1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Omg I've been stalking since 5 am-that is a dark BFP!!!!!!! Congrats baby cakes I am ssssooooo excited for you!!!!
I don't know what to tell you about the Dr. Unless they have something new to do with you I tend to lean towards just waiting until 7 weeks.
Oh Jess-I guess the pain you were having was just baby N burrowing in deep!!! ;) How are you feeling? How pumped is Chris??
Test looks great jess! It can't hurt to call the doc and ask if they want to see you - right? I think it would help your nerves too, I know it made me feel like I was on the right track.

I'm so excited for you - how are you feeling? Both physically and emotionally? How's Chris?
Morning Kelsey! Yeah I don't know what they would do different with me either so I am kinda leaning towards waiting a bit. Chris and I always get a bit excited and nervous at the same time. Its kinda like, here we go again you know, after all these losses.
I am wondering now if that pain was OV pain, because looking at my chart I think I only implanted a couple days ago. They still found blood in my urine though so its something that needs to be looked in to. I am hoping that CT scan was no big deal since it was just around O.
How are you doing? I just LOVE the pics you guys got taken. Do you have any others with you and Khloe? Your photographer did a great job!
Thanks Lindsay - we must have posted at the same time this morning. I am nervous. I just don't know what to do this time around. Also I previously was going to my RE but since I don't know what he can do at this point I am thinking I should just see my new regular OB this time around. I guess I will call the new OB today and see what they think. It would be reassuring to go in but maybe I just need to forget about it and let nature take its course! :shrug:
Oh yea I forgot you have the new OB-why not just call then. My Dr. wouldn't do any beta testing or anything before my 7 week us. At the time I hated it because I wanted to do anything I could-but looking bad I would have probably worried more about what all the early testing results meant. Did you get your newest results from your last Dr. Appt? I don't think you have to worry at all about the Ct scan. I remember being worried about dentist xrays and my Dr.said that early won't affect anything.
No I didn't get any pics with Khloe. I realized the other day I barely have any pics with her and I'm always snapping pics of her & Ryan. I think it's because I'm always a hot mess with no make up on but her picture day I actually put make up on so not sure why I said no pics of me. I kind of regret it now.
Anyway-who cares about ME-YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!!! :)
Yea just go with your gut! Don't worry about the ct scan - def no biggie that early! You might as well call the doc but you're prob right that there is nothing they can do as of yet but I'm sending great vibes to that little baby of yours! Keep us updated! :)
I am so happy I can bounce ideas off of you girls! :hugs:
So I called the doc and they want me to come in today at 3:30pm for Betas and they are going to repeat them again on Friday. FX!!!
Omg yay! I'm so glad they're going to do betas! I'm so excited for you jess! I hope they get results back quickly! So exciting! Now we just need to get miss rach pregnant too!
Congrats Jess - positive vibes coming at you.
As for temping, I'm going to give it another couple of months. This was only my first month back in the game! We got pregnant our 2nd month trying before so I'm just going to try and go with the flow. However, did I see someone say that perhaps the egg is no good if you don't O before 22 days? My cycle length is always 36 days and I never O before 20-21 days. Is this something I should be concerned about????
Mar - you should be fine O'ing around then. They just say it's bad ovulation if it's after CD22. I mean, if you don't get pregnant within the next 6-12 months then i'd say that could be playing a factor, but you said you got PG quickly last time so you shouldn't worry! :)

Jess i am so happy for you! Your test looks positive to me girl! If it were me i'd wait it out another 2-3 weeks. Just try not to think too much (i know... almost impossible!) and just keep testing once every week until you see your doctor. It's totally up to you though! Sooooo happy for ya!

Sooo... some of you may have saw my facebook post this morning, but before i went to work i happened to glance in the mirror and saw this ghost like face. To me it looks like a baby very early in a pregnancy. Could be my MC? Although, i can still see this face right now lol... it's just weird how it looks like a baby. Some people say it looks like a cat LOL. My mirrors are just dirty though... no ghost!


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Rach - it looks like a cat to me. Maybe your pets are having a party at your house when you're not home. Are you officially full time now?

Mar - my RE told me that late O can be an over ripe egg. For me I thought this might be an issue with all of miscarriages and chromosomal problems, but my cycles are never as long as yours so maybe it's not an issue for you. How are you tracking your O?

