1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Rach. That's horrible. Man oh man... brings back a lot of emotion for me too.
Did he happen to mention when you will go through this loss or is he expecting you just to "wait it out"? Friggin brutal. I'm at a loss of words and I'm angry at your doctor. Thinking about you my lady.

Jess - I unfortunately STILL felt nausea even at 22 weeks when I stopped my nausea meds. Some things still make me feel yucky and I've not had an appetite the entire pregnancy so far. But fingers crossed for you!


Went to the OB yesterday. I'm up to 12 lbs gained. NO diabetes for me but I'm iron levels are dwindling. So my OB told me I have to take Iron Supplements twice a day.... I really hope they don't bung me up! I've been doing so well in that department. But I was feeling like a zombie so I guess the iron level would explain that. Hoping in the next day or two I see improvement... its hard to function. Lots and lots of feet and knees in my ribs. BUT I'M NOT COMPLAINING. :)
Ugh, Rach - not what we were all hoping for! I agree with Jess though, I think this is a great sign that you're getting your body back in a better position for pregnancy with being healthier! it's taken a long time to get pregnant but you did get pregnant so hopefully with some clomid and some charting we can get you that baby! Do you still have a BBT?

Jess - I had those dreams too with Oakley early on. It's just your fears coming out in your dreams. I can't wait to hear the good news tomorrow!

Kels - how you doin?? Hope you're feeling better!!

Sam - how's B treating you? sleeping any better? Eating good now?

AFM - I'm SO relieved to have the mirena out of me! I swear I already feel more normal today and now I'm just waiting to see if my face will clear up. Not sure how long it will take for the progesterone to leave my body. I should be gearing up for O but not sure how removing the mirena will effect that. My temp was stable this morning but we were up with O from 1:30-3 last night. You all will be proud, we let him "cry it out" the whole time. I gave him a bottle at 12 and then he got up again just wanting to hang out and I just can't do it anymore, so he would cry for 10 minutes, fall asleep for 10, cry for 10, fall asleep for 10, etc, etc. Kirk and I are going to TRY to let him cry it out for 1 week. It's SO HARD but we need to get him (and us) sleeping better.
Oh Rach, so sorry you have everything happening at once! I honesly think people just have no idea, until they've gone through it. Not just a miscarriage, but the immense desire to have a baby, and then having to wait so long, and then for it to end in miscarriage. Unless somebody has gone through it, they have no clue. Thinking about you babycakes....Sooo happy to hear you're dr. is open to starting clomid with you, I really think it'll be a total game changer for you!!
Sam Benjamin is soooo freak'n cute, just love the picture of him. Are you guys thinking about any more? I mean, you make such beautiful babies, how could you stop at one? :)
Jess, I really think your dream is just your subconscience worry coming out. I had bad dreams like that too, right before scans and it scared the shit out of me. I worried it was a "warning" to prepare myself for the worst. I feel so positive that this is it for you, I'd be so shocked if it went any other way. What time tomorrow is it, please tell me in the morning, afternoon is WAY too long to wait!
Lindsay are you feeling any different yet with the Mirena out?
Any big weekend plans for anybody? None here....just looking forward to the long weekend. Daycare is ok, she had a break yesterday because Tuesdays is my mom's day to watch her. Not sure if that's a good thing, to have that day off while she's getting used to it. Just breaks my heart that at such a young age she's away from her family for 9 hrs a day! :( Her teacher said she was pretty overwhelmed and had a rough morning but by late morning she seemed to be doing better. I hope today goes good for you. Makes work seem even longer when I'm counting down the minutes to go get her. Did I tell you all that ryan got a teaching job? We are so lucky, got one 10 min. away from home! So his first day of his new career is Tuesday. He's had teacher in service days this week. Thank god, we've been without his income since January, so Sept 1st can not come soon enough! Too bad almost 1 whole check of his will go to daycare.
Miss you girls xoxo
Oh for some reason I didn't see the last posts from you Mar and Lindsay!
Mar---only 12 lbs!?!?!? Totally jealous over here. I think it's unfortunate I never had any sickness, because food was my best friend and I gained over 50 lbs!!! Thank god for breastfeeding or I would have never probably lost it. You're soooo close!! Do you have a name picked out---sorry if you already said.
Oh no Lindsay, did Oakley just start getting up again in the middle of the night since switching him off the bottle? Khloe will only once in a great while get up in the middle of the night, and I'm so tired I can hardly pull myself out of bed. I don't know what I'd do if she started making a habit of it. How did I do it those first 12 weeks up every 2 hrs?!!? Letting them cry it out is the worst. If they're just whimpering, cranky crying, I can handle it. But when she's all out screaming, it's the worst and I don't last long before I go get her.
Mar - 12lbs?! that's it?! I gained 46lbs during my pregnancy! I was right on track with the lb a week after the first 12 weeks with 5lbs gained during the first 12 weeks and then I packed on 10lbs in the last two weeks. I just recently got back down to my pre-first pregnancy weight like a month ago! Do you have her room all set up yet??

