Hi girls,
Sorry I have been MIA! What a crazy week this has been! Well I am finally semi-settled so trying to catch up...
Kelsey - Happy 38 weeks a couple days ago! It won't be long for you now! Getting excited! The garage sale was great! A lot of work but we made over $1,000!!! Chris wanted to have another with the stuff that was left over but I just couldn't do it again, it was exhausting! So we donated the rest, except for a few things we are going to advertise on Craiglist.
Lindsay - hope by now you are feeling better. I can't believe Kirks boss said that to you!!! I would have had to say something back. What a jerk! I think you look fabulous! Gosh, I think you should go to the doctor about the pain you're having just to get it checked out.
Rach - Did you guys get some BDing in this month? Hope you are feeling better about the holidays!

I am going to be sooo ready to toast in the new year for a better 2013.. for us both!
Mel - Happy 37 weeks!!! Not long for you now either. Sorry you have the nausea again and the trouble sleeping. That combination sounds like the worst!!!!
Sam - How are you doing? I haven't had time to check any journals sorry! Hope things are going well with little Benjamin. The pics you posted on FB are just adorable!
AFM - We have been SO swamped with moving and had to get our internet up and running. The movers came Thursday - so everything is pretty much out of the house - it was a whole day event! We all of our furniture to the new house and now just need to get organized. We have stuff everywhere... its driving me crazy!!! We just have 1 more carload of small stuff at our house that we are going to pick up on Christmas. Moving was absolutely awful, I had no idea it would be this bad, I can't believe I actually have to go through this again. I don't know if I told you girls but last week we woke up to some buckled tiles on our back porch!!! I almost died... I mean, the timing of things!!! I don't know if it was the cold weather or what. Cjhris's Dad had us so stressed out about it like we were going to have to re-tile the ENTIRE porch a couple days before Christmas but we talked him into helping us out and the fix was not as bad as he made it seem. So we have been driving back to the house over the last few days helping his Dad cut out the and lay new ones. I could not believe it, thank goodness we were not closing on Friday like we originally wanted. What a mess we had to replace about 20 tiles! Closing is on the 26th at 12:30pm. Can't wait for that to get here!!! We have been too busy to look for places right now, but we will start again soon. Oh, and we did not get any BDing in this month

, we were both absolutely exhausted... so on to 2013!!!