1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

yay mar! :) I remember going to my doc appts and having the doctors tell me I'd go to 43 weeks if they'd let me - they were wrong as my water broke in my due date but I remember wanting to scream at her haha. I'm going with October 27th just cuz o was born on a 27th of the month lol. how you're staying as comfortable as possible and enjoyed your thanksgiving! I'm so excited for our thanksgiving this year! we are not hiding for the first time in 5 years due to our new house being too small until we finish the basement but I'm looking forward to going somewhere else for it!

rach - sorry about af! she just showed for me too. this will be my first real one since having the mirena out. it's been a really long time since I've had a real one... prob going to suck lol.

he's your pic on Facebook was so cute! :) you look fantastic!

today is my mom's birthday so I'm trying to head out of work early to take her out :) hope everyone has a great day!
Hi girls!
Sorry I didn't post on Friday! We were at the doctors for 3 hours!!! then went by the (new) house and then off to Gainesville for the wedding. We got there with about 30 minutes to spare before the 7:30pm rehearsal dinner, talk about cutting it close. I did ask for a scan and my doctor want to do one anyway to check my cervix because of all the MC's. Everything looked perfect. We also got to look at our little girl, she is measuring about 3 days ahead and everything was looking great. She was moving around a lot waving her arms and legs! I will post a pic later.

Mar - How are you feeling? I am going to guess the 29th.

Lindsay - did you survive all of your lectures etc? Hope you did not end up getting sick!

Rach - sorry the witch got you, but on a positive note you are looking FAB in your FB pics!

Mel, Kelsey, Sam - Hope all is going well with you girls!

Well Chris made our baby announcement on FB so everybody knows now! We took some great pics this weekend outside the ceremony so he really wanted to post them. We had a great time at the wedding although after a little bit of dancing my belly hurt a bit so I didn't want to push it and sat down. Chris's family gave us a lot of the left over wine and liquor too bad I can't drink any of it! :(
just a quick one

Jess - so glad you had a great dr's appointment and your got to see baby girl waving away. I loved the pics of fb of your announcement. Can't wait to see a scan pic.

Linds - hope AF isn't too hard and you aren't getting a cold and you have a nice time with your mum

Rach - sorry Af was so painful for you, bad enough as it is without the added mega cramps. oooh exciting about your dress and bridesmaid colours. Do we get to know what you picked.

Mar - happy full term. I'll guess 1st Nov

Hi Kels, mel

afm - Looks like B has another cold. Nose pouring again today I might go to Drs about his nose as it seems to bother him even when it isn't runny. He had his first half hour intro to nursery this morning and it went fine. HE was great with the ladies and played away fine. I left him for 15 mins and he was totally okay. We go back Thursday for a longer spell but I don't think we'll have any problems.
Morning Ladies!

Jess - I love the color of your house! you're soo close! Have you thought any more about cribs?? We still love ours! We've been discussing lately if we will get another crib and turn that into the toddler bed/double bed for Mr. O and I think we may buy Oakley bunk beds or something next and let the next baby use that crib and then if O wants it when he goes to a double bed - he can have it back. Who knows! So excited they gave you a scan! I'm so thrilled for you guys!! You have your anatomy scan at 18 or 20 weeks?

Sam - Poor B!! O still has snot pouring down his face but only off and on! It doesn't seem to bother him - only me wiping his face makes him crazy lol. Is his snot clear or cloudy? Maybe he has a sinus infection? He just got off the antibiotics for his chest so you would think that would have taken care of anything in his nose but who knows!
That's great about the daycare! O starts two weeks from today! I'm SO nervous, it sucks. We are also just jumping right in with a full day right from the start - they didn't offer any partial days. Maybe I'll see if I can just do the afternoon for him there on the first day or something.

Rach - hope AF is being as good to you as possible! Now that you're dress shopping are you going to lay off the TTC? If you got pregnant this cycle you'd be due around O's birthday!

Kelsey - how's the new job position going?? Still waiting on baby #2?

Mel - hope you're doing good, hun!!

Mar - how you feeling?? I only had braxton-hicks that didn't hurt. It took me a while to realize I was having them - I definitely had the "lightning crotch" though - that hurt! At your last appointment had you started dilating? I guess that would have been a bit early! Do we get a final bump pic?? I did one of those belly casts - it's fun now to hold it up to me and see how big I got! My boobs were fantastic lol.

AFM - I did get sick but not a full blown cold, thankfully. I'm home today because now my MIL is sick :( I'm still kind of fighting my half cold so it's probably good I'm home - I don't think my boss will agree but there's nothing I can do about it. O was up a lot last night - we try to put him down without a binky now and I think it back-fired on us last night. He can nap without one but night time is a little trickier, I guess.
I forgot how much AF sucks lol. Glad to be back to normal though! Still have a minor breakout on my face but much better than before so I'm thinking it will take a few cycles for me to fully regulate again.
Oh no girls - all of your sick little ones!!! I guess it's that time of year. I'm sure its so hard having them not feel well and not being able to tell you.

