1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Morning Ladies!

How are you all doing?? I have another cold :( ugh! Hoping I'll still be able to keep Oakley from getting it - been giving him extra breastmilk lately to help boost his immune system - keep your fingers crossed for us! Little man is feeling a lot better today after his shots yesterday. He just went down for his morning nap. He slept ALL day yesterday and wasn't really eating, made me a bit nervous, but he woke up at midnight asking for a bottle and ate it right up and went right back to sleep and had a good bottle this morning, thankfully! He seems much more alert and happy today.

Mel - how are your breastfeeding classes? are they helpful? Looking back, I think I probably should have taken one but I think I'm prepared now for next baby! My boob has finally stopped hurting as of a couple weeks now, thankfully! I'm excited to try with the next baby as I feel like I have a better grasp on how to do it. I think that I will still give a bottle with formula pretty early on as it was kind of difficult to get Little O to take formula at first.

Sam - hope you're hanging in there!! the pictures of benjamin on facebook are just precious!!

I'm getting so excited for the other babies to join us!! Won't be long now!
Hi girls, I really thought I'd updated on here last night :wacko: sorry for not posting.

I adore my little boy. Things have been a bit difficult since getting out of hospital in Tuesday. Maybe that is normal ftm issues, anxiety, lack of sleep etc. however Benjamin has lost 13oz since birth :cry: and the mw was concerned about his gentleness at my boob. We are now on demand feeding plus 3 hourly top ups of expressed milk and formula. I can't tell anymore if his sleeping is down to contentment or lack of food tiredness which is sad. My parent have been here since Tuesday and the help has been good. Making tea etc. I haven't done my birth story yet as this is the first time I have had a proper chance to get on. We got him weighed again today after starting the feeding yesterday and he has put on nearly 4oz. I am moving more now to using the expressed milk and very little formula (was only about 10ml anyway) and bf. He is more alert and less stressed also so overall going in the right direction.

I will catch up with all your posts tonight!
From what I have heard from pretty much all my friends on BnB Sam it sounds like that's completely normal! I have a close friend whose baby lost a lot of weight after birth and now he's completely on track. I'm so over the moon for you!! :cloud9: glad you have help too

Lindsay the bf classes were brilliant, they promise no sore boobs and 100% comfort after a few tries, i've also got someone on call to come and help me if i struggle at home but we will see how 'easy' it is as they make out! i've never ever heard of anyone who hasn't really struggled to begin with. I'm only doing it for a month as I want my period back as we are ttc number 2 starting in April!

:hi: to everyone xxx
Hi girls,
Just popping on quickly before going to bed. We had an EXHAUSTING weekend of packing but got a lot done. We have SO much stuff, I have no idea where it all came from!!! My body and feet hurt all over.
Kelsey- I think you asked where we are moving... We are moving to Chris's grandparents house. The painter finished the inside of the house today, we have new carpet being installed tomorrow and the cleaners coming on Tuesday. Wednesday we are going to make a trip over with a few things.

Well I will properly post tomorrow. I am absolutely exhausted.
Hope you feel better today jess! Good Luck with everything!
Lindsay hope your cold goes ASAP! :hugs:
Sam - totally normal for the baby to lose weight! Oakley was born at 7lbs 12 ounces and left at 7lbs 4 ounces from the hospital. I know they like to keep an eye on it, but now that he's gaining weight, try to not stress about it too much! Hope the breastfeeding is going better now and you're able to get a little sleep!

Mel - I probably should have gone to breastfeeding classes if they promised no soreness and 100% comfort after a couple tries!! haha oh my! that's amazing you have someone that will come to your house too! I think that was the hardest thing for me was that when I was having trouble there was no one there to help besides the nurse assistant because supposedly I brought all the pregnant ladies to the hospital to have their babies and they were completely booked! I went in around 10PM and there were maybe 2 or 3 other ladies there and they said by midnight they were nearly full (including Kirk's cousin that was right next door to us! haha).

Jess - moving is exhausting!! I'm so dreading but so looking forward to it at the same time haha. I hope it goes quickly for you!

