1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

oh and Kels - don't worry about the strep b test - it takes two seconds and I don't even really remember them goin near the "rear" lol. All my hems have been internal - they couldn't find them after birth but by then you're not going to care if they see them because that's really the least of your worries down there if you get an episiotomy :p
Just a quick update sorry for spelling mistakes on ruddy phone. The pessary propess to start the cervix going and dilating really upset baby and his hb kept dropping do they had to take it out. They have to keep me on a monitor and I am waiting for s room so they can break my waters and start the syntocinon drip. They said the drip may affect his heart rate too so if that happens then it might be csection. Do just waiting atm sent oh home as he is getting frustrated by the wait but I know there are other ladies needing things before me. Baby seems okay atm. Will try to update if I can . Sorry not read all your post hope you okay. Xx
Sam I hope you're ok Hun, it sounds like they are monitoring you closely, keep us posted!

Hi to everyone! I've had a busy day at my first antenatal class with josh, it was brill but feeling really tired now! Met lots of nice new people! :) will catch soon xxx
Sam's asked me to tell you lovely ladies that she has had a gorgeous 7lb 9oz baby boy called Benjamin Gabriel by c section. :cloud9::yipee: :cloud9: :cry: :cloud9: I'm sure she'll upload pics and up date soon!So happy for her! xxx
Thank you Mel!!! Was he born on the 1st or 2nd?!? CONGRATS Sam!!! Welcome to the world Benjamin!!! And what a healthy ham he is!!
Sorry I got the weight wrong! Preggo brain! He is 7lbs 9oz :cloud9: I think he was born today!
Thanks Mel - I saw the FB post this morning when I got up and was going to pop on here to post the news but I see you beat me to it. :winkwink:
I am at work this morning for a little but so I was really rushing to get here as my Christmas party at work was last night and I was up later than usual.

So Welcome to Benjamin Gabriel! Our little group is growing!!! :happydance:

How are the rest of you ladies doing? Chris and I had a bit of an eye opening house hunting day yesterday but I was great to go look. We saw a really nice 3 story townhouse facing the water that was in a great location but a little expensive, just trying to decide if we really want to go to townhouse living. We also met with a couple builders but it doesn't seem like they are really going to have something in the area we want right now.

Friday the appraiser came, he was a bit of an a$$ so I hope everything goes OK with that. Chris and I did a lot of upgrades to the house which he didn't really seem to interested in, only square feet and whether you have a pool or not (which we don't). The home inspector also came Friday, Chris said that went really well and the guy was nice. Hopefully everything will be fine, we will see this week.

Well better get back to work. Let me know if you girls see any pics of our new little group addition!
He was born at 8.30am today UK time obviously lol!

Jess :wohoo: about the house hunting i get really excited as if i am house hunting with you lol! I really like the sound of the town house by the water :cloud9: xxx
Mel - it was nice, and very modern type of living. I might have to buy all new furniture if we move there as mine is very traditional :shock:

I wish I would have taken a picture of this other townhouse we went in to show you ladies... OMG there was a bunch of guys living there and it was ABSOLUTELY disgusting!!! Clothes all over the floor in every room, mold all over the bathrooms, one bedroom had a partially deflated air mattress that someone was sleeping on. It was awful. We almost choked when the description of the property said it was a rare and luxurious townhome. Oh MY GOSH! Rare for sure.... I don't know who lives like that.... luxurious it was NOT!!!
Welcome to our lil group Benjamin!! Can't wait to hear your birth story hun, sounds like it was a long process for you, but a good outcome!! So we've got 2 boys now, are we going to have some girls to join those boys Mel?! :)
Jess omg a house facing the water is like my dream come true! How did everything go with the inspection? I bet if the owners knew those boys had the house like that for a showing they'd be pretty pissed. Also, for a showing aren't they supposed to be out of the house?! My mom is a realtor and I know it's always hard for her to show a house where there are renters, because they don't want somebody to buy the house so they leave it trashed and make showings difficult. What a crazy chart you have this month...difficult to tell for sure when you O'd?
AFM-been crampy/achy this week. Told the baby he/she needs to stay put for a few more weeks. I feel so behind with xmas shopping---haven't even started yet and usually I at least have a plan and a list of who and what I want to get ppl but this year I just don't have a clue what to get anybody! We're going shopping this weekend to some outlet malls and I'm hoping I can keep up with everybody. It's not like a regular mall where they have rest areas so we'll see how it goes. We set up some swings and bouncers this weekend and got our xmas tree and Presley sure is curious about these new things in "his" house. Can't wait to see how he'll react when the baby comes. He's been so clingy with me and having anxiety when I leave the house. Poor lil thang.
Aww Kels that's both funny and cute about Presley! Yes, we need some girlies on here don't we!!? I've done an 'online buying' plan only for a baby girl. I've copied and pasted outfits as my FIL is getting married in March so I want Miss Me-mo to be dressed up. If it's a Mr Me-mo then he's going to be in a baby suit lol! My hub's mum died of cancer after 30 years of marriage to hub's dad :-(. Anyway to cut a long story short hub's dad met someone nice a few years later and after 4 yrs 'courting' :haha: they are getting married, we are happy he is happy as he is a wonderful man!

