1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi girls!

Sorry I have been MiA. Chris and I have been so busy looking for a house! We took Friday off and were going to do a 4 day weekend on the boat but it got a bit windy and the marina was doing some work that would limit the days we could be out in the water and pulled out so we decided to scrap it. Hopefully it will be nice so we can get out next weekend.

I am not sure about O, what do you girls think? I had some very strong pains on my left side Tuesday night. That radiated towards my lower back. I got scared and went to the OB for fear it might be cyst. They did an ultrasound and didn't really see anything and urine pregnancy test was BFN. They did find some blood in my urine so they sent me to my primary care physician to check some other things. I had a CT scan because my doctor thought it might be a kidney stone. Nothing on that scan so he thinks I may have passed it, I have to go back next week to check urine again.

Lindsay - when you feel those O pains, what does it feel like? If I O'd late I doubt I would be pregnant but would it be bad that I had the CT scan? How are things going with the new house? Saw the pic on FB on Kirk tearing up the stairwell? Why is he doing that if you guys are selling?

Rach - any sign of the witch yet? I hope not! Did you order your OPKs? I am going to get some next month. It's going to be you and me girl!! Get your supplies!

Mel, Kelsey and Sam - your FB pics of Ben, Khloe and Lexi so precious!!

Mar- have you tested yet?
Well my boobs are even more sore than ever and getting harder/heavier. Yesterday I had major nausea and I've lost my appetite. My low back has been killing me for three days and the lower right side pain has remained consistent.
I'm only 10DPO and today I bought a pregnancy test. AF isn't due until Friday and stupidly I tested today and got a -. At first it looked like what could have been a positive but NOPE. So I'll see what this week brings... I should have known better than to test this early. I've just had such hopeful symptoms! Trying not to let it get to me... I DO know better. Should have waited.
Mar- it's definitely early. I always seem to get my BFPs after AF is due. Your sings are looking good, FX for you!
Jess - now that I look at your chart again - I think you O'd later. I think that your body tried to O the first time and for whatever reason it didn't work. That would also explain the BFN at this point!
My O pains feel like I'm really tender on one side for a day or two and the day that those start I always get a positive OPK. I think the mirena makes them worse as mirena can cause cysts, so I think when the egg ruptures out of the ovary it's leaving a small cyst that I can feel. My SIL said my uterus leans against my right ovary and that's why I ALWAYS feel it on that side and not as much on the other. Both of my pregnancies had painful corpus luteum cysts and it feels like that just for a much shorter amount of time and not as intense. You don't think you O'd the other day, right?? I think your signs are pointing toward you already O'd.
My understanding about CT scans is that in really really early pregnancy (prior to a positive test) it won't make a difference - don't worry!
And Kirk ripped out the plaster in the stairwell as it was the last area of the house that needed "fixing up" of the plaster and as he's trying to fix it - it was just in such bad shape that he had no other choice but to rip it down. It was really bad - he said the people before us had tried to fix it three times but just kept layering mud ontop of the old "bad" stuff and it was just a disaster. Since we are keeping the house and want to rent it, Kirk wants to do everything right so he doesn't have to come over to a frantic call from our renter saying "the plaster is falling down in the stairwell!". It's going to look so much better and then we're OFFICIALLY done with every area of this house - I'm so thrilled! We have 5 more weekends in the house and just have painting and a few minor things after this. He did sooo much work on it this weekend, I couldn't believe it. He's already got new drywall hung except for one wall.

Mar - GREAT signs!! I have everything crossed for you. Don't worry about testing early, we all do it! Last time I tested and got a BFN then thought I was out so when I tested a couple days later I didn't even wait for DH to be home and ended up getting the positive test without him there! I felt bad but he was just happy we were pregnant again. So, you're not out until AF shows!

How's everyone else doing???
Lindsay - I guess it's possible that I O'd on CD 18 but seems really late. Do you think the pain on my left side could have been O pains? It was a very dull throbbing pain on my left side but low. Like if I follow my left hip bone down and around to the front. I have never felt that before.
Being that early could explain my BFN, especially since it was a urine test. The OB said they saw a cyst on each ovary on the U/S but that it all looked normal.

