1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Jess - so glad you got a doppler! I think that will make you feel a lot better but like Sam said - don't worry if you can't find the HB. At my 12 week appointment at my OB/GYN when they weren't going to do a scan she couldn't find the HB on the doppler for a few minutes and she eventually did but she was just about to schedule in a scan for right then and little O was fine just had his back against my back so it was hard to find since he was still so small - my SIL scanned me that's how I knew he was in a weird position!

Rach - how you doing hun? How's this cycle going? are you and Andrew just NTNP? or are you preventing?

Mel - if you're stalking - Oakley is OBSESSED with that twinkle twinkle little star video. It's officially part of bedtime routine! Keeps him from squirming during diaper/PJ change!

Sam - we are going to a 30th surprise party today and yesterday Kirk was remodeling a bathroom for a family friend so Oakley and I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned! What are you guys up to? How's B doing? All better infection-wise? and sleeping better, I hope??? I talked to Kirk about when we will try again and he agrees no later than when O turns 2, so I'm good with that! Who knows what I'll say next week lol We joke with my brother-in-law and his wife that it will be a race to see who can get pregnant first starting in January but I don't know if we'll be ready yet. I am kind of looking forward to not being pregnant during the holidays this year! I had such horrible morning sickness with O two years ago!
Linds - that's great that you have something to plan for ttc but you never know what may happen before that!!! Must look at the video on fb, just didn't get chance when back home.

Jess - hope you had a relaxing weekend.

Hi Rach, Mel, Mar.

afm - back home last night. Quite glad to be home as although I love being with my Dad, step mum and mum trying to balance seeing mum (I stay at Dads house) keeping all happy is stressful for me. B sleep has been going from bad to worse. :sleep: I hope it is just because he was not in his house/cot but he has been difficult to get to sleep, just can't even get out of his room without him crying. He will be all quiet till you move then he's off. AND he has started waking in the night and staying awake for 2 hours from say 2am till 4am. Sometimes he'll play with his dummies, chat to himself but again as soon as you leave or try to settle him he cries, even cuddling into him on the bed won't work. Last night was bad but then I had just travelled 4 hours so fingers crossed tonight will be better. Still no teeth!! He can get from sitting to crawl position/belly but then can't do any more after that. Maybe do his commando crawl but won't put much effort into that!
Aww Sam! I'm sorry you're having a rough time sleeping but Oakley never sleeps well while traveling. when we stay at a hotel we have to put him down and then hang out in the bathroom until he settles down to sleep. if he sees us he'll never go to sleep. do you let him try to cry it out at all? I actually ended up turning oakleys monitor if since if he really needed us we would hear him through the walls and now he doesn't get up at all. it took about a week or two to get him adjusted. and yes! anything could happen but we are preventing during o time right now but not any other time abd even during o time we're not always great. I think through the new year we will be careful and then it's kind of what will be well be after that unless I'm really close to graduating... we'll see! I'm really looking forward to the next one now that oakleys sleeping good again haha we'll see what next week brings! what about you guys? trying for number 2 one you get b sleeping better?

jess when does your Doppler come in?
Lindsay not too long before y'all start TTC again. Wouldn't it be perfect if you had a little girl :cloud9: Trust me, i know any gender is wonderful regardless! Just sayin. Oakley could protect his little sis. Would be so adorbs <3

Sam i'm so sorry you're having such a time with little B. I can't even imagine trying to juggle his sleep schedule with life. I'm a monster when i get less than 7 hrs of sleep. I hope tonight is a better night. I hope y'all get some sleep!

Jess soo.... is a bump pic out of the works or....? :haha:

Mel hope you're doing good girly. Always look at your facebook to see the latest pics of Lexi. She is one cute little girl. She really looks split down the center of you and your husband. How are things cooking with baby #2? Are you contemplating on baby #3? Saw you had made a funny remark about it :haha: When i look at your pics i can just tell you're such a good mommy! Lexi looks like a happy go lucky girl :)

Kelsey hope everything is going great on your end! Have you been watching The Challenge this season? Who do you think is gonna win the final?! Gosh that CT is one hunk! How is Khloe doing? She looks exactly like you. She has the most beautiful eyes i've ever saw!! <3 <3 <3

Mar any contractions?!?

