1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Extra saliva is a great pregnancy symptom Jess! I had that too but I think it was just because I was on the edge of vomiting at any moment!! Can't wait for your U/S!! You're going to do great on your exam too!!

AFM - I'm having a hard time with this whole weight loss thing. I lost 30lbs in 2 weeks and now I'm just holding onto 15lbs. Now, I don't think I'd be that hard on myself except that a girl that I went to college with had her baby a week ago and posted on facebook that she's already in her pre-pregnancy jeans! this is the second girl that I've gone to school with that has had a baby that has posted within a week that they're in their pre-preggo jeans. I knew it wasn't going to be instant weight loss but I thought I'd at least get down to 10lbs to go within a few weeks and now that I've plateaued at 15lbs, I'm a bit discouraged, I guess. Kirk and I went on an hour long walk today so that made me feel a bit better. I just need to watch what I'm eating and keep walking until my doc appointment, then hopefully I'll get the go ahead to start running again...we'll see!!
Lindsay - don't be too hard on yourself, its only been 3 weeks!!! :hugs: I am sure you will be down to your pre-prego jeans in no time! :flasher:

How was the bridal shower?

AFM - just studying away. I have no idea how I am going to remember all of this stuff!! Its really discouraging and this mild nausea is really driving me crazy, I feel like I need to keep something in my mouth all the time. I just sent DH out of the house for a while and asked him to bring me some Astro pops on his way home. I am totally craving some of those.
The bridal shower went really well! The bride seemed to really enjoy it and that's all that matters!! It was, of course, a candy themed party so my house is FULL of sweets lol just what I need, right?! and yes, I know I'm being hard on myself, I need to chill out but hopefully the lbs will start coming off again soon. Just going to watch what I eat until I can get back to exercising.

You know what really helped me when I was nauseous was jolly ranchers. I've never heard of astro pops but I'm sure they're pretty similar. It really helps keep the nausea to a minimum. Hope you feel a bit bettter soon but not too much better :p
Thanks Lindsay - I will have to try some Jolly Ranchers. I posted a pic below of an Astro pop. Its a red, white and blue yummy Popsicle!


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Oh I had those when I was little! Those probably would help a lot with nausea! Lemon sorbet was also a big help for me! Mmm now I want some now :p
Hi girls,

I have been so busy, tired and hormonal too so I have occasionally lurked but not written at all. I'll post a belly pic later. Apart from work I have just been doing bits in the room to be the nursery, it has an inbuilt cupboard that was just full of rubbish being stored so I painted that and put a new hanging rail up. Oh has now decided though he want to replace the door frame facings and skirting before painting the room -argh! I seem to be very emotional the last couple of weeks, although some things with OH and my mother have warranted it -grr. Also it would be my due date for the 2nd mc this week, although I don't think that is making me more emotional but it is on my mind.

Lindsay - I think you have done so well to lose the weight you have so far, please don't put too much pressure on your self to lose it so fast. AS the girsl sya it has only been 3 weeks. You still need lots of goodies in store for feeding Oakley. I have been looking into reusable nappies and want to give then a try.

Jess - I am sure you will do brilliantly in your exam on Friday but I know what I was like before mine. I think things seem more stressful when we get older, I don't remember being that stresses about exams when I was in my 20's. I hope the ms settles down though, it was bad enough on its own without having to study too. I can't wait for you scan pics on Thursday! Lots of other ladies said iced pops where great for their ms.

Rachel - :hugs: I hope work is starting to get a bit better. Being in a new jobs is never easy but, although it is not something you want to do long term, it will give you the opportunity to see a Dr for you rainbow baby, save some money and seriously look into the vet side of things if that is want to go for. When I was doing my degree I had a fair share of crap jobs including working in beetroot bottling factory to save up money for Uni, I just had to see it as a means to getting what I want in the longer term. I am glad things with Andrew are okay, are you still gearing up for ov?

Kels - yopu look wonderful in your pic, I seem to be huge atm but I suppose I should feel bigger at nearly 27 weeks. I promise to post a pic later. I went out to my bosses 50th birthday at the weekend and although people kept saying how 'blooming' I am looking I just feel anything but!