5 weekends left at your house!!! That's great! Have you started packing? We have been talking to a custom builder now about a house, we just need to find a lot which is tough.
I bet you did already O - usually the U/S can tell you where you are in your cycle, I'm surprised they didn't. and yea, I feel it in my back - you might have done something to put pressure on the cyst that formed after you O'd and it just pinched you. Glad they didn't find anything but I'm guessing a BFP for you in a couple days!!

We haven't started packing yet because it's a foreclosure so I think we're just waiting to get a little further along in the process for fear it will either take forever or that something will happen and it will fall through (ugh, I hope it doesn't!!). I think we'll start packing in February. We won't be able to live in this place from the start so we'll be moving everything into the basement and staying with Kirk's parents until we get some work done and an all clear from the inspector that the work we've done makes the house suitable for living...yes, it's that bad lol.... We figure this is the best way for us to go because we looked at houses that were totally done and we were saying "oh well we would tear this down and move this over here and redo this and that.." and it's a waste of money to change something that someone already put money into.
I agree on the house. If you like the floor plan, that's the most important. The rest of the stuff you can just make the way you want it. That's why I think we are going to try to build. We just can't really find anything we like used and Chris and I are not as handy as you guys!
I wish we could build! Maybe our next house - can't quite afford to right now. That seems like the best way to go if you can!
I don't really feel any different Lindsay :shrug: Kinda hoping nothing really happens after the CT scan, just in case.

How are you doing?
Lindsay so glad that baby Cash is doing so good! I had a friend who just had a baby boy in August and they named him Cash. Name must be becoming more popular. That's so exciting about the house---you're so lucky that Kirk is so handy, Ryan can not do anything like that! The one that you guys are buying do you plan to just fix up and then move out of after or do you think you'll be there for a long time? Are you guys closer to work with the new house? Can't believe Oakley is already 6 months!!!!
Jess I think FF is right with having you O on CD 18---which looks like you might have had better BD timing so maybe that's a good thing? Your temps are getting me a little excited! Were they concerned about the cysts on your ovaries? I had a cyst on my ovary when they first started doing testing for me but they weren't concerned at all and said it would go away on its own. What prompted the u/s? (sorry if you said, Khloe is screaming right now so I'm trying to hurry up and finish my post)
Sam I need to get on your journal to see how you're doing. Can't believe Benjamin is already almost 2 months old!!
Rach I really thought this could be your month, sad to see your CD5. You had mentioned awhile ago about the possibility of getting insurance through work---did that ever work out?
AFM---Khloe is 3 weeks old today---can't believe it!! Things are getting better everyday and her and I are really getting the hang of each other and I'm even getting a little bit of sleep! :) BFing going good, not even needing the shield. Trying to decide how long I'm going to want to do it. I'm trying to stock up as much milk as I can for when I go back to work, but I usually only have time to pump twice a day so I only store about 9-12oz/day. Lindsay, I'm still not leaking so I'm not sure if I don't have an overabundance of milk? When you pumped how much did you generally get? I usually get about 3-5 oz on 1 side and 2-3 oz from the other side. Alright, I need to feed my lil girl before she eats her nook :)
Awwww Happy 3 weeks little Khloe!!! :cake: wow, how time flies!!! It seems like only last week!!

