1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

:growlmad: just lost a big post

Jess - Like Linds I am happy to hear you complain!! Every thing is sounding wonderful and can't wait to hear of the scan tomorrow. Depending on when it is I might not get to hear about it till Sat morning but if I am on up during the night I might try to long on! I remember the tiredness, falling asleep on the sofa when I got home from work and that was so not like me.

Linds - yay for sttn!! Way to go Oakley. From what I have read sometime they might have a relapse after 4-5 days so stay strong. I think if his dirty nappies are okay not too hard then he is getting enough during the day. Maybe add fruit, I put fruit puree in with his porridge in the mornings.

Rach - I loved sorting out my wedding, everything so exciting. Have you got any thing planned for the weekend or are you just going to chill after such a long working week.

Hi Kels, Mel, Mar and happily.

afm - after the really bad night he went to the other extreme and slept through from 7pm till 7.30am! Of course I didn't but hey ho!! Each night is so different. I don't go back to work till Nov when he'll be 11 months old.
Thanks girls! I wore a skirt with an elastic waste today so feeling much more comfortable at work. I just feel blah as to what I want to eat. My appointment is at 9:30am tomorrow so I will try to post as soon as I get back to work to not keep you girls waiting too long. Hopefully everything will be fine.
I am worried about this tiredness because I need to start studying for my next exam that I want to take at the beginning of October. I should get the resilts back to the one I just took late next week. Hopefully I passed so that I will at least have 2 down.

Lindsay - Yeah for STTN!!!! :yipee:

Sam - glad you had a good night as well! :happydance:

Rach - how exciting you already got your invitations done! You are doing so great with your weightloss!!! How are you feeling?
Can't wait to hear about your scan today, Jess! Hope you can update us asap! Hope you're feeling better this morning! I always felt better the day of a scan and it would freak me out that something was wrong - silly!

Oakley woke up last night but I was able to calm him down without a bottle, so I think that's still progress! Plus it was nice to snuggle a bit!
Hi Girls,
Quick update - Well my appointment went well. Our little gummy bear is measuring 8+2 and has a HB of 174 bpm. :happydance: The little bean even wiggled while we were there. Chris was amazed!!! The doctor was really pleased with the progress and said everything looks good. I will feel better once I get past my next appointment in 2 weeks. Here's a pic Chris took from the screen.


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Yay, jess! I just knew it was going to be good news for you today! Doc say anything about the nausea? When is your next appt? Two Friday's from now? Ah! Cant wait! Great pic too! So cute! Glad chris could be there with you!
Hi ladies, do you mind if I pop in to stalk? I have been messaging with BeachChica after her losses (and my losses - I had 5 before conceiving this baby) and would love to follow along her journey and to meet you lovelies. I recognize PinkSmarties from other threads as well. :hi:!
Jess - :happydance:so very happy to see that wonderful pic, I have tears in my eyes! Glad everything is going so well, I just have such good feelings about this one. The nest 2 weeks will go by fast I hope despite having to study.

Hi Hope!! Congratulations! How are you feeling?

Linds - yay for settling without bottle, hopefully soon he'll stop waking but then you'll miss those cuddles too!

Hi mar, mel, Rach, happily

afm - last night he woke a few times but settled ok and fed once but was up early -argh. I think I'd rather he wake up during the night than get up so early!! Just going to make some new curtains in the Hungry Caterpillar fabric and have just made a lampshade for Benjamin's room, I'll put a pic on as I am quite impressed with myself!!
Welcome Hope - it's good to have you here! This is a great group and its so nice to have the small mix of everyone at various stages of this journey to bring comfort to us with less experience!

Thanks Sam - I hope this is it for me too, I won't feel settled until I get to the next milestone on the 29th. That is my first OB (4 hour appointment). Glad Benjamin had a nice night. I want to see your new curtains so post a pic when you can!!!

Lindsay - Yeah for Oakley's progress, hopefully he will keep it up. Doc did not really say anything about the nausea other than it was good. She did mention staying on the progesterone until 16 weeks, I was like Whoa!!! :wacko: She wants me to keep taking the meds for the nausea and to start taking a baby aspirin. (I have been really lax on my pills this time just because the thought of putting anything in my mouth is just awful)

She also mentioned a test called Materni T21 - have you girls heard of it. Its a non-invasive test to test for certain chromosomal problems. She thought it might be a good idea to have it due to my history.

It was a lampshade I have made so far, still need to do the curtains.

Jess - I have heard of that I think it is quite a newish test and not available over here. Is it something you want to do/know about? I can understand wanting to wait till the next scan to start to feel hopeful. Is there a time in the day you feel 'better' with regards to the nausea to take your tabs?
Pink - ADORABLE lampshade! My DH bought me something similar (with more adult-ish designs) for christmas a few years ago and I think it cost him >$100 (canadian), so you really have yourself a little gem there :)

Thank you for the congrats. I am feeling pretty good these days, thank you for asking! I had really terrible nausea and vomiting up until 14 weeks. I still get it occasionally in the evenings but nowhere near as bad as it once was. I was on diclectin for it (Canadian pregnancy nausea drug made with b6 and an antihistamine) and still take a couple on nights when I feel gross.

Beach (Jess!) - What are you taking for your nausea? I know some ladies in the US on Zofran and it's worked wonders for them.

As for the Materniti21 - I have heard of it as well but I don't think it's offered here (or perhaps under a different name). I did the Serum Integrated Prenatal Screening (SIPS), for which you give two samples, one in the first tri and one in the second, and it tells you your risk for downs and the trisomies with a pretty good accuracy. We'll get the results at our next appointment. To be honest though, I kind of wish I hadn't gotten them. I plan to keep this baby no matter what so it just gives me something else to be concerned with, you know?