Mel - just going to pop across to your journal.
Lindsay---I forget how far along your sister in law is? I guess I'm really leaning towards girl too---because I was looking up anterior placentas and some of the sites were saying they seem to be more common in girls, and that's why they will say you feel girls later than boys. Glad the shower went good! Oh my gosh 3 weeks---I wasn't even thinking weeks---I was thinking months to get back to normal size (PRAYING I get back to normal size)! You'll snap back in no time because you were so active before you got pregnant and even during pregnancy.
Jessie----I've read so often about girls having extra saliva---you're having all the symptoms I wish I had for reassurance!!! Have you had more nausea---or hasn't it gotten to that point yet? TOTALLY forgot about Astro Pops!! I'm glad you posted a picture--wow, brings back childhood memories :) Such a big week for you---2 days until your appt and 3 days until you can relax a little after your exam. I got caught up on Bachelor Pad now, did you watch last nights episode? Wow, surprise eviction! Those twins were so familiar to me, and then it hit me---they were sleazy girls that slept with the Situation from Jersey Shore! I couldn't believe they were on Jersey Shore and then Bachelor Pad, you'd think Bachelor Pad wouldn't really want that connection. I have NO CLUE what Lindzi sees in Kalon, I hate that they're together. Ew. He's a JERK--and looks so plastic.
Aww Sam sorry you're having a tough week! OH's and Mothers can do that to us....how has your mom been---if I remember right, didn't you guys sometimes have a strained relationship? I could totally be thinking of somebody else! And I bet you look absolutely BLOOMING!! Almost 27 weeks---WOOHOO!!! Are you going to get anymore scans?
AFM---Well, this weekend my FIL came over to measure the nursery because we're going to put wood floor laminate in and take out the ugly closet doors and put in new ones. I'm not a very decorative person, and it's hard for me to picture stuff. So I started to get worried that the wood floors would clash with the crib and the new closet doors. They assure me it won't though, so I think we're going to go ahead with it. Will be more expensive than I thought, but hopefully worth it. Then I went shopping with my mom, and I was so overwhelmed. Nobody has any babies in either of our families, so I had no clue where to even start with stuff! I know they'll have a registry list, thank goodness, but I don't even have a clue where I want to register. My shower I think will be last weekend in October, so my mom said the invites should go out in about a month so we need to figure out where we registering before the invites get printed. Idk, just made me have a bit of a panic. Then looking at the cost of the crib and bedding ect, wowsers. BUT SO EXCITED IN THE SAME BREATH, so I'm not complaining, just it was a lot to take in in 1 day. Then yest. we were supposed to go meet with our daycare to get our spot in spring, and we loved this daycare because they are laid back and don't have rules of how many days we need to have the baby there ect. Well, I happen to check my email at 230 and I get an email from her saying sorry, she can't take an infant in because she just found out one of her moms are expecting and another is going ot start planning for baby #2 so she wants to make sure there is room for their babies. This was 2 hrs before we were supposed to meet her, what if I wouldn't have checked my email?! I would have just showed up and that would have been awkward. I just think her reasoning is crappy, because if a family is just THINKING about trying for #2, it could be a year before that baby is here and by then mine will no longer be an infant. Idk, I think I'm just being hormonal, but it really pissed me off. She said a lot could change between now and spring and she would let me know if something else opens up or she may hire another person. Anyway, SORRY FOR MY LONG VENT!
Happy Tuesday girls. Oh and Lindsay, you poor thing, saw fb today---mastitis again!? :( :( :(
Can't believe it's been 5 days since i've posted. I have so much to catch up on. Hope i can remember everything!

Lindsay don't you worry about your pregnancy weight. I think you're doing fab for being down 30 lbs! If all you gained was a measly 15 lbs, then that is awesome! Just take the little steps that you can toward that direction of getting it off. It may take a bit of time with having your LO always there but you will get there. Losing weight sucks!! I'm going to be joining you on that weight loss journey. Starting tmrw no more junk and i mean it!! LOL. Ughhh it's so hard! We will get there. Them reuseable diapers just sound amazing. I am definitely going to use them when i have my miracle. Def saves you a ton of $$$$. How is Kirk's back btw? Did it ever heal all the way yet?