Lindsay - Sorry you are not feeling well and to have AF on top of that - ugh!. It's probably good that you took the day off. My next appointment with the high risk doctor is on the 24th. I am looking forward to getting through this one. Yes, the house is really coming along quickly now. They are still saying about another month until closing but I honestly don't see how they can drag it out for another month. It doesn't seem like there's that much left to do.

Kelsey - How are you doing? Did you end up getting affected by the government shutdown? I hope this all comes to an end soon!

Sam - Is little B going to be doing partial days at the day care until you go back to work? It's nice to be able to transition him like that.

Mar - when is your official due date?

Rach - I hope the witch is not being too bad.
Jess - that's the story of my life lol. Everything looks so close to being done and for whatever reason it still takes forever! I hope you're in before thanksgiving!! :)
how is everyone? quiet lately!

I'm back to work today after two days home with o since my mil was sick so I'm missing mr. o today! we only have one more week until daycare starts and I'm starting to freak a bit about it. I don't want to cry in front of o when I leave but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to stay calm :-( I know it will just be tough the first week or so and then he will probably love it. our maybe he'll be fine right from the start - ha! a girl can dream!

government I'd back today too! Hope I'll get some news on my grant stuff - New deadlines!

doing Halloween stuff this weekend with o! can't wait!
Hey girls!

Lindsay - did you end up getting sick or are you feeling OK? I am sure little O will be fine at day care (but I'm sure you won't) think of how good it will be in the long run for him. I can't believe how big he's getting on the FB pics! Quite a little man already! Were you saying that the government is back in today?

Kelsey - how is little K doing with day care?

No news here! Just anxiously waiting for my appointment next week. Anyone have any big plans for the weekend? We have a birthday party to go to on Saturday butay take the boat out Sunday. It seems like forever since we've been out.
I did get sick but it went away within a day and it wasn't bad at all, I can't complain! and I know it will be good for Oakley it just sucks for the transition time. I wish Kirk could drop him off lol. and yes the government is back today!
when is your appointment next week? Friday again?
Ok it's been forever since I've had a chance to write, and then I feel so overwhelmed and behind that I put off writing. So, I've tried to read it over best I can, sorry if I miss something.
JESSIE, LOVE THE BABY BUMP YOU'VE GOT STARTED!!! Loved the announcement, so awesome where you guys are right now. Any names getting thrown out there yet? And your house is gorgeous, think it will be your forever home now?
Aww, boo to all your sick little ones! Khloe had her first ear infection, and she was on antibiotics. They were bubblegum flavored, so she loved them :) But she still didn't seem right after they were done so I took her back and the Dr. said she had some water in her ears that was cloudy, so still some infection. So she's on different stuff that's flavored, but I think smells awful and she doesn't take them as easy.
Rach, I finally caught up on the Challenge. Yuummm CT, Diem kinda annoyed me. But he was kind of rude how he chased her, and then dropped her when he got her. But I just love that show.
The govt shutdown sucked for me. we were still required to come to work, but didn't know when we'd get paid for it. So we were supposed to get paid 2 weeks ago, but only got a partial check, and now this coming week we'll get the rest of what they owe, just not sure when. And even worse because of it my training got pushed back until god knows when. So I'm so sick of my job, and I'm even crankier about it because I was supposed to be done with it weeks ago. ugg...
Anyway, Lindsay, I think you'll love daycare! I was so glad Ryan drops her off, because I was a crying mess her first day. And if I had to be the one to drop her off, it would have been a scene. I actually kind of picked a daycare about 15 min. out of the way because then Ryan would be the one to have to drop her off. it's also an awesome daycare. But they are so great with Khloe and do so many more activities and learning things than I'd know to do with her. Plus, then she's around other kids and loves it. I love it when it's time to pick he up because I love seeing her playing with the other kids and how she reacts when she sees me. I hope you'll have the same experience, and I'm sure you will. Oakley's obviously older and more aware of his surroundings so he may react differently, but I think he'll love it.
Sam---how's B doing?! Hopefully daycare is great and hopefully he's feeling better.
How's everyones little ones sleeping?
Have a great weekend girls!
Thanks Kelsey! I know eventually I'll love daycare for Oakley but I think that first week and especially that first day is going to be absolute torture! I hope they're ready for me to call every 10 minutes haha. Kirk works such funny hours (leaves the house by 530am every morning) that it would be impossible for him to drop O off ever :( Ugh...I'll survive!
Mr. O is now sleeping like a champ! Typically get from 7-7 now! It's amazinggggggg
Bathroom floor is finally SPARKLING!!!! And I was only up once in the night to pee... maybe the end is near.

