1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Rachel - I agree the middle one is the darkest but I am not sure I would have said it was +ve although it is the most +ve of them all. When do you do them and how concentrated is your urine? I had to withhold drink for a few hours before testing. The smiley ones are great (I did both to confirm ic opk) and takes away any doubt.
Hi girls! Well I survived my exam! Whew! So glad to get that over with. I was pretty much winging it during the simulations so not sure how I did. I won't find out until the end of September.

Sam - I love the mask! What colors are you going with for the nursery? I can't wait to get to that stage, its so exciting!! No boating for us this weekend, I am really disappointed. That damn tropical storm is going to be moving into the Gulf of Mexico and bringing with it high winds. Winds and boating do not make for an enjoyable experience! Oh any thoughts of Prince Harry in the buff? :winkwink:

Kelsey - have fun at the wedding! I'm sure starting the room will be fine, but like Sam said, maybe you can tell him you're tired and want to do it next weekend just to buy some time. :thumbup:

Lindsay - your old house sounds fabulous every time you talk about it! Wow just 12 pounds left!!?? Are you starving yourself? Its only been 4 weeks!!!

Rach - you definitely had a darker line on the middle one. Is that the only one you took that day? Did you :sex: on the days leading up to that?

AFM - I feel like I am hungry all the time and when I eat I only feel like small meals. ugh so frustrating. I made my first OB appointment for 3 weeks from today. I was having a melt down today because I really wanted to switch to this OB some girls from work go to and when I called them they said that they only take my insurance for established patients. I was so upset. I called my insurance since they were listed as a provider and they called the OB office and got it all worked out so I'm in! :thumbup:
I just did another OPK and looks like it's getting darker again. Guessing i haven't O'd yet. I feel so gross today. Headache, tired, my thighs are really achy and around my belly button is like.. achy too. Feels like fluttery or something idk. Hard to explain but i have felt all this before and i hope it's O. We DTD last night... will do it again tmrw. I will continue to keep taking these OPKs lol. Making me crazy.
I wanted to share this story with you girls. A friend of mine's cousin gave birth to her son yesterday and was diagnosed with Epidermolysis Bullosa. It's very very rare. He was born without skin on parts of his body. It feels like a severe burn to the child. He is fighting for his life. If you can donate at all, i would very much appreciate it. If not, that's fine just please keep him in your prayers.

Rach - so sorry about your friend!! That's so devastating!! I'll go donate something for her :( Keep us updated with those OPKs!

Jess - woohoo for having the exam done!! You must be so excited!! Hope the Isaac is nice to you guys!! I havent seen anything on the news about it today.
Not starving myself but def not filling myself. I'm down to only needing to lose 10lbs now so I lost 2lbs just from yesterday and that seems a bit much so I treated myself to some McDonalds breakfast lol. It was delicious!!

Little man had another 5hr stretch last night and since Kirk was on baby duty I got a 7hr stretch!! I feel like a new woman this morning! Although my boob kinda hurts again this morning - I don't think it liked going 7hrs without being drained - oops!
Rach- that is so sad about the baby. I will go check out the site.

Lindsay - I feel a huge relief today not having to stress about my exam! Yeah :happydance: for 7 hours of sleep!!! Do you and Kirk take shifts with him at night? I can't believe you only have 10 pounds left!!!

AFM - just doing some things around the house today. I had Chris outside trimming the palm trees so I think he was ready to choke me about it! It's so darn hot out!!! We only trimmed 2 of them (they were really bad) so we will have to do the other 2 another day. We have a birthday party to go to later so it will be nice to get out of th house. I think I'll get a little nap in before I have o start getting ready! :sleep:
Jess - glad its all over for your exam and now you can properly relax. Enjoy your party!

Lindsay - yay for 7 hours sleep! I hope the boob is better today and feels better after a bit of use this morning.

Rachel - So sorry to hear about your friends cousins baby. I have heard of EB before, horrible condition. Hows the opks today?

I am getting really bad heartburn at the moment, made worse by any chocolate -noooo! So will have to try and cut back which is probably not such a bad thing.
Morning ladies!!

Jess - I hope Isaac isn't too bad for you - looks like it went more into the gulf than toward Florida but it looks like it's still close enough to cause some issues for Florida!! I love big storms but I'm not sure I would love a hurricane in Florida lol. "Big" storms for us is much different, I'm sure!! How are you feeling now that your exam is over?? Still nauseous? Hope you're having preggo symptoms but not too bad!!

Kelsey - your scan is tomorrow, right?! My SIL has her scan today - I can't wait to find out what she's having! They're having a "reveal" party but they live over 2hrs away so Kirk and I won't be able to make it :( I've had a few friends that had those types of parties. I was too excited, I couldn't keep my mouth shut lol.

Sam - sorry about the heartburn!! That's the worst! I'm fortunate and have only gotten heartburn a few times but I will get terrible indigestion sometimes - ugh!

