1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Yay for a great scan!! I can't see any pics though? Pity you didn't get to see your ob, when is your next appointment with them?

Rachel - I am glad you are getting to go home for a few days. Just what you need at the moment to be near family and a break away.

Lindsay - hope Oakley is a bit better after his feed today.

JEss- I too love thunderstorms but probably not ones as bad as that. It seems like it is heading more towards NO according to the news here. Hope it isn't too bad.

afm - had my mw appointment today. I saw another mw as my normal one was on holiday and she was really nice (still not sure about 'my' one). Had blood for glucose, anaemia and blood typing. Blood pressure was good and bump measures according to weeks. He is still lying transverse but she said there was still lots of time for him to move. After googling it seems like transverse make a few things more uncomfortable, like sleeping, which makes sense to me. I have to go back to the nurse to get measured for some sexy support stockings - nice!!
Woohoo Kelsey for a good scan!! You feel good about setting up the nursery yet? You're almost to 24 weeks! I felt like I had a little victory when I got to that point! Love the pictures - did you guys take a peek to see what he/she is?? ;)

Rach - a trip home sounds so nice! I remember when I lived away from my family, visits home were so essential for me! I feel so fortunate to be close to my family now, not sure what I would do without them. I have no idea how my brother lives so far away!

Jess - how you feeling?? When's your next scan? lol I'm so excited for you - I know you just had one!

Sam - how's your heartburn??

AFM - Oakley is having a much better day today! He was fussy all day yesterday and we had a bit of a rough start to the night but ended up getting a 5hr stretch last night and he's been a happy baby all day today :) I think he was going through a growth spurt over the weekend and yesterday. He ate 8 ounces more than usual yesterday! I weighed him today just by holding him when I got on the scale and he was over 10lbs! That would mean he's gained over 2lbs in a month! It's just amazing how quickly they grow! We have our one month appointment on Thursday - so curious to see his measurements.
Lindsay so happy to hear Oakley is doing better today!! That's great to hear.

Kelsey i am sooooo happy the appt went great!! Awhh i can't even tell you what Mcbaby is!! Def looks healthy though. I am just soooo happy for you and Ryan!!

Sam that is awesome your baby is measuring perfect. Sounds like everything is going great.

AFM for the heck of it i took an opk. Def darker than it has been all month. I hope i didn't miss O. We're def gonna get busy tonight but i hope it's not too late. Crazy how i am O'ing CD23. Maybe this is my problem. Maybe i just been testing the wrong time of the month? Def will remem this next month if i don't get PG.
Hey girls! Sorry for the quick post but I got home late tonight and have been feeling a bit nauseous :sick: I'll finish catching up in the morning!

Kelsey- so happy about your scan!!! :yipee: like Lindsay said, did you or your mom get a peak at any "parts"?
Morning girls! :coffee:

Sorry for the quick post yesterday. I went out for apps after work with some friends and when I got home I was trying to get down a couple of my pills that I forgot to take earlier in the day, then all of a sudden I started to feel nauseous. :sick: I probably didn't have enough in my stomach to take all of those. It was an awful feeling.

Kelsey - I am so excited for your great scan and the pics are great!!! :happydance: What did the mom's think? I really want to know if your mom got a peek :winkwink: The suspense must be killing you at this stage!!! That sucks about the doctor. Don't they have another doctor there you can see if that happens? I had a friend that did the baby gender reveal in her wedding cake (she was prego when she got married) but the baker did not put enough color in the cake so when they cut the cake it was really hard to tell and everyone was really straining to see what the color was.

Sam - Happy 28 weeks!!!! :crib: Glad your appointment went well. I can't wait to see your sexy stockings! I really hope they help! How is your baby room coming along? I can't wait to get to that point.

Lindsay - yeah for Oakley to have a little boy cousin to play with!!! :yipee: Are they far from you? So glad Oakley is feeling better... and getting so big!! Your pics on FB are adorable!!! My next scan is a week from tomorrow. I really loking forward to them so I hope its not too bad to have so many. I will ask my RE and then the regular OB I go to the following week about the different tests they think I should have. Chris and I are a little stressed about it with all of the MC's.

Rach - depending on what happens this cycle, maybe you should try Soy next cycle. If you do a search for it on here you will find a bunch of info on it. A few girls in my other threads have taken it just for a few days early in their cycle to give them a stronger O. (Like days 3-7 I think). They say it works! Have fun in New York!!! Chris and I are thinking about going mid-December. I have always wanted to see the Christmas decorations in NYC! :xmas9:

