1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Kelsey – that’s great that Khloe is being such a good sport with her new little teeth! Ugh on the colds!!! Chris has not been affected by the government shut down thankfully because he works for the state. What a mess all this is!!! Lindsay – is DC a ghost town?

Lindsay – I will look that crib up! I love it. I think we saw the same one at Babies R Us and really liked it. I think I will go with the dark wood for little Peaches room. Did you girls buy the lifetime cribs? Just wondering what your thoughts were on this.

Oh Mar – so sorry about your little one! :cry: They are definitely an extension of our family and so, so hard when we lose them! It’s weird about him sleeping with you the night before. Our cat did some unusual things like that just before she passed as well. You wonder sometimes if they just know. Sending you a massive hug!!!

Gemini – welcome and so sorry for you loss.

Sorry girls. I did not take a bump pic over the weekend. I have been really bad about it this time. I said I was going to take one every 2 weeks but I missed last week. I promise I will take on this week!! Reharding the doppler, I have been trying not to go too crazy with it. I check probably every few days just to keep myself sane. Trying not to obsess too much about this pregnancy like I did with the others so hopefully all that lack of pressure and stress is helping!
surprisingly, DC is still a mad house! traffic was better on the main highways outside of the city but the main park in the middle of the city is shut down so all the people that drive through it are forced to other roads so it's still pretty packed here. I bet the hill is pretty deserted but by the hospitals where I am it's still nuts lol
oh and we got the lifetime crib bc we love the look of the crib so much but I don't know if we will for the next baby.
oh and we got the lifetime crib bc we love the look of the crib so much but I don't know if we will for the next baby.

Do you think you'll take the crib apart and use it for a regular bed etc when Oakley gets older?
yea that's the plan... we got the kit to make it into a toddler bed and then a full bed later. I have a feeling after the toddler bed stage he'll want bunk beds or something so we would use it as a guest bed... but we'll see! if we wait long enough for baby two then we could reuse the crib but I'm not sure what age kids leave toddler beds lol
Rach - wow you look fantastic. Way to go! You looked lovely in the first pic but I know we ourselves never see the good that other people see in us. I really believe the weight loss helped my become pg so keep going and you'll get your rainbow. Sorry to hear about Andrews job, hope it won't take a month and he gets back working soon.

MAr - big hugs for losing your little fur baby. They are part of the family and not just a dog/cat etc. We have lost pets through the years and its heartbreaking every time so know just how you feel.

Jess - using the doppler every few days and trying to relax a bit more sound like a great plan. Don't know what a life time cot is so cant help with that. Ours is a cot bed so can be made into a toddler bed but not an adult one that I get the impression the cot you are looking at does. Looking forward to the bump pic next week.

Kels - glad Khloe is coping well with her teeth. Benjamin get a sippy cup with water at meal times and des really well with it but I am not sure if I should be getting him to use it for milk (when he normally gets a bottle) although he has no teeth yet to worry about!!

Linds - 2 hour commute, ong thats insane. Hope you get the house sold quickly.

Gemini - welcome and sorry for your loss.

afm - wan't sure if I said my mum is visiting this week. I has been nice and more relaxing than my dad although she is not as hands on as when my dad/step mum is here. She cooked loads of meals today to freeze for when I am back at work on a few weeks time. Got B weighed as he is 10 months old today -19lb 10oz. He was up again for nearly 2 hours wide awake last night but OH was the one to try to settle him down. The night before he sttn!! There is no consistency with this boy!!
Sam - with the lifetime crib, apparently the back and front of the crib becomes the headboard and foot board for a regular full size bed, you just have to add the rails. That's great that your mom cooked all those meals for you. I am sure that's a big help!!! I love when my mom cooks for us, I'm not a great cook. When you say she's not as hands on, do you mean with little B? Chris and I wonder how our parents would be with a little one after all these years. I would need to go back to work after the 12 week maternity leave so I guess we would need to be able to trust them! :shock: They have to be better than day care right!!??? Ugh!

