Morning ladies!
Rach - Jess's ideas sound great for Jax! Poor baby! He's an indoor kitty, right? He doesn't go outside at all? Any idea how old he is? I'm sure he's fine just needs a little TLC! Hopefully Monday you'll officially be full time and you can make your appointment! yay! definitely contact HR if it's not changed by Monday so you can take advantage of those benefits as soon as is possible
Sam - so good to hear from you!! I've been thinking of you and I'm so glad to hear BFing is going so well for you! I had the same problem with sleeping! Oakley would go down and then I would go lay down and I couldn't turn my mind off! As Oakley started letting me sleep more the easier it got to go back to sleep. It's funny because in the first 3 months he was with us - I feel like I didn't get more than 4hrs sleep at a time and I had plenty of energy. Now if I only get 4hr stretches of sleep, I feel it! Oakley's been getting up in the middle of the night again and I think he's either developing separation anxiety or he's teething because as soon as I pick him up he just snuggles into my chest and goes to sleep (hard to resist but I know I have to!). So, we have his 6 month exam next Friday so I'll talk to them about it then. I let Kirk sleep last night and thankfully he got a full nights rest (I knew I wasn't going to go to work today). Glad one of us got a good nights sleep for the first time in a couple weeks!
Mel - your pictures on facebook are so precious - white noise is great when they're really little and still works for Oakley sometimes! glad you got some sleep!
Mar - They say every other day and then the day of a positive OPK and the day after and then I like to throw in every other day even after that in case your body tried to O and didn't so you can catch it when it really does.
Jess - Can't wait to hear your beta test results! Have you taken another pregnancy test? I only saw it darker a few days after I got the positive. That might relieve your nerves some, although all the tests can be different so it's not necessarily a good indicator!
AFM - like I mentioned before, Oakley hasn't been sleeping well, but he's as cute as ever! He's figured out his jump-a-roo and just bounces away in it - love it! I got him a whole bunch of clothes from baby gap and they're just sooo cute!! A coworker gave me $100 for helping them with an experiment while I was basically 9 months pregnant - it was a lot of work but I almost felt guilty taking that much money from them, guess it meant a lot to them but I would have done it for free! That's science and I'm a geek haha.
And I agree, I am too hard on myself and Kirk is an absolutely amazing husband. He does what he can but with all the work on the house that he has been doing, a lot falls on me. I think he's now realizing that work on the house means more work for me indirectly. It always has just to a much bigger degree now. I do do more of the stuff with Oakley (bathtime, and feeding him his Oatmeal/solids) but it really is mostly because he's usually finishing up stuff on the house, and I'd rather that stuff get done. I think it will always be a bit like that as we always seem to have a project going on in the house, but all that will get so much easier once I graduate and am not commuting so far every day.