AFM - I am so ready for the weekend to get here!!! Chris and I are going out to the boat Thursday after work and staying out until Monday!!! 4 nights out will be awesome! I have not been out in about a month!! I have to go grocery shopping today after work to make sure we have enough food for all that time!!! I think the weather should be pretty nice but I told Chris to pack some movies just in case it rains and we have to sit in the cabin for a couple hours. Regardless I am just excited to get away!!
Sam you are going to rock the support stockings!!! :) HAPPY 28 WEEKS---I can't wait to be where you are!!! Did you have to drink that same surgery stuff that we do for the glucose test? Yeah, I was bummed about my OB not being there, I'm sure there may have been somebody else there to see me, but I think I learned my lesson last time I did that and the Dr. totally rushed us out of there. So we're going back on Tuesday at 1:00. I think they said she would measure my belly and just do a hb check.
Aww Oakley, you lil brute :) Such a doll, he's always so peaceful in your pics---sucha angel. Glad he's not so fussy, I'm sure he doesn't like being fussy either.
Rach I want to see pics of your OPKs! Maybe that's what the problem has been---maybe you're OV'ing quite a bit later so you've stopped BD'ing too soon!? Good thing you're doing the OPK's so you know. Oorr maybe the OPK's are getting darker because somebody is PG? If you're OV'ing later that could also explain why AF was so much later last month---the later you OV, the later your AF will be.
Oh Jess, I know the feeling. If I take my vitamins without a full stomach I get super sick feeling. Women's one a days I could do at all--just made me sick. I'm sure your scans are fine---especially in the beginning because I think most women with recurring losses get monitored closer and have extra scans. They probably just won't do that many scans the whole pregnancy. Orrr maybe they will---and if the doc thinks it's fine---it's fine! I can't wait for your scan either---I love the progression pics. Your weekend sounds AWESOME! I'm weird and I think I would LOVE it if it rained one night and we could just sit out on the boat and watch movies. With the extra long weekend it'll help your scan get here quicker :)
And no, we didn't get any peeks. The quality of the scans weren't that great, and unless she was telling us specifically what we were looking at a lot of time we had no clue if it was the top or bottom of the baby. My mom was even worse---even with stuff pointed out to her she couldn't see some of it. She said well, so much for studying ultrasound pictures, I still can't tell what I'm looking at! I'm so convinced it's a girl, that I sometimes forget that I don't know for sure! I thought it would be so tempting yesterday to find out, but for some reason it just wasn't. I was much more intent on getting a good profile pic, which was almost impossible with the baby laying face down and not budging. So, in 4 months we shall find out what McBaby is :)
Oh, and today I woke up and my stomach really hurt. I think it was from the u/s yesterday! She really had to poke and prod hard to try and get the baby to move.
Jess - your weekend sounds amazing!! I'm still so jealous of your boat :) Kirk and I have a little RV that he is refinishing so hopefully we will have that to use soon.
As for scans - I had a million!! I got scanned "officially" at 6.5 weeks, 8 weeks, 9 weeks, 12 weeks, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, and 32 weeks and then my SIL snuck me in every once in a while in there just to take a look and Oakley is perfectly healthy. My high risk doctor said there is no evidence that scans have any bad effects on the baby so try to not worry about that! :)

So glad you had a good day yesterday Kelsey :) I can't wait for you to have that baby so we can find out what you're having! so exciting!! Too bad about the doc! With our office there are so many docs that I think they're scheduled on rotation at the hospital so there is always a ton of docs for appointments.
Oh Lindsay - I love camping too. We used to have a camper when I was younger and I have so many fond family memories of it. I am sure you guys will too. Chris and I talk about getting an RV one day if we ever getting out of boating but for now if we camp we just use a tent (which I love to do as well). Thanks for the info on the scans, I had forgotten that you had so many but I remember now.

Kelsey - I can't believe you guys did not get to take a peek!! So have you decided a theme your baby room since you will be going gender neutral?
I've just started looking at bedding, and nothing has grabbed me at all so far. I don't think I'll really go with a theme, I plan on painting the walls a khaki color (unless I find bedding that I love and I can find a color in there to accent a wall).
These are some of the sets I liked, but I don't really love any of them.


I'm waiting for little man to wake up and was looking at bedding lol






ooooo so fun!! I forgot how much fun it is to shop for this stuff already!!

I think I'm gonna go give the little man a bath to get him to wake up so I can sleep tonight lol
Jess - I take it things are calm near you and the hurricane is much further away? Lucky you getting out on your boat and a I think I agree with Kelsey, it would be nice to have one night of rain(I love listening to rain) to watch a movie.

Lindsay and Kels- I love the first ones you both put on. I am going to paint 3 walls neutral mocha colour and one wall pale blue. Our cot is white and that it why I am busy painting a pine chest of drawer and bookshelf white to match although I am sorely tempted to give up and buy some new white ones!! We both love birdy things so I am going to get these wall stickers. Hope you can see as it is ebay UK


Rachel - I did have thoughts about late ov due in the past due to your later than expected AF. Any pics of the opk? Hope you manage to recharge your batteries being back home.
I love those stickers Sam! Super cute!! Painting furniture is so time consuming! You have more patience than I do! I like painting rooms but I find that way easier lol and even that can get annoying! It's just so rewarding once it's done because it feels so clean!
Such cute stuff you girls posted!!! I love it all. Gosh such tough decisions. Kelsey I think they ones you posted would be great for gender neutral (i like the one with the birds especially) and a couple that Lindsay posted too.

