1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Mel - DH was not nice to his old boss and said "I should F*ing punch you in the face for saying that" and walked me away from him...awkward but nice he stood up for me lol. Sucks you have morning sickness again - I did a little at the end but I think it was because it was so hot out and I was just so tired all the time!

Jess - hope you're settling in now! Are you starting to look at new places still? Any luck?

Kelsey - You're so close now!! Hope that snow will clear up before you have to head to the hospital! I've been watching on the news that your area is getting pretty beat up!

So, last month when I ovulated it was really painful and I thought it was just because it always hurts from my right side, so now today I'm in crazy pain on my right side again and I took an OPK and it's almost positive, so I either O'd yesterday or will today but isn't that weird that I'm feeling it on the same side every time? and I'm wondering why it's so painful now. I know that ovarian cysts are more common with mirena but geez! this kinda sucks lol. DH wants me to get it out because I'm still bleeding randomly, have this pain during ovulation and most recently I think I had a yeast infection (sorry tmi). I feel like I should give it 6 months before taking it out - it's really nice not having to think about it every day and to have less hormones going in my body but I'm worried about what it is doing.
oh and Mel - when I friended you on facebook I noticed the Darby thing! so funny! It's a great name :)
Oh Mel sorry you're not feeling very good! Hopefully the nausea goes away ASAP!
Lindsay my Dr. said that some women ovulate from the same side every month or they don't necessarily rotate sides every month. Does your Dr. know you're still having the issues with bleeding and now pain? I understand it taking a lil while to adjust but it's been a couple months now. I lol'd about Kirk saying that to your boss-whata guy!!
Jess I know you're super busy but I'm dying to hear how your rummage sale went and the move and studying and most important your cycle!! Your temps seem really good this month-have you had any time to bd?
Rach-where are you?! How's work-did you get the full time job!? How's your cycle going? I love the pics of Jax &Sadie -can't believe how big Jax has gotten! Love it!
Sam-I'll have to check your journal-hope everything is going wonderful with you and lil man!
AFM-finished up xmas shopping yesterday and we bd'd for the first time since like 20 weeks. Hope'd the combination of all the walking and then bd would get things going, but nope! I'm convinced I'll be late. Plan to get some raspberry leaf tea and try that. Lindsay what was it that you did? Something like on all 4s and swaying your hips back and forth?
Alright hope you all have a wonderful Xmas! Can't believe it's really here!!!
Hi girls,
Sorry I have been MIA! What a crazy week this has been! Well I am finally semi-settled so trying to catch up...

Kelsey - Happy 38 weeks a couple days ago! It won't be long for you now! Getting excited! The garage sale was great! A lot of work but we made over $1,000!!! Chris wanted to have another with the stuff that was left over but I just couldn't do it again, it was exhausting! So we donated the rest, except for a few things we are going to advertise on Craiglist.

Lindsay - hope by now you are feeling better. I can't believe Kirks boss said that to you!!! I would have had to say something back. What a jerk! I think you look fabulous! Gosh, I think you should go to the doctor about the pain you're having just to get it checked out.

Rach - Did you guys get some BDing in this month? Hope you are feeling better about the holidays! :hugs: I am going to be sooo ready to toast in the new year for a better 2013.. for us both!

Mel - Happy 37 weeks!!! Not long for you now either. Sorry you have the nausea again and the trouble sleeping. That combination sounds like the worst!!!!

Sam - How are you doing? I haven't had time to check any journals sorry! Hope things are going well with little Benjamin. The pics you posted on FB are just adorable!

AFM - We have been SO swamped with moving and had to get our internet up and running. The movers came Thursday - so everything is pretty much out of the house - it was a whole day event! We all of our furniture to the new house and now just need to get organized. We have stuff everywhere... its driving me crazy!!! We just have 1 more carload of small stuff at our house that we are going to pick up on Christmas. Moving was absolutely awful, I had no idea it would be this bad, I can't believe I actually have to go through this again. I don't know if I told you girls but last week we woke up to some buckled tiles on our back porch!!! I almost died... I mean, the timing of things!!! I don't know if it was the cold weather or what. Cjhris's Dad had us so stressed out about it like we were going to have to re-tile the ENTIRE porch a couple days before Christmas but we talked him into helping us out and the fix was not as bad as he made it seem. So we have been driving back to the house over the last few days helping his Dad cut out the and lay new ones. I could not believe it, thank goodness we were not closing on Friday like we originally wanted. What a mess we had to replace about 20 tiles! Closing is on the 26th at 12:30pm. Can't wait for that to get here!!! We have been too busy to look for places right now, but we will start again soon. Oh, and we did not get any BDing in this month :(, we were both absolutely exhausted... so on to 2013!!!
Merry Christmas girlies!! I will post as soon as I can, we are at my parents for christmas. Hope you all have a lovely day and Father christmas was good to you all.
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas day or are having one!! It's 2am boxing day now in the uk, I'm awake with pregnancy insomnia and nausea! I want me-mo out of this hotel now!! We spent Xmas day with my niece and nephew, sister and bro in law it was lovely, they are staying with us for a few more days :cloud9:

Jess oh my goodness I really felt for you reading your post, I'm so glad that's over with for you and the tiles are fixed now. I hate moving too and I have done it so often since being 18 :wacko: it isn't nice but it will be worth it in the end and brilliant that you had such a quick sale!! Xxx

Kels what are you symptoms ATM? I have sickness and bowel / bladder pressure all the time oh and heartburn! The joys!