AFM - Oakley had a rough night last night - he didn't go poo all day yesterday and I'm guessing it's because he's been eating a lot more cereal lately so he's getting all bound up. He was up every couple hours crying and grunting (I think pushing - poor guy!!) so this morning I went ahead and took his temp in his bum and that got things flowing, thankfully!! He's asleep right now but when he gets up I'm going to mix in some apples I made for him in his baby bullet into his oatmeal to try to keep things "moving" for him! He's loving eating from the spoon, which has been really fun!

Hope all you ladies are doing well!! My cold is slowly starting to get better! Definitely need to start taking better care of myself so I'll stop getting sick!
Hi girls!
Just pooping in for a quick hello. All this packing is just taking all the energy out of me.

Sam - How are you going? Is it getting a little easier with little Benjamin? Like the other girls said, I think its normal for them to lose a little weight in the beginning as both of you get used to all the changes and get into a routine. Is hubby staying home for a bit with you too or did he go back to work?

Lindsay - sorry that you are sick but I am glad you are starting to feel a little better. Definitely need to take care of yourself. I am sure with work/school, the drive and little Oakley you are probably spread pretty thin these days.

Mel - How was the breastfeeding class? The no sore boobs and 100% comfort after a few tries sounds fabulous! I saw all of your little outfits on FB so cute!!! I saw you went with a lot of white, is that in case Me-Mo is a she instead of a he? Have you decided on names yet? Whoa! I can't believe you are already thinking about trying again in April! Although I don't blame you, with all the losses, might as well get it going in case it takes a long time again.

Kelsey - how are you doing? We need to see some nursery room pics from you girl! How are the bowel cramps. I would have thought they were IBS too! By the way, how has that been with your pregnancy? Did you decide on a name yet?

Rach - how are you doing? You haven't mentioned your job in a while, are things going well? Where are you at in your cycle? We need to get this TTC on for the new year!! These girls are going to be joining us with #2's soon!!!

AFM - I am totally exhausted with all this packing. We were trying to close on the 21st so we can be done with all this and settled down to enjoy the holidays but now my agent said the buyers still want to stick to the 26th closing date. Ugh! I might be able to schedule my movers a little later in the week but I definitely can't get anyone to move me over Christmas so its like I have to be out early anyway :grr: My house is so upside down I really get want to get out and settle down.
I got my test score back last night and I did not pass :cry: I got a 73 and I needed a 75. I am so bummed about it I hardly got any sleep last night. I don't know I am really going to have to buckle down with this in the new year. My last class is on Thursday this week so after I get settled I just need to dedicate my time to studying.
Sam how are you doing hun!? I'll have to check out your journal because you may have posted on there. If so, don't worry about trying to type it all in here. How is the bf'ing going? I had a friend who's daughter wasn't latching on, and turns out she needed her tounge clipped (that thing under the tounge) and then she was able to latch on properly. But it took them a bit to figure that out. It's a good reality check for me to hear your struggles, because so often you think of how wonderful it will be, and it's good to have some warning it's not all rainbows and butterflies. Like I think Jess asked, is DH home with you or how does the daddy's mat leave work by you? Ryan will only be able to take off a week with me, although I plan on practically moving my mom in until I'm comfortable :)
Oh Jess I'm so sorry to hear you didn't pass!! Actually pisses me off because I know how hard you studied and to only be 2 points off?!?!?! So now what, study all over again and since you're familiar with the test will it help for the next time? And then on top of that all the moving?? That's crappy that closing is on the 26th, because exactly like you said who the heck is going to be able to move you on xmas!! Soon it will be all over, so just keep breathing, and wine probably wouldn't hurt either :)
Mel that's great you got so much out of your bf'ing class!! mine was kind of useless, and I feel like I won't have a clue until I can actually try for myself. I had a heck of a time trying to find a nursing bra, but I'm so excited this past weekend I finally found one that fit!!! These bb's have gotten HUGE and it's not even funny anymore!
Lindsay I just adore Oakley---in all his pictures he just looks like such a content baby. Hopefully we're all that lucky! I'll have to remember the thermometer in the butt trick to get things moving. Who woulda thunk! Glad your cold is starting to get better, and hopefully little O avoids it!
Rach hun--how you doing?!
AFM-Had my 36 week check up yesterday (and the strep B test--boo). The cervix check was so uncomfortable, almost painful! But sex has been very painful for us since pregnancy so we really haven't done anything since around 20 weeks. Anyway, so she said my cervix was in the ready position (not hiding or something she said?) and she said I was 50% thinned out. I asked about dialation, and she said she doesn't really believe in any of that being an indicator of labor so she never answered me! All she said is it's looking good and I could go into labor tonight or a week past my due date. I hate the unknown because i'm such a planner! Today I had some brown cm, which is probably from the exam, but maybe some of my mucous plug? She said she could feel the baby's head so he/she is head down. Last night I woke up with some uncomfortable pressure in my stomach, but feel fine today. Still have to get my hospital bag packed and the carseat out of the box! aahhh! I will get pics of the nursery up---we just got an I-Pad so I think I can take pictures with that and post from it?! I don't know anything about it but if I can then it'll be easier to post pic updates from now on. Oh and Jess you asked about the IBS----I only had issues with it around 5 weeks, but other than that I've been fairly normal which is so shocking. But I think the intense "bowel cramps" I feel are because of the IBS/Colitis.
WOWSERS kels I can't believe they do all those checks at 36 weeks ish. In the uk we are left to our own devises now until d day! So I'd have no idea about cervix or any of that until I was hours off pushing probably! But I may go for a private scan just to check all is ok, I know me-mo is head down so that's a start. I've been getting lightning flash pains in my cervix area every so often every day, i believe the technical term for it is lightning crotch lol! Sorry you had pain with the cervix check. Exciting that she could feel baby's head!!! Do you think one of our babies might come on Christmas day!!? You never know! Xxx