Happily have no idea where you disappeared to, but i hope AF has came for you. :hugs:

AFM just trying to keep my mind occupied. Have done a great job with that. I had a girl from work ask me when my due date was today. I know it wasn't her fault for bringing it up, but brought me down at the same time. I had to explain to her what happened. Then she brings up that her sister in law had the same problem with miscarriages. No one really understands. Just because you know someone who went through it, isn't the same as actually going through it, but the gesture was nice. Drew and i are NTNP. I can't just not try lol. It's not in my vocabulary. :dohh:
Oh Sam - sorry you are having a rough time with little B's sleeping. Hopefully he's just cranky being away from home. Do you play any music or anything for him? Maybe something soothing would help. How is his infection? How are you Feeling?

Rach - you are so right that nobody understands unless they have been through it! Hang in there girl :hugs: with all of you weight loss and getting your cycles back on track you will have your rainbow soon! How is the wedding planning coming along? I will post a bump pic soon. We haven't really taken very many because it's more like just a roll there!!! :haha:

Mar - your first official week home! How are you feeling? Need a nursery pic!!!

Lindsay - how is little Oakley doing? I hope you get preggo soon!!! :winkwink:

Well I got my Doppler today. I had a hard time finding the HB at first and was ready to call the doc tomorrow for scan but Chris finally found it! Whew!
yay! so exciting Jess!! Oakley's good! Woke up a bunch last night but it was freezing in our house so I'm sure he was just cold. I'm not ready for winter!! I think we would def be preggo by now if I weren't in such a transitional time with school. I'm going to be so upset if I don't graduate by June though! Might end up not waiting if I get delayed at all. I'll know more in January - not too far away!
Can you girls please send some of that cold weather down this way!!??? I am waiting for it to get here. I am so over this heat!!!
HEY GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woot woot. Yeah, actually my past 6 days off have been relatively busy. I've made a TO DUE list...you know, the stupid things that you always think of doing but never have time. And my plan is, as I progress through the remaining weeks, I will do more and more. One those these stupid things is actually scrubbing my bathroom floor with a toothbrush. I can't wait!! That will be next week. Too much bending over causes PERMA Braxton Hicks.

Still having plenty of the BH but nothing consistent. So happy to be off though... sleep is sh*t. Up several times to pee now and my heartburn is getting worse and worse. :S ugh. But the good news is I have no where to be so I'm trying to enjoy these final days. When I really think about it, it makes me a little sad that I wont be pregnant for much longer. So I hold on to that when I feel like a bag of sh*t.

haha Jess! I can try and send you some of the cold weather but with it comes colds and flu.
We had a frost warning last night! It went down to almost freezing over night and now its warm and sunshiny this afternoon. Crazy!
Mel Khloe LOVES the video as well!! Like claps her hand, giggles and MUST touch the screen which in turn always makes the video pause and makes her irritated :)
omg Sam you poor girl with no sleep!! If Khloe reverts back to those first couple weeks, I"ll die! It's so stressful trying to make it out of the room at night hoping she won't wake up. She's not good sleeping in her pack'n'play so sleeping anywhere besides her crib isn't the greatest. So I'm sure now that B's back home on his own territory it will get better. No teeth here yet either, whew, glad she's not alone!
Thanks Rach---my family can't believe how much she looks like me---especially when she makes certain faces. I have all the challenges taped, but haven't watched them yet!! I'm dying to watch them, but my DVR is full and I can hardly keep up. I have like more than 50 Real Housewives shows to catch up on too! I also want to know how the wedding planning is coming? You're going to be such a skinny minnie in your dress!! Do you have one picked out? What style are you thinking?
Jess!!!!!!! Remember the bat?? :grr: Get going on your bump pic, I want one now!!! :) Can't believe you're almost 14 weeks! Like somebody else said, my Dr. found the hb reeeaalllyyy low. And actually always took a minute for her to find it, until later in pregnancy. that's so awesome if you ever have a moment of worry you can whip it out. Have you started telling people yet? GOnna make a FB announcment??
Omg mar, you crazy girl---a toothbrush!? I'll be lucky to get the mop out, much less a toothbruth! I'd be much lazier and clear out my DVR :)
Woo hoo jess for hearing the hb!! I'll keep a bit of the cool weather here but only at night, for some reason I am so hot at night atm, you can have it during the day though!

Kels - Khloe is just so cute!! Still haven't got round to seeing the video. Really must now!! How is Khloe now in daycare, you mentioned about her bottles before has that all settled down?

Mar -at 30'odd weeks I washed the floor with a cloth using my feet, never mind getting on my hands and knees an using a toothbrush.