Kels - yea, Oakley used to sleep like a CHAMP, he was the best sleeper EVER and now it's just torturous at night! Not sure why but I have a feeling it started with me babying him while he was teething and then switching off of bottles and now he just wants me to snuggle him back to sleep - which is super tempting because he's so cute but I'm like in a daze all the time now from being tired. I just got a new sippy cup that is kind of like the nipples of bottles and he seems to really like that so I'm hoping that will get more fluid in him - we're struggling with him being dehydrated because he doesn't like to drink out of the sippys. I just got him some pedialyte, hoping that will help.
I honestly think I feel different today without the mirena! I usually get little butterfly feelings in my belly ALL day of anxiety and I haven't had it once today. I still have a bit in my chest but it seems better and I know it's probably all in my head but I don't really care haha. I have no new breakouts today on my face - hope it stays that way!!!
I feel your pain with the daycare. I'm kind of fortunate because they don't take part-time daycare for under 15 months at the place we're going to take him plus they don't even have any open infant spots so I have to wait until the end of october to take him but I'm so dreading it. Dreading it enough to consider not working after I graduate for a little while to have another baby and start working again when they're old enough to start pre-school but it seems like a waste of my degree to not go get a job.
Oh Rach – still thinking about you. I hope your body does what it needs to go quickly so you can get on to your next cycle. I think it’s great your doc is going to prescribe the Clomid!

Mar – Nausea still at 22 weeks!! Ugh! Are you still taking anything for it? I am trying not to take anything unless I need it. The food department is definitely tough. I am hungry, but then when I have it in front of me it just doesn’t look (or smell) all that great. I have gained about 4 pounds though so I hope that’s a good thing. Can’t believe you’ve only gained 12! I hope that iron helps give you more energy. Do you take a prenatal too still?

Lindsay – yeah for letting little Oakley cry it out. It’s tough I am sure but I think it will be great in the long run for all of you guys! I didn’t realize that Mirena was progesterone. So glad you are feeling better today!!!

Kelsey – So great about Ryan’s new job!!! Congrats! I am sure that will be a huge help now with the extra day care expenses. What grade will he be teaching? Hope Khloe gets used to day care quickly. I am sure in the long run it has huge benefits to her to have the social interaction (and a little break for you)

Sam, Mel – hope you girls are doing OK, I have been terrible about checking in on journals.

My first appointment (scan) is tomorrow at 9am, then with the doctor after that. I will keep you girls posted. Hoping for good news for sure!

We are planning on spending the Saturday, Sunday and Monday on the boat. I can’t wait! Hope the weather is good. Next week its back to the grind with the studying so I need to enjoy the weekend while I can.
Jess are you taking progesterone right now? And I don't think I congratulated you on passing your 2nd test!! You're just breezing right through now!
Ryan will be teaching high school social studies---so we'll see how challenging the kids are :)
Yes, I do think it will benefit her in the long run. I was talking to a 4k teacher this weekend, and she said that the kids that come from Khloe's daycare are usually a little more advanced. plus, we have no other kids in either our families, so she needs the social interaction.
Props to you Linds if you'd be home full time---I don't think I could do it! I would love to work part time and be home an extra day or 2, but I don't think I could do more than that. Love that girl to death, but days are exhausting when it's just me with her.
Kels, Lindsay and Jess.