Jess I am so upset about your test, you studied so hard :nope: can you get it remarked since it was so close? It just seems too close to fail! I'm not happy!!! :-( xxx :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I hope you get a good rest tonight :sleep:

Lindsay I am glad you're feeling better, you are probably run down due to lack of sleep and worrying about / looking after your little man, I will be the same I suspect as I always get Ill when o sleep xxx
Kelsey- WOW that is sooo crazy to know he/she is head down already!! OMG where has the time gone!??! I can remember clear as day when you said you got your BFP. I just can't believe all this time has passed between then and now. I can't wait!!!!!!!

Jess i totally agree... full course BDing for us. I was really hoping i was PG this time because i was getting real bad pains in my nipples. I took a test for the first time in MONTHS and it was BFN. Then 3 days later i got AF. I swear it seems impossible for me anymore. I could scream!!! So unfair.

Sam i hope you're doing better with Benjamin. I hope you're adjusting well. I been thinking of you lots. xoxoxo

Mel your tree is beautiful and all them presents are wrapped so gorgeous!!! Not too much longer till memo is here as well!! I can't wait!!! Gahh!!!!!!!!!!!

AFM i put a hold on startin school. Money has been a total bummer lately. I don't even have an ounce of Christmas shopping done. I've never been this late getting presents. I feel terrible and disgusting that its been this way. The joys of being on your own. There is an option for full time at my work so i really hope i can get that because you get INSURANCE and sickpay/vacation. I'd be so happy, although i hate my job LOL. It will definately work for now! I'm CD 2 now, so i hope 2013 has baby dust written on it for me... otherwise i think i'm going to jump off a cliff.
Hi Ladies!

Rach - Sorry about your money situation! The first year Kirk and I bought our house we were so poor! Oh my goodness! Looking back I don't know how we did it! That year we only got gifts for Kirk's two neices and they were not very fun gifts! Your families will understand and hopefully encourage you to save your money for more important things! Would the insurance kick in right away if you went full time or do you have to go through a "probation" period or whatever they call it?? Are you doing OPKs? or temping? Darby (my dog) ate my BBT! I had it on my nightstand and Kirk came home and said it was destroyed on the bed :( Ohwell!