Re: progesterone - I only took mine until 10 weeks (on RE's instruction) which totally freaked me out - but by the end of the 9th week I was so sick of the suppositories (they were leaky and gave me the itchies down there) I was glad to stop, and everything was fine. However, given your history with later first tri losses, I don't think it's a bad idea to continue on past the first tri. You just never know. Is there a time of the day you feel good? I felt my best around breakfast and the worst before bed, so I always tried to take my aspirin in the mornings with food and a drink (usually OJ) - was a lot easier to swallow.
Hope - I am sure everything will be fine with your sips tests, so although you are stressing about it maybe think of it forward planning if something was highlighted. Glad the nausea has eased, mine kind of settled by about 12 weeks but like you had the odd day here and there
Hi girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope everyone is doing well - happy frick'n weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JESSSSSSS I just cried a little when I saw your scan shot. :) And the fast heartbeat... reminds me of my first scan when I actually got to see the little bean. Such a miracle!!!

AFM... I'm mad exhausted and have even been feeling a little nausea the past week. My Braxton Hicks are continuing at relatively even intervals... the worst its been is one an hour. So i'm ok with that. Starting to feel more uncomfortable by the hour but still have 10.5 weeks to go (at least).
I can only update quick, but Jess.... OMG! The baby looks soooo adorable! I am just so happy for you. Is it becoming real to you yet?!? I am over the moon for you. Congrats!!

Welcome to the thread hopestruck!! :)
Welcome hope! :) I'm sure your test will turn out fine!

Jess - still so excited for you! Cant wait for your next scan. Hope you can relax a bit this weekend. Any news on your last exam?

Sam - how cute is that lamp shade! You could make a killing selling those! Hope you get to sleep tonight! I agree with preferring getting up at night if it means I could sleep in!

Rach - hope you enjoy your weekend!

Mel - hope you're feeling well! Havent stalked your journal in a while!

Mar - you're getting so close now! I got a bit of nausea in my third trimester too! I really didn't get many Braxton hicks until the very end. Keep those feet up at night!

Kels - hi if you're stalking!
Oh Sam! I LOVE the lampshade! Sooooooo cute!!! Can't wait to see the rest!

Hope - I am taking the Zofran. I try to not take it unless I feel really bad but I feel pretty crummy pretty much all day. When I wake up in the morning I sometimes have a little flem in my throat and that totally has me gagging. I hear you on the progesterone, I am super leaky too. I hope they don't keep me on it until 16 weeks! When is your next appointment? Did you already find out gender?

From what I read today the Materni T21, it's a newer blood test so non-invasive. It's not quite as conclusive as the CVS. I don't know, due to the chromosomal problems I've had I am strongly considering it. Don't know what I would do if results were bad, but like Sam said, it does help you prepare.

We are on the boat for the weekend. Super excited to relax out here. Anyone have any big plans for the weekend?
Oh and Lindsay, I get my exam scores in 5 days :wacko:
Jess - I think it's good to know what you're getting into to make preparations and everything. How many of your losses have been tested? I forget what the results were on them. I've got my fingers crossed for you on your last exam!

Rach - don't worry about plateauing with your weightloss, it happens to everyone! Just keep at it and keep up that positive attitude and you'll get there :)

AFM - had a REALLY rough night with Oakley last night but we didn't give in. We did go in and calm him down every 10-15 min and offered him two different types of sippy cups with milk throughout the night but we had to do this for 2.5hrs with constant crying pretty much. I got up with him at 6 and gave him some waffles and blueberries and put him right back to bed and he slept until 10! He just went down for a nap and now I think Kirk and I are going to lay down too.

Hope you ladies are having a good weekend so far!! :) :) xoxo
Linds - what night was that? 4 or 5. I do think they have a bit of regression (like with sleeping) around those night like I mentioned before so maybe that's what it was. Great going with the cup, hopefully from here on in each night will get easier.

Rach - I had weeks where my weight stayed the same then is fell off again, so keep doing what you are doing and it will come off again. Are you doing any exercise?

Mar - not long now, hope the nauea eases. I never had braxton hicks so can't help you there.

Jess - have a relaxing weekend on the boat. Your house is coming on so fast its great to see. Its probably worth doing the test for peace of mind and to plan for the future if needs be.
Hi girls! Just popping in to check in. Chris and I are having a nice weekend out on the boat. We got a lot of rain last night but hoping we won't have any tonight, so far it's only been a sprinkle.

Lindsay - MC #3 was tested (Trisomy 12) and MC #5 (Turners), #4 got lost at the hospital and the last one was too early.
Sam - it was night 3...maybe 4...but I'm so glad we stood our ground that nught as last night he slept all the way through! I thought he'd be up for sure bc he bardly drank any milk after dinner and his diaper this morning wasn't very wet but he still slept! Drank a ton this morning and had a lot of watermelon so we're doing good I think! Hope he keeps it up! We always seem to have the worst nights on sunday nights so I'm assuming tonight will be bad but we'll see!

Jess - well I went back and read and this seems like the first time you've measured right on the dates you should with nice heartbeats the whole time so I'm keeping everything crossed for you! Hope you have a great weekend on the boat!

Afm - kirk and I bave been cutting down ugly trees in the yard this weekend. The yard is already looking so much better! You couldn't see our house from the street before and now we need to go buy blinds! Haha
A few shots over the past 10 weeks. :thumbup:


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