Sam hope you're enjoying your first Christmas with baby!! :cloud9:

:hi: everyone hope you're all ok xxxx
Morning Ladies!!

How's everyone doing?? I hope everyone had a great Christmas! We usually have 4 stops on christmas but thankfully we only had 2 this year! We had 2 stops on Christmas Eve too but Oakley was a real trooper and tolerated us moving him around everywhere really well! Yesterday he was definitely overstimulated and it took him a little while to take one of his naps but he did really well! Christmas was a lot more fun with him than I expected this year. He was having so much fun opening gifts! He had no idea that he was opening presents and only wanted to play with the paper (he would get very upset when you took the paper away).

As for the ovulation pain, I don't really want to go to the doctor for it because the few times I ovulated not on the pill - it felt very similar. My bleeding has really subsided and they said to give it at least 3 months (up to 6 months) to "even" out and I'm just barely at 3! It seems like I've had this thing in me forever! haha. Not sure if I'll do it after the next baby though. I do love not having to think about a pill and I definitely have fewer side effects (besides actually ovulating and spotting).

I was supposed to go to work today but my MIL is selling their house this week (and we know from Jess how much work that is!) and my dad is dealing with their dog that hurt his leg on the ice Christmas Eve, so I get one more day off! woohoo!! I think I'll head to Target later.

Gosh you guys are so close! I'm so excited for you guys! We're going to need daily updates to make sure you're not in labor! Any signs yet?? and Yea Kelsey - I got down on all 4s and swung my hips side to side and my water broke within an hour but it might have been the thunderstorm coming in lol I like to think it was moving my hips to give me hope for the next baby!

Jess - Hope your moving ordeal is almost over! The next time won't be as hard because you've already sold/donated stuff you don't want! :) Think about it that way!

We had a white christmas here - it was just gorgeous :)

Little man is exhausted so I'm going to try to get him down for a nap and head to the store. Hope you guys had a great holiday and a great rest of the week!!
Hi girls! Well it's official... We're homeless!!! The closing was today at 12:30pm and everything went smooth. A little sad last night when we went by the house to check on things and pick up our last load of stuff. Seeing it so empty...it was definitely a tough night! So many memories there and nothing new to look forward to yet. :cry: I'm sure we will find something else nice but it's still hard.

Off to bed, I will check in with you girls tomorrow, I am exhausted!
:hugs: jess you've got a lot to look forward too one being a 2013 rainbow baby hopefully. Fresh start! Xxx
Kelsey – Happy 39 weeks!!! Gosh it won’t be long for you now. Do you have your bag packed and in the car? We need some bump pics of you girl!!! How are you going with your ipad? Have you downloaded any pregnancy apps? I love those!

Mel – that insomnia and nausea just sounds awful. Have you still been banished to the guest bedroom with your snoring? How are you feeling? It won’t be long for you either. We need some bump pics from you as well. I like Lindsay’s idea of daily updates from you girls!!

Lindsay – I bet seeing little Oakley opening the gifts was just the best! I am sure that Christmas’s will only be better now going forward with him being able to really enjoy them. You know, I never knew what Elf on a Shelf was until this year when I saw them in New York!! I don’t know where I’ve been but I definitely need to get one of those guys! It’s nice you got an extra day off, I feel like I could have really used a few more days off!!! Have you stopped taking your temps completely?

Sam – how was your first Christmas with a little one? I know he’s too little to know what’s going on… but for you… so much to be thankful for this year. Are you getting into a routine with him now? Sorry I haven’t been over to check journals.

Rach – where are you? How was your Christmas! Saw on FB that you got a Kindle! That’s great.