Jess - so sorry about your exam, hun! How frustrating! Was this a retake of the last exam or a new one? and if it was a new one will you start retaking the other one? Maybe then you'll know what to expect and it'll be a breeze! you've had a lot on your mind lately - don't get yourself down!

Sam - how's Benjamin doing? Hope you're both doing well! Those first few weeks are still blurry to me!

Kelsey - yay for head down! any thoughts on pain relief during labor?? Gosh - any day now for you!

Mel - not long for you either!! I'm so excited you'll be trying again quickly! I had such baby fever right after having Oakley! It has faded now that he's gotten a bit older but I expect it to come back as soon as Oakley is up and running around! Totally going to miss this time that I can just carry him around with me all day :)

AFM - my cold is definitely a sinus infection. I feel fine overall - get tired quickly at night (that might be from Oakley too) but I just have a massive amount of mucus (gross - sorry!) so I'm on quite a cocktail of drugs that seem to do the trick! All the doctors in my lab are in haiti helping out so I'm hoping when they get back on Monday I can convince one of them to write me a Rx for some antibiotics if it hasn't cleared up by then. Hopefully it'll clear up this weekend and I won't have to worry about it. Kirk has promised to "take care of me" this weekend and let me rest. I've definitely been running myself into the ground but my boss told me yesterday that I should be working from home once a week to maintain my sanity with the traffic and she's seen how productive I am with days at home - so I think that's going to help my stress level a LOT! We'll see!
Darby's making way too much noise upstairs - gotta run and see what he's doin! Hope you all are having a great day and everything is going ok!!
Hi girls!

Kelsey - Happy 37 weeks!!! :yipee: Why has BDing been painful during pregnancy? Did you ask your doc about that? The thought of your cervix test made me cringe - ugh I hate that stuff "down there"!!! That is so weird when you girls talk about them being able to feel the baby's head!!! I can't believe you could go into labor anytime - girl you better get your bag packed and your carseat in the car!!! Are you loving your Ipad - Oh I just love mine!!! You can definitely take pics from it and post them. Do you have an iphone? Its very similar. Yes my next test should not be as bad because I am already familiar with the material but I do need to go back and study everything again because there is so much they can test, it will likely be all different material!

Mel - How are you doing? I didn't see your tree yet so I will go on FB and check it out. I am bummed about not having a tree yet but I think I might go get a little one this weekend. This is my absolute favorite time of the year and I can't believe all this craziness that I have not been able to filly enjoy it. Lightning crotch :rofl: I am having visuals!!! I looked into the regrading of the exam because part of it is written so its so subjective but I read on one of the CPA exam forums that you have a better chance of winning the lottery!!! and the money to have it regraded is better spent just retaking it. :shrug:

Rach - it never fails for me too - every time I am late and take a HPT I get AF like a day or 2 later. Make sure your cycle days in your ticker are up to date so I can keep track of you!!! Sorry you are down about work and stuff. Its a hard time of year. But hang in there... 2013 is going to be a great year for us... I am ready to ring it in!!!

Sam - Thinking of you. Hoping things are going well for you and little Benjamin. I can't remember if you said but don't you guys get a long maternity leave over there - like a year? Are you taking all of that time off? What did you ever do about that rug that DB picked out?

Lindsay - how are you feeling? I hope you kick that bug quickly! I love the pic you posted on FB of you and Oakley - so cute!

AFM - we are spending our first night tonight at our new "home" (Chris's grandparents house) tonight. We have our car packed with stuff and our air mattress and we are going there tonight to get things ready for our HUGE garage sale we having Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully we make a lot of money - we have a TON of stuff (junk LOL) to sell! We've already made about $450 selling a couple big things and some small stuff. I told Chris that this will be my home decorating fund for our new place! :winkwink:
I think I am close to O - I had some EWCM yesterday and today I feel a little dizzy so I will definitely be getting to it this weekend!! Hopefully I won't be too tired with all this packing.
Is anyone taking any time off for the holidays? :xmas9:Today is my last day of work until Dec 26th so I am excited... but you know what I'll be doing :nope:
Oh yea, I forgot about your comment about that dtd is painful kelsey! Why do you think that is?? my cervix like disappeared in me while I was pregnant until right before little man decided to join us so if anything dtd was...well not better but enjoyable in a different way. Do you think you're nervous about dtd?

