NO LABOR HERE YET! ugg...although last night was odd because I only got up once to go to the bathroom, which I'm used to getting up 3 or 4 times to go. Now I was still up every hour to shift my sleeping position, but that's besides the point. Also, this morning my shoes went on a bit easier, so maybe the swelling is gone? Does everybody have off today (jess, just re-read and saw you're at work )? I'm at work, boo. Then I have tomorrow and Wednesday off and then Thursday and Friday I'll play by ear. I rreeaalllyyy hope baby comes so I don't have to try and come into work.
Yes Jess, what does 12 grapes mean? So excited for you to be back in action this month! Are you going to try OPK's or just go with it?
Lindsay, how did house hunting go?! and I think you just told me this, but did you come right on due date or for some reason I'm thinking a couple days late?
Mel that sucks with the sickness! I've noticed that I'm back to where I was in the beginning where I need to eat more often or I start to get a little icky feeling. Hopefully it means you're almost there!!
Rach--how are you doing? Sam, I'm sure you're really busy!
Happy New Year ladies, bring on the 2013 BFP's and babies!!!!
Yes Jess, what does 12 grapes mean? So excited for you to be back in action this month! Are you going to try OPK's or just go with it?
Lindsay, how did house hunting go?! and I think you just told me this, but did you come right on due date or for some reason I'm thinking a couple days late?
Mel that sucks with the sickness! I've noticed that I'm back to where I was in the beginning where I need to eat more often or I start to get a little icky feeling. Hopefully it means you're almost there!!
Rach--how are you doing? Sam, I'm sure you're really busy!
Happy New Year ladies, bring on the 2013 BFP's and babies!!!!