Jess it sure sounds like your pregnancy is going swell!! Mmm that rocket pop looks so good. I always use to get them from the ice cream man. That saliva does sound like a very good symptom!! Can't even believe you're almost 2 months already. One more month and you're gonna be out of the first tri! Everyone is getting up there in their numbers and i just feel like.. where has the time gone?! Where have i been? Nuts!! Any inkling of what you think the baby is? Are you going to give it a nickname?! :) I bet you can't wait for that exam to be done and over with. Sounds like you've been doing a lot of studying. You will do great. :thumbup:

Sam I'm so sorry to hear about your 'anniversary' coming up. I know how you feel sweety. I am so very happy you're 27 weeks into the pregnancy, so that way that date won't be as hard. Sounds like your nursery is coming along. How much more do you have to do? I'd love to see pics when you're done! Oh and one of your belly too! pleaaase!!

Kelsey that lady from the daycare has even got me mad! Got to love when people only look out for themselves and the people they care about. Like hello, what she's doing is NOT FAIR! I understand where she's coming from and all but it's not fair to get your hopes all hyped and then her be like "sorry, someone is trying to have a child so we need the extra space". People are so rude. Just remember something better is going to come along or another spot will open at that daycare just for you. The world works in mysterious ways, that's for sure! I can't even believe it's the end of August... you're getting so much closer to that due date! Almost 21 weeks for you. Just hearing you talk about your registry and invitations just makes it all seem more real. SO CRAZY! That baby is going to be the 2013 New Year baby, just sayin!! :haha: My guess for you has been girl, so we shall see if i'm right when the time comes.

As for me... gosh what a mess lol. I ended up losing my job because well i had to keep leaving work early from having anxiety attacks. They were real cool about it at first but everyday it got worse. I was making myself sick, even throwing up. Idk why i get myself so worked up. I sit here and think to myself that i'm never going to be able to do anything or better myself/life. I'll never have a child, yada - yada - yada. Then i decided to listen to Joel Osteen tapes and he has been the voice that has lifted me from this dark space and help me move forward. What i'm going to do is, try everything different. Going to make a bunch of small changes/adjustments and try to better myself/life each and every day. Hence, why i'm going to eat better. I've just gotten way too stressed and depressed. I'm even dropping alcohol and cleansing my system. I hope it all helps for that miracle rainbow baby that i so desperately want!! I been using OPK's the last 3 days. All are negative. Haven't taken one yet today but i'm getting ready to. I don't even think i'm gearing up to O yet. I really hope i can go home next week to visit my family and go to the New York State fair. It's my favorite thing to do every summer with Andrew. We always look forward to going. I hope we can go. I'm praying and have all my faith that something is going to click. That's my life in a nut shell for now.
Hi Ladies!!

Sam - sorry you've been emotional lately! It can be really tough sometimes preparing for everything and I remember having a hard time dealing with normal "stressors" that seemed so overwhelming!

Kelsey - My SIL is around the same as you are along. Don't take the anterior placenta as too much of a sign that you're having a girl as I had an anterior placenta! It got in the way for scans but I could definitely still feel him kicking me! Although he was head down really early so his feet were above and to the right of the placenta, so they were really easy to feel. That sucks about the daycare! I'd be so mad! Do you have a back up place?? I hope something opens up at the place you like!

Rach - Sorry about your job hun. Have you thought anymore about the vet tech or vet receptionist type job?? You don't have to have any special training for most places, especially for the receptionist type position. I'm sure you would just love that type of job! Animals are great to work with!

Jess - hope your studying is going well!! Also hope you're feeling a bit better!

AFM - my mastitis came back with a fury!! I thought I was going to die yesterday! It was so horrible. I went to the doctor today and she said she thinks I might have an abscess and it may need to be drained and I'll have to dry that boob up. I was only off the antibiotic for a day before it came back even worse - so I'm thinking they just didn't give me a strong enough antibiotic and it never cleared. So, I'm going to go back on Thursday to chat with them about what we should do. She said if it's still red and hard then I'll need an ultrasound and likely for it to be drained. So, FX'd it'll clear up and be OK after this round of antibiotics.
I got everything crossed for you Lindsay. I've never even heard of that. I hope the 2nd round will do the trick, poor girl.

So i have no idea what is going on but i am craving sex all day LOL. I had an O 5x's. That is NOT NORMAL for me. I'm lucky if i can once! I did an OPK today and it looks to me like i'll be O'ing between 1-3 days.
Hi girls!