Yep... only 12 lbs. I didn't gain a single lb until 19 weeks. And its very slowly made its way up. I feel like I look like I've gained a million lbs.
I haven't taken anything since I stopped the diclecton. Just went with it. But now my iron pills are hurting my tummy.... ugh! Hopefully that tapers off soon because on top of being exhausted still, I will not be able to be running to the bathroom all the time. Not fun!

Yeah we have her (Ariah -Arrrrreeeeeeeya)'s room allllll ready. Just waiting for my glider :)
Kelsey - yes I am on progesterone. This time it's really made me feel yucky!

Mar - you need to post some room pics!!! What theme did you go with?
Oooo Mar I want to see pics!! Sorry you've felt so crappy during your pregnancy! I've heard the nausea sticks around for some people the whole thing! I can't imagine! You're getting so close now! Every time someone here gets close to having a baby I want to get pregnant again lol.

Jess - Can't wait to hear your news today! Make sure you bring snacks to your appt! 3hrs is a long time!

Kels - I know, I'm not sure I could be home all day either but Kirk's schedule is SO unflexible and unpredictable that I end up picking up and dropping Oakley off every day and I can't imagine balancing that with another one thrown in the mix too! If I could find a job where they have a daycare right there then I'd be good with that! So, I almost think I should get pregnant when I know I'm around 6 months out from graduating, stay home with the new one for as long as I can handle it and then start looking for a job. They just always say "it's easier to find a job if you have a job" womp womp. I'm going to talk to a friend that works at the local community college and see if I could get an adjunct position just to keep me doing SOMETHING. We'll see!!

AFM - Oakley is just now stirring and he went to bed at 7:45 last night!! that's 11hrs girls with not a SINGLE PEEP out of the boy!!! I think I found the perfect sippy cup that is not really a sippy cup because it still has a nipple like thing but I will TAKE IT if it makes him sleep through the night!! He drank a ton of milk before bed last night and it calls it a "trainer cup" on the packaging so win win!

Rach - hope you're doing a little better today, hun! big :hugs:
Good news so far girls! Strong HB and measuring right on target!!!! Here's a pic of our growing little bean! I'll post more later! :)


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yayyyyyyyy I just knew it was going to be good news, jess! made my day! cant wait to hear all about it!
Omg Jess that's much more than a bean----that's a big baby in there!!! :) :) :) Sssssooooo happy! Alright, now what was the hb, want to start my gender predictions! and I don't think it's the progesterone making you sick this time, I think it's a healthy baby making you sick ;):hugs:
Lindsay that's awesome about the sippy! Makes sense they'd have a "trainer" cup. Hopefully that leads him right into a regular sippy. I hate that people tell us we need to get rid of a bottle by 1yr....I'm so glad to hear about this trainer cup, maybe that's something I can start with her at a year. This might be a stupid question, but when do they start just getting milk, and no more formula?
Mar---we need an updated belly shot and nursery shot! Love the name---especially since watching the show Pretty Little Liars.
How you holding up Rach :hugs::kiss:
Thanks girls! Chris and I were so relieved that everything looked good! I forgot to ask her what the heartbeat was. She said it was strong and I was measuring slightly ahead at 10+2. You can start your gender predictions... and shouldn't have to wait too long to find out. I am going in Tuesday for some bloodwork which includes the Maternity 21 genetic screening. Its like a CSV but non-invasive and can collect the baby's DNA from your blood. It will tests for a lot of the genetic problems and also provides gender. The doctor told me that it takes about a week to 10 days to come back.

The little baby was dancing all over the place during the scan today. So cute. Chris got a little video with the arms and legs moving!!!

I have my next scan in 2 weeks which will be by 12 week scan with the NT testing etc.