Linds - so did you buy the conversion kits in advance? I am guessing you would need to do that to ensure that they don't stop carrying that model. Your commute sounds terrible. I don't think I would be able to handle that!! Chris and I could not take the hour we were driving before each way, I can't even imagine two!!!
We did buy the rails ahead of time and yea it was because we were worried they would go out of business or discontinue the model or something. I don't think the rails were very expensive anyway. :) I just loved the crib so much I knew I wouldn't mind using it as a guest bed or if Oakley wants it later he can have it as a "big boy" bed lol.
Sam - I hear ya on no consistency! Oakley was up last night and DH took on the duty of calming him down - it was so nice! We are finding that I only make things worse most of the time when I go in in the middle of the night because he wants to snuggle with me so as soon as I go to put him back in his crib, he flips out. So, if Kirk is the first to go in, he'll calm him down and then seems to go down easier - at least he did last night - we'll see what the next night wake up brings.
So nice of your mom to cook for you! I need to cook and freeze a ton of stuff - I've been so busy we eat out almost every night now...it's kind of sad because I do love cooking so much!
Are you dreading going back to work or looking forward to it? Is B going into daycare?
Omg Lindsay---same here!!! Since Khloe's not been feeling well, nightime has been bad to put her down because she wants to cuddle with me nonstop. If I put her in her crib she SCREAMS and tries crawling out after me. It hurts my heart too much to not take her back out, but then I call Ryan in and although she screams for me, he gets her settled and back to sleep and she lets him put her down. Aww, I feel so loved, but I wonder how Ryan feels when she screams for me the minute he takes her. It would bother me.....
Anyway, I had no clue what you guys were talking about with the lifetime crib---I think it's amazing there's a crib that can also be an adult bed!?
2 HOUR COMMUTE?!!?!??! No wonder you debate staying home with O!!!!!!! I would shoot my foot off if I had to drive that far just 1 way! I honestly couldn't even imagine...
Jess 15 weeks tomorrow!!!!!! I remember always wondering how my parents would be as grandparents, I knew they'd be awesome and I couldn't wait to see how they were with them, especially our dads. Are you going to have to do daycare at all? I dreaded daycare, but I actually love it now. If it comes a day when Khloe cries about going, it would be hard but for right now she loves it too.
Sam, how much longer do you have at home? Do you dread going back to work or are you kind of looking forward to getting back into the swing of things? I suppose it depends if you like your job or not.

AFM-Khloe had her 9 month check up yest----found out she has an ear infection and her other ear was pink. I felt so bad because she had been pulling at the ear, but usually only when she was tired so I didn't think much of it (but it was in the back of my mind). So I was a little upset about that, and then I went to the pharmacy and the Dr. forgot to send over her prescription and then pediatrics was closed. I kind of lost it because I knew the people from pediatrics was still in the office, but the receptionist would not transfer me to them. Normally, I hate confrontation and would just let it till today, but not when it comes to Khloe. so we went back and forth and finally she put me through and they apologized and sent the prescription. By this time, Khloe was beyond hungry and needed a diaper change. The people at the pharmacy were rude, and I was just overwhelmed. Cried all the way home and that was my night. lol But she's such a trooper and dealt with it all better than me. She's so little---16th percentile for height and 30something for weight. She was like 17 lbs 6.5oz and 26.4 inches tall or something like that.
Kelsey - I feel so bad too. It definitely gets to Kirk! He'll get upset when Oakley doesn't want him but it's bound to happen early on with the LOs since we do the majority of feeding and time spent with them. I'm sure it will come back around some day when they want their daddy's and not their mommy's. I know when I was little my mom said I went through a daddy phase and it broke her heart.
Yea, the two hours is bad - now that the government is shut down it's been more like 1.5hrs, but it still sucks haha. That's why I work from home once a week to control my sanity! I'm home today - woohoo!!

Jess - Happy 15 weeks, hun!!! When is your next appointment?!

Sam, Rach, Mel, Mar and Gemini - hope you ladies are doing great :) Any weekend plans??

We have a wedding to go to tomorrow, and I unfortunately have to go to work on Sunday (Cells don't care it's the weekend...) and today I'm prepping for my presentation stuff next week.
Kelsey - you will have to check out your crib to see if yours is a Lifetime one. I guess its not really "lifetime" but you start out with it as a crib and then you can get the conversion kits to change the front to make it a toddler bed and then take it apart to use the front and back as a headboard and footboard for a full size bed. Sorry little Khloe is sick again :( I would have flipped out at the doctors off and the pharmacy as well!
I can just imagine LO's preferences for mommy or daddy would be tough on the other one. I guess they just go through stages with that and you have to keep that in mind. When we first told Chris' parents we were having a girl they kept saying - oh she's going to be a daddy's girl. Just drove me nuts!!!

Lindsay - what happened with that crazy lady at the capital yesterday!!?? So weird. Its nice you have the ability to work from home sometimes. That helps the drive a bit. Boo for having to work on Sunday. Those darn cells!!!!

AFM - I can't believe I'm 15 weeks. Never thought I would get there. My next appointment is next week on Friday. I don't think we'll get a scan but I may ask. We have a wedding in Gainesville that weekend as well so we will be heading up right after the appointment. Progress has been slow on our house the last couple of weeks. Its driving me crazy. 1 guy has been working on tiling the 3 bathrooms ALL WEEK!!!! Ugh! Hopefully they have a bigger crew coming in today to start on the floors because this is ridiculous and they have a lot of tile to lay! Not sure if we will go buy today or Sunday. There is a storm brewing in the Gulf of Mexico which is kicking up the winds and seas so we may boat tomorrow but definitely not Sunday.
I don't think they know much about the crazy lady yesterday except that she was in serious financial distress and she had her 1 year old in the backseat throughout the WHOLE thing! Thankfully, she's the only casualty in the situation but I believe there were two injured. I guess the father of her child had called the police on her in December saying she was a danger to their daughter and she was delusional. So, I think she's had a lot of issues.

