doing yet and you feel like you are under the microscope but it does get better! Is there any other advancement opportunities there to something you might like better? Have you thought about what you want to do as a career? I had a hard look at my life when my brother passed and really realized that life is just too short and I really wasn't making the best of it. I worked for a hotel and it was OK but I knew that was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. So I reevaluated and decided I wanted to go back to school to be an accountant. I went to work in accounting (without any degree) just to get some experience at a lower level and enrolled in classes part time. It was hard. I am not going to lie, but time does fly and you look back and wondered why you didn't do it sooner. You talked about maybe a Vet Tech. Maybe that is something you can pursue through schooling...? I bet you would qualify for financial aid etc. Until you figure it out though definitely try to stick it out at your job and see how it goes. At least for the health insurance. I think you need to get to the doc to see what the delay is with your rainbow baby. Also, aren't you getting ready to O this month? :hugs:
good morning ladies! Happy Friday! Hope everyone had a good week :)

Rach - I'm sorry you're feeling so down but it happens to the best of us. I remember before I went back to school I felt so lost. I was frustrated with my job, was having health issues (when I had to have the LEEP procedure) and had a crappy boyfriend (before Kirk). Then one day things just slowly started turning around. I met Kirk, I got a promotion and into school, my cervix stuff started resolving and things just got better. I was horribly depressed before I met Kirk. All I did was run day in and day out. A healthy weight for my size they say is around 120 and I was right around 90lbs because I was so depressed. I think, unfortunately, so many of us women get stuck in ruts like this and blame ourselves for things we can't control and you will get through this and things will turn around and try to stick with your job - you'll feel satisfaction later on from sticking with it and really getting good at it and then eventually you'll figure out what you want to do with your life and find the right job. Big :hugs: and you will get your baby - Andrew's not pressuring you for a baby, right? You're so young - you guys have so much time! I understand wanting to have kids young and it will happen for you guys.

AFM - little man is 3 weeks old today. I can't believe it! As much as I'm excited for him to get a bit older and be able to interact with him more/have him sleep through the night better, I feel like he's already grown so much and I'm not savoring every minute enough!
The reusable diapers really are great. I thought it would be gross having to clean out the poop too but it's not bad at all right now, maybe because his poops aren't smelly yet lol. I have liners for them but they're not as soft as the diaper (super soft fleece!) but it ony takes like a second to take a wet wipe and scoop out the poop. I use Charlie Banana brand and they also have disposable inserts you can get so that if you're out you don't have to worry about carrying around a dirty diaper but they have these really nice bags you can buy to put the dirty diapers in and they're totally smell proof and leak proof. They wash up great and take a few seconds to throw the pad inside.


That's their website where they explain how to use them and stuff. I looked on youtube to decide what brand I wanted. There's bumgenius, fuzzibuns, and a couple other brands but I decided to go with the charlie banana - they're also sold through target online so it made it easy to buy them. They're adjustable in the tightness around the legs and then have a ton of buttons on the front to let them grow around the waist too. You can get so many colors and match to their outfits - so cute! I feel like their spokesperson lol. In reality it's a bit more work to wash them, but you're already doing so much more laundry for the baby anyway that it's a drop in the bucket lol. Plus you save a LOT of money in the long run not only with just the one kid but you can keep using them in the future. I'm also a bit of a hippy and it makes me happy to think that I'm not putting diapers in the landfills :p

Anyway - I'm throwing a bridal shower for my friend tomorrow and I have a ton of stuff around the house to do, but little man is sleeping, so I might just shut my eyes for a few minutes before doing stuff. Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?? Jess your test must be coming up soon - you'll do great and I'm sure you're excited to get it over with!
HAPPY 7 WEEKS JESSIE!!!!!!!!!!!! I hear you on wanting to wait, I waited until after our appt to start doing the signs. And actually, they're a pain in my A because I'm not artistic at all and I struggle with the numbers/letters! ha ah well...
Rach I am going to have to watch for this Kashi commercial because now you have me curious. I always fast forward through my commercials so whenever ppl talk about funny commercials, I'm like sorry, I'm the least patient person I know and I don't ever sit through the commercials. Rach honey, nobody feels good at their job until after they've been there awhile. Don't get down on yourself, you are just fine! Are you still going to work? I really like the idea of you and a vet tech---and actually the vet tech where I go always reminds me of you because she looks like you and has the same kind of sassy personality :) Or even just the front desk of a vet/shelter place?? And Andrew loves you to lil pieces, and I think he'd be very sad to hear you think he can do better. So you stop those thoughts, you hear me?? :grr: Just remember the saying, "To the World, you're just one person, but to one person, you're the world". You're the world to a lot of people!
HAPPY 3 WEEKS MR. OAKLEY!!! I'm so very curious about these disposable diapers! I'll have to look at that website. You may have already answered this, but how is Kirk's back doing? Have fun at your shower!
Oh yeah, and Jess, your test is in the next week, right? Or when is it?
Sam---I posted my bump picture so now tag, you're it!
Mel---how have you been feeling? I know you posted a pic, but ya know, don't be afraid to post another. Or 10 more. I just like looking at my beautiful friends and their beautiful bumps.
AFM--no big weekend plans. DH has an away game tomorrow, but he said when he gets home we can go and start picking out paint and stuff for the nursery. Hopefully I'm not jinxing anything, I told myself I wouldn't do ANYTHING with that room until after our u/s. Plus, I'm really really getting nervous about not feeling anything yet!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought by now I'd for sure be feeling some definite movements. If this coming week I don't feel anything, I think I'll bug my Dr. to at least just check the hb. That means going through the horrible nurse, but I don't care. Oh and Lindsay, did your bbs start hurting again---starting yesterday my bbs have been so sore, especially in the morning when I wake up. If that means they're getting BIGGER I'll DIE! They're already the size of China! :holly:
Kelsey - my boobs would hurt on and off the whole pregnancy! Don't worry about not feeling the baby move yet. I did prenatal yoga and there was a lady that didn't feel her baby until around 22 weeks and even then she questioned it. I think some babies are just more active than others and this really makes me think you're having a girl - which makes me think my sister-in-law is a having a girl - which kinda makes me sad for Oakley - ohwell!! Any baby is a good baby!! Oakley can protect his little cousin :)

I'm throwing a bridal shower today - wish me luck!
:wave: Hi girls! Just taking a quick break from studying to pop in and say hello!

Mel - Happy 19 weeks!!! I still can't believe you too are keeping us in suspense of what you're having!!! Ugh!!!

Lindsay - Happy 3 weeks to little Oakley! I think we're due for some final baby room pics! Hope you had a great bridal shower!!

Kelsey - I totally understand that you are nervous. But I have read about a lot of girls that did not feel movement until later. Maybe Lindsay is right and you are having a girl!!! Did you end up doing any shopping? Can't wait to hear what you bought!!! Oh, are you watching Bachelor Pad?

Sam - where are you? You have been quiet, are you feeling better? :hugs:

Rach - How are you doing girl? Hanging in there? You should be Oing soon?

AFM - just sitting here studying. :( But I have had a fairly productive day so far. I am studying all weekend plus I took off Monday and Wednesday to study, a half day on Thursday (also my U/S day) and Friday I am taking the exam around noon. I can't wait to get it over with!!!
I have been feeling a bit weird today, I am not really sure that I can call it nausea but maybe extra saliva pooling in my mouth. I don't remember having this with any of the others so I hope its a good sign, although I am not hoping for MS. :wacko: Well back to studying... I will check in with you girls later! :comp:

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