Sam-Happy 27 weeks!!! :happydance: Sorry about Your DD this week :hugs: those are so tough! But so glad you are going through it will your rainbow baby on the way! Where are your bump pics. I am sure you looking glowing and fabulous!!!

Kelsey- I still have a little bit of the excess saliva but most of the feeling awful seems to happen more during the evening/night. I am so exhausted and my body feels very "full" it's hard to describe. I have missed a few pieces of Bachelor Pad but I did watch the one on Monday. What a crazy twist! I can't believe that Michael is off!! ... And Kalon and Lindzi, that is just crazy!!! That's crazy about the day care! It's very disappointing that they would hold a spot like that. So much can happen between now and when that other baby is born!

Lindsay - so sorry that ou have the mastitis again. It sounds so awful! Are you still just pumping and feeding Oakley from the bottle? How long are you taking off to stay home with Oakley? Have you decided what you are going to do when you go back to work?

Rach- so sorry about your job :hugs: I am so happy that you have such a positive outlook about changes to make in your life though! I think that's great. Stick with it girl and I really hope you find something you love to do. I really think it should be something with animals. You would be so great at that! And all that Craving for sex definitely sound like your getting ready to O!! fX for you!!! Oh saw your post on FB about that dog, that is terrible!

Mel- how are you doing? Any more shopping? Are ou still undecided about gender? When is your next appointment?

I wish we could attach a calendar to our forum to keep track of everyone's appointments etc.

AFM - I am home today for my last full day of studying. I am really feeling exhausted and overwhelmed so I don't think I will do well on this one but I am just going to take it anyway just to see what it's like rather than postpone it. I have not been sleeping well just thinking about all of this! I felt a bit pressured to get them all done in the 6 month window of my classes but after talking to a friend i think i am just going to take my time studying for the next ones and take the exams when i am ready rather than pressuring myself like that. I have 18 months to take the exams and pass them. I just haven't been feeling well and I really think I waited too long on this one to really start studying.
I have my doctors appointment tomorrow and so looking forward to doing some relaxing this weekend. hopefully the weather doesn't turn bad with this hurricane that may be approaching. :growlmad: did you guys see that the RNC is in Tampa next week, we are probably going to have a bunch of crazy people all over the place!!
Jess - we are trying to breastfeed directly once or twice a day - those feedings just don't last as long because he gets frustrated at the boob but I don't want him to forget how in case we're out somewhere and I've forgotten my pump or a nipple or whatever. I will be going back to work October 8th and as long as I can clear this boob up before then I will be pumping both boobs while at work. If this is an abscess then they might want to dry up the boob and I'll only have one to work with. Honestly - right now I make so much milk that it would be enough to feed him from my one good boob (it's always made more milk than the other) but my doctor was saying if I keep pumping it may not sustain milk production as well as breastfeeding directly. The pain in my boob is getting better but it's still really red so I'm hoping it's resolving.
I'm sure you'll do great on your exam and you're just stressing about it! Is this your first one?? Now you'll know what to expect in the future. I hate exams! I've been in school for the majority of my life and I still hate hate hate them! Thankfully, all my exams now are pretty much over until I defend my thesis which I'm actually not dreading too badly as I do much better with oral exams than written.

I ordered a baby book and a baby calendar off amazon for the little man the other day - they're supposed to come today, I'm so excited!! I can't wait!!
Rachel - I am glad you are feeling postive about the small changes. Little things like that do make a big difference and WOW for the big O's!! Still stalking your chart and hoping to see the +ve opk any day now. I agree with other girls about working with animals so maybe even getting a bit on voluntary work will give you an idea and some contacts to start with.

Lindsay - omg sorry the mastitis has returned with a vengance, I really hope the antibiotics clear it up without the need for drainage. I can't beleive you are having to go back to work so soon. I know we have talked about maternity leave before but boy does that seem so soon. Has the book arrived?

Jess - I am sure you will do better than you think with your exam but good luck on Friday, just focus on knowing that on Friday night you can REALLY chill out. What will your appointment entail tomorrow? Will they scan you?