AFM - was up with little man twice last night and getting him down initially was pretty rough as it was all weekend. We tried giving him a bottle of half formula, half breastmilk and he didn't really seem to like it. We did that to try to fill his belly better to get a longer stretch of sleep, but since he didn't drink much of it, it didn't work lol. I think we'll keep trying that for the week and see how if he gets used to it, as he's going to need to have formula mixed in once I dry the boobs up (which could be soon if this infection comes back when I stop the antibiotics). I think my boob is actually doing a lot better. It's really soft and I can't find the area that had issues before. It took a long time for the hard spot to go away though so I'm worried that the antibiotics are just hiding the issue and not clearing it. We'll see!! I'm done with the antibiotics on Thursday morning.
Morning Girls! :coffee:

Lindsay - sorry you had a hard time with Oakley over the weekend. Poor little guy. I hope he gets used to his new food. Glad your :holly: is feeling better! I hope that infection goes away. Can you stay on the antibiotics longer just to be sure it clears up?

Sam - Hope you are feeling better! How is the painting coming along?

Mel - Hope you are doing OK! :hugs: 20 weeks already!!! :happydance:

Rach - How are you doing? Did you do any more OPKs?

Kelsey - I am so excited for your scan tomorrow.

AFM - The weather from Isaac isn't too bad, just a lot of rain. So glad it moved away from us but feeling really bad for these people in New Orleans. Wednesday will be the 7 year anniversary of Katrina. I have been reading a lot this weekend about the 1st Trimester screening tests. I am def doing the NT scan but just wondering about the CVS since I had so many MC's. What do you girls think?
How come you've decided against the NT scan?? Will you be able to get a 12 week scan anyway?

They put me on cipro for the boob thing which is a really strong antibiotic so if this doesn't clear it up then I think they've decided nothing will and that means it's an abscess and I'll need that drained. I've talked to Kirk and if it comes back right away then I'll be drying both boobs up - it's not worth being really sick all the time. Plus, we also decided if it does clear up but I get mastitis again (whether it's in a week, a month, or three months) I'll be drying my boobs up too. It's a terrible feeling and honestly pretty scary, so that will be my limit. I'm thinking we got it this time though as my boob is much softer now. My goal is to go a minimum of 3 months pumping and I think the longest I'll go is 6 months - it's a lot of work! I figure by then we'll be mixing in rice cereal and starting to try solid foods and it will be a good time to switch off of breastmilk - plus I should have a healthy stock in the freezer by then (I already do!).

Little man has been pretty fussy all the time lately - not sure what's going on. I think he has a bit of colic and they say that should peak next week and start to go away from there, so hopefully that's what will happen for us. It's so heartbreaking when he's crying his little head off and no matter what I do, it doesn't help :( Thankfully it's only intense for an hour or two a day usually. During the day it's just a minor fussiness that I can usually make subside by carrying him around with me around the house.

He's trying to eat his hands right now so I better get some milk in him! Hope you ladies are having a good day!!
Jess - I had the NT and bloods (combined test) at the 12 week scan. I was worried about problems due to my age but the mw/drs didn't really seem to think it was an issue. I was a worrying time waiting, about 10 days, but came back low risk (1 in 24500). I would wait till you get the NT results back before thinking CVS as although relatively low,the risk of mc was still a scary prospect. It wouldn't be something I would do unless there was some reason/doubt.

Lindsey - I am sure that if your boob feels more normal then things will have settled down and hopefully you can continues to bf. Poor Oakley for having a disturbed weekend. Hopefully the colic will settle down very soon and he'll get back to his sleeping routine.

Kelsey - I'll be trying to get on the computer at work so find out how your scan went, can't wait. I can't wait to see pics although I'll have to wait till I get home as work won't let me see them - boo

Rachel - how are you?

afm - afm -work wasn't too busy actually and my back wasn't as sore as I thought. A couple of people mentioned my bump and it does seem bigger today than even last week. I wonder if I am just standing, arching may back a bit more after the weekend DIY-ing. I have my GP mw appointment tomorrow morning, I must remember my urine sample asI forgot last time. I want to chat to her about my VV and if that can give me any supportive tights as I am starting to get discolouration on my ankles. I had thought about talking to my GP about my VV (runs in the family both mum and day and sister have had legs done) prior to becoming pg and its only got worse since.
Thanks for the info girls!

Lindsay- I would definitely have the NT scan (1st combined screening) just trying to decide about the other due to the number of MCs I've had. Hope your boobs are feeling better and that you won't have to worry about drying them up.

Sam- yeah for the bump!! :happydance: Your NT results are great! I hope mine are like yours! Did you have to go in for a high risk exam due to age? Someone told me I will need one. I can't remember at what point they do that though.

AFM- I am EXHAUSTED!!! By 7pm I am absolutely pooped!! I don't know how I am going to make it up until 10pm when my class starts back up next week! :(
Oh I gotcha Jess! I misread it! CVS has some pretty high risks, so I would talk to your doctor about it and maybe go forward with the NT scan and if it shows anything weird to go for the amnio? I think amnio has a lower rate of things going wrong afterwards than a CVS but a CVS can be done earlier in the pregnancy.
Being exhausted is a good thing!! You'll be able to get through your class, just keep reminding yourself it's for a great reason you're tired :)

Sam - sorry about your VV's! Are they painful?? I don't know much about them.

