1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Can't believe I have missed all the fun with Kelsey. I have just seen the fb update, she is so cute and what a head of hair!!. Congratulations Kelsey and welcome Khloe LeeNa!! 7lb 9oz was the same weight my Benjamin! Well done, 2 hours pushing! I can only imagine since I never got that far.
I KNEW it was a girl! And i am so happy you went with LeeNa!!! So happy for you Kelsey and Ryan.
Kels you did an amazing job! You must be so over the moon!!! Xxxxx

Since I found out little memo is in fact a big little memo (9lbs 9 via scan measurements on Tuesday) I've been pushing my hospital to do something, theyre not going to let me go over, here's what happened today:

Had a membrane sweep OUCH!! Plan of action is to induce me in a week well week on Monday so that's 2 days after my due date but I have two more sweeps booked for next week NOT looking forward to that. Anyway this means a chance for a natural birth which I'm over the moon with. My cervix is already soft and favourable and I'm 1cm dilated. Period pain is intense now though. An Nhs doctor and consultant studied my case so I'm happy with their verdict. They're not going to let me go over anyway!
Mel WOW memo is going to be here SOOO soon!!!! I am so excited! I think it's awesome you and Kelsey will have babies that are only a week apart. You two can definitely relate a lot better! I don't know what a sweep entales but by the sounds i wouldn't be looking forward to it! LOL. Come on memo!!!!!! We're all ready for you.

Sam how is little Benjamin doing? How are you doing? Are you feeling anymore comfortable and at ease than you did before you had him? I hope so. Thinking of you. <3

Kelsey are you eating up little Khloe?!?! She is a doll. She looks so much like you and Ryan! I love her dark hair. She definitely has lots of it!!!

Linds how is little Oakley? Haven't saw as many pics on fb lately :(

Jessie you're CD8... better get to :sex: 2013 here we come!!!!
Hi girls! Just popping in quickly as I was at work until 10pm tonight and I am in a super foul mood about it. :grr: Amazing how places take advantage of employees.

Mel- it won't be long for you, getting excited to see Me mo! Hope you have your bag packed!!!!
Hey girls-thought I'd quick update. Came home yest around 11 am. She's been such a good baby from day 1 and everything in hospital was going good. Bf'ing has been a challenge and I wasn't able to get her to latch wout a breastshield. Then the last couple feedings we got the hang of it and didn't need the shield but then of course when we got home I can't get her to latch. So back to the shield which I worry is preventing her from getting a good feeding. My milk STILL hasn't come in which is making it even worse for us. She screamed from 1100-500 am and we were beside ourselves. The only time she stopped is when she was on my boob. Today has been better and she sleeps between feedings (but we have to hold her, we cant put her in bassinet).
Sam and Lindsay have you experienced anything like this?! I feel like I'm failing!! :(
Happy 39 weeks Mel!

Oh Kelsey- it sounds like you are doing great. I am sure the other girls will be able to provide some advice for you but I know it's always hard in the beginning. How are you feeling?
Kelsey it sounds like you're doing a fantastic job. If Khloe keeps on having crying outbursts she could possibly have colic? It's still so early to tell since she is a fresh newbie! She's just probably adjusting to everything, just as you are. I hope everything has gotten a bit better since you posted! Thinking of you!!

Jessie are you getting that BD action in? I'm going to stalk your chart.
Kelsey - bf is incredibly hard, much more that than people lead you to believe. The first few days are so bad as it is such a huge learning curve. Is Khloe getting weighed every day? I ask because Ben lost 13 oz within 5 days and I had to express and cup feed alongside trying to bf to get his weight back up. Is there someone that can come and check your latch? I am going to say the dreaded words, it does get easier. It took longer for my milk to come in too, about 6 days. How are your nipples? When mine got blisters and cracks using Lansinoh lanolin cream was a life saver.

Going back to latch I still have problems especially on the left side. I found using the rugby hold (babies body under the arm) better as you can see the open mouth easier. I have just bought a shield too for that left side (still get very painful occasionally) but just use it 1-2 in the evening. From what I have read using a sheild is better than giving up entirely and I think LO still gets plenty of milk through them going by mine.

I'll admit I thought about giving up bf every minute of every day and even now still do occasionally. Whenever anyone suggested it though I just couldn't seem to let it go even thinking OH could give a night feed allowing me to get more than 1.5hrs sleep at a time. I have no issue with FF and I really don't understand why I couldn't give it up as even now I don't 'enjoy' bf.