I had my betas today so should have results back tomorrow. Repeating again at 3:30pm on Friday.
Jess did you get results on your beta yet??

Jax hasn't been feeling good the last 3 days. I've noticed he was picking at his food 4/5 days ago. He hasn't eaten or drank anything in 3 days. He's laying in weird places. This morning when i woke up i couldn't find him anywhere. I looked under my bed and there he was. Very strange. He breathes hard at times and his one eye is squinting as if it's running or watering. I'm going to have to take him to the vet today or tmrw. I hope it's nothing serious. I remember my mom's 2 cats hid under beds when thet were dying :cry: I think he may have an upper respiratory infection.
Aw each - I bet jax is fine. Respiratory infections are common in cats, prob just needs an antibiotic and will be back to his normal self in no time! How's your job been doing ft?

Jess - looking forward to hearing your beta results! :)

Afm - I think I've been a real b lately to poor Kirk. Oakley hasn't been sleeping well and with all the work on the house and trying to buythe new house and balancing school I feel a bit like I'm drowningand uunfortunately he's the only one that has to deal with the consequences of that...think I need to try to do something nice for him soon :/ I think once we settle on the new house and get some work done there I will feel better. I feel a little better just realizing that I'm overwhelmed - kinda funny how that happens lol
Lindsay i get that way too, A LOT. It's not right, but unfortunately our mates are the ones who are always around and get the bad end of it all. Andrew does it to me too. The best thing is they understand. Just try to watch how you act a little closer and once you start having a mood swing, just catch yourself and start over. It's a weakness of mine and i've been trying to be better about it. I totally get where you're coming from.

I don't start as full time until Monday. I keep trying to look at my profile on the internet and it still has me listed as part time, therefore i can't try to do any benefits yet. If it doesn't change Monday then i'm calling or going to my HR dept.
OMG where have I been? I have just screamed at the laptop and frightened OH half to death. OMG OMG OMG I am SOOOOOOO happy to see those lines on your tests Jess. I can't stop grinning like a loon. Can't wait to see your beta results.

Rach - I am glad that you are getting FT (even though its not a job you love) if it means you can get insurance and look into things. We had a wedding 'out of season' in November and it was lovely not sharing the day with loads of other brides. That way you'll be able to spend more on the stings you want rather than inflated prices due to it being the 'season'. I hope Jax is okay.

Linsday - I think you are doing amazingly well don't be too hard on yourself. I do the same and take things out on OH when it all gets too much but that is what marriage is all about. You have such a lot going on atm no wonder you feel over whelmed. :hugs:

Kels - I LOVE Kloes FB pics! Sheis just so beautiful, those eyes are amazing. How are you getting on bf?

Hi Mar!

afm - we are getting into a routine of sorts after coming home late last week from visiting my folks again and Benjamin has been going to sleep for 8pish most night, sleeping till 1am - feed then 6am. I just wish I could sleep as easily as he does, sometimes I just can't seem to fall back asleep - argh. He had his injections today which really upset him and he has been crying a lot all day if hasn't been asleep of feeding. Hopefully tomorrow he'll be back to his usually smiley self. He now eight 10lb 4 oz so doing well on my milk and bf has gotten much easier the last few weeks.
Hey Pinksmartie.

Alright, so who's along for the ride with me for February? I'm still two weeks out from the big O but, I could use all the positive vibes I can get.

Question: Do you guys suggest sexytime every day or every other day during the fertile week? When I conceived before we had been on the every other day route, expect for the day I got my double dark lines on the OPK. Eeekkk what to do what to do.
Oh no Rach - I hope Jax is okay. I definitely think you should get him to the vet, but don't think bad thoughts like he might be dying. Cats hide when they are not feeling well. If he doesn't start eating soon let me know and I can help with some suggestions. I went through a lot of that with my little girl Stella . :cry:

Lindsay - I don't know how you do it with all you ave going in. Is Kirk helpful with Oakley and house chores or do you feel like you're doing everything?

Sam - glad you are getting into a bit of a routine with Ben. Can you take something to make you a little drowsy at night? I take Zzz-Quil. It's by the makers of NyQuil.

Mar - the recommended "dose" of sex for TTC is every other day leading up to O, then the day of O and day after. Good luck. Are you using OPKs?

