1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Sounds like a great plan Lindsay. I never feel myself ovulate. I wish i knew my body as well as you know yours lol.

Jess i can't wait to hear about your appt as well! Woohoo for November. That will be nice!! Oh and i did watch the VMAs... Mileys ass was so gross. She is so skanky and sick. I think there's more negative feedback than positive. I love Robin Thicke but the fact he sang that song with that girl makes me quiver!

Gave my blood at 4. I get to call in the morning. I'm super nervous. I hope everything is okay. I calculated what my number should be. If it's 540+ then it has been doubling.
Lindsay - do you think I will feel better at 12 weeks? Oh I hope so. I hope I make it there actually. But feeling better would be nice. Do your insides get used to all the growing and cramming that's going on in there? I feel like Im going to expode. My appt is at 8:30am Thursday and they said it would last 3 hours (as long as the scan goes ok).
I started feeling better around 10 weeks but still off and on no good until 12 weeks and then fully better by 14. You definitely stop getting the crampy feelings but I remember having those for a while but the sharp pains from moving went away after about 12 weeks. I think that you learn to stop using your ab muscles at some point and so that stops. I hope you can update us on your phone or something at your appt! I want to see a scan pic asap! You'll get to that 3hr appt!

Rach - I've got everything crossed for you! you stop taking those tests yet?

I got a new BBT today!
Thanks Lindsay - did you feel like a very "full" feeling also?
oh yea! I remember it very distinctly! a lot pressure in my belly. I was wearing a belly band by like 8 weeks because just the pressure of my pants against my belly was really uncomfortable! I'm not sure that really goes away but if you just get used to it. I had digestive issues in the first trimester too so I'm sure that didn't help with the pressure.

Going to get my mirena out today! woohoo!! Took my first official temp this morning. O was up a lot last night so we'll see how accurate the temps are but I'd like to have an idea of O.
Ohhh Rach, soooo sorry hunny!!!! I'm sorry to ask, but does that mean the egg stayed in your tube? Do they have to medically intervene or what next....big hugs....
Jess I remember feeling so full (but not full enough to not want to stuff my face 24/7)! And yes, I needed a belly band also by about 8-10 weeks. I can't imagine how antsy you are for your scan, because I can hardly stand to wait another minute!
Linds, glad you're taking out the mirena. It didn't seem to ever really agree with you.
I got mastitis AGAIN this past weekend, so after my antibiotics are finished, I guess it's time for me to stop pumping. Her starting daycare and formula around the same time makes me nervous in case she has allergy issues, but hopefully we have no issues. Any advice on what formula to use or stay away from? I'm not sure if the last mastitis I had messed my cycles up, but I was 2 weeks late for AF. Then when I finally got AF, I got mastitis again, so we'll see when my next AF finally comes. I started temping when I was late to see where I was, and it seemed I OV'd really late, like when I shoul dhave been getting AF. Now I kind of want to temp around OV time this month to see what my cycle does. So Linds I may be joining you on the temping bandwagon :)
Sam can't believe you're back to work shortly! I think after being off that long it must be doubly hard to have to return to work.
Mel how are you feeling??
Oh Rachael, again, my heart hurts for you....xoxoxo Thank god you have an amazing man at your side to help you through this.
Oh, and Sam and Lindsay, did you notice during AF that your milk supply was less? I don't know if it's the mastitis or AF that's making my milk supply so low.
And Lindsay, when you did dry up, what was the process like? Right now I'm only pumping in the morning and at night. I'm just afraid if I decide to dry up right after I finish my antibiotics that I'll get mastitis back again because of not pumping.
kels you're thinking ectopic which is what I'm afraid of bcz he didn't scan me. he could have very will misdiagnosed me. it went from 90.1 to 85
I'm so sorry rach. you probably would have already had pain if it was an ectopic. my mom lost her right tube and ovary to an ectopic and she was in the er very early on. Plus I think the hcg levels still rise but they just don't double but I could be wrong on that. what's the next step?

kels - so sorry about the mastitis! it really is the worst thing! I never had a supply with af so I can't say but my supply definitely decreased with each round of mastitis. I dried up when I started my last round off antibiotics. that way I couldn't get an infection if I was already on the antibiotics. you'll see it only takes 3-4 days of not pumping/ feeding to dry up almost completely. do you have a stash frozen? you'll want to be kind of gradual switching to formula as Oakley ended up with some blood in his stool from the switch bc their poo gets thicker and he was pushing harder so he was popping blood vessels - poor little guy! I liked similac the best but I found enfamil has more coupons. Oakley preferred similac too. I think I got all your questions! hope daycare it's going ok! I'm dreading taking Oakley at the end of October. he's completely walking now though so we've reached all the requirements once he's 15 months so no more excuses :-(