I found this diagram quite useful. Lelache website and kellysmom great sites for info, thats of you get chance to look! I am sure you are doing better than you think, but I know how you feel. Huge :hugs:


Kels :hugs: I don't know any mum who hasn't found bf challenging :hugs: hang in there.

Girls just to let you know that I've decided on an elective c section now. I am so concerned about memo's size i just want him or her out! I am going to the hospital to discuss it first thing tomorrow. I just hope they will let me do it as it has to be soon! I just have a strong instinct I'm going to have trouble getting fatty bum bum out!
Sam - great info! How are ou doing with everything? Sounds like you have gotten the hang of BF. Has little Benjamin adjusted into a pattern?

Mel - do you think they will schedule ou soon for your procedure? What has your doctor said about the size of Me-Mo? It sound like it won't be long for you now. You are due for a bump pic post!

Rach - getting ready to start BDing probably tonight. It seemed like a long AF this month with spotting etc. My body must be finally getting back to normal. What CD are you on?

Kelsey - hope you are getting to squeeze in some rest here and there. Did Ryan take some time off too?

Lindsay - how are you doing? I think our cycles are very close this month. Any updates on your home search or the property near your current house?

AFM - had to work yesterday - boo! Then Chris and I met with a builder yesterday afternoon. Today we are going out with our realtor to look at some other homes and townhomes. We are still so confused on where we want to live.
Good luck with the house hunting Hun, at least you are chain free iykwim. Im excited for you! Send us some links when you find some possibles! Well, I'm not sure but I am going to push the psychological angle. I really don't think I'm going to be able to labour knowing that memo is so big :nope: I am so worried about him getting shoulder dystocia or just stuck and having an emergency c section anyway. All my instincts are telling me this is best. I'm 39 plus 2 on Monday so if I say this to them I can't see how they can refuse me or I'll go into labour soon. Luckily the consultant deciding knows my case and is the one who originally agreed we could have one based on my nerves around a natural birth! I'd just got my head around a natural birth and was looking forward to it then they tell me memo is a fatty!
Mel lol awwhh fatty bum bum. So cute!! For as big as memo is, i think a c section would be the best bet, but i mean people everywhere still do natural birth even at that size. It's totally up to you! If it were me then yes i'd do what you're doing. If you feel that strongly about it then you should go with it!

Jessie i can understand your frustration on finding a house. It will all come together at the right moment. The perfect place and environment will come along. I just hope it's sooner than later. Any little stress effects us in a big way. It sucks!! Just take it easy and get to :sex: lol. I'm CD26 i believe... just waiting for AF to get here.
Thanks rach, I hope that after af it will be your cycle. I have such a good feeling 2013 is going to be yours and jess's year. :dust: this is a lucky thread it will happen!
Jess - hope the work eases up a bit. I hope seeing more house today helps make your mind up about what you want to do. How has it been staying in your family's house?

Rachel - are your cycles back on a normal cycle after those few odd months? Hope AF appears soon then you can get trying again next month. Are you still looking into getting some test/investigations done?

Kelsey - how have things been today? Here for you.

Fili - what ever decision you make is the best one for you. The csesction I had was great, did not feel a thing and everyone around me was so good and reassuring. He was shown to me as soon as he was out, taken a way to be cleaned and weighed and then given to OH while they finished off but I got to hold him as soon as I got my arms back (both arm being used for drip/blood pressure machine!). Recover afterwards has been good too, got good painkiller which I would recommend you take even if you don't feel sore as it keeps on top of the pain. The scar now if fab and will be hardly noticeable once it fade but I do have this belly hangover. Also get some big belly type knickers as other wise they rub along your wound.

Lindsey - are you house hunting too? How is little Oakley getting on, I bet his not so little now though.
Thanks pink that's great advice! I've already got PLENTY of big knickers lol, full sized ones - most attractive!! What's the painkiller? Love painkillers I've missed them! :haha:
Hi Ladies!!

Kelsey - breastfeeding is tough!! I had trouble with my let down more than anything and that was just from being so stressed out - are you sure you're having let downs? Try to relax while feeding her (I know it's really hard to!) also - the shields are good but keep trying at first to not use them - also use the lanolin right from the start - before anything starts hurting! They'll let you know at your first appointment if she's not getting enough but I'm sure you're doing great! Oakley was also a very light sleeper and would only go down for 30 minutes at a time and it was very difficult to put him down. It was much easier to try to keep him in our arms while he was sleeping but keep trying - you'll get there - especially as you both get the hang of breastfeeding. I also agree with Sam - the rugby hold can be a lot easier at first!! Hang in there! You'll know when your milk comes in - !!