I'm so happy for you, Jess being at 15 weeks! When is your next official scan? You'll have to get used to the other side of the family being overly pushy about certain things. It's funny because it bothers me that Kirk's family is super adamant that they don't see a bit of Kirk in Oakley and it's only me. It just seems like it bothers them so much that it bothers me. I think it's hard to see Kirk in Oakley since Kirk has the beard and is constantly in the sun for his job so he's really tan all the time. I'm tempted to get a paternity test and frame it for them!! lol So, either way, family will be annoying/pushy about SOMETHING haha.

Be careful with that storm coming! I heard it's supposed to be pretty bad! I hope it will bring some rain up this way! It's been a while since we've had some good rain.

Do any of you watch Game of Thrones? Kirk and I have just started watching because of all the hype and needing a new show and we just got done with the first season. While I'm pretty much hooked, it's practically porn sometimes!! Do they do that just because it's HBO and they can?! My goodness!!
My next official scan is the 4th. That is the appointment I have with the high risk doctor. I did not watch Game of Thrones but Chris did and he loved it.
hey girls. just wanted to stop in and say hello!! hope everyone is doing great. hope traffic gets better for you Linds. I couldn't imagine waiting that long in it. :grr: Jess your house looks lovely. congrats on 15 weeks.I am so happy for you!! Mar I'm so sorry about your dog. Like Kels said my dog is my baby. it's so hard losing them :hugs: Kels Khloe may be small but she certainly is cute!! How have you been?

afm I've been BDing so much lately. I can only hope for a bfp next week. have lost 10 more lbs than the last time I was preg.
Hi Girls. Thanks for all the support. He was def. our little baby (mostly because he was a 5 lb Yorkie) but he was the youngest of the fur babes. MY HUSBAND was also gone ALL week for work so I was home alone, dwelling and watching our big dog really figure out that his little brother was not coming home. Ugh! Anyways he is home now and I feel much more at peace.

I've started having some intense back pain. I'm suspecting my angel is moving further down into the pelvis. It hurts! haha. AHHHHHHHHHHHH and its only just begun. :)
Hi girls - attached is my 15 week bump pic as promised.


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<3 <3 <3 <3 this brings tears to my eyes. I've always wanted to see this from you. You so deserve it Jess. I am beyond happy for you. Wow!! You look amazing.
Oh Jess what a perfect tiny bump!!! So wonderful to see this. I am just watching Game of thrones atm (love Sean Bean and really liking the Drogo king blokey -phwoah!!!)

Rach - lots of bd'ing I see!!! Fingers crossed you may catch the eggy this month. Well done for losing more weight, please send some of that willpower over the pond to me!!

Mar - is baby still breech? Hope LO has turned and all the right bits are pressing down.

Kels - how is Khloe? Did they give you antibiotics? B on them and struggled to get him to take them. Atm B does prefer me slightly but not to the point OH can't settle him down, in fact I can settle him better without picking him up (at night) than he can. He doesn't have separation anxiety but it not as smiley as he used to be with new people. I am sure she will be a daddies girl and he will get all the cuddles for a while. I haven't had B height done for a while (50th when last done) but he is only about 30ish centile for weight. As long as she is gaining along the growth line then she is just perfect. At B's 8 weeks injections he was 75th for height but 9th for weight and he put more weight on and height not so much so I am sure she'll have a growth spurt in height.

linds - hope you are having a fab weekend and Oakley sleep has settled back down.

afm - I went to the nursery to look at starting Benjamin settling period. He is booked in for half an hour Mon 14th, I can't remember if I stay the first time or not. In some ways I am looking forward to going back to work and some ways not. I feel very relaxed when I go to the nursery and have every confidence in them. There will only be 3 babies and AT LEAST 2 nursery ladies with the babies so know he will get lots of attention.
Sam - I am sure it will be hard to juggle everything when you go back to work, but in some ways I am sure it's nice to have the break and interact with others. When do you do back?

Mar - Hope you're not in too much pain. Are you on weekly doctors appointments now?

Rach - I hope all this BDing pays off for you! Keep it up! How is the wedding planning coming along? It won't be long now.

Lindsay - how was the wedding?

Kelsey - how is little Khloes ear infection?

Mel - we need a pregnancy update from you and some bump pics!!!

AFM - we went to see the house yesterday. They are working on the floor and it's looking great! We did find a couple mistakes with the granite so hopefully they can get that fixed quickly. I am trying not to get too stressed about it all but I swear we have to be there every day! Ugh!

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