rach- hope you're doing ok,hun! Let us know if we can help at all!
oh and my mirena is officially out! hoping things will get better! the doctor was pretty adamant that my symptoms had nothing too do with the mirena but I wanted to tell him to shove it. we'll see! so ready for my face to clear up!
OH yes, you're right that is what I"m thinking. How can he diagnose you without scanning you? I think Lindsay is right that ectopic has pretty high HCG levels...
Is Andrew with you, want to make sure you have support with you right now.
Oh so you stopped pumping when you were on the antibiotics? She said I can't stop pumping while I'm doing the antibiotics, that I have to keep pumping to clear the infection! But while I'm sitting here pumping measly amounts I keep thinking I should just stop pumping. Makes sense that I couldn't get an infection while I'm on the antibiotics! Hmmm....should I stop now you think??
I have very little left to my stash, probably wouldn't last more than a couple days. We already have constipation issues with her since starting solids, I dread what formula will do...
And tell him to shove it, you know your body better than he does, I don't care if he has a Dr. before his name!
if your supply is already dwindling I would just stop if that's what you plan to do. I pumped.through my second round of antibiotics and had mastitis again within a week of getting off the antibiotics so kirk made me stop pumping while on the third round and it worked! I had pain in the clog spot for a couple months though just to warn you! totally fine now. I think stress def plays a role in the mastitis so try to relax and take it easy. still massage the clog while you shower and everything but just don't pump. on my third day of not pumping I saw a dramatic decrease in silly and it was gone in a week if even that long and I made enough for a village!
thanks girls. I found out at work and they didn't let me go home. tears keep rolling on and off all day. this is just horrible... the worst thing anyone could say to me is "so you technically never had a baby growing in u. doesn't that make u feel better?". WHAT!?!?! ITS ALL THE SAME assholes. 2 girls have said that so far. my mom is also in the hospital she had a small heart attack
Rach 'huge:hugs: I am sure there is no way he can diagnose BO without a scan. I have had friends with BO that weren't diagnosed until a scan at 8-10 weeks or more. HCG continues to rise until the body realises something is wrong. What were your levels?
You were pg regardless what other stupid, ignorant and misguided people may tell you and all your feelings are valid.

I hope your mum is okay, oh hun just want to give you big hugs.
I'm so sorry rach, the things people say are just awful. thankfully not many people knew of mine but the few that did still ended up saying annoying things. it I just got complete silence and blank stares. people have no idea how to deal with this type of situation when they haven't experienced it themselves. do you have an appt with your doc to talk about what to do next?
Oh Rach - I am so sorry to see your news today. This is never a good thing but one positive is that I really feel like your body is finally getting back on track!!! What happened with your mom? What a day you've had, sending you a massive hug girl!!!

Kelsey - so sorry you got the mastitis again. I hope it gets better quickly! How are Khloe (and you) doing with the day care?

Lindsay - glad you are Mirena free!!! Wooohoooo!!! Doctors !!! Ugh! I would have been pissed too!

How is everyone else doing?

Ugh! Last night I had a bad dream that I went to my appointment Thursday and things were over. I hope it's not my body trying to tell me something. Just ready for my appointment to get here!!!
Jess don't think too much into your dream. Your dream could possibly be pointing out the fact you're nervous for the worst news at your appt (as if we don't already do that). It's the most important thing for you right now so you're gonna be thinking about it all the time. I honestly have very good thoughts about your scan. Dreams aren't suppose to be interpreted into the obvious... they usually have a secret meaning to them.

Thank you all for your kind words. I'm feeling a little bit better right in this moment. Just don't know what to expect with a BO. Never had it, obviously. I was typing everything to you guys from work so here's the story. I called to get my numbers and the lady said a nurse would call me back bcz they aren't in yet. Well about half hr goes by and my dr calls me. He was like "Is this Rachael? Um uh... " And i knew from that punchline it was over. He told me my numbers from the other day was 90.1 and its pretty much stayed the same. My new numbers was 85. He said when things like this happen it means it's a miscarriage (as if i didn't already know). Said he believes it's a belighted ovum. It was nothing i did or could do to make things different. Blah blah blah. He said he wishes it was good news he was calling about. Then he went on to say that he knows i've been trying for a while and i got pregnant on my own twice and had miscarriages both times. He said when all this clears out and i regulate myself again he may give me clomid. I honestly can't remember anything else he said because i wanted to rush him off the phone bcz i was holding back the tears. I do remember he said to call him and keep him posted about everything. Said it will pass on its own and won't need a D&C... all it takes is time. My body will recognize that things aren't right and will let go of everything. Sad thing is... tonight my boobs hurt worse than they have...

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