1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

NO LABOR HERE YET! ugg...although last night was odd because I only got up once to go to the bathroom, which I'm used to getting up 3 or 4 times to go. Now I was still up every hour to shift my sleeping position, but that's besides the point. Also, this morning my shoes went on a bit easier, so maybe the swelling is gone? Does everybody have off today (jess, just re-read and saw you're at work )? I'm at work, boo. Then I have tomorrow and Wednesday off and then Thursday and Friday I'll play by ear. I rreeaalllyyy hope baby comes so I don't have to try and come into work.
Yes Jess, what does 12 grapes mean? So excited for you to be back in action this month! Are you going to try OPK's or just go with it?
Lindsay, how did house hunting go?! and I think you just told me this, but did you come right on due date or for some reason I'm thinking a couple days late?
Mel that sucks with the sickness! I've noticed that I'm back to where I was in the beginning where I need to eat more often or I start to get a little icky feeling. Hopefully it means you're almost there!!
Rach--how are you doing? Sam, I'm sure you're really busy!
Happy New Year ladies, bring on the 2013 BFP's and babies!!!!
Hi girls, haven't had chance to read back, but hope you are all okay! I will promise to try to post more!

Can't wait to see the latest addition to our group when he/she arrives Kelsey!!

Happy New Year and hope 2013 bring everything everyone wants.
Hi girls - Happy New Years Eve!

The grapes is a tradition from my mom in Spain but has caught on with all of my friends. When the clock strikes 12 you eat 1 grape for every strike of the clock, each grape represents good luck in each of the 12 months of the coming year. Its hard to get all 12 down that quick but I try to bag up 12 small ones and just stuff them down as fast as I can.

I am excited about TTC this month, maybe the new scenery at my temporary how will help get things flowing. I think I might get some OPKs. My last couple cycles looks like I've O'd earlier so I hope that's a good thing for a better, not so old egg!!!

Anyone have any big plans tonight? I am usually in bed by 10pm and I have been up since 6am since I had to work today but I am going to try to stay up.
Happy New Year's ladies!!! I sure hope this year is a lot better than the last 2 for me. 2011 being my miscarriage and 2012 being a struggle to get pregnant. Jess that grape idea is pretty neat! I love grapes, mmm!
Happy New Year, Ladies!!

Kelsey - my water broke on my due date at almost 10 at night and then Oakley came the day after around 230PM. Epidural came around 4AM after being induced at midnight! Hopefully your little one will be here soon too! I bet your little one is repositioning in there to come out so it's letting stuff "flow" better making your water retention go down - that's great! Oakley just got worse and and worse for me lol Do you feel like you've "dropped"? I never really understood that - Oakley was super high all the time, all up in my ribs. I don't think he "dropped" until I was in the hospital because I didn't notice it.

Jess - I love the grapes idea! how cute!! I'm so excited we're back to stalking your chart this month! I think my cycles have finally figured themselves out on this mirena thing. I have my "AF" right now but I hardly even need a panty liner. I only know it's AF because of the cramping is what I'm used to - plus it's two weeks since my + OPK. Hoping things will be a bit more predictable now.

Rach - I have great feelings about 2013 for you! Did you get your insurance yet? Get to that doctor and get that baby!!

Sam - I hope everything is going great with baby Benjamin! I bet you're exhausted but loving every second of it!! I'm excited to have our next baby just for that stage again - every day was so exciting! They grow so quickly!

AFM - last night was really fun but Kirk and I both were falling asleep around midnight lol. Oakley went down around 10:15 - he has a hard time falling asleep not at home (and at such a loud place). I updated his baby books yesterday - I have a calendar and an actual baby book that I'm pretty good about updating the writing in it but have been bad about pictures, so I printed every picture out I have and glued in good ones! I also have a frame that has a spot for his face at birth and then all the months until his first birthday. It's fun to see how he changes! He had chubby cheeks when he was born and then they went down and now they're back to super chubby!

We are house shopping and Kirk and I are crazy lol We have a real estate agent coming to look at our house today but one of Kirk's family friends really wants to rent our house so we're considering doing that instead as we are really interested in a foreclosed house down the street. It needs a LOT of work, like a LOT but it's less than HALF of our budget and Kirk can do all the work himself. This house was more work than the one we're interested in (this house was a foreclosure too). We didn't plan on being in this house so long but the market still stinks and I quit my job to go back to school about a year into moving here, so our funds dropped dramatically. But, yea so we're going to talk to the lady that wants to rent our house today and if she's really serious we're going to put an offer in on the house - it's a total gut but the house is only 30 years old so I'm sure it will be easier than this one (over 210 years old!).

Hope you guys had a great new year!! :)
Hiya girls happy new year to you all!

I am feeling ropey today, really cranky and wishing memo would kick me more today. He was kicking me all day yesterday and today nothing! I've checked his heartbeat on the Doppler and all is ok but it's not helping my bad mood! Oh dear not a good start to 2013!

Kels any more signs for you? My sickness can be gone for days or absolutely horrific in between! Are you feeling emotional? I feel like I've got pmt lol! Do u have long baby movement breaks?

Jess love the grapes idea! And good luck ttc this month i hope 2013 is your year :dust: :dust:

Lindsay good luck house shopping! We are renting our 2 bed London flat out and using that money for a massive 4 bed detached house just outside London! shows how expensive London is. Good luck Hun!