Jess - we put a contract in on a house but there are 3 other bids - ahhh!! we have our fingers crossed but I don't have too high of hopes - it's a foreclosure so the price is really nice! It's the house right next door to a house Kirk's parents just sold - so we know what it can go for - it needs a lot of work but that's what Kirk and I do. This house was a disaster when we moved in and now it's super cute! So, we'll see! As for my cycle - I'm finally settling into having a normal cycle. This was definitely my first real period since having this mirena and it feels good to have a normal one. Hoping the spotting will let up now. If not, I'm going back to the doc.

Rach - how you doin hun? You guys on a good BD Schedule???

Sam - I bet BFing is hard! Do you pump at all??

Mel - Just so you know - my SIL is an US tech and she says the weight can be off by plus or minus a lb so a c-section might not be a bad idea but let us know what your doctor says!! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Little Oakley is sleeping right now but Sam you're right - he's not so little anymore!! He gets more and more fun every day!
Hi girls - well Chris and I had an ok day of house hunting. We did see one we really liked but it was about $75K more than we really want to spend. We are still really trying to figure out if we want to be closer to work and sacrifice on the house, or move a little farther out and get a nicer used house or build. Building would be the safest bet if we can find something in an area we like.

Mel - I can't wait for your update tomorrow. Maybe they will keep you there! Fatty me-mo :rofl:

Sam - living at the family house has been nice. It's a very small little house but its perfect for just a temporary place, and free so if we stay here for a little bit we will save a lot of money!!!! It's an older house (from the 80's) and very neglected so Chris and I have been busy trying get it decent for us to live if we have to stay a while. No major updating, just basic stuff like painting etc, but a lot of little things that are just old and falling apart. The exterior painter is starting tomorrow so i am looking forward to that being done. I feel like we have not stopped with stuff since before Thanksgiving. Hoping to get out on the boat this coming weekend and definitely the next weekend, so I think it will be nice to get away. I also need to start studying again soon which I am not looking forward to.

Lindsay - I hope they accept your bid. Fixing up a house is fun if you love the floor plan and can get it for the right price. That way you can get things exactly like you want! Some people get frustrated at the length of time a foreclosure takes so maybe they will drop out. I hope that's the case for you!!!
Jess you do whatever your heart desires on the house situation but if it were me... i'd build!! I'd love to design my own house. Would be so much fun, but i know it has to be very stressful as well. I grew up out in the middle of nowhere and i loved it! I mean we were like 15 mins from town but where we were was so nice and peaceful. It's nice. I hope everything is going great with the BDing! We gotta make catch up to these girls! LOL. Get the babies brewing!!

Lindsay so glad to see you and Oakley are doing good. He is starting to look SOOO much like you! I can tell he is definitely a mommas boy! His smile melts my heart <3 Have you put anymore thought into when you're going to try for baby number 2?!

Kelsey i hope all is well and better with BFing. I hope you're enjoying your beautiful little girl.

Mel I really do hope 2013 is mine and Jessie's year! I haven't been keeping a close on on ovulation and what not. Just trying to relax but going to start jumping into this whole thing full swing soon. :)

Sam I hope everything is going wonderful on your end. We miss you!!

I've gotten a physic reading done by 3 people total in the past. One was in November 2011, another was April 2012 and another was June 2012. I can't help but hope that i get pregnant this time around because 2 of them said i would get pregnant, find out or give birth in January and the other said September. Well... if i find out in January (now) then my DD would be September! So that would mean 2 were right. The other said August so i mean.. maybe the baby could be born early? LOL i am putting way too much thought into it but hey... it's what i get to look forward to!
Im booked in for my elective c section for 7.30am TOMORROW!!! I've already had swabs and blood taken, back to see the anaesthetist this afternooon, then they monitor the baby for a bit then I'm good to go! We've just been to the supermarket to stock up. Josh had tears in his eyes and I burs into tears! We had to get memo stage three pampers nappies for 9lbs plus :haha: I'm soo excited but it does seem surreal! I'm going to be a mummy tomorrow!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

I will probably update in my journal tomorrow first!

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