Sam- one of the bedding sets Lindsay posted looks like it goes with the owls you posted. All so cute!!!

So exciting at this point. I can't wait for the shopping part. I think since we love boating I might like to go with a boating or sea type theme but while we were at our party over the weekend the house we were at had this room decorated witha Winnie the pooh theme that was just so darn cute!! They had a big tree painted on the wall and even a beehive hanging from the ceiling in the corner. My brother love Winnie the pooh so that option is very tempting too!!!
Oohh Lindsay I'll have to look more at that site---they have a lot to look at! Any other sites you'd suggest?
And Sam the stickers are so cute! Love the wall colors---can't wait to see a picture of it!!
How did Oakley do last night Lindsay?
Omg Jessie the boating thing would be PERFECT for you guys! And it would be perfect for boy or girl!! I can already picture Baby N in a lil sailor dress or sailor suit!! That could be so fun to decorate!! 1 week from today we get to see baby again---can't wait! 9 weeks tomorrow----can you believe it!!?!? I have such a great feeling about this pregnancy...
Kelsey - Happy 22 weeks! Wow! I can't believe you're already at 22 weeks - so exciting!!
Oakley did decent last night...we had about a half hour of crying which isn't too bad. We had our doctor's appointment today and she told me that it should start getting better in the next few weeks but to just keep trying to find ways to console him but there's really not much I can do. She said I need to not let him sleep more than 2hr stretches during the day and to try to keep him up longer when he is awake that way he'll be more tired at night and go longer stretches. She also said to not feed him more than every 2hrs and to try to stretch it to 3hrs if we can so that at night he won't be waking to feed so frequently since he'll be used to going longer stretches.

Jess - Happy almost 9 weeks!! Are you guys going to find out the gender?? I know you're probably not thinking about that yet but I have such a great feeling about this pregnancy that I am lol :) Can't wait to see the next picture!

Sam - How's the heartburn and the VVs?? Hope doing better!! How's the nursery??

Rach - Hope you're enjoying being home! Are you able to get some BD in while you're there?? How have the OPKs looked (I know you're traveling so that might be difficult to do).

AFM - I read somewhere that I'm not supposed to be exposed to paint fumes still if I'm breastfeeding - have you guys ever heard that before?? I'm pretty disappointed as we have a lot of painting to get done in the house...would be a shame if I still couldn't help out with that.
We had little man's 1 month appointment today and he's doing great! He has quite a bit of baby acne which the doctor actually said is made worse by Johnson head-to-toe wash and to use Dove or Aveeno instead - I was surprised! He weighs 9lbs 9oz and is 22.25 inches long. He's longer and leaner than most with 37% for weight and 70% for length and at the 50% for head circumference - so doc said that's perfect :)
Today was my last day of antibiotics for the mastitis - keep your FX'd for me girls that it stays away this time!!
We are heading over to my SIL's (the U/S tech) house for dinner tonight and my other SIL (the pregnant one) is getting scanned by the other SIL so we get to see pictures of Oakley's cousin tonight!! yay! :) I can't wait!! Sorry if that was confusing lol
Awww Lindsay so glad that Oakley is doing better and his exam went great!!! He is getting so big!!! I hope the mastitis goes away this time. I have not heard that about he paint. I wonder if you would be ok if you had the windows open so it was well ventilated while you paint. Or you could always get one of those masks that Sam has :thumbup: I am definitely finding out gender!!! I am a planner and would just go nuts if I did not know!!! I want to know now actually!! :winkwink:
Lindsay those seem like pretty simple solutions, can't wait to hear if they work for Oakley! Almost 10 lbs, what a lil man he is already :kiss: My Dr. said that there is no problems with me painting while pregnant, so I'm not sure if that's different when I'm breastfeeding? Can't imagaine it is? I still don't want to do it while I'm pregnant (unless I get a mask like Sam's, but I'd prefer for hubby to do it).
SSsoooo excited for the long weekend! I have Tuesday off too, so an extra long weekend :) No big plans for me, but weather should be beautiful. Anybody else have any big plans---Jessie enjoy every minute of the boat!
Lindsay - not sure about the painting during BF. I know some say whilst pg to avoid any sort of painting but emulsion is okay I think it's the high VOC's like gloss that causes more problems. The mask has been fantastic, even when OH has farted I haven't been able to suffer its effect!! Wow Oakley is doing so well and finger crossed the mastitis stays away.

Jess - happy 9 weeks!! Enjoy your long weekend, you deserve it.

Kelsey - I am getting so jealous of you and Jess long weekend!! It has been a long tiring week and can't wait for a long lie in tomorrow.

afm - still painting the skirting and bookcase, then just going to paint the walls. I'll post pics when it looks less like a painters workshop! I ordered some expensive support tights, just waiting them to arrive but hope they'll help my achy legs.

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