Rach - I now your friend was probably trying to empathise but as you dais know one knows unless you have been through it.

Linds - I hope Oakley sleep better tonight if things have warmed up a bit! I have let him cry for a very little while if it sounds like what they call mantra cry but atm it sounds more like proper crying which I can't ignore. Wondering if it is a bit of separation anxiety the last couple of days he has watched me leave the room and looked for me, also looking round in his pram to see where I am which he hasn't really done before. Last night he was up from 4am till 5.15 when OH eventually brought him into our bed.
Mar - you should be relaxing and enjoying your last couple weeks of sanity and sleep. Scrubbing the bathroom with a toothbrush does not sound relaxing!!! By the way, add posting a nursery pic to your to do list!!! :winkwink:

Kelsey - I will take a bump pic this weekend and post, I promise!!! I have only told close friends. My immediate boss is back from vacation on Monday so I am waiting to tell him first and then I will tell others. I still feel so cautious about it all.

Sam - how is little B doing now that he's back home?

AFM - We are going to see the house tomorrow after work and I am so excited!!! Chris went today at lunch and the guys were there installing the cabinets. I can't wait to see them finished!!! They are supposed to start the tile this week too. It's really starting to look like a house!!!
How exciting Jess!! When do you get to move in?

Kelsey lmfao you killed me with that damn bat!!!! Still laughing.

Mar how the heck can you be excited about scrubbing with a tooth brush?! LOL! More power to ya.
THAT IS AWESOME!!! Wow very soon. Just in time to decorate for Christmas!!!!!! Then decorate baby peach's room!!! AHHH!!!! :cloud9:
So exciting Jess! :) Can't wait for you guys to move in there just in time for your baby girl! So perfect! How are you feeling now? Has the nausea gone away?

Sam - hope you had a better night last night! I was tempted to bring O in our bed last night. He got up at 10 and just would not go back to sleep. It seems whenever he doesn't nap well during the day he's a mess at night. He was up until 1130 and he only went down because I snuggled up with him on the couch until he fell asleep and then put him back in his crib. If I go in his room at all though it ends up lasting much longer than if I just ignore him (but I hate it!!).

Rach - how's your cycle going? any EWCM? How's wedding planning???

Kelsey - how's daycare going?? We're almost to October so I'm going to be there before I know it! October 29th for Mr. O!

Mar - you're crazy, hun!! haha I went on cleaning sprees when I was pregnant but nothing like that! Good luck! haha

AFM - DH is home with bronchitis and O is rolling around in his crib so I should probably get to him. Working from home today but hope I'm able to get something done!! I have a presentation to make to give to 350 people in less than two weeks!! ahhh!! wish me luck on that one!
Thanks girls! OMGosh last night I had the worst nose bleed!!! I have been sneezing a lot while pregnant, usually when it comes on I sneeze about 10 times in a row. Anyway, last night I was sneezing and blowing my nose with the tissue. Then I felt a little phelgmy so I went to the bathroom to spit and it was all blood. When I looked at my tissues they were all bloody too (I have no idea how I didn't realize it before). Anyway, it went on for a few minutes, nose bleeds and spitting blood. Did some googling and put pressure on my nose for about 5 minutes and it finally stopped. Did any of you girls have any of this. The blood in my spit looked really clotty.
I've heard of this - it's the same reason your gums bleed when you're pregnant - increased blood flow and the blood vessels in your nose are very delicate so they break easily. I sneezed a LOT while pregnant with O. Another good sign for you! Mention it to your doctor but I"m sure they'll tell you it's normal.
lol I know it sounds crazy but something about HOW CLEAN that floor will be makes me bubble with excitement.

Oh Jess!! Hormones are awesome and make your body do some really crazy things. I've had nasal congestion with blood in my snot since about the same time as you are at. PLUS horrible gums :( I guess my Mom had the gum thing too. Can you believe it? Its normal.
Hey Jess i'm not sure if i'm right on this or not, but you could have a little blood vessel in your nose that is busted which is making you bleed and clot. Also with the extra blood flow it's hard for your body to heal the vessel. I could totally be wrong, but that is what happened to me. I had to get my nose cauterized. They said the clot was basically from where the vessel in my nose sits and collects the blood and whala.... a clot. I would cough it up too and could feel when the clot was coming. Was so gross!! I hope it subsides for you. They are no fun!!

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