Kels you're not still working are you? What are your cramps like? I was wondering when I would get them - ive had bowel cramps which have momentarily made me wonder but not period pain or anything yet... Are you nervous / excited?

Got my midwife appt at 2pm today. Going to ask for a reassurance scan at about 38 weeks just to check on baby for my sanity. Also I am supposed to have my birth plan written at 34 weeks so feeling i should do it today. I am going to see if i can have a birthing pool labour and then transfer to higher monitoring or maybe rent a birthing pool for home and then go to hospital when i am 4/5 cm gone? I've mentally gone from the highest monitoring possible plus c section to having the most natural birth possible! I don't want a home birth though! I want to try to avoid meds of any kind - yeah right ey?! Did you know that it's best for baby if the cord is not clamped straight away? They are best getting the cord blood for oxygen.. This takes about 10 minutes and then the cord stops pulsating and it's clamped. Lots of hospitals just clamp and cut for time saving reasons but the baby loses out on valuable oxygenated cord blood! I'm def putting that in my birth plan. Also I don't want the placenta injection either, going to hope it comes out naturally while the baby is trying to breast feed. The antenatal lady said there's a higher chance of retained placenta and infection if you get the injection but sometimes it's a necessity to give it to avoid excessive bleeding so we will see. Anyway it will be on my birth plan not to give the injection.

Re xmas shopping yes i am very orgnanised :blush: but i did a lot online! Still got to get hub's present. i'm getting him ray bans as he lost his original pair over summer

:hi: Lindsay, Oakley :baby: Jess, Sam, Benjamin :baby: Rach
Hi girls.
Sorry I have been MIA, its been nuts this week with everything going on and I am also back to school :shock: Anyway, the appraisal came back our asking price :happydance: and just a couple small nit picky things on the home inspection so we're all set to start packing. I don't know how we will get it all done. We are hiring movers for the big stuff but I definitely need to clean out my closets and drawers etc myself so I can go through stuff. We definitely need to have a big garage sale!!!

Mel - I dont think there is any way that place with the guys could be nice, its was absolutely a mess. Interesting info about the cord! Are you still working at all or have you stopped?

Kelsey - sorry you are getting some cramping. What have they been saying at your appointments about how things are coming along?

Lindsay - How are you? I just love the pics you are posting on FB of little Oakley!

Sam - hope you are doing better. Can't wait to see some pics of little Benjamin!

Rach - how are you doing?

AFM - started spotting last night and got AF today Ugh! I think this might be my first real one after my MC as I had heavy cramping this morning and bleeding with clots. Sorry TMI. The other ones were very light. Even with all of our craziness this month I will need to pull DH aside for some :sex: My chart was crazy this month so I have no idea when I O'd. It was also a lot longer than my typical cycle so hopefully things get back on track soon.

Well better get back to work, I will check in with you girls later...
Mel - what's the placenta injection? After I gave birth to Oakley they gave him to me and kept pushing on my belly and then I guess it just came out? I didn't get a shot? or maybe they put something in my IV? and they saved Oakley's cord blood - not sure where they put it though lol. Kirk wasn't able to cut the cord (he doesn't like blood).

Kelsey - exciting you're having cramps!! When will they start checking you?? I started getting braxton hicks around 35 weeks which made me think the little man would be early but like his mama - he was sticking to his schedule with water breaking on his due date, haha.

Jess - Hope you're not too overwhelmed with school and moving! That's what I'm scared of now that we're talking about moving. We were lazy this weekend and didn't do any work on the house, so I'm thinking we'll get it on the market come early spring. We'll see. I know Kirk has kind of backed off of the issue bc it's been tough on me having Oakley and doing school with my horrid commute, but I'm definitely adjusting! I get to work from home tomorrow and Friday - SO EXCITED! haha. Sorry about AF but it's probably better to have a normal AF before trying again. Any plan of action for the next one?

AFM - been so super busy with school and taking care of the little man that I feel like I can never give enough time here any more, so I'm excited I have tomorrow and Friday at home so on my breaks from reading and writing I can check in with you guys and catch up! I can't wait to graduate - seems so far away! Hoping for not this March but next March, we'll see!

I've just started reading Fifty Shades of Grey to see what all the hype is about - anyone else read it or any of the others? It's a little on the disturbing side so far to me but we'll see!
Lindsay - I have the book but have not started reading it yet so you will have to let me know how it is. I can't even imagine how you do it all school and then commute and then on top of that with little Oakley - you are amazing!!!