At my OB appointment last week, I had gained 2 lbs and my OB is sending me to Labour and Delivery twice a week until Baby A's arrival for Non-Stress Tests. I have an auto immune disease and evidently there can be a "auto-immune phenomenon" that can affect the placenta so I have to go to keep an eye on our wee angel. I'm fine with it!
Mar - I remember not having to pee as often at the end and I thought it was all in my head and I was just too tired to get up in the night haha. Good job on your bathroom floor! I don't think I was doing anything but walking circles in my house at 38 weeks haha. Any more contractions? We are going to need daily updates from you soon!! What about one last bump pic??

Jess - How you doing?? Your appointment is almost here!! Can't wait to see another picture of your little one!!

How's everyone else doing??

AFM - My poor dog is suffering from some sort of infection on his skin right now and on his ear - I took him to the vet yesterday and they ran practically every test in the book on him and he's now on steroids, antibiotics, antifungals - all topical and oral! I feel so bad for him but he's finally not scratching anymore so that's a good sign. He's a boxer so he's already thin but he's lost some weight recently and he looks pretty awful.
I've been O'ing CD17 the last couple months so I didn't think we needed to bother with a condom last night (CD10) and now this morning my cervix is pretty open and I have EWCM - temp is way down too. I think my EWCM started really early last month too though..I need to look at my chart.
Has everyone fallen off the earth??????

Jess how was the appointment?

Long story but here's the latest on Baby A. She has until her due date to arrive on her own or I will be induced. She has significantly slowed down and even though her heartrate is fine and doc isn't worried based on the Non-Stress she's been having me do, she's sending me for an US on Tuesday to make sure everything is ok. And then I will be induced Nov 4.

NOT MUCH LONGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JEss - saw the pic on fb - just so bloody brilliant, can't wait to hear the details.

Mar - hope everything goes okay at the scan and baby decided to arrive before induction, I guessed the 2nd I think!

Kels - Happy Birthday, hope you are having a fab day.

Linds - glad your dog is feeling a bit better, it is horrible not knowing what the problem is but it looks like whatever you are getting from the vet seems to be working. I remember last month you had ewcm from early on so I think you'll be 'safe' with your bd. Some months I get it earlier than others.

Rach - how are you hun? Hows the wedding planning going?

afm -Benjamin started crawling properly on Tuesday. He is still wobbly and not very fast probably because he just want to stand all the time. He has stood on his own for a few second and can gingerly 'cruise' the furniture but has no concept of gaps between things! He is having 'tantrums' for want of a better word. I know they are not the same as older children's as his is borne out of frustrations not being able to do the things he wants and being told NO you can't suck the lap top cable etc!!! Its a battle of will during some nappy changes too!
Whoa BNB has changed a lot! I like it but at the same time it's weird.

Mar wow November 4th? Not too far away at all.

Lindsay how is your dog doing? That's awful he is on all that medicine :( I hope he's much better today!

Sorry i've been MIA. I've been working a lot and wedding planning. Everything is super hectic. As far as baby making.... last month we tried with no success. This cycle we're NTNP. I constantly go back and forth in my mind as to whether or not we should NTNP or TTC. So hard! I got an appt tmrw to go look at some wedding dresses. I'm excited about that. Oh and i got a 3 day weekend! Woohoo. Ugh it's suppose to flurry here tonight. NOT HAPPY! It's not suppose to snow until AFTER Halloween! lol. Any costumes picked out for you or your babies? I'm going as a pirate ;) I got a party to go to Sat night!
Hi girls!
Sorry I have been MiA!!! It's been nuts the last few days!

Happy Birthday Kesley!! :cake: Hope you are having a fabulous day!!!

Mar - I can't believe you are already almost there!!! I am sure it's nice to have the end in sight!!! How are you feeling? Any contractions? We need a final bump pic!!!

Sam - yeah for little B crawling. I bet it gets tough know trying to keep an eye on him all the time! Is he feeling better? How have your daycare sessions been gong?

Lindsay - sorry to hear about your dog. Hope the infection goes away soon. I love the pics you posted on FB of him in the chair!!! How is little O?

Rach - congrats on reaching the 70 pound mark! You look awesome! How exciting about going to look at wedding dresses!!! You have to post some pics!!

AFM - had our appointment today with the High risk doctor. They said everything looked good today so I am happy. They do want me to come back in 4 weeks for another scan of her heart and then again in 8 weeks for a growth scan. They said they recommend both because of my age. :shrug: Here are a couple pics (the 3 scan looks so weird!!)


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