Rach I hope 2013 brings you a baby :dust: :dust:
Hi girls, had a false alarm last night, boo. We stayed up pretty late watching a movie (1045) and then I was going to the bathroom and I saw that I had brown/pink mucous on my panty liner. So I stood up to yell to Ryan and when I stood up I had liquid running down my leg so I was like omg was that my water?! Wasn't a lot of it and it wasn't constant. So then for a half hour we just kind of kept watching it and I keep getting pinkish discharge on my liner and I kept feeling like I had to go pee but when I was going it felt like it wasn't really coming out of there, and it was maybe just more water coming out? So then we called L&D and they said to come in. So got there a little after midnight, got me hooked up to the machine and then gave me a swab to test the fluid. The nurse was new to L&D (which I feared that going in on a holiday) and I was turned off right away because she was putting the monitors on me and said she wasn't familiar with the machine. OH GREAT JUST MY LUCK. So anyway, then when she swabbed me (to test if I was leaking amniotic fluid) it was the most painful thing ever and the swab was pretty bloody when she took it out. So she said well that looks positive to me, but then she had to wait for 2 lines to show up (like a pregnancy test). I only got a faint 2nd line, so she wasn't sure what to do so she had to call in another nurse. So another nurse came and said she should probably do it again. Sooo, they swabbed me again and again it was a light line. So she said she wanted to talk to the other nurses about what to do. They decided it was negative and the nurse just wanted to check my cervix. Well, she dug and dug and dug and said she couldn't find my cervix and that her fingers weren't long enough so she never ended up checking it. I suppose if it's that high I'm not close to labor anyway....so, after all my rambling the end result was they sent us home. When I went to go to the bathroom I had pretty heavy bleeding, so I wanted the nurse to look and she just said it was normal. I woke up today and still had pretty heavy bleeding, but it seems to have tapered off now, but it's extremely painful when I go to the bathroom. My biggest concern is that because I failed the Strep B test, I need to have 4 hrs of antibiotics before labor. So the nurse said I have to watch everything very close because of my strep b result and if I do have a slow leak of my water, it's not good for anything to get passed to the baby. So we just don't understand why take the chance, just induce me right away!? I'm obviously leaking something...but at that point it was 2 am and I had been up since 530 am so I was soooo tired. Tomorrow I have a regular appt with my dr. so I'll see what she says (although I reeaalllyy hope I go into labor on my own before then).
Sorry for so much rambling, I hope you all had a wonderful New Years. Jess, I like that grape idea and hope I remember to do it next year!
Rachael, 2013 will be a great year for you AND Jessie! I can't wait.
:hugs: kels that sounds really stressful :hugs: please push them for help and more attention if u feel u need it, sounds like you need someone to reassess you to me!
Ok girls McBaby will be here today!!! Was up with contractions since midnight and at 5 am threw up from the pain. Was afraid it was just BH and didn't want to come in on another false alarm-but when we got here I was 4 cm and 2 hrs later I was at 6 cm. Nurse guessed baby should be here by 2 pm! Just so nervous and want to make sure Baby is healthy...xoxoxo
Yay kels!!!! Exciting!!! :wohoo: keep us posted, be brave! Xxxx

Had a welfare private scan today. Memo is 9 lbs 9 already!!! Placenta healthy, amniotic fluid normal, right position, cord in front - good thing. But if I go to term at 40 weeks he could well be 10 pounds plus!! Not sure whether to push for an induction. That's what you get when you have a big husband (height wise he is 6ft 7) :wacko: he looked so cute though he has the cutest fattest cheeks! Sono said he was cute even! He massive though in the 95 - 98 percentile now for everything! I'll upload a pic later xxx
KELSEY!! Where are you?! Did you have Mc Baby yet?!!?!? boy!?!? girl?!?!?!?! GAHH!!!

Mel that sounds wonderful. So glad memo is doing so great. What a nice healthy weight as well!! I cant wait to see him.
OMG Kelsey!!!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!! WHERE ARE YOU?! I'm going to go check facebook!!!!! yayyy!!
oh and Mel - I bet they'll want to induce you earlier because you're a little lady! They won't want you delivering a 10lb baby for your first! yay!! so many babies so quickly! I think you're both having boys :p
It's a GIRL!!!!! Lil Khloe LeeNa was born at 3:37 pm after pushing for 2 hours (I never imagined how hard pushing would be). She's 7lbs 9 oz 20.5 inches-with LOADS of dark hair! We're getting the hang of BF'ing-need to be patient and stay positive with it.
Mel glad I'll Mee-Mo looked perfect-after today the thought of pushing 10 lbs out could almost make me cry :)
Oh and Rachael-total credit and thx to you for the middle name (remember you gave us the combination when we were trying to think of how to combine the grandma's names?)!!!! Everybody thinks it's so cool. Xoxo
:wohoo: kels!!! I'm so happy for you!! :cloud9: :cry: Little khloe LeeNaa sounds perfect and it sounds like labour went smoothly too! Did you have pain relief? Cant wait to see pics!!! Congratulations Hun and a girl! I thought for sure you'd have a boy. You rest Hun xxxxx
Congrats Kelsey :yipee: and welcome Khloe LeeNa! I just love her name!!! Can't wait to see pics and hear all about it!!!! So excited for you guys!!!! Please tell us all about it - the good, the bad and the ugly!!! :D
Mel - I bet they will induce you early. You are so small to be delivering a 10 lb baby. You can thank your hubby all through your labor pains for that gift!!! LOL Glad everything went well with your appointment. What is your official due date?
Yay Kelsey! So thrilled for you! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear ALL about it! Pushing is hard! I thought I was going to make myself pass out a couple times - def saw stars! Haha

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