Kelsey - I am so mad for you, I think that is toally out of order to hold a place for someone just 'thinking' about trying for another! Are there other places to look at? I haven't even thought that far ahead yet but then I do have longer to think before having to put my name down somewhere. The cost of childcare here is so expensive, is is the same over there? I am hoping FIL/MIL might look after smartie for 1-2 days per week but we'll see.

afm - I now have a stiff neck but I think thats from the utter rubbish sleep I had last night rather than the painting and stuff today with the nursery. I bought a fab mask that is used for paint fumes etc but I look like the Jeff Goldblum from The Fly wearing it!! Bump pic as promised
Sam- what a great pic of you! You look fabulous and at 27 weeks already!!! :happydance: Yes daycare is expensive here too, about $200 US per week. Is that similar to the cost there? We are hoping that if we are successful with this little bean that we will also be able to recruit some family members, even for just a couple days per week. How long do you all get for maternity leave in Scotland? We just get 12 weeks here in the US but I have a friend that lives in Canada and they get to take a year off!!! That would be so great!!!

Lindsay- that mastitis sounds just awful! I hope you will be able to get it cleared before having to resort to other measures! Are you able to get things done around the house now that Oakley is sleeping more? Or is that basically your time to catch up on your sleep? I was just wondering if it's possible to get studying done (for me) during that time or if that's out of the question.

AFM- I really don't feel ready for my exam Friday. I was on the verge of postponing it today but there are no negatives to taking it even if I don't pass (other than the cost to retake it, which isnt much) so I decided just to take it so I know what to expect. I have felt really anxious lately about things and not sleeping well at night. It hasnt been a good combination with the studying. Last night I was up since 3:45am. :sleep:
My doctors appt tomorrow will include a scan. The scan is at 8:15am and then I have an appt with my doctor at 10:40am. I am going to try to see if my doctor will see me sooner though so I can get to work. I will try to post an update as soon as I can.
Sam - you look great!! so exciting!! Yea, it sucks we don't get much time off but I think I'll be ready to go back to school in October - I want to graduate so I can be home more often! But, I'll also still be able to work from home one day a week or so, so hopefully that will make it easier. Plus, once I start writing my thesis I will do that from home so hopefully that will come within a year or two.

Jess - good luck tomorrow!! You'll def be able to study when you have a little one! I was getting a lot of housework done until I got the boob infections. I'm not getting much sleep really but I don't seem to notice...maybe it will catch up with me but I think it's hormonal or something bc I have way more energy than when I was pregnant but get way less sleep, so you can def do it! I think it's also a state of mind - if you think you can do it - then you can :) cant wait to hear your great news tm...update us asap!

I have my follow up tomorrow - wish me luck that it's not an abscess!! My boob is way less sore, a bit less red and some softer, so we'll see how it's doing tomorrow - I really dont want to have to drain it! sounds so painful! plus then i have to dry that boob up and I'll only have one to work with.

Little man is having a good night, I think..he's asleep on me right now when he's usually screaming lol...FX'd he's stays down when I take him up to his crib...He slept for 5hrs from 11 to 4 last night! It was so exciting!!
I'll write more later but just wanted to send a quick hug out to you Jessie! Can't wait to see Baby N's newest picture!! Update as soon as you're able!
We get upto 12 months maternity, not all paid though. The last 3 months are unpaid so most people go back after 8-9 months off but I'll be taking the full year as I can get the pay averaged over the year so it will be easier to budget.

Can't wait to see the scan Jess!
Hey girls! Sorry to keep you waiting. I was trying to upload my pic at work and was having a little trouble. Everything looked good at my appointment. :happydance: The doctor that did the U/S today was very young and positive which I really liked. She kept saying how great everything looked and so much change from 2 weeks ago. I had 1 measurement at 7w6d which is right on my track and another measuring 8w. HB was 169. I have another appointment for the same thing 2 weeks from today and then 3 weeks from today he wants me to see my OB. I am switching to a new one closer to work so I am going to call today and try to get an appointment. The next scan/appointment will be the critial one as I lost the last one right after the 8 week appointment.
Well here's a pic of our little bean. You can start to see some little arm buds!

(the pic is upside down sorry)


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OH JESSIE THAT'S GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! I've been checking this site like a crazy person for the last 2 hours :) I know you're worried about your next scan, but have you ever had a scan like this where measuring right on track at this point with such a great hb?! I'm so over the moon because this is it for you, I just know it!!!!!!!!!!!! How estatic was chris?!
:hugs: :hugs::kiss: :hugs: :cloud9:

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