I am just praying that everything comes back OK!!! So far so good so I am going with that. Chris hadn't told his parents yet so we are telling them tonight.
Sorry ladies, haven't been on much but just popped in to check on your scan Jess - YAY!!! What a beautiful little BABY! Not so much of a gummy anymore. I think this might be your rainbow.

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
Woo hoo jess!! Thats a fabulous scan, absolutely brilliant!! Soo soo happy for you and Chris. I will go first and say girl for you Jess. I started feeling better by 12 weeks but had the odd day here and there but still much better than before.

Rach- thinking of you. Sending lots of love.

Kels - your Klhoe is just so cute too, you can't stop with just one either! I agree with the work/home thing. Although I am not going back for 9 more weeks, some days I can't wait to go back and others can't imagine leaving him with someone else. OH tries to understand but he only sees him for 2 hours per day (and then he still watches the news grr) so doesn't really understand just how exhausting it is everyday. I think with us over here they say cows milk to drink from 1 year (can use in cooking from 6 months)

Mar -only 12lb wow I think I put on that in the first tri alone! Can't wait to see pics of LO room.

Linds -yay for 11 hours sleep!! Fab news about the sippy/trainer cup. Hope it continues.

Hi hope, how are you?

afm - I think B has on off tummy and the last 2 days been constipated. Not sure why as his food hasn't changed although it is more lumpy now to encourage him to chew. He has been waking earlier and earlier and his naps have been crap, and has gone back to waking 3-4 times per night although we are not feeding him still. I think he is dropping his mid morning bf which I am sad about and means altering his feeding routine (bringing his lunch sooner) which I always find stressful after just getting a nice one going. My Dad and step mum are coming to stay on Sunday for a week, so that will be nice.
jess im so thrilled for you and I also say girl for some reason! glad you're going for the testing - you'll feel better

kels - we switched to only milk at one year and transition ed starting at 11 months.

my connection sucks right now so I will write more later!
Congrats Jess! That is amazing. So happy for you and Chris. You'll have to let us know what his parents say! Your next scan you can say you're out of the 1st tri! Wow! I say it's a boy.

Sam i'm sorry little B isn't cooperating with you right now. Pretty soon though he should start working out to a better routine. Unbelievable that he is almost 9 months old already. Has he started crawling yet?
Sam - I swear I struggle with getting Oakley's poo the right consistency on a daily basis lol. We're on a carbs kick so he's extra dry in the diaper lately! Try to stick with offering a variety of things and it'll work itself out I'm sure!

Kels - getting off the bottle has been really painful for us so I would recommend trying to introduce a trainer or sippy cup as early as you can. I will definitely start sooner with #2!

Jess - still over the moon for you - can't wait to hear how Chris's parents react!

Mar - Hope you're feeling well!!

Rach - have you made a follow-up appointment yet?

AFM - the other graduate student in my lab graduated today. I got to go to her defense and they even let me stay for the questioning so it gave me a good idea of what I'm in for next year. The job search is on - hopefully I'll find something that will work for Oakley and baby #2! Keep your fingers crossed for me :)
Thanks again girls! We are excited! Chris's parent were very excited about the news. They told me that they had noticed that I was starting to look a little chunky around the middle but didn't want to say anything. LOL My mom has known for a couple weeks because she isn't afraid to tell me when I've put on a few pounds LOL. I wonder if people at work are starting to notice too :shrug:
So I have 2 votes for girl and 1 for boy :)

Hope - 20 weeks already!!! When do you find out gender?

Rach - how are you feeling?

Sam - will your OH help out more when you go back to work. My girlfriend says her OH doesn't and she gets so frustrated. I don't think Chris would be like that but I need to make sure if we get to that point.

Lindsay - 11 hours!! Wow I hope that continues!

Mar - pictures!!!!

Kelsey - how is Khloe doing after a couple days of day care.

Mel - hope you are enjoying 2nd pregnancy bliss!!!

So girls- tell me about the belly band. What does it do? I am starting to feel really uncomfortable in my pants. My mom has been out shopping for dresses but I just don't know what to wear right now.

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