Hi girls.
Sorry I have been MIA, its been nuts this week with everything going on and I am also back to school

Anyway, the appraisal came back our asking price

and just a couple small nit picky things on the home inspection so we're all set to start packing. I don't know how we will get it all done. We are hiring movers for the big stuff but I definitely need to clean out my closets and drawers etc myself so I can go through stuff. We definitely need to have a big garage sale!!!
Mel - I dont think there is any way that place with the guys could be nice, its was absolutely a mess. Interesting info about the cord! Are you still working at all or have you stopped?
Kelsey - sorry you are getting some cramping. What have they been saying at your appointments about how things are coming along?
Lindsay - How are you? I just love the pics you are posting on FB of little Oakley!
Sam - hope you are doing better. Can't wait to see some pics of little Benjamin!
Rach - how are you doing?
AFM - started spotting last night and got AF today Ugh! I think this might be my first real one after my MC as I had heavy cramping this morning and bleeding with clots. Sorry TMI. The other ones were very light. Even with all of our craziness this month I will need to pull DH aside for some

My chart was crazy this month so I have no idea when I O'd. It was also a lot longer than my typical cycle so hopefully things get back on track soon.
Well better get back to work, I will check in with you girls later...