AFM - had my betas yesterday. I meant to call this afternoon for my results but I got so slammed at work and by the time I could, they were closed. I go tomorrow for my 2nd set so I will get the first results then.
Jess Thanks for the love :) I would take any suggestions you could give on what to do to help Jax eat. He still hasn't had anything. I got a syringe and i filled it halfway with water and set it on his mouth and made him drink it. Right now he's back under my bed. I hope he starts feeling a lot better tmrw. I remembered how much the vet told me to give him for antibiotics last time so i did that today with what i had leftover. I really hope he's okay :cry: Let us know what your betas are tmrw! I am very anxious.

Mar like Jess said the best thing to do is do it every other day, but if you get a pos OPK make sure you BD that day and the day after!
Rach - At pretty much any grocery store, Walmart or Target go pick up some Fancy Feast Appetizers. Its a little liquidy tray snack. They are like a dollar each or so. Put one on a little plate and put it by Jax. Even if you have to push it under the bed a bit. Don't forget the plate, Stella used to mostly just lick the juice out of it but because the meat is fishy she would end up with some of the meat all around the little tray and it did not smell great. If he drinks all the juice out, full it up with a little bit of water and smush it up a bit so it gets some of the juice of the meat. I would usually do this about 2-3 times with each one. Stella never really ate the meat out if it when she was sick but she liked the flavored juice and I felt like it was at least something. Also Chicken baby food - the Gerber Chicken and Chicken Gravy flavor. I would put it on a spoon and have her lick it off. She loved that and most of the time would lick a few spoonfuls at a time. Sometimes I had to syringe it to her but most of the time she would lick it on her own. Also shrimp, cut up little pieces on a plate. Let me know how you make out. It's a bit of a difficult process but they get into a routine with it.
Morning ladies!

Rach - Jess's ideas sound great for Jax! Poor baby! He's an indoor kitty, right? He doesn't go outside at all? Any idea how old he is? I'm sure he's fine just needs a little TLC! Hopefully Monday you'll officially be full time and you can make your appointment! yay! definitely contact HR if it's not changed by Monday so you can take advantage of those benefits as soon as is possible :)

Sam - so good to hear from you!! I've been thinking of you and I'm so glad to hear BFing is going so well for you! I had the same problem with sleeping! Oakley would go down and then I would go lay down and I couldn't turn my mind off! As Oakley started letting me sleep more the easier it got to go back to sleep. It's funny because in the first 3 months he was with us - I feel like I didn't get more than 4hrs sleep at a time and I had plenty of energy. Now if I only get 4hr stretches of sleep, I feel it! Oakley's been getting up in the middle of the night again and I think he's either developing separation anxiety or he's teething because as soon as I pick him up he just snuggles into my chest and goes to sleep (hard to resist but I know I have to!). So, we have his 6 month exam next Friday so I'll talk to them about it then. I let Kirk sleep last night and thankfully he got a full nights rest (I knew I wasn't going to go to work today). Glad one of us got a good nights sleep for the first time in a couple weeks!

Mel - your pictures on facebook are so precious - white noise is great when they're really little and still works for Oakley sometimes! glad you got some sleep!

Mar - They say every other day and then the day of a positive OPK and the day after and then I like to throw in every other day even after that in case your body tried to O and didn't so you can catch it when it really does.

Jess - Can't wait to hear your beta test results! Have you taken another pregnancy test? I only saw it darker a few days after I got the positive. That might relieve your nerves some, although all the tests can be different so it's not necessarily a good indicator!

AFM - like I mentioned before, Oakley hasn't been sleeping well, but he's as cute as ever! He's figured out his jump-a-roo and just bounces away in it - love it! I got him a whole bunch of clothes from baby gap and they're just sooo cute!! A coworker gave me $100 for helping them with an experiment while I was basically 9 months pregnant - it was a lot of work but I almost felt guilty taking that much money from them, guess it meant a lot to them but I would have done it for free! That's science and I'm a geek haha.
And I agree, I am too hard on myself and Kirk is an absolutely amazing husband. He does what he can but with all the work on the house that he has been doing, a lot falls on me. I think he's now realizing that work on the house means more work for me indirectly. It always has just to a much bigger degree now. I do do more of the stuff with Oakley (bathtime, and feeding him his Oatmeal/solids) but it really is mostly because he's usually finishing up stuff on the house, and I'd rather that stuff get done. I think it will always be a bit like that as we always seem to have a project going on in the house, but all that will get so much easier once I graduate and am not commuting so far every day.

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