Kelsey- so glad you are getting some rest and things are getting better with the BFing. I had the U/S because I had some very strong pains on my left side (front pelvic area) that radiated around to my back on Tuesday night. I was worried about it being an ovarian cyst, appendicitis, etc. so I went to my OB first. They said when corpus gets over a certain size they call it a cyst. I guess this would just be a ruptured egg.. Right? I don't know, they didn't seem to be too concerned about it, even with one on each side. Then they sent me to my primary care physician because they found some blood in my urine. They did a CT scan and didn't really see anything either so they think I might have passed a kidney stone, but I am not so sure now with the timing of O. I had to repeat my urinalysis today so we'll see what happens.
When will you get the results of today's testing? Hope it's nothing. I meant to ask you before how the temp living situation is going? Content or anxious to get out? And just to add to my list of questions, have you scheduled a date to retake your test?
Hiya girls! Reading back! Kels I LOVE your avatar pic she's gorgeous!
Kels - hoepfully I will get the results soon. I think it just takes a day or 2. I called my OB office yesterday from the one I did last week and apparently it was never done. She said someone discarded the sample before she got back there to get it... can you believe it!!??? Wouldn't you think they would have called and told me to come in for another one.
Temp living is fine. Its not my ideal living place but Chris and I feel comfortable there and its nice to know we don't have lease or other time pressures... and we're saving money. This might be a long process so we'll see.
I have not rescheduled my test yet. I just pulled out my book the other day so I can start studying. :sad1: No fun! I am trying to figure out if I can get it in before the end of Feb or test right at the beginning of April (March is a non-test month).

I love your avatar pic too... Khloe has sooo much hair! Does she get that from you?

Mel - how are you doing? I have not been over to your journal in a while.
Sorry to say it...

AF has sort of arrived exactly the day it should. It's coming on slow which is weird but no doubt in a couple hours full blown. Thanks for all the support! Best of luck to the rest of you.
Hey girls!

Kelsey it sounds like everything is going great for you! Miss Khloe is adorable. She's almost a month old! Time never does stop does it? I'm glad you've been getting some sleep. I can't imagine how tiring it has to be being a new mommy. How has Ryan been doing with being a new daddy?

Jess i hope your temps stay up! Praying for you.

Mar i'm sorry AF arrived.... keep trying. Don't give up! This is my 17th cycle trying. It gets hard but never ever stop.

Mel i love the pictures you post everyday of that cute little sweetpea! She is soooo cute! You look great as a mommy. I love that one picture of both of you while you're feeding her a bottle. Precious!!

Sam i hope you're doing okay sweety. Haven't seen you around.

Lindsay How is little Oakley doing? I love that video you posted of him laughing!!! He's getting soooo big.

As for the question about insurance.. i'm part time right now and unfortunately my job doesn't offer it to pt people. I put in for full time but still haven't heard yet about when they're going to actually hire the position. Ugh!
Hi ladies!!

Jess - your temps look great!! I'll be checking them tomorrow morning!! Glad your temp living situation is going well! We settle on our new house in a month from tm!

Kelsey - I didn't start leaking until I was about a month in - sounds like you're doing great! Pumping that much sounds good too! Do you bottle feed her any of that milk?

Mel - We are planning on staying in the new house 3-5 years as we dont really like the school system in that area, we also think we will 'outgrow' the house with another little one, and we want to sell this house without having to deal with capital gains so we need to sell within 3-5 years to make that easier. Plus we want to use the new house as a rental eventually - it's a perfect house to rent because its small, in a great neighborhood and only 35 or so years old vs this house being on a main road and 210+ years old so it's a lot more expensive to keep up! Oh and we won't be closer to work but we are closer to my parent's and Kirk's parents - which means closer to daycare and means less driving for me! very exciting!

Rach - fingers crossed for your full time position!! go get a bbt and we will fill in for the doc for you until you get there!

Oakley is passed out on me so I'm gonna go snuggle a little and then put him down and help kirk with the stairwell - almost done! I'm so impressed with Kirk! :) hope you ladies are doing great!!! xoxo
Hi girls!

Rach - where are you in your cycle this month? That sucks about the insurance, hopefully you will get hired on full time. Do you like it there?

Lindsay - the new house sounds so excited! So will you keep the one your in now to try to rent or while you sell it!

Mar - sorry AF got you. Don't I've up hope though! Do you temp at all?

AFM - my doctors office called today and said I still have blood in my urine so I am being referred to a urologist. Ugh. Hope everything is ok. I have been helping my mo shop for a car so we pick it up tomorrow. So excited for her. Then Chris and I are going out on the boat for the rest of the weekend. Can't wait, I have not seen the boat since early November!!!

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