AFM - my SIL found out she's having a boy today! Oakley will have a little boy cousin to play with next year!! So, now I"m thinking Kelsey is having a boy because my other SIL (the US tech) says they go in waves, so it's probably a boy wave right now and that would mean Kelsey is having a boy :) lol we'll see (in January!!)

I'm sitting here with a very upset Oakley - poor thing! I've gotten to the point where all I can do is let him cry right now. It seems impossible to get him to calm down so we're just chillin, watchin some tv and hopefully he'll tire himself out! My poor baby :(
Rach did you keep doing OPKs? I wonder if you're ovulating...and if you are I wonder if it's not strong enough (that was my problem). I really think you should try Vitamin B6---it's kind of a natural progesterone booster---which is what you need for ovulation. Do you test a couple times a day? Maybe you're just missing the surge? That's awful about poor lil baby Easton!! To just imagine the pain he's in is unbearable, can't imagine as a parent what it must be like to have to see him in pain.
Jessie how is the storm affecting you guys? Hopefully not too bad, agree with Lindsay I love a good storm, but I'm guessing your storms are way more intense than our storms! soooo glad that test is over, and everything is crossed that you passed (I just have a feeling you did, you're a smart cookie and you know what you're doing). So glad you got the OB worked out! These next 3 weeks will fly! Oommmggg.....sooo jealous that you have PALM trees!!!!!!! I can't even imagine having palm trees in my yard.
Lindsay yyaahhh for soft boobies! :) I hope that the antibiotics do the trick and it STAYS away. I agree with you guys, if it comes back again, then you're done. Can't imagine going through that repeatedly. And woohoo for Oakley having a lil buddy to play with!!! Reveal parties are fun---the big thing now is that people are "revealing" at their bridal shower. They have their cake maker either make blue or pink frosting and then when they cut the cake at the shower everybody finds out. Actually a couple friends had the u/s tech put boy or girl in an envelope and they brought it to the baker and that way it was a surprise for them too. I think I'd want to find out before everybody else though.
Oh no Sam, chocolate is causing heartburn?! How cruel! I've never had heartburn, but now that I said that I'll probably get it in like an hour.
AFM---sooo nervous and anxious for the scan today!!! I think I'm just nervous because our moms will be in the room with us so if something is wrong it'd be hard with them in there. Maybe it'd be better for comfort, idk. DH says I need to just start thinking positive, and he's right. I think I just worry because although I think I'm feeling some movement and random little pokes, I still can't be sure it's not muscle spams or something. Plus---Lindsay or Sam---did you ever experience having an achy lower stomach? Like it almost feels like I'm going to get a cramp but I don't. Idk how to describe it, but it bothers me.
Idk, the appt is at 1 and we meet with my Dr. at 2. Then out to eat with the moms, but I"ll update as soon as I can! My phone is a POS so I won't be able to update until I get home. Say a lil prayer for us!!!!!! P.S---I dreamt we had a girl and she was 6 lbs and some odd ounces. So, now I'm more convinced we're having a girl. My mom and I plan to secretly study the screen today to see if we can get any looks at the gender. Shhh...don't tell DH :)
Lindsay awhh poor Oakley. My sister had real bad colic when she was younger. I hope he starts to feel better soon. I can't imagine how hard it is for you to see him in pain :( Poor punky.

Kels everything is going to be fine :thumbup: let us know ASAP the great news about baby yellow!!

Sam you look great! i love your bump. Can't believe you're getting up there... almost 28 weeks! eeeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting.

Jess ugh here i am thinking your exam is this Fri when it was last. I am losing my mind! When do you find out your results?

AFM so excited. I get to go home tmrw to visit for a couple days!! Going to the state fair and get to see my beautiful twin nieces that i haven't saw in a year!! I can't wait. I am soo anxious. I hate that stupid 9 hr ride. Seems like foreverrr. Finally get to do something with summer.. although it's almost over. Oh well.. def going to enjoy it!! As far as the opk's... i totally forgot to take them the last couple days. :dohh: go figure, right? Just been having so much go on and i totally lost track. I have noticed the last 2 days or so on and off my nipples have twinges. Wondering if i was O'ing or maybe i O'd a few days ago and it's implantation ;) bahahha! Who knows. Got everything crossed.
Rachael LOVE that idea for the gender reveal!! Who thinks of that stuff!? And so glad you're going home to visit the fam and old friends---I think that's JUST what you need! And I suppose it's a good thing that you're busy and not thinking of TTC as much. That's hopefully just when it'll happen. I think the nip twinges are signs of implantation fo sho.

Well today went good! U/s tech girl said everything looked good. Was supposed to have an appt with my Dr. after to go over scan but she had to go to a delivery (this is the 2nd appt in a row). Totally understand it's not in her control though, so no biggie. The baby is always snoozing when I have an u/s---people always talk how theirs was doing flips and jumping around and mine just lays and occasionally sucks his/her thumb. So the baby was sleeping face down most of the time so it was hard to get pics but we got a couple---so I'll copy a couple of them.
Here's McBaby and McBaby sucking his/her thumb!


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