Sam posted in her journal today if you want to pop over. She's been having a tough time with the sleepless nights.
Mel I'm excited, i think the nerves will kick in when I'm in a ton of pain. Last night we had our last child birth class and a tour of the birthing floor at the hospital. That made it a little more real. I need to get my bag packed, baby bag packed, and the carseat set up! This is finals week for my husband and everything is due on Monday, so I've been trying to let him get that stuff done before I start hounding him about stuff we need to get done. And yep, still working and will all the way through unless for some reason I started not feeling well. I know what you mean about bowel cramps! Omg I didn't know if I just got those because I have always had bowel issues, but I guess I'm not the only one! They're awful aren't they?! When I get them I wonder to myself how I'll ever manage the pain of labor when I can hardly stand those! I'm also wondering about the placenta shots? In class last night they said they will just push on our abdomen which can be uncomfortable but they do that until they're able to push the placenta out. They didn't mention anything about shots?
Jessie I can't believe you're back to school already! I suppose though, if you want to get it over with you myswell keep trucking through. Hopefully by the end of this month you should find out about your test, right? Fingers are SO CROSSED for you!! Sucks that AF showed, but if you haven't really had a normal one yet, and this one is normal, it's probably for the best. It's probably a good thing if it's heavy and clotty because it's really getting your cycle "recycled" and ready for a good month of TTC. If you have Fifty Shades of Grey, maybe start reading it this month. Might soup up your TTC a bit :) It's been reported there was a boom in pregnancies since that book came out! I agree with you Linds, it's a bit disturbing. But not only that, to me it was so repetitive. I only read the first sometime I think in spring, and my sister has the 2nd one now so I said I'd borrow it but otherwise I had no intention of spending the money on any of the other books. And yah that the appraisal came back good! Can't believe what a crazy month you'll have. Have you decided if you'll be using your parents house (or was it another relatives house?)?
AFM-My weekly appts start now, and on Monday is my Strep B test (still dreading it) and I'm not sure if they'll check me then or not? I'm so curious the position the baby is in. I haven't had much for cramping today, at times it's more of an achiness than crampiness.
Kels - they didn't start checking me until 38 weeks. I think they only check if you're complaining of pains and stuff like that. Bowel pains could mean things are moving along for you! Plus - that baby is lounging in there and taking up so much room that you're bound to have some uncomfortable bowel moments! I had a lot of digestive issues in the beginning that seemed to get better as I went along in my pregnancy but I do remember at the end being uncomfortable again - it's already hard to remember! and about fifty shades of grey - she hasn't decided what she's going to do but I so want her to say no! lol thinking that's a sign that I'm not supposed to read books like this haha but it def could spice up anyone's sex life for sure!!

Sam - I read your journal but I'm going to respond to it here - I'm so sorry you're having a rough time with sleeping! Breastfeeding initially is really difficult! Are you sure you're having a let down with your milk? do you have a pump?? it may be a good idea to try to pump a bit and bottle feed and see if your little one will go to sleep like that. There's no shame at all in giving a bottle of formula if you are too tired - you have plenty of time to establish a breastfeeding relationship! I would try to pump before going to formula, but do what you gotta do! I remember early on not understanding why Oakley wouldn't feed right and that's when I realized I wasn't releasing my milk because I was so stressed out about it but the pump could get it out just fine! But - don't make my mistake and make sure to try to keep up with direct feeding as once I got used to pumping and feeding it was difficult to go back as I was already making too much milk and needed more relief than Oakley could give. Also - I don't know if you have family members around but do NOTHING around the house! Get other people to bring you food, clean your house, do your laundry! Take every opportunity you have to rest! Big hugs to you!! Within a week you'll start to get the hang of it and get used to the lack of sleep!

Rach - how you doin, hun?! Your tree is gorgeous! love it! How's your job going?? Any updates on school??

Jess - Hope your packing goes quickly and you hear about your exam soon!

AFM - Oakley had his 4 month check up - he's 89% for height and 28% for weight and 58% for head circumference. He's going to be tall and lanky like his daddy I guess!! Glad he's not short like me haha. He got two shots, my poor baby but he did great! He's passed out now. We got the green light for solids (even though I've been giving him some cereal for a few weeks now) but I'm excited to start making fruit and veggie purees! I'll be breaking out the "baby bullet" this weekend! We plan to make all of his food - I'm bummed the farm market down the street will be closing for winter soon...ohwell!

Hope you ladies are doing great!!
In the uk they tend to give you an injection to speed things up with the delivery of the placenta and to decrease chances of too much bleeding, it isn't always a good thing though as the placenta should come away naturally especially when you bf straight away! So it's on my birth plan not to get an injection xxx
Will catch up more later, going to a breast feeding class, need to get dressed I've been very tired and lazy today lol!!

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