How was everyone’s holiday’s? I am so jealous of you girls that got to see a white Christmas. We had a nice day at Chris’s parent’s house. Christmas was a whirlwind for us this year so as much as I love the holiday, I am just glad that it’s over. Well better get back to work. Please post pics girls!!!
Hi girls---hope you all had a great xmas! Lindsay I just LOVE the pictures of Oakley, he seems to be such a good baby!! With him being so good, must make the idea of baby #2 even better :)
Jess, what a stressful week for yoU!! So glad that it's over though. So bring on 2013---I just want to zoom to the end of your cycle so we can start a new cycle and get your BFP! :) Your cycle looks so good this month, so at least everything seems to be back on track.
Mel don't really have any symptoms. sorry you're feeling so awful! I'm just tired and not sleeping the best.
Lindsay, I've tried the getting down on all 4's and I'm a hip-swinging away! :) Still nothing though. I've been waddling around town trying to walk as much as I can, and I finally found the rasperry leaf tea (too driving all over to finally find some) and had my first cup tonight. I've been eating some pineapple and bouncing on a big excercise ball. But, still nothing. I still have the stomach tightening, but nothing painful AT ALL. I didn't have her even check for dilation yesterday because it's just too painful. If nothing happens by next week, I'll have her check. I'm thinking about calling and seeing if she'll strip my membranes at my next appt. Sam, I know you had it done, Lindsay did you also? She said she's going to pencil me in for induction January 9th, but I just really really hope we don't have to worry about that. If I know what day it'll be I think I'll worry so much about it, whereas if it just happens spontaniously I won't have time to worry about it. Jess the hospital bag is packed, but not in the car because I'll still have the last minute things to throw in it. Other than that, I'm just soooo ready to find out what this lil baby is and if the baby is healthy and I just want to meet him/her!!
Alright, well, heading to bed. I should probably get a recent picture taken. Although I don't even want one because I almost fell off the scale at my last appt. I've gained almost 50 lbs!
Kels I hope baby comes soon!! I am trying red raspberry leaf tea soon and clary sage and birth ball and lots of :sex:! My nausea and vomiting is through the roof! Yesterday I was sick on the common (grass) after a light meal out with hubs, I'm pretty much vomiting everyday. I have a private scan booked for when I am 39 weeks and 5 days just to check all is ok, that is the earliest they could fit me in after the holidays. I'm having some period pain every day but not for long and bm and needing to pee all the time! I think this might be very very early labour signs??
Hi ladies!!

Jess - aw, as exciting as it is for you to start a new chapter with your house, I'm sure it's sad too! We are going and looking at houses this weekend - it's nice you have a house to go to before finding a new place! We only have one more room and two hallways to paint before we can put this house on the market so hopefully we'll get some of that done this weekend! I am not taking my temp anymore because my dog ate my bbt!! Plus, it's hard to remember with getting up with Oakley so I kinda gave up. I do OPKs when I have pains but that's pretty much it.

Kelsey - don't worry about the 50lbs! That's what I gained! Keep up with all the stuff to make that baby come! He/she will be here before ya know it!! Can't wait to find out what you're having and I bet you won't make it to your induction date so don't stress about that!! and yes! Oakley is an amazing baby! I had MASSIVE baby fever for the first few months of his life and now it's finally subsiding when I think about how busy I am just with him and the fact that I'm trying to graduate and we're trying to move and whew! it's a LOT of work!! Even though he's easy - he's a lot of wonderful work - so he gets all my attention for the time being but I can't wait to start trying for another - I really kind of miss being pregnant!

Mel - I'm so sorry you're sick every day!! Ugh I remember being like that in the beginning and then being nauseous at the end but I don't think I ever threw up at the end! Hang in there! not long now!

Rach - how's it goin, hun??

Sam - how's Benjamin??
Kelsey - I won't worry about the weight. You're pregnant, you might as well enjoy it, it's the one time in life when you really can just eat whatever you want and you have an excuse :winkwink: It's nice to have a date but January 9th seems so long away, I don't think you will last that long. Can't wait to find out what you're having!

Mel- oh the vomiting sounds so awful! :hugs: Did your doctor say why you are having so much of it now? I think your body really does want memo out of the hotel!!!

Lindsay- good luck with your house shopping! Where are you looking...? Closer to work? Do you guys want something bigger? We are taking the weekend off this weekend but will probably start looking again soon.

AFM - got AF today. It was a very short cycle this month, probably my body making up for the long cycle last month. So I now need to be better about taking my meds since we will be tiring this month. Well off to bed....
Mel- happy 38 weeks!

Just checking in to see if anyone is going into labor yet. Looks like we will have some 2013 babies!!! Enjoy this special time girls- you're almost there!!!

Anyone have any New Years plans? I have to work tomorrow but hopefully not too late. I have my champagne chillin' and my 12 grapes ready to toast in the New year!!!
12 grapes?? What do they symbolize?

I know I'm getting old because I'm dreading staying up until midnight tonight lol Maybe I'll take extra naps tonight with Oakley. He doesn't usually sleep past 530 or 6 - although we made it until 7 today so if we can do that tomorrow - that will be lovely!

Kelsey - you in labor yet?? Update us!! :) I'll go stalk facebook for a little :p

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