Rach did you keep doing OPKs? I wonder if you're ovulating...and if you are I wonder if it's not strong enough (that was my problem). I really think you should try Vitamin B6---it's kind of a natural progesterone booster---which is what you need for ovulation. Do you test a couple times a day? Maybe you're just missing the surge? That's awful about poor lil baby Easton!! To just imagine the pain he's in is unbearable, can't imagine as a parent what it must be like to have to see him in pain.
Jessie how is the storm affecting you guys? Hopefully not too bad, agree with Lindsay I love a good storm, but I'm guessing your storms are way more intense than our storms! soooo glad that test is over, and everything is crossed that you passed (I just have a feeling you did, you're a smart cookie and you know what you're doing). So glad you got the OB worked out! These next 3 weeks will fly! Oommmggg.....sooo jealous that you have PALM trees!!!!!!! I can't even imagine having palm trees in my yard.
Lindsay yyaahhh for soft boobies!

I hope that the antibiotics do the trick and it STAYS away. I agree with you guys, if it comes back again, then you're done. Can't imagine going through that repeatedly. And woohoo for Oakley having a lil buddy to play with!!! Reveal parties are fun---the big thing now is that people are "revealing" at their bridal shower. They have their cake maker either make blue or pink frosting and then when they cut the cake at the shower everybody finds out. Actually a couple friends had the u/s tech put boy or girl in an envelope and they brought it to the baker and that way it was a surprise for them too. I think I'd want to find out before everybody else though.
Oh no Sam, chocolate is causing heartburn?! How cruel! I've never had heartburn, but now that I said that I'll probably get it in like an hour.
AFM---sooo nervous and anxious for the scan today!!! I think I'm just nervous because our moms will be in the room with us so if something is wrong it'd be hard with them in there. Maybe it'd be better for comfort, idk. DH says I need to just start thinking positive, and he's right. I think I just worry because although I think I'm feeling some movement and random little pokes, I still can't be sure it's not muscle spams or something. Plus---Lindsay or Sam---did you ever experience having an achy lower stomach? Like it almost feels like I'm going to get a cramp but I don't. Idk how to describe it, but it bothers me.
Idk, the appt is at 1 and we meet with my Dr. at 2. Then out to eat with the moms, but I"ll update as soon as I can! My phone is a POS so I won't be able to update until I get home. Say a lil prayer for us!!!!!! P.S---I dreamt we had a girl and she was 6 lbs and some odd ounces. So, now I'm more convinced we're having a girl. My mom and I plan to secretly study the screen today to see if we can get any looks at the gender. Shhh...don't tell DH