Got my wedding rings resized and picked them up yesterday - it feels so good to have them back!! I only had to go up half a size! ugh! Hoping I'll be able to wear them further into the next pregnancy.

I'm also so shaken by the shooting in Connecticut - I couldn't stop watching the news yesterday - it just makes me sick that someone could do this... so sad!
Omg, just lost everything i typed and it makes me want to smash my computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, settle my pregnancy hormones and start again.
Lightning crotch Mel!?!? lol I hear so much about cervix pain, but so far I haven't had much going on down there. Hopefully it means you're dilating or something?? Bring on that xmas baby :)
Rach that sucks that AF came, but sounds like you had a really normal cycle which is good!!! Omg that'd be awesome if you got that full time position---when do you find out?! You totally deserve it, I hope you get it and then you can use that insurance to get your rainbow baby!!! I just think you need Clomid like me and you'll get your BFP right away! Using OPK's at all?
Lindsay, that sassy Darby! Made me lol, dogs are just too funny. How are you feeling now? Glad it's not too painful for you, I remember everytime I had one I had the WORST headaches with it. Def. think I'll be doing an epidural, because no matter how strong I'll try and be, I'm the worst baby about pain. My friends have all told me, don't even try and be strong, just take it when you're able so you can enjoy the process a little bit. We'll see what happens! For cripes sake, I practically need an epidural for my cervix checks!
Jess how is it going at the new place?! And how was the rummage sale---hope you made lots of money for your new house decorating fund :) Are you using OPK's this month? Do you have any Dr. appts coming up? I'm so lost with that I-pad. I went on it once but it was frustrating cuz I didn't know what I was doing. wish you lived next door so I could waltz over and have you give me an I-pad lesson.
Idk why the heck my DTD is painful. The Dr. just said that some women get really swollen down there and it's not pleasant then for them. I always heard about pregnancy sex being so great, so I was pretty disappointed. I think starting this weekend we'll try again and hope it goes ok and maybe gets labor started :)
Had my check up today---was dilated 1-2 cm, so not much progress from last week. It was much more painful this week and I'm lightly bleeding, where last time I only had some brown spotting the day after. Lindsay, I think you said you first got checked at 38 weeks? Do you remember what you were? And I did not pass my strep B test, so I guess I'll have to have antibiotics when I go into labor. Boo. My friend said it wasn't a big deal, it was just annoying to have another IV in your arm. Other than that, I was really disappointed that I've gained 43 lbs!!! I'm really swollen, so I'm hoping some of it is water weight, but still. I've still got about 2 more weeks so I'll probably have gained about 50 when this is all over (seriously, as I'm eating a xmas cookie right now! lol). I hope this is my last full week of work, because I'm seriously getting uncomfortable. I have mon-wed off next week, and then tue and wednesday the week after that off. Then it's my due date, and I think I"ll finish up that week and if still no labor I'll have to see what happens. Lindsay how long did you work?
Kelsey - I remember now the first time I got checked was actually 37 weeks and my cervix was so high they could hardly reach it - no progress. Then at 38 weeks she could reach it but still no dilation. I was going to stop working at 38 weeks but ended up going to 39 because the lady was so adamant that I was going to go over my due date, blah blah blah. So, I dragged my giant preggo butt into work until exactly 39 weeks. At 39 weeks I was 1 cm dilated. Within a couple days I had some false labor with contractions every 2-3 minutes but they were very mild, but we went in anyway. When I got checked then I was still 1cm and those exams made me bleed for a few days. Then on my due date (after trying EVERYTHING to get labor started) a thunderstorm rolled in and my water popped with no contractions. By the time I got to the hospital I was still only 1cm. They induced me and after 4 hours of horrible contractions I was 1.5cm and demanded an epidural lol. I say go for the epidural! I might try again next time to not have one assuming it will progress quicker and that I won't have to be induced but I kinda doubt I'll make it, haha it was intense!

I'm feeling better but I feel like it's going to take forever for this sinus infection to go away. and I do have horrible headaches, I've been taking Sudafed PE (With acetaminophen/phenylepherine), mucinex D (with pseudophedrine), and advil lol that seems to do the trick. Thankfully yesterday the headache subsided and I only needed a mucinex D to get to sleep.

You guys could have new years babies!! My SIL is due January 11th and I feel so bad for her she's so uncomfortable! Kelsey - 43lbs isn't bad, I think that's normal! I gained 46.6! When they weighed me when I got there it was kg and I asked if that was so we didn't get depressed right when we got there and the nurse just laughed at me and converted it so I could see haha. It sucks DTD hurts for you - I definitely enjoyed it. It wasn't necessarily better but I do sometimes miss pregnant sex lol just not that last month even though we dtd a lot more to try to get things going, I don't think it works haha. I was attacking DH like 2x a day to try to get Oakley out! :blush: I don't think he minded haha
Oh I forgot to tell you ladies - I went to a holiday party recently and Kirk's old boss (Kirk got a new job) asked me "Is that just residual baby or is baby #2 on the way?" I took a swig of my wine and looked at him funny - wordlessly saying "that's not funny" and he leans over and says "are you pregnant?" completely serious! I could've punched him in the face!! I think he just felt really uncomfortable around Kirk but geez - don't have to take it out on me!! lol If his wife could have killed him with her eyes, he'd be dead!

Hope you all have a great day!! :)
Lindsay thanks for reminding me of your journey. I forgot that you had those contractions---you even had the braxton hicks for a couple weeks before, right? I haven't had a thing, although I do have some stomach tightening once in awhile that I figured out are probably some sort of bh but they don't hurt or anything--I actually thought it was the baby rolling until I really paid attention. We're supposed to get a snowstorm on Thursday, so maybe it'll throw me right into labor :) I'd like to go a couple days after xmas, so I plan to maybe start drinking the raspberry leaf tea or whatever I hear about causing contractions. Then if we can manage some BDing and maybe even a little down on all fours with hip swaying like you talked about.
Omg I feel so bad for you, the sinus infection headaches were just AWFUL. I hope it clears up ASAP! And omg, Kirk's boss deserved a black eye. Was he drunk or is he just an idiot?
What you're having are bh! Mine didn't hurt at all and like you I thought it was the baby at first and then in the last 1-2 weeks they started slowly hurting like period cramps and getting more intense. A snowstorm might do the trick!! Are you ready yet? bag packed? Just totally uncomfortable??

Kirk's old boss was def not drunk...just an idiot!!
Lindsay I hope your horrible sinus infection has gone :hugs: and that Oakley is less constipated now poor little man
Also 'Darby' is my last (married) name lol! That is terrible about Kirk's old boss!!! OMG I am surprised you didn't slap him!
What did your hubs say?

Rach I'm sorry about your money / work situation :hugs: don't feel bad about Christmas you can't spend what you don't have
and you don't want to get into debt. Really hope you get that full time job!! And 2013 :dust: for you.

Jess best of luck with the move!! And the garage sale! I wish I could go to your sale :) Make sure you're not too :sleep:
to :sex: though! Really really really hoping 2013 brings you and Rach your rainbow babies :dust::dust:

Kels I am a bit worried that you're not going to get enough rest before labour, are you getting enough sleep etc? I find it
impossible to sleep through the night now and I can't imagine going to work. That is wonderful that you're 1-2cm already
I think you're going to have a straightforward labour when the time comes sounds like it's all going to plan! Also I
have put on sooooooo much weight too don't know exactly how much but a lot!! I hate pregnant sex I just feel rubbish and
like a nauseous whale who wants it over with lol!
My stomach tightens too and I have been crampy say 3x a day. I wouldn't know what bh are though my stomach has been doing this tightening thing (infrequently) for about 10 weeks now!
Also